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The progress of economic globalization,the rapid growth of international trade,and the maritime transportation has played an increasingly significant role in the international supply chain.As a result,worldwide seaports have suffered from a central problem,which appears in the form of massive amounts of fuel consumed and exhaust gas fumes emitted from the ships while berthed.Many ports have taken the necessary precautions to overcome this problem,while others still suffer due to the presence of technical and financial constraints.In this paper,the barriers,interconnection standards,rules,regulations,power sources,and economic and environmental analysis related to ships,shore-side power were studied in efforts to find a solution to overcome his problem.As a case study,this paper investigates the practicability,costs and benefits of switching from onboard ship auxiliary engines to shore-side power connection for high-speed crafts called Alkahera while berthed at the port of Safaga,Egypt.The results provide the national electricity grid concept as the best economical selection with 49.03 percent of annual cost saving.Moreover,environmentally,it could achieve an annual reduction in exhaust gas emissions of CO2,CO,NOx,P.M,and SO2by 276,2.32,18.87,0.825 and 3.84 tons,respectively.  相似文献   


Major air pollutants from maritime shipping operations are sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter emissions from combustion of fuel oil during cruise, berth, and start‐up modes. Sulfur oxides emissions are substantial from steamships burning high‐sulfur residual fuel oil, where shipping contributes 66 percent of the total sulfur dioxide emissions from transportation sources, and almost 3 percent of the total for Harris county, Texas. Nitrogen oxides emissions are significant during cruise conditions for both steamships and motor ships, while particulate emissions are substantial during start‐up and tube cleaning.

Significant marine air pollutant emission sources are found in busy harbor areas such as the Houston Ship Channel. Offshore terminals for unloading large tankers may result in emissions of 10 to 20 tons of sulfur oxides daily per ship, and 3 to 5 tons of nitrogen oxides daily per ship during pumping operations. Trace‐metal constituents present in the oil may catalyze sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide oxidation to their respective sulfate and nitrate aerosols in the humid Texas Gulf Coast atmospheres to aggravate photochemical air pollution problems once the air masses reach industrial and populated urban areas on land. Onshore sulfur dioxide and particulate‐matter emission controls may be necessary for some large ships in port to minimize potential impact on coastal zone air quality.  相似文献   

Recently, shipping lines have focused on efficient ship operation, which relates to energy efficiency issues in shipping and, particularly, to operational issues such that the minimisation of fuel consumption and resulting greenhouse gas emissions. Efficient ship operation in container lines is closely related to the ship’s time at sea and ship’s time in port. Reduction in port time, thanks to high-quality port operations, allows improvement in the operational efficiency of a liner service by reducing the fuel consumption of a ship at sea and its resulting CO2 emissions. The main goal of this article is to investigate how time in port affects efficient ship operation in terms of operating costs, CO2 emissions and externalities. For this, as a methodology, a simulation based upon system dynamics is introduced. Major finding is that less time in port resulting from the improvement of port operations contributes to efficient ship operation in terms of operating costs, amount of CO2 emissions and external effects in the liner shipping industry. In particular, a sensitivity analysis on efficient ship operation vis-à-vis the quality of port operation shows that bigger ships need to select highly productive calling ports that provide less time in port.  相似文献   

以大连港大窑湾北岸汽车码头的建设为例,通过对近几年大连港到港汽车船船型统计,并着眼船舶大型化发展趋势,合理定位泊位等级、数量及预留能力,使拟建工程适应全球范围内汽车船队主力及发展船型,提高港口在汽车运输大格局中的竞争力。以上述资料为基础,根据国内现行规范和船舶实际靠泊情况,进行码头长度和码头面高程的论证,供类似规模的工程参考。  相似文献   

This paper provides an estimation of air emissions (CO2, NOX, SOX and PM) released by cruise vessels at the port level. The methodology is based on the “full bottom-up” approach and starts by evaluating the fuel consumed by each vessel on the basis of its individual port activities (manoeuvring, berthing and hoteling). The Port of Barcelona was selected as the site at which to perform the analysis, in which 125 calls of 30 cruise vessels were monitored. Real-time data from the automatic identification system (AIS), factor emissions from engine certificates and vessel characteristics from IHS Sea-web database were also collected for the analysis. The research findings show that the most appropriate indicators are inventory emissions per “port-time gross tonnage”, “port-time passenger” and “port time”. These emission indicators improve our understanding of cruise emissions and will facilitate the work that aims to estimate reliably and quickly the in-port ship emission inventories of cruise ports.  相似文献   

为进一步提升青岛港董家口港区矿石码头泊位通过能力、提高卸船作业效率,在当前董家口港区矿石泊位使用率居高不下以及无新增码头投建的背景下,考虑2艘40万吨级矿船在吃水受限港池进行套泊作业的高风险系数,基于船舶操纵模拟试验,仿真40万吨级矿船在不同风、浪、流工况组合条件下进行套泊作业试验,并根据试验结果确定40万吨级矿船套泊作业的关键要素。结果表明,在确定的套泊作业关键要素条件下,董家口港区可安全进行40万吨级矿船套泊作业。  相似文献   

All developments on air pollution by ships are fairly recent. Annex VI of the international Marpol-convention, regulating the emissions of CFCs, Halons, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from cargoes, emissions from incinerators and exhaust gas emissions from engines (NOx and SOx) entered into force in May 2005. The International Maritime Organization is currently discussing an upgrade of the air pollution issues covered by Annex VI and some that are not in Annex VI, such as greenhouse gas emissions. CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas emitted by ship. Fuel consumption by the world merchant fleet is expected to grow to between 250–300 million tons per year with corresponding CO2 emissions of 800–960 million tons per year. In Western Europe land based measures have reduced sulphur emissions substantially, leaving shipping as an important remaining source of these emissions. Average sulphur content of heavy fuel oils is 3%, with a limit of 4.5% imposed by Annex VI. Both the Baltic- and the North Sea have the status of SOx emission control area, limiting sulphur content to 1.5%.  相似文献   

双船系靠LNG泊位对系泊稳定性要求高,而目前尚无船行波对双船系靠泊稳定性影响的定量分析方法。结合工程实例,以Flory-Remery单船系泊船行波荷载计算方法为基础,结合双船系靠泊位的特点予以修正,利用数值分析软件定量分析船行波过程对双船系靠泊位系泊稳定性的动态影响。结果表明,典型系泊条件下,双船系靠泊位系泊倒缆受力及纵移运动量受船行波影响最大,当船行波与系泊船间距50 m时系泊稳定性不满足要求;当船行波与系泊船间距100 m时系泊稳定性满足要求;当船行波与系泊船间距150 m时系泊稳定性基本不受船行波影响。  相似文献   

王伟  刘雪雷  王廷勇  王洪仁 《船舶工程》2018,40(S1):230-232
随着经济全球化,国际贸易和船舶运输业的迅速发展,以石油产品为燃料的船舶废气排放造成的环境污染日趋严重。国际海事组织对硫排放控制区(ECA)及燃油硫含量做出了相关规定及要求。进行船舶废气脱硫技术的研究成为减少船舶废气造成的环境污染的重要措施之一。本文分析了船舶废气脱硫系统所具有的特点,对DCS系统与PLC系统进行对比分析,通过研究基于DCS的主控单元+远程IO模块控制方式在船舶废气脱硫系统电气控制中的应用,进一步增强了系统控制功能,提高了系统稳定性及可操作性。  相似文献   

王荣 《船艇》2006,(5):52-55
对于船舶爱好者而言,巴巴多斯岛为他们拍摄大量豪华旅游客船提供了绝佳的机会,因为这些船会频繁地在该港口停泊,其他类型的船只也是这座充满田园情趣的加勒比岛屿的常客,这其中包括内陆船、小型沿海船、油轮,集装箱船和散装货船。多年来很多爱好者可以在码头前沿拍摄到在此停泊飘荡的各种类型的船只,但是现在却很难再接近码头了。[编者按]  相似文献   

This paper investigates the simulation modelling of cruise ship traffic in the Boka Kotorska Bay (BKB), which has become a very attractive cruise destination due to its geographic location, port features and attractiveness for tourism. The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of new port infrastructure, because of the increased cruise ship arrivals in recent years. The paper describes in detail the layout of the port of Kotor and the possibilities for quay extensions. The solution to minimize the number of ships at anchorage instead of being at berth is given, because the passengers of the latter ships have a more convenient approach towards the port. The simulation model is verified and the simulation results are validated against the real data prior to an investigation of the possible scenario for quay extension. The proposed solution confirms the preliminary survey results that initiated the investigation of possibilities to improve the port infrastructure. Moreover, simulation results point towards a significant improvement of cruise ships throughput in the BKB. The proposed operational policies and statistical analysis, as well as a comprehensive model analysis of the BKB provided here, are a good foundation for future investigations.  相似文献   

结合国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS公约)和防火规则(FSS规则),对大型邮轮厨房安全系统进行设计.讨论厨房区域的被动探火设计、通风切断设计、电力切断设计和深煎锅保护设计.基于安全返港(SRtP)的要求提出厨房及电气系统布置的设计方案,为大型邮轮厨房相关系统的设计提供思路,供设计人员参考.  相似文献   

基于天津港VTS管理细则和天津港船舶进出港交通流现状,统筹船舶定线制和锚地规划,提出在天津港水域进一步完善船舶定线制的建议.通过分析天津港锚泊状况和天津港的进出口船舶数据,提出优化锚地的具体方案,对锚地船舶进行分类,增加了锚地与航道、交通流密集区的间距,确定锚泊船之间的安全间距,细分锚地、区隔锚位,并为各锚位给出统一编...  相似文献   

  目的  为了认识SOLAS 2020破舱稳性要求对邮轮船型的影响,准确把握设计方案修改对设计周期及建造成本的影响程度,开展满足破舱稳性新要求的邮轮船型升级方案研究。  方法  对SOLAS 2020破舱稳性的要求进行解析,统计分析客船分舱指数水平现状,提出可供选择的船型升级方案,并分别对这些方案的效果及其对原设计方案的影响进行分析。  结果  以某营运中的豪华邮轮为例,开展船型优化升级,使其满足了SOLAS 2020的破舱稳性要求。  结论  结果表明,SOLAS 2020 大幅提高了船舶的破舱稳性要求,这将对船型的开发产生不容忽视的影响,所以必须对船型进行优化才能满足SOLAS 2020新要求。研究得到的船型优化方案可为我国邮轮船型升级提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

长江上游船舶大型化趋势明显,评估其对典型污染排放的影响对航道建设规划具有重要意义.收集计算长江上游船舶吨位、船舶交通流、船舶燃油消耗及典型污染物排放等数据,分析了长江上游船舶大型化对典型污染物排放的综合影响.结果表明:1)2008—2019年长江上游三省一市船舶平均吨位从249 t增加到874 t,船舶流量显著减小,货...  相似文献   

“绿洲级”豪华邮轮技术应用特点与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邮轮经济的高速发展及邮轮产业东移对我国发展邮轮制造产业提出迫切需求。近年来,我国造船产业发展迅猛,但尚未有豪华邮轮设计建造经验,发展豪华邮轮建造产业对我国迈入世界造船强国及造船工业产业链转型升级具有重大意义。当前国际邮轮建造大型化趋势愈加明显,全球最大邮轮已达到22.8万吨,其船型和船内设施设备的特点,不仅对船舶功能性设备建造技术提出严格要求,也对邮轮整体速度、安全性、舒适性和个性化配置设计与制造提出巨大挑战。本文对全球在运营“绿洲级”豪华邮轮的特点、建造难点及核心建造技术进行梳理,期望能为我国发展豪华邮轮制造产业带来启示。  相似文献   

The planning, design and development of a container terminal with optimum size and capacity and with a minimum capital cost is fundamentally dependent upon the loading and discharging operations at the quayside. The quayside function of container terminals is dependent basically on the number of berths available to service the incoming container ships. The objective of the container terminals dealing and admitting the ongoing ship calls is to provide immediate berth and loading and discharging services to the container ships with a minimum costly waiting time and a maximum efficiency. Previously terminal planners used to build extra berths to provide service. During the last two decades the terminal operators have adopted automation technologies in loading and discharging operation of the container ships as an alternative to designing extra berths. Ship owners naturally expect least waiting times for their container ships. On the other hand, it is also natural for port operators in a container terminal with costly facilities to see a high berth occupancy and productivity at the quayside. This study uses queuing theory to find a break-even point as a way of evaluating the cost of container ship waiting times and the cost of berth unproductive service times for container terminals aiming to automate their quayside operation. The analysis illustrates that automation devices installed on conventional Quayside Cranes (QSCs) significantly reduce the turnaround time of the container ships calling at the ports. It argues, however, that there should be a balance between the cost of berth unproductive service times and the cost of vessel waiting times. The study introduces a break-even point to be considered as a benchmark for calculating such a balance. The analysis in this study can be used as a decision tool for the operators of container terminals in the medium to small ports to appraise the feasibility of an investment in automation or expansion of the quayside facilities.  相似文献   

大型豪华邮轮的仿真和优化对于大型邮轮的设计具有重要意义.文章以某大型豪华邮轮蒸汽系统为研究对象,在分析该系统设计特点的基础上,利用流体仿真软件Flowmaster搭建该系统仿真模型并进行了仿真计算、分析和优化设计.研究结果表明:原设计方案下,船尾蒸汽管网蒸汽干度较低;通过优化船尾蒸汽环网管道管径,实现了船尾蒸汽平均干度...  相似文献   


Much is known about transport costs at sea and costs made at terminals in ports. About costs, made by ports to provide nautical facilities (incl. infrastructure) and services, not much research is done yet. This paper estimates the impact of increasing ship sizes on costs made by the Port Authority of Amsterdam when providing nautical facilities and services by using hedonic pricing techniques. We have rather unique data on ship’s sizes and harbour dues paid per ship for over 25 years for ships that visited the Port of Amsterdam. Harbour dues paid are used as a proxy for the costs of nautical facilities and services. We have found nearly constant returns to scale, when volume is used as a measure of a ships’ size. An increase in average ship size with 1,000 tonnes deadweight will result in approximately €2 million additional yearly costs (an increase of the average ship size of six percent results in an increase of nautical costs with nearly the same percentage). Our results can be used by Port Authorities and port operators (in case of landlord ports) to estimate costs to be made for providing nautical facilities and services in the near future.  相似文献   

基于珠海高栏港船舶活动数据与船舶能耗报告数据,结合《非道路移动源大气污染物排放清单编制技术指南》中排放因子与辖区实际燃油取样检查中的含硫量,运用燃油消耗法,建立了珠海高栏港2018年沿海及远洋船舶大气污染物排放清单,以期为大气环境科学领域对船舶排放影响进行定量研究提供重要基础,也为管理部门提供更加科学的决策依据和有效的...  相似文献   

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