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李伟弘 《中国水运》2006,6(5):17-18
从长江流域对中西部地区经济发展的战略地位出发,分析了目前长江航运市场船队存在的问题及其对整个大市场的影响,从长江支线运输面临的当前环境,论述了长江航运船队调整的重大意义。  相似文献   

孟方 《中国船检》2008,(2):77-78
虽然IMO的164个成员国都签署了关于海上安全和防止船舶造成污染的公约,并采取了相应措施执行这些公约,但每个船旗国促进海上安全及防止船舶造成污染的水平却参差不齐。欧盟已经明确感觉到,由此带来的仍在世界范围内运营的低标准船对欧洲海岸构成的潜在威胁,也是造成海上运输业内不公平竞争的主要因素。因此,建议制定关于成员国满足船旗国要求法令的目的,是希望弥补目前存在的两个不足,一是IMO公约允许缔约国享有高度酌情权;二是以IMO决议形式通过的配套措施是非强制性的,而这些决议,对于船旗国有效履行义务却是最基本的保障。  相似文献   

中国致公党进言献策——振兴我国内河航运事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本刊讯(记者 一舟) 当前,内河航运在国家综合运输网中的比重不断下降,其运量大、能耗低、污染轻、占地少、成本低、投资省的优势长期得不到发挥.  相似文献   

汪锋 《船海工程》2003,(5):50-51
综合分析淮河流域航道条件、水运货物、水运设施现况,指出淮河流域的航运要求运价低廉、运输量大,而小型船队的特点正好适应淮河流域的水运要求。  相似文献   

Australia's merchant fleet underwent a delayed response to the trends responsible for the attrition of the OECD fleets over the past decades. A combination of political factors and the heritage of protectionism led to centrally-directed and government-sponsored programmes of modernization. Essentially, compliance with the federal government's shipping policy was achieved through the linkage of reform to tax incentives and to the management of change by tripartite shipowner, government and trade union committees. This paper explores the basic pattern of the reforms, their costings, assessment and policy alternatives.  相似文献   

A novel methodology is developed for determining the characteristics of a cargo roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ship and the fleet size required for a given short sea shipping route. The ship and required fleet size to satisfy the transportation demand (for each pair of speed and freight rate) are determined using a database of existing cargo ro-ro ships to obtain the main technical characteristics of the most suitable ship. The time charter, voyage costs and revenue are then calculated considering the technical characteristics of each ship. Fuel costs are corrected for the actual ship speed and loading condition. A number of restrictions in the transportation problem are considered leading to the exclusion of unfeasible solutions. The maximum profit over the period of a year is identified among the feasible pairs of speed and freight rate. This general methodology is applied in a case study that considers the route between Leixões (Portugal) and Rotterdam (Netherlands). The study allows the identification of the most suitable ship and fleet sizes for different market penetration levels and quantifies the impact on shipping company profit of changes in parameters such as fuel costs, time charter costs, emission control area, installed propulsion power and stacking factor.  相似文献   

夏阳  易燕 《中国水运》2006,4(11):19-20
长江航运业与国民经济有着密切联系,国民经济发展带动长江航运业的发展,长江航运业的发展也促进了国民经济的发展,二者相互影响,相互促进.本文通过对长江航运和国民经济之间关系的探讨,提出大力发展长江航运业,促进长江流域经济的快速发展的途径.  相似文献   


Straits and canals have always served as key nodes in shipping networks. The blockage of a strait or canal will lead to ship deviations and increased transportation costs. To measure this impact on the Chinese fleet, our study develops a mathematical model that is based on a programming formulation. Each strait or canal is assumed to be blocked in turn, and the increased transportation costs for the Chinese fleet in different scenarios are calculated and compared using the proposed programming formulation in order to measure the impact of the blocked strait or canal on the Chinese fleet. Larger increases in transportation costs have greater impacts on the fleet. The results show that a blockage of the Strait of Hormuz would have the greatest impact of all straits and canals; it would cause the Chinese fleet to lose a portion of its import and export market, and such a blockage cannot be addressed through ship deviations. Based upon increased transportation costs, the four straits or canals that would have the greatest impact if blocked are the Mandeb Strait, the Suez Canal, the Sunda Strait and the English Channel.  相似文献   

为扩大两岸在交通运输领域的合作与交流.推进两岸“三通”,2007年4月29日,我部在第三届两岸经贸文化论坛上宣布了五项促进台湾海峡两岸海上直航的政策措施.具体规定如下:  相似文献   

The restriction on direct shipping across the Taiwan Strait under which ships registered in Taiwan were banned from calling at China’s ports might have restricted the expansion of the Taiwanese flagged fleet. The cross-strait direct shipping link was established since the Cross-strait Sea Transport (CST) Agreement was signed in 2008. According to the Agreement, only ships owned and registered on either side of the Taiwan Strait or registered in Hong Kong may, with due approval, engage in direct cross-strait carriage of cargos and passengers. The aim of this study is to find the optimal flag selection for Taiwanese shipping companies under the provisions of the CST Agreement. The Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method is applied to find the preferred registry location among Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China. Sensitivity Analysis is also applied to test how criteria weights influence three alternative hierarchies. The results show Taiwan is the lowest priority with an unchangeable position in flag selection because Taiwanese national fleets mainly suffered higher operational costs. A lower tax rate and appropriate financial systems are therefore recommended in revising relevant shipping policies. Furthermore, to assist shipping companies to obtain China’s approval is also helpful to inspire ships flag back.  相似文献   

To determine the competitive advantage of the national merchant fleet, based on the resource-based view, we collect competitive advantage assessment factors from literature, and use the analytic hierarchy process methodology to compare the importance of assessment dimensions and variables. The article's conclusions include a recommendation that the government review the current allocation of resources and implement measures to reinforce the national merchant fleet. This study's findings can be summarized as follows: (1) Criteria dimensions are ranked in the order of competitive strength, organizational capability, tangible assets, and intangible assets. (2) Criteria variables can be ranked in the order of freight revenue, cargo loading ratio, accuracy of shipping schedule, dead weight tonnage, number of vessels, standard of customer service, reputation of shipping company, cargo transportation volume, gross tonnage, sailing frequency, shipping knowledge, fleet specialization, number of crewmen, and fleet technological level. (3) The government should review existing maritime regulations and measures in order to formulate specific and transparent policies, and seek to adopt optimal alternatives from other countries concerning such issues as tonnage tax, bilateral income tax reduction or exemption agreements, second-registration mechanisms and shipbuilding basis, etc.  相似文献   

Nowhere else in the world are there marine transportations highly confined than across the Taiwan Straits (mainland China and Taiwan). This study strives to explore the present employment status of Taiwanese ship officers under the influence of special shipping across the Taiwan Straits, and to make sure if such an employment trend has a negative impact on the future operating mode of Taiwan shipping companies. By means of field interview and questionnaire, this study collected the employment data of ship officers from 21 leading shipping companies in Taiwan, and made a statistical analysis. The research findings show that the existing cross-strait shipping relationship, which is seriously distorted by the hostility between the governments of Taiwan and mainland China across the Taiwan Straits, has made Taiwanese shipping companies turn to flagging-out in order to enter the extensive shipping market of mainland China. This leads to a decline of job opportunities for Taiwanese ship officers. Ironically, the ship officers from mainland China pose a biggest threat to those in Taiwan in this respect. In addition, the operating modes of Taiwanese shipping companies also change gradually in tune with the increasing number of non-Taiwanese ship officers (mainly those from mainland China).  相似文献   

Nowhere else in the world are there marine transportations highly confined than across the Taiwan Straits (mainland China and Taiwan). This study strives to explore the present employment status of Taiwanese ship officers under the influence of special shipping across the Taiwan Straits, and to make sure if such an employment trend has a negative impact on the future operating mode of Taiwan shipping companies. By means of field interview and questionnaire, this study collected the employment data of ship officers from 21 leading shipping companies in Taiwan, and made a statistical analysis. The research findings show that the existing cross-strait shipping relationship, which is seriously distorted by the hostility between the governments of Taiwan and mainland China across the Taiwan Straits, has made Taiwanese shipping companies turn to flagging-out in order to enter the extensive shipping market of mainland China. This leads to a decline of job opportunities for Taiwanese ship officers. Ironically, the ship officers from mainland China pose a biggest threat to those in Taiwan in this respect. In addition, the operating modes of Taiwanese shipping companies also change gradually in tune with the increasing number of non-Taiwanese ship officers (mainly those from mainland China).  相似文献   

魏彩凤 《船舶》2000,(2):5-7,18
进入90 年代,我国长江流域呈现出高速发展的趋势,据专家预测,至2010年,沿江七省三市的生产总产值占全国的比例将由90年共的39%提高到45%。  相似文献   

By 1990 express shuttle container ships will dominate the USA/North European and USA/Pacific trades. The pattern is already apparent in the Pacific. These will touch only a few ports such as Halifax, New York and Virginia on the Atlantic and Los Angeles/Long Beach, Oakland and Seattle/Tacoma in the West. Their low costs and good services will capture over 80% of available general cargo. Round the world systems will be left with lucrative fringe business in the Mediterranean, US Gulf/South Atlantic, Singapore, India and Arab countries.

Progress will be sensitive to twelve trends. Most important of these will be labour resistance and management concerns about rapid obsolescence of ships and terminals. Rail and ship costs have been rationalized and are not as flexible as terminal costs. The ultimate terminal will consume about one third of the time and money presently needed.

This paper is chiefly intended to suggest a forecasting methodology.  相似文献   

The emergence of a safety culture in shipping has been promoted, especially by the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization. However, what is really meant by a safety culture? The adoption of the International Safety Management Code and of the amended International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, STCW 95, together with the introduction of Formal Safety Assessment in the IMO rule making process are considered as the major tools contributing to the emergence of such. This article examines the evolution of the concept of maritime safety concept during the last decades and discusses how the adoption of new international instruments has contributed to improve the maritime safety system. It provides possible definitions of maritime safety and safety culture and discusses how far the maritime safety system is from a culture of safety.  相似文献   

Changing ownership structures in the Dutch fleet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The new Dutch shipping policy has given rise to high expectation and curiosity in the world of shipping. This, together with the obvious difficulties of an ex-post study of the effectiveness of such innovative policy, has prompted the authors to take an interest in attempting to investigate changes in ownership of the Dutch fleet 2 years after the new policy has been introduced. To do this, a rather new concept of 'flagging out' has been adopted, which is interpreted as a process leading to different degrees of 'foreignness' in a shipping operation. In this paper, a method to structure is presented, and ownership information, and changes in it are presented, that are essentially based on the theory of stochastic processes. The data used is the Dutch fleet data, which includes information on the nationality of the flag, parent ownership and management over the period 1994-1998. The results yield interesting insights in the shifts in the ownership and operational structure of shipping companies induced by the new policy. In particular, they allow one to establish the origin of new vessels, in which stage of ownership/operation it is most likely that shifts occur, and to determine the relationship between the different stages of the 'flagging out' process. These results, thus, enable an evaluation of the areas in which the policy can be expected to yield results.  相似文献   

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