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It is the aim of the European Union to develop a transport policy that supports its economic and sustainable growth and where the concept of sustainable mobility is a driver in the development of such policy. To achieve this goal, the European Union (EU) is promoting the shift of goods to unused existing capacity in rail and sea modes. As such, it is the objective of this paper to carry out a review of the European shipping policy at a time when the EU Member-States are suffering from high levels of congestion, noise and pollution that not only affect the environment but also the quality of life of all citizens. This paper considers the development of EU shipping policy in three stages.  相似文献   

Following a period of about 120 years, when external political pressures prevented Poland from engaging in maritime commercial activities, the end of World War I marked an important epoch in Poland's maritime history. Although the Peace Treaties gave Poland access to the sea and the right to use Gdansk, it was not until 1926, when Poland's first shipping company was established and Poland's new port of Gdynia opened, that her new status as a maritime country was fashioned. This paper traces the development of Polish shipping from 1918 to the present time; discusses the factors related to Poland's problems in the sphere of international maritime transport; and outlines Poland's present shipping policy.  相似文献   

Following a period of about 120 years, when external political pressures prevented Poland from engaging in maritime commercial activities, the end of World War I marked an important epoch in Poland's maritime history. Although the Peace Treaties gave Poland access to the sea and the right to use Gdansk, it was not until 1926, when Poland's first shipping company was established and Poland's new port of Gdynia opened, that her new status as a maritime country was fashioned. This paper traces the development of Polish shipping from 1918 to the present time; discusses the factors related to Poland's problems in the sphere of international maritime transport; and outlines Poland's present shipping policy.  相似文献   

杨靳  邵哲平 《中国水运》2006,6(8):23-24
针对目前航运业者的“国货国运”的呼声,本文分析了航运自由化政策对中国航运业发展的必要性。自由化航运政策提升了中国航运业竞争力,并使中国航运在世界的地位稳步上升。本论文从理论和实证的角度阐述了自由化航运政策对中国航运业发展的重要性,并提出了进一步完善中国航运政策建议。  相似文献   


Based on an analysis of 253 related papers drawn from the Web of Science database, this study examines holistic sustainability research in liner shipping management literature using a citation network analysis (CNA) approach followed by a qualitative analysis of findings. We identify four major research domains, namely shipping performance, port selection and management, shipping markets, and environment, as well as related sub-domains of shipping performance. We discuss the current research trends and focal issues in these domains with a focus on their implications for policy development. Our results indicate that while the sustainability discourse in the literature has developed and matured significantly over the last decade, generating valuable insights for practitioners and regulators alike, it still struggles with blurry terminology and a lack of holistic frameworks jointly addressing the different aspects of sustainability: Economic considerations of liner shipping are still the main concern, while environmental and social issues are less regarded in the academic discourse. Furthermore, we identify a dearth of studies rooted in managerial or economic theory. In this regard, our study provides insights on the scope of the holistic sustainability discourse in liner shipping management, its contributions to theory and practice, and its implications for the further development of policies addressing sustainability in liner shipping management. We advocate further construct development for sustainability in liner shipping, as well as empirical tests of the antecedents of sustainability practice adoption in the industry for future research.  相似文献   

The subject of shipping conferences has been much discussed in recent decades. In this paper the author advocates a reappraisal of the conference system with special reference to the fleets of developing countries.  相似文献   

The subject of shipping conferences has been much discussed in recent decades. In this paper the author advocates a reappraisal of the conference system with special reference to the fleets of developing countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to consider some of the issues arising from currency fluctuations or currency disparities and in particular their effects upon freight earnings through the application of a currency adjustment factor (CAF).

The operation of CAFs has been a source of great concern to shippers and shipper's councils since their introduction some seven years ago. The basis of this concern has been the widening differential of applicable CAFs as a surcharge on basic freight rates. The CAF system has been regarded by many as iniquitous and punitive. Conferences have been accused of insulating themselves from currency losses due to exchange-rate variability consequent upon the introduction of flexible exchange rates in 1971. However, this mounting pressure has brought the operation of the CAF formula under close scrutiny especially from four sources.

(a) Some member Councils of the European Shippers' Council (ESC).

(b) The Japanese Shippers' Council (JSC).

(c) The question of the legality of differential CAFs under the Treaty of Rome

(d) Complaints from North Continental Maltsters.  相似文献   

This paper traces the evolution of Canadian liner shipping policy from its beginnings, at the time of the initial formation of shipping conferences, in the late nineteenth century, to its current form, as provided by the 1987 Shipping Conference Exemption Act. It is shown that evolution has been associated with a shift in policy orientation from an initial British-based position to a contemporary form that is distincly American in nature. The reasons for this shift are analysed and the similarities and differences between curent Canadian and U.S.A. legislation are identified. The paper shows that the adoption by Canada of an American-style policy became inevitable once the container revolution had physically integrated the transport systems of both nations.  相似文献   

Hierarchical logic in shipping policy and decision-making   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Shipping policy is made and implemented under conditions of multiple objectives and constraints. It is often also subject to diverse interests and decision-makers, each with his own agenda. Policy alternatives usually have different financial, economic, market, environmental, and other implications, and, as a result, affect objectives and constraints differently. In turn, their desirability from the point of view of the various decision-makers will be influenced by complex sets of priorities. Shipping policy and decision-making involves the trade-off among a myriad of often conflicting objectives in the choice between alternative strategies. A hierarchical network approach to the determination of the most effective choice or strategy is proposed to represent the effect of policy alternatives on desired and undesired outcomes and the impact of these outcomes on the objectives and, as a result, the various interest groups supporting different policy objectives. The model suggested is based on the analytic hierarchy or expert choice process and permits consideration of both qualitative as well as quantitative performance measures and their impact on policy or decision objectives.  相似文献   

胡亚琴 《中国水运》2006,4(6):31-32
比较分析了我国与世界海运强国美国的航运政策,以进一步推进我国航运事业的发展.  相似文献   

The issues surrounding the future of Korea's shipping policy have been heavily debated since 1990 because the Korean shipping industry has been facing rising crew costs and difficulties in recruitment of qualified crew, an adverse taxation system, very limited access to foreign capital markets, and an inflexible government regulatory environment. Consequently, this has contributed to the deterioration of Korea's compectitive edge. This paper aims to provide both an account of the current adverse situtation in Korean shipping business and proposals to alleviate the plight of shipping enterprises. Within the context of that adversity, two solutions are suggested to improve the current situation, by either establishing a Korean second register or flagging out. The paper explores the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. Because ship management is closely interrelated to flagging strategies, the paper also discusses areas of co-operation between Korean shipping or ship management companies and advanced foreign ship management companies.  相似文献   

在研究国际航运发展综合试验区的内涵以及航运市场开放政策焦点的基础上,分析航运试验区航运市场开放试点政策架构,并提出国际航运发展综合试验区内航运市场开放政策试点具体实施建议:突破我国相关航运服务的垄断和限制;适度放开外资航运企业及其服务企业管制;适度放宽我国国际海运政策。  相似文献   

时玮 《集装箱化》2010,21(7):5-9
<正>2010年以来,全球经济逐步走出国际金融危机的阴影,集装箱运输市场也随之好转,运量悄然增长,运价逐步回升,市场渐进回暖;然而,欧洲债务危机又对全球经济复苏造成新的障碍。深入了解目前市场形势,正确分析和判断未来集装箱运输市场走势,对于应对欧洲债务危机具有重要意义。我国与欧盟经贸关系  相似文献   

We modeled the projections of the major atmospheric emissions from shipping of the European sulphur emission control area that includes the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, and the English Channel until 2040. Emission projections were calculated separately for every ship on annual basis, and the model took into account traffic growth, fleet renewal, and the forthcoming regulations. The regulation on sulfur content of ship fuels will drastically decrease the emissions of sulfur oxides and particulate matter (PM2.5). As the regulation on nitrogen oxides (NO x ) only affects the new diesel engines, the decrease in emissions will be seen parallel with the fleet renewal. Globally internalized limits will turn NO x emissions to decrease with moderate traffic growth. However, by designating the Baltic Sea and the North Sea as NO x emission control areas, more drastic decrease would occur. CO2 emissions will stay almost constant through the studied timeline. Results show that European Commission's CO2 target for 2050 will not be reached without implementation of market based measures among the North Sea and the Baltic Sea fleets. Results present new information for decision makers to further develop international regulations of shipping especially in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea.  相似文献   

The national-flag fleets of most of the traditional martitime nations have, in virtually every case, been in decline in the 1980s and 1990s, despite the continued growth of ocean shipping. They have declined in terms of numbers of vessels and numbers of sea-going jobs, although not necessarily in terms of cargo carried. However, a number of those nations have responded to the changed technological and competitive conditions with some success by attempting to adjust crewing and work practices on vessels at sea. Neither the USA nor Australia has been in the forefront of such change. However, considerably more progress has been made in modernizing crewing practices and work rules in the Australian-flag fleet than in the US-flag fleet. There are a variety of reasons for this, inluding government policy. However, it is our argument that one of the principal reasons the US fleet lags behind the Australian fleet in the adoption of modern crewing practices and work rules is the much greater degree of union rivalry in the US shipping industry. In fact, while the degree of fragmentation and rivalry among unions in the Australian flag fleet has declined dramatically since 1980, their US cousins have continued, and in some ways expanded, their pattern of fratricidal behavior. First we shall discuss some of the technological and competitive imperatives that are driving human resource management practices in shipping and the crewing and industrial relations adjustments that are being made around the world to adjust to them. Then we shall indicate how the Australian and US fleets have responded to these challenges. This will be followed by a discussion of unionism in the Australian and US maritime industrics as it has devloped in the last two decades of the twentieth century. Finally, we shall draw conclusions about the impact of different patterns of unionization.  相似文献   

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