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This study examines the relationship between the size of a port, its efficiency increase and the performance growth in the transshipment market. The hypothesis tested is that the bigger size of a port would increase the market share of the port in container transshipment; only when the size effect guarantees better ‘relative’ container handling efficiency in competing port system where the port belongs. To verify the hypothesis, this study carries out two analyses. First, the overall efficiency change of major Asian ports is examined through stochastic frontier analysis (SFA)—this produces the relative efficiency indices of the ports. Second, the relationship between efficiency indices and container transshipment volumes is studied through panel data analysis. From these analyses, it is observed that larger Asian ports show better cargo handling efficiency in relative terms; they also record bigger market share in container transshipment, while the size effect of the ports starts to play a factor when the annual container throughput reaches 5 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU).  相似文献   


e-Transformation in container ports means port organization-wide innovative transformation encompassing internal and external value chains based on information and communication technology. There is a considerable theoretical literature on the impact of e-Transformation on business performance, but there is very little empirical study on its effectiveness in ports. The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate how e-Transformation in container port management can influence customer satisfaction and port competitiveness. The findings reveal that e-Transformation in container ports can affect customer satisfaction and port competitiveness through e-Workplace, customer relationship management and security, implying that container ports should make every effort to focus on e-transformation in these critical areas. Due to limited empirical studies in this area, the findings have provided an empirical support for the importance of e-Transformation in container terminal management and shed more light on how e-Transformation can affect customer satisfaction and port competitiveness.  相似文献   

Korea has achieved remarkable economic growth over the last three decades. This has largely been due to the adoption of export-oriented economic policies. This economic development has resulted in a rapid increase in export and import cargos. Since the foreign trade of Korea is carried predominantly by sea transport (approximately 99.8% in terms of volume), ports play a crucial role in this process. Although recent port developments are aimed at keeping pace with ever-growing seaborne cargoes, problems persist, especially insufficient port capacity and inefficient management and operations. As a consequence, the ports of Korea suffer from serious port congestion. This problem is particularly acute in Pusan, the fifth largest container port in the world. In the past, all ports in Korea were controlled and administered by the Korea Maritime and Port Administration which was a public port authority. In August 1996, the Korean government established a new government organization, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), with a remit to control and manage its seaports and other related activities and to improve management efficiency in the maritime area. As a way of solving problems related to port congestion and other sources of inefficiency, the new MMAF has launched several new port development schemes. In this context, this paper will discuss (1) the extent of congestion in Korean ports, especially Pusan, the major seaport of the country; and (2) governmental and commercial reaction to solving the problems, including measures such as new port development schemes aimed at attracting private and foreign finance. From this analysis, a strategy for port development in developing countries may be inferred.  相似文献   

When China enters the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and becomes more involved in the global economy, her major seaports will be pivotal places where the international shipping and terminal operators interact, conflict and co-operate with the local and the central governments. To demonstrate and understand these interactions, this article analyzes the case of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), where the competition, co-operation and governance of Shanghai and Ningbo, the two largest ports on Chinese mainland, concern all stakeholders from the central and local governments of China to the container terminal operators and shipping lines overseas.

This paper first develops a conceptual framework for analyzing port development in a regional context. The article then introduces the case of the Shanghai International Shipping Center with a focus on the efforts of the Shanghai Government to establish a regional hub port, which also involves two nearby provinces. This case study reveals the course of the decision-making processes and the power networks currently governing the port development in the YRD. Two domains of port governance are discussed: the role of port authorities in port internal governance, and the crucial influences of local and central governments on the port external governance. It provides evidence that the power of shipping lines and international terminal operators are not as prevalent as in many ports in western countries. It is suggested that the lack of good regional port governance in the region is due to structural problems in administration.  相似文献   

美国西海岸港口集装箱运输发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国西海岸港口承担了美国一半以上的集装箱运输量,其中大部分是美国与亚洲国家之间的贸易货物海运量,对我国等亚洲国家与美国间的国际贸易和集装箱海运有极其重要的影响。本文根据相关数据,分析美国西海岸港口集装箱运输的发展状况。  相似文献   

以长三角区域港口为研究对象,采用赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数分析2005—2009年长三角港口的平均集中率和分货种港口的空间集中度,然后从各港口的显示性比较优势和绝对比较优势揭示了各货种在长三角港口内部的转移情况,最后得出在长三角港口体系中,各货种集中程度呈现下降的趋势,集中化程度由高到低依次是:集装箱,石油,天然气及其制品,金属矿石,矿建材料,煤炭。同时上海港集装箱集聚效应加强,散货方面则呈现上海港向周边港口快速扩散、浙江省以宁波-舟山港为龙头集聚效应进一步加强、江苏港口承接转移的同时自身港口结构同步升级调整的特点。  相似文献   

胡昕  郑斌 《水运工程》2012,(5):88-91
随着我国航运经济的迅速发展,我国一批老港口城市进入到港城关系演变的第三、第四阶段,即新港区选址建设在外海或河口深水区,而城市中心区的老港口面临城市化改造的局面。通过对国外发达地区老港区城市化改造的案例分析,归纳出几种城市化功能调整的发展模式,为我国沿海城市滨水区重建规划提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The port industry has undergone a rationalization process over the last decade. An increasing proportion of port management and operations is being taken over by global port operating groups. Many port operators who previously ran only their local business now extend their business scope to the regional or global scale; today's port operators can be regarded as multinational corporations. In the era of global economy, a port no longer enjoys a natural monopoly, as was the case in the past. To cope with this changing business environment, a certain form of competition and co-operation among ports is necessary so as to provide services that fit into shipping lines' strategies. It is suggested that ports have to concentrate on new ways for co-operation in an effort to establish a countervailing power. This paper proposes a new strategic option known as co-opetition, the combination of competition and co-operation, for the port industry, and explains a case of co-opetition between the container ports in Hong Kong and South China. The results of this research will provide a useful insight into the port industry, which is currently required to carry out its business in an ever-changing business environment.  相似文献   

介绍国际上流行的集融资功能和港口管理为一体的模式——地主港模式,详细阐述地主港融资模式在我国港口应用的必要性和可行性,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

“9·11”事件后,美国加强国内安全,同时为了防范可能利用港口设施对美国本土的恐怖袭击,在全世界范围内的大型港口积极推行“大港计划”等港口安全倡议,在相关港口安装辐射检测系统,阻止核和其他放射性材料的非法偷运到美国。本文根据门式辐射检测装置在斯里兰卡科伦坡南港的实施情况,介绍其系统组成,分析码头安全设施对于港口安全管理及运营的影响,对于我国大型集装箱码头提供参考及借鉴意义。  相似文献   

新加坡港位于新加坡岛南部沿海,西临马六甲海峡的东南侧,南临新加坡海峡的北侧,水深适宜,吃水在13米左右的船舶可顺利进港靠泊,是一个难得的天然良港,是亚太地区最大的转口港。优越的地理位置是新加坡港迅速发展的重要条件。随着世界航运业的繁荣和马六甲海峡航运的繁忙,新加坡港的作用和地位越来越重要。  相似文献   

美国西海岸港口作业集装箱分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
分析美国西海岸集装箱港口作业集装箱的情况.这些港口承担大部分我国与美国贸易货物的集装箱运输,对我国外贸和集装箱运输发展有很大的影响.  相似文献   

运用层次分析法对杭甬运河集装箱港口布局进行规划研究,通过对港口腹地经济环境、集疏运网络、港口资源、港口服务管理水平、港口地理位置和投资等因素的权重分析,得到了以杭州港区为杭甬运河的主枢纽港,宁波海河联运港区和绍兴港区为重要港口,萧山港区、柯桥港区、上虞港区和余姚港区为一般港口的布局方案,其中主枢纽港和重要港口应以建设集装箱专用码头为主,其余应建设多用途码头。其结果对杭甬运河集装箱运输的发展具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

Appropriate port regulation and competitive forces tend to be related to higher levels of operational and economic performance of ports. From a policy-making perspective, pursuing efficiency and securing competition in ports to reach a level playing field is a two-step process requiring (1) ex-ante regulations to set the rules that maximize the competition for the market, especially when the policy objective is to attract private operations to ports on competitive concession processes and (2) ex-post competition policy to monitor and preserve competition in the market. This paper studies port regulation in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) from a competition perspective, analyzing both ex-ante and ex-post policies implemented in the region. The analysis reveals that the competitive environment in LAC is low, giving room for possible anticompetitive practices in the LAC port sector. Since the end of the 1990s, approximately 80% of container terminals in the region were granted to only five companies. Chile and Mexico have been found to be the best practices in the region, with better conditions assuring robust competition in the market. The main policy implication from this analysis is the need for a stronger involvement of antitrust agencies throughout the port concession processes.  相似文献   

Labour/management practices in North American ports are undergoing fundamental changes in their shift from confrontation to Cooperation. Cooperation is increasing to counter competitive threats from other ports arising from intermodalism and transportation deregulation. Technological advances in port operations are reducing the number of longshore forces required and changing the skills required of those which remain. A recent survey of North American container terminals provided a 'snapshot' of current approaches of improving labour/management relations. Focusing on growth and development needs of individual port workers enhances morale and motivation resulting in environment. Many ports are introducing new management techniques including improved communications and training to enhance the motivation and productivity of their longshore forces.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development and growth of container traffic in the Asia-Pacific region. It is hypothesised that containerization is losing its national character as the geography of container transport changes port hierarchies where only a few ports have become locationally favorable. The organizatioon of the paper is straightforward. First, the development and growth of container traffic in the Asia-Pacific region is examined in order to provide understanding of changes associated with containerization. Second, the role of selected Asian-Pacific ports as key economic players is reviewed, and container development in each port is analysed so as to measure the differences explaining the position of Asian-Pacific ports in the maritime system. Third, the degree of concentration and competition that exist among the container ports of the region is analysed with a view to evaluate what rate of expansion can be expected in the foreseeable future that will shape the network of the container market in the region. The paper concludes on a possible research agenda.  相似文献   

集装箱港口竞合战略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
世界集装箱港口呈现区域化发展和与竞争者合作的趋势。重点分析了现代集装箱港口业的各方压力和竞争态势;以香港和深圳港各集装箱码头为例,对港口间的"为了竞争而合作"的"竞合"战略的优势和组织方式进行了详细的研究。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse the relative competitiveness of the neighbouring container ports of Shanghai and Ningbo in China and to develop a view of the likely future outcome of the competition between them. After assessing the demand for their services within what is hypothesized as a shared hinterland, current supply and future expansion plans are detailed and considered within the two ports’ wider development strategies. The relative competitiveness of the two ports is then evaluated on the basis of price and quality of service, as embodied within the concept of generalized cost as incurred by customers. A critical political dimension is a necessary element of this analysis. It is concluded that continued economic development in the hinterland, central government policies on regional development and China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) will all contribute to growing demand for port services. However, Ningbo will continue to gain greater market share as the result of advantages in its natural endowments (particularly depth of water), price (especially in terms of recovering the cost of capacity expansions) and quality of service improvements that are predicted to emerge as the result of currently planned enhancements to inland transport infrastructure and logistical systems.  相似文献   

The attractiveness of ports is usually a pre-requisite and necessary condition for ports to achieve competitiveness, as well as the springboard to explore the competitive advantages of ports. To determine whether a port is competitive, it is necessary to explore whether it boasts certain factors that make the port attractive to users. The main purpose of this article is to apply the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique to evaluate key determinants of attractiveness and their cause/effect relationships for container ports in Taiwan. The empirical results showed that: (1) Top six determinates of attractiveness for container ports are ‘ample cargo sources,’ ‘favorable port charges,’ ‘dense ship network and routes,’ ‘low transshipment costs,’ ‘efficient wharf operations,’ and ‘adequate wharfs and back-line land,’ respectively. (2) Among the above six determinants of attractiveness, ‘ample cargo sources’ is the cause determinant. Three determinants of port attractiveness, ‘favorable port charges,’ ‘dense ship network and routes,’ ‘low transshipment costs,’ which are the effect determinants. They are affected by the determinants of attractiveness of ‘ample cargo sources’. In addition, this study discusses the above findings and expects to provide the study results to Taiwan’s port authorities for reference.  相似文献   

从2000年开始,欧美等发达国家就将码头岸电系统技术应用在各种类型的港口码头,甚至与混合动力船舶联合使用。我国2009年才首次采用岸电系统,随着岸电系统写入“十二五”规划,并作为防治城市大气污染的措施之一,码头岸电系统成为建设绿色、智慧港口的重要组成部分。对岸电技术近20年来在国内外的应用和发展进行比较,对岸电系统的组成和配置方案进行总结,在综合分析的基础上对岸电技术的发展方向进行预测。  相似文献   

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