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韩国双集装箱枢纽港战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国双集装箱枢纽港战略是同时扩大釜山港和光阳港的通过能力. 90年代初期,韩国港口的建设和经营都是由国营企业进行的.但是,近几年来,这种体制发生了变化,政府鼓励私人对集装箱港口建设进行投资,以解决主要枢纽港能力不足问题.因此,釜山港和光阳港的建设和经营,在韩国集装箱码头管理局监督下,改由民营部门进行,特别是建设项目,民营部门参与的趋势日益增强.新加坡港务集团和三星集团共同建设仁川港新的集装箱码头建设就是一个最明显的例子.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the measurement of the network complexity of some selected shipping groups, also identifying the contribution of co-operative agreements among carriers. The empirical investigation is focused on: (i) the analysis of the distribution of the carrying capacity per range; and (ii) the comparison of that capacity with the throughput handled in the port facilities of the group. These variables are interpreted in the light of the impact that alliances have on the geographical wideness of the services supplied by each partner. This factor also allows to depict how the cultural and political origin of shipping lines affects the decision of joining an alliance and the outcomes deriving from such co-operation.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the measurement of the network complexity of some selected shipping groups, also identifying the contribution of co-operative agreements among carriers. The empirical investigation is focused on: (i) the analysis of the distribution of the carrying capacity per range; and (ii) the comparison of that capacity with the throughput handled in the port facilities of the group. These variables are interpreted in the light of the impact that alliances have on the geographical wideness of the services supplied by each partner. This factor also allows to depict how the cultural and political origin of shipping lines affects the decision of joining an alliance and the outcomes deriving from such co-operation.  相似文献   

广州港曾经是中国唯一的对外开放口岸,并一直以来作为华南最大的综合性主枢纽港屹立在世人面前。今天,随着广州港南沙港区的建成投产,广州港跨越式的发展再次成为港航物流界关注的焦点。最新数据显示,2007年广州港完成货物吞吐量3.4亿吨,世界排名第5位,集装箱吞吐量超过920万TEU,广州港逐步成为华南集装箱运输枢纽港。为此,本刊记者专访广州港主体港广州港集团董事长陈洪先。  相似文献   

With continuous demand for transportation infrastructure and chronic funding shortfalls, public-private partnerships (PPPs) for infrastructure provision have garnered attention in recent years in the U.S. and abroad. High profile concession deals in Chicago and Indiana have raised concerns about the protection of public interests in PPPs. Such concerns have ignited heated debates, partly driven by ideology and vested interests, but also by questionable decisions made previously. While public agencies at all levels are interested in identifying successful PPP arrangements, the variety and complexity of PPP deals, combined with local factors unique to each project, make the development of a universal evaluation framework practically infeasible.  相似文献   

劲谰 《集装箱化》2003,(10):31-32
仅7年以前,巴拿马的曼萨尼约(Manzanillo)港的国际集装箱年吞吐量还不过是16万标准箱,可是到2001年却一跃上升到100万标准箱,而2002年则超过100万箱。 巴拿马位于美洲的中部,东西两侧是大西洋的加勒比海和太平洋,南北陆地分别与哥伦比亚和哥斯达黎加相接。巴拿马面积不大,只有78200平方公里,人口280万人,在美洲地区属于小国,但是因巴拿马运河而闻名遐尔。巴拿马港口在短期内获得集装箱吞吐量如此异乎寻常的大幅度增长,不外乎以下几个原因:  相似文献   

Seaports provide multiple services to ships, cargo and passengers. The size of the port and type of service they offer are two key elements when deciding whether competition is feasible and how to promote it or, conversely, regulation is needed. Analysing this requires a profound knowledge of the cost structure of the activity involved. This means not only knowing total costs for different volumes of aggregated traffic, but also the behaviour of costs when part of the bundle is produced, i.e. when the mix changes. The optimal organization of the industry can be studied by means of cost and production functions. This paper offers a review of the relatively scarce literature about econometric ports' cost structure, and highlights the role of the multioutput approach as the correct one because it allows the calculation of key cost indicators (economies of scale, scope and so forth) to determine the optimal port industrial structure for a given forecast of demand (traffic mix and volume).  相似文献   

打造天津北方国际航运中心和物流中心   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
党中央、国务院已把天津滨海新区作为国家发展战略的组成部分,温家宝总理在天津视察时指出:“天津滨海新区的发展要依托京津冀、服务环渤海、辐射“三北”,面向东北亚,加快建设外向型度高、综合功能大、全面现代化的滨海新区,更好地带动天津和环渤海区域经济发展”。温总理还指出:“加快滨海新区的建设,很重要的就是发挥海的优势和港口的优势,打造北方国际航运中心和国际物流中心”。[编者按]  相似文献   

采用全结构化网格对桨毂进行计算流体动力学(CFD)水动力仿真,验证仿真方法的有效性,研究3种典型桨毂形状对螺旋桨敞水特性、截面压力分布和空化的影响。通过对比分析发现:圆弧形桨毂阻力最小,效率最优,桨毂形状主要影响叶根区域的流动;圆柱形桨毂叶根的压力最小,空化面积最大;圆弧形桨毂的抗空化性能最优。  相似文献   

长江经济带是整个长江流域中最发达的地区,也是全国除沿海开放地区以外,经济密度最大的地带。上海港是中国第一大港,国际集装箱运输业近年来发展迅速(见表1),2000年的集装箱吞吐量更是达到561.2万TEU,跃居世界第六位。上海港之所以有如此骄人的成绩,是与长江经济带的发展密切相关的。  相似文献   

柴镇江 《机电设备》2011,28(4):17-18,23
桨毂是调距机构及桨叶等部件的安装基础构件,承受了较大的载荷.从桨毂受力的角度,模拟桨叶受力的加载重块离心力对叶根法兰中心产生的弯矩和离心力能有效模拟实际机构的推力弯矩、扭力弯矩、离心力和离心力扭矩,具备试验可行性.为评估试验误差,将有限元计算方法和试验结合应用,利用试验检验有限元计算的准确性,反之,有限元计算能有效评估...  相似文献   

张万友 《集装箱化》2002,(12):14-15
1开发台州港大麦屿港区的优势条件 台州港大麦屿港区位于浙江中南部沿海、乐清湾东面、玉环半岛西侧,口外有众多岛屿环抱,形成了天然的防波堤;口内三面环山,港区内风平浪静,平均浪高不超过1米;现有自然水深在11米以上,而且稳定少淤,航道的维护费用极低,有10米等深线以上深水面积62平方公里;港内深水贴近陆域岸线,-11米的深水岸线距吴淞零点以上2米的陆域岸线的平均距离约100米,码头投资成本低;港口全年安全作业天数为314天,是一个天然深水良港,是建设5~10万吨级泊位的理想港址.  相似文献   

为加快施工进度,降低工程成本,在湘江长沙综合枢纽船闸工程中开发应用了以施加预应力及放张来实现组装和拆除的新型预应力钢套箱。结合湘江长沙综合枢纽船闸工程实例,对预应力钢套箱的制作要点、施工工艺及施工过程中应注意的问题做了详细说明。使用预应力钢套箱进行上下游引航道水下承台的施工,取得了预期效果。  相似文献   

Korea has achieved remarkable economic growth over the last three decades. This has largely been due to the adoption of export-oriented economic policies. This economic development has resulted in a rapid increase in export and import cargos. Since the foreign trade of Korea is carried predominantly by sea transport (approximately 99.8% in terms of volume), ports play a crucial role in this process. Although recent port developments are aimed at keeping pace with ever-growing seaborne cargoes, problems persist, especially insufficient port capacity and inefficient management and operations. As a consequence, the ports of Korea suffer from serious port congestion. This problem is particularly acute in Pusan, the fifth largest container port in the world. In the past, all ports in Korea were controlled and administered by the Korea Maritime and Port Administration which was a public port authority. In August 1996, the Korean government established a new government organization, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), with a remit to control and manage its seaports and other related activities and to improve management efficiency in the maritime area. As a way of solving problems related to port congestion and other sources of inefficiency, the new MMAF has launched several new port development schemes. In this context, this paper will discuss (1) the extent of congestion in Korean ports, especially Pusan, the major seaport of the country; and (2) governmental and commercial reaction to solving the problems, including measures such as new port development schemes aimed at attracting private and foreign finance. From this analysis, a strategy for port development in developing countries may be inferred.  相似文献   

徐秀枝  张芹  郭敏 《水运工程》2024,(7):150-156
基于大量的实测地形资料,分析近年来兴隆枢纽下游河段的河床演变特征,并探讨其主要影响因素。结果表明,研究河段的河床演变是上游来水来沙条件改变、水利枢纽建设及航道整治工程实施等共同作用的结果。在上游水沙条件变化不大、河段内整治建筑物整体稳定的前提下,整体河势将保持相对稳定。通过对研究河段平面形态、纵向冲淤及横向变化的分析,可更好地了解工程河段河床演变规律,为预测兴隆枢纽下游河段河床演变规律提供科学依据。  相似文献   

We present a cost-benefit analysis of coastal protection via seawalls in South Korea against climate-change-induced sea level rise. This is the first bottom-up analysis for South Korea, deriving the optimal solution from extensive geographical and financial databases with detailed street-address-level information. Our analysis indicates that the net benefit is maximized if seawalls are built along 21% of the South Korean coast. By comparing the bottom-up solution to the aggregate solution and utilizing a comprehensive sensitivity analysis, we highlight two implications for the climate change economics literature. First, the country-level aggregate analysis adopted by many existing studies may include a sizable aggregation bias. Second, relative to the climate change mitigation problem, the coastal protection problem is less sensitive to the choice of the discount rate.  相似文献   

This paper considers a multimodal transportation problem, which is the problem of determining the transportation flow, i.e. volume of container cargoes, and the transportation mode in each trade route, for the objective of minimizing the sum of shipping and inland transportation costs. The problem takes account of two restrictions: maximum cargo volumes capacitated at each seaport and maximum number of vehicles available at each transportation mode. To solve optimally the problem, this paper employs a mixed integer programming, which is an operations research technique. A case study is performed on the container cargo data in Korea and we draw several implications to improve efficiency in the transportation of international trade cargoes in Korea.  相似文献   

This paper considers a multimodal transportation problem, which is the problem of determining the transportation flow, i.e. volume of container cargoes, and the transportation mode in each trade route, for the objective of minimizing the sum of shipping and inland transportation costs. The problem takes account of two restrictions: maximum cargo volumes capacitated at each seaport and maximum number of vehicles available at each transportation mode. To solve optimally the problem, this paper employs a mixed integer programming, which is an operations research technique. A case study is performed on the container cargo data in Korea and we draw several implications to improve efficiency in the transportation of international trade cargoes in Korea.  相似文献   

As of late, the Korean government needs quantitative information on economic feasibility analysis for marina port development projects. This study applies a choice experiment to measure public preference for the attributes of marina port in Korea. We consider the trade-offs between price and four attributes of marina port (capacity, access, waterfront, and program) for selecting a preferred alternative and elicit the marginal willingness to pay (MWTP) estimates for each attribute. We also test whether irrelevant alternatives property for the estimation model holds and compare the estimation results of the multinomial logit (MNL) and the nested logit (NL) models. The results show that the NL model outperforms the MNL model. In the NL model, MWTPs for increasing the level of a waterfront from promenade to both promenade and rest area and for the provision of marine leisure experience program are KRW13 384 (USD11.8) and KRW17 937 (USD15.8), respectively. This study is expected to provide policymakers with quantitative information for evaluating marina port construction projects in Korea.  相似文献   

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