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Port regionalization: towards a new phase in port development   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Logistics integration and network orientation in the port and maritime industry have redefined the functional role of ports in value chains and have generated new patterns of freight distribution and new approaches to port hierarchy. Existing models on the spatial and functional evolution of ports and port systems only partially fit into the new freight distribution paradigm. This paper aims to add to existing literature by introducing a port regionalization phase in port and port system development. It is demonstrated that the regionalization phase and associated hinterland concepts demand new approaches to port governance and a functional focus that goes beyond the traditional port perimeter.  相似文献   

Development and changes in port hinterlands have received considerable attention as they represent substantial opportunities to improve the efficiency of global freight distributions. Port regionalization was a concept brought forward by Notteboom and Rodrigue (2005) to articulate the emerging port hinterland dynamics in light of containerization, supply chain management and the setting of inland terminals. This paper expands this concept by focusing on a particular dimension of the regionalization paradigm concerning the evolving role of intermediate hubs. It is argued that, in addition to hinterland-based regionalization, there is also a foreland-based regionalization where intermediate hubs capture a maritime hinterland. This intensity and viability of processes of foreland-based regionalization depend on multiple geographical, technical and market-related factors, and this paper identifies and analyzes these underlying parameters. By doing so, it assesses whether foreland-based regionalization is simply a transitional phase in port development or, alternatively, represents emerging functional characteristics of contemporary freight distributions.  相似文献   

The concepts of intermodal logistics and distribution networks have made integration of the inland freight distribution system essential for an efficient container seaport system. Inland components, such as dry ports, which exist within the seaport system, have become important in shaping the performance and competitive strategies of container seaports. Owing to the importance of interdependence between dry ports and container seaports, this paper aims to investigate the impact of dry port operations on container seaport competitiveness. It conducted an empirical study in Malaysia through 120 online surveys to key stakeholders of dry ports, including freight forwarders, shippers, seaports, rail operator, shipping lines, and haulers. The data collected were analysed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The results from EFA show that Malaysian dry port operations have impacts on seaport competitiveness. These include enhancing seaport performance, increasing service variations for seaports, improving seaport-hinterland proximity, increasing seaport trade volume, and enhancing seaport capacity.  相似文献   

港口吞吐量概率预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了模拟港口重叠腹地货运流向情况,并对新建港口吞吐量进行合理预测,引入了概率交通方式预测模型并对其进行改进,且在此基础上建立了负指数货运量概率预测模型。将该模型应用于徐州地区新建港区的货运量分析,预测结果表明新模型具有一定的实用性,可以为港口规划和建设规模的确定提供重要参考。  相似文献   

While road freight transport is essential to any modern economy, short sea shipping (SSS) offers a competitive alternative mode of freight transport in terms of private and social costs, when applied in the connection of mainland ports. This mainly stems from the fact that within the context of the latter costs, accidents and environmental impacts in many road links constitute undesirable externalities with which road freight transport is heavily burdened. This paper compares the aforementioned economics of road and sea transport with reference to the connection of the port of Patra (the main western freight gate of Greece) with West Attica (the biggest Greek industrial centre), aiming at providing a viable solution towards the promotion of SSS in the transport chain between mainland ports.  相似文献   

Worldscale is the dominant system for setting freight rates in ocean-tanker shipping. Its structure is hampered by administrative rigidity which easily disguises the effects of rate changes and complicates the comparison of rates between vessel size segments. The angle is the charterer's, and the shipowner is left to his/her own devices. The sparseness of spot rates between ports (not regions) and the individuality of flat rates due to varying port charges, make functional generalizations between Worldscale (WS) and time charter equivalents (TCE) hazardous. The publishing of rate parameters for all ship segments and possibly port charges for each port would substantially upgrade the value of the system.  相似文献   

Worldscale is the dominant system for setting freight rates in ocean-tanker shipping. Its structure is hampered by administrative rigidity which easily disguises the effects of rate changes and complicates the comparison of rates between vessel size segments. The angle is the charterer's, and the shipowner is left to his/her own devices. The sparseness of spot rates between ports (not regions) and the individuality of flat rates due to varying port charges, make functional generalizations between Worldscale (WS) and time charter equivalents (TCE) hazardous. The publishing of rate parameters for all ship segments and possibly port charges for each port would substantially upgrade the value of the system.  相似文献   

The Central Bank of the Turkish Republic (TCMB) in Turkey has announced the data of freight revenues. The data that have been announced depends on the information obtained from the port customs and compiled by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). Because of the distinctive structure of the freight market, certain requisite generalizations and projections are used for data calculation. Accordingly, calculations that depend on generalizations and predictions are likely to weaken the effectiveness of the decisions already made or going to be made. The aim of this study is to calculate more realistically the real freight revenues of ships that have carried out loading or discharging operations in Turkish ports. In accordance with this purpose, the volume of freight revenues and their distribution between Turkish and foreign flagged ships is calculated. A Microsoft SQL-based algorithm is developed in order to do the calculation. Within the scope of the study, the total fright revenue of Turkey-oriented shipping industry is calculated to be USD 5.8 billion. Proportionately, 79.53% of the revenue belongs to foreign flagged ships, 12.70% of it belongs to foreign flagged ships with Turkish owners, and only 7.78% of it belongs to Turkish flagged ships.  相似文献   

In the Pearl River Delta (PRD), there is severe competition between container ports, particularly those in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou, for collecting international maritime container cargo. In addition, the second phase of the Nansha terminal in Guangzhou’s port and the first phase of the Da Chang Bay container terminal in Shenzhen opened last year. Under these circumstances, there is an increasing need to quantitatively measure the impact these infrastructure investments have on regional cargo flows. The analysis should include the effects of container terminal construction, berth deepening, and access road construction. The authors have been developing a model for international cargo simulation (MICS) which can simulate the movement of cargo. The volume of origin-destination (OD) container cargo in the East Asian region was used as an input, in order to evaluate the effects of international freight transportation policies. This paper focuses on the PRD area and, by incorporating a more detailed network, evaluates the impact of several infrastructure investment projects on freight movement.  相似文献   

柔性化港口的概念和内涵   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘桂云  真虹 《中国航海》2007,(3):65-68,72
分析了现代港口合作竞争、区域化、精益化和敏捷化的发展特点,提出了柔性化港口的概念,并研究了其具体内涵。柔性化港口应该能够快速反应运输市场变化,提供敏捷、高质量的差异化服务,促使与港口相关的供应链各环节之间的无缝连接。其内涵可从战略柔性、结构柔性和运营柔性3个层次理解,各层次作为整个柔性系统的组成部分,各自分别反应环境的变化,相互影响和促进。港口在实施柔性发展战略的过程中应该从柔性内涵出发,认真分析环境、仔细定位,实施针对性的发展对策。  相似文献   

随着世界经济区域化、国际化、一体化的发展,以港口为中心的现代物流日益成为区域经济发展的"动脉",进而成为区域经济发展的"龙头"。2001年以来,青岛港提出建设区域性航运中心、发展港口物流的发展战略,本文正是以此为背景而进行的。青岛港已经具备了发展港口物流的各种良好优势和条件,建设铁矿石物流中心的前景看好。  相似文献   

基于合作对策的江苏沿江港口合作竞争研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张欣  施欣 《中国航海》2007,(3):69-72
江苏沿江港口群功能定位混乱、恶性竞争严重,不利于其整体竞争力的提高和"组合港"的发展,为此有必要形成良性竞争的合作模式。利用合作对策理论,建立了沿江港口在航线开辟上的合作模型。研究发现,沿江港口间的合作是有实质意义的,但各个港口在联盟中的地位是不同的,必须建立一定的利益分配原则来维持联盟的稳定性。研究结果表明:基于合作对策的沿江港口合作竞争模型有效地揭示各港的动态竞争行为,为研究港口合作竞争提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

International containerized freight movement is a vital part of the supply chain for many companies, and a critical element of moving consumer goods to points of retail sale within the U.S. Containerized imports also present a clear security concern (e.g., terrorists attempting to ship “dirty bombs,” chemical, biological or even nuclear weapons, into the U.S. in a shipping container). The goal of the research presented here is to create a modeling tool for analyzing flows of U.S. imports and exports of containerized freight, and the potential changes in those flows under a variety of conditions (e.g., port disruptions, extensive security-related delays, etc.). Our focus is on movements through maritime container ports, and not overland movements between the U.S. and Canada or Mexico.The network model, referred to as the System for Import/Export Routing and Recovery Analysis (SIERRA), represents container movements between the U.S. and 46 other countries that account for the vast majority of U.S. imports and exports. The SIERRA model is a network equilibrium model that predicts flows between foreign countries and North American ports, the total volumes handled (import and export) by each port, the modal volumes (truck and rail) moving domestically into and out of each port, and volumes between each port and a set of transportation analysis zones within the U.S.  相似文献   

Governments in their port reform efforts have experimented with liberalization and commercialization to improve port operations. Because of their failure to meet expectations or because of changing competitive environments, these options have generally been discarded in favour of privatization. In mature large-volume port systems, privatization was a relatively obvious solution, because interport or interterminal competition would be achieved to the extent that the monopolistic tendencies characteristic of their predecessor organizations would cease to exist. In countries with a limited number of ports having relatively small cargo volumes, however, the case is quite different. These countries would have to pursue strategies that would still induce competition in spite of their limited cargo volumes if they hoped to achieve the same privatization benefits and market disciplines enjoyed in other countries. This article examines the port reform approaches used in three distinct competitive settings;the experiences in these countries offer some guidance on how to assure that ports will feel competitive pressures even under conditions of limited cargo volumes.  相似文献   


The economic history of the U.S. illustrates how the role of many cities has been changed by being seaports or located on navigable rivers or lakes. Based on the widening of the Panama Canal in 2016, the West Coast ports that include the west coast seaports of California, Oregon, and Washington were expected to become less important, while the freight shares of the East Coast and Gulf ports would increase. By how much it has been not easy to measure or predict so far, but this study attempted to define some of the key parameters in the measurement. As well as several relevant background topics, both the demand- and supply-side versions of the National Interstate Economic Model, have been applied for the measurement of economic impacts. U.S. port authorities and policy makers at the local and national levels who respond and develop plans for coping with the new realities of the Panama Canal are able to understand the extent to which changes in shippers’ and land-mode transporters’ behaviors would undermine the logistics and the costs of their activities. Therefore, this study is important for a diverse spectrum of port development strategies in the U.S. to respond to the Canal expansion.  相似文献   

为合理利用港口资源、减少恶意竞争,提出基于位序-规模法则的港口群发展演化规律研究方法。以吞吐量为衡量港口规模的指标,以变异系数、基尼系数等指数研究区域港口群规模差异,以首位度指数判断区域港口群是否服从位序-规模分布,进而基于位序-规模理论研究区域港口群规模分布,定量分析区域港口群发展演化规律。实例分析以欧盟港口群为研究对象,结果表明:欧盟港口群规模差异较大,不均衡程度会逐年增大;欧盟港口群符合位序-规模法则,随着港口位序由高到低,吞吐量增长率会随之减小。  相似文献   

国内外诸多地区正致力于打造多功能现代化渔港,但在建设过程中对产业业态和功能定位仍不很清晰。为此,在分析渔港传统功能及其功能多元化趋势的基础上,研究现代化渔港的功能定位和产业业态。认为现代化渔港需要在规划设计时统筹考虑渔港和周边区域,围绕远洋渔业基地、避风避险基地、执法维权基地、海洋科考产业基地以及渔港旅游休闲产业,打造"渔港产业经济综合体",为现代化渔港的建设提供参考,提升渔港建设水准。  相似文献   

The port industry has undergone a rationalization process over the last decade. An increasing proportion of port management and operations is being taken over by global port operating groups. Many port operators who previously ran only their local business now extend their business scope to the regional or global scale; today's port operators can be regarded as multinational corporations. In the era of global economy, a port no longer enjoys a natural monopoly, as was the case in the past. To cope with this changing business environment, a certain form of competition and co-operation among ports is necessary so as to provide services that fit into shipping lines' strategies. It is suggested that ports have to concentrate on new ways for co-operation in an effort to establish a countervailing power. This paper proposes a new strategic option known as co-opetition, the combination of competition and co-operation, for the port industry, and explains a case of co-opetition between the container ports in Hong Kong and South China. The results of this research will provide a useful insight into the port industry, which is currently required to carry out its business in an ever-changing business environment.  相似文献   

俞灵  马彦勇 《水运工程》2013,(10):110-113
在梳理上海港发展现状的基础上,分析存在的问题,提出研究背景;然后着重对腹地货运需求、江海联运、产 业支撑、港城空间发展、班轮干线网络、自由贸易区等重要因素进行分析,最后提出上海横沙新港的功能定位设想。  相似文献   

Research into port reform in Taiwan and Australia indicates that reform was undertaken in different contexts while committed and adopting similar strategies. Reform in both countries has been consistent with paradigmatic shifts towards market orientation, and within this context, privatisation was considered the preferred option. In both Taiwan and Australia, however, governments, reluctant to relinquish control over their ports, opted for corporatisation models. This article discusses the dynamics and drivers of reform and examines the outcome of these strategies. Both countries commenced port reform with deregulation of dock labour employment and introduced enterprise-based employment replacing the labour pool system. Privatisation of stevedoring operations was introduced at the same time in Taiwan. In the second reform phase, Taiwan amalgamated the four major commercial ports under a single state-owned port company in March 2012, with the objective of reducing inter-port competition and creating a central port planning mechanism. Australian ports, on the other hand, have undergone restructuring with the implementation of corporatisation, privatisation and commercialisation strategies since 1990s. Reform strategies in both countries display some similarities, e.g. rationalisation strategies in both Taiwan and Tasmanian ports, but also display some distinct dissimilarities with the increasing move to privatisation in Australia, e.g. the sale of South Australian ports and in 2010 the sale of the port of Brisbane.  相似文献   

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