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Theo E. Notteboom 《Maritime Policy and Management》2002,29(3):257-269
The first part of this paper brings into discussion some recent changes in the dynamics of the European container handling business, in particular as a result of vertical and horizontal integration strategies of container terminal operators. The industry structure has become sufficiently consolidated to raise a fundamental question about whether market forces are sufficient to prevent the abuse of market power. In this context, reference is made to the theory of contestable markets. The second part of the paper looks more closely to the issue of contestability by means of an exploratory and qualitative study of elements that could prevent other players entering or exiting the European container handling market. As such, a first indication is given of the degree of contestability in the container handling industry. 相似文献
介绍轻型集装箱跨式运输车的主要技术参数、整车特点及主要部件,指出其新颖设计特点:操作灵活、机动性好、结构简单、自重轻、造价低,适用于集装箱码头和堆场之间的装卸和水平搬运作业。 相似文献
介绍高架桥式集装箱系统的结构、运行模式、特性和优缺点以及其缺点的弥补方法。现代集装箱码头的发展趋势决定了传统模式的局限性,本系统的开发与应用具有广阔的发展空间。 相似文献
自动化集装箱码头的装卸工艺及设备 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在考察国外自动化集装箱码头发展现状的基础上,对传统集装箱码头与自动化集装箱码头的装卸工艺进行比较,并根据工艺布局分析和探讨装卸设备技术,对自动化集装箱码头的发展前景提出展望。 相似文献
绝大多数港口装卸设备安装在户外,防水、防潮措施如果不到位严重影响其正常运转。在我国的南方地区,雨季较长,时受大雨、暴雨、台风等天气影响,码头设备的防水、防潮工作尤为重要。 相似文献
0 引言
节能减排已经成为我国应对温室气体减排国际压力、能源供需矛盾和生态日益恶化问题的主要手段,我国港口集装箱运输业经过长期、持续、高速发展,规模相对较大,因此集装箱码头的节能减排工作受到高度重视.岸边集装箱起重机(下文简称岸桥)主要消耗电能,装机容量大,工作频繁,是专业化集装箱码头的主要能耗设备之一. 相似文献
装卸工艺系统是影响自动化集装箱码头总体布局、作业效率和营运成本的关键因素,是设计时需首先考虑的问题。为把握自动化装卸工艺系统的技术发展方向,在论述现有自动化集装箱码头工艺系统应用现状及技术特点的基础上,根据自动化锁销拆装装置、岸桥远程操控、智能驾驶、新能源、自动化轮胎吊等装备技术的发展分析自动化工艺系统的发展趋势,可为自动化集装箱码头的规划建设提供参考。 相似文献
世界航运业正处于一个稳定快速发展的时期.集装箱运输作为航运业的重要部分,2004年也经历了诸多变化与发展.为进一步探讨世界集装箱行业的最新发展与未来前景,以及中国中西部的经济发展对海陆多式联运及区域集装箱运输行业带来的新挑战与新机遇,IBC亚洲私人有限公司于2004年12月9-10日在中国北京举办了2004年中国集装箱运输国际研讨会. 相似文献
中国的集装箱检验始于中国船级社(CCS)。早在1980年,在我国集装箱制造业创建之初,CCS就开始了集装箱检验业务。30年来,作为我国政府唯一指定的集装箱专业检验机构,CCS紧跟国家和行业发展大局,凭借其自身的技术优势,为我国集装箱制造业的国际化和标准化提供坚实的技术支撑,从规范标准、科研设计、检验建造和贸易市场等多方面,全力支持我国集装箱产业以及相关行业的快速发展。 相似文献
欧洲大陆海岸线长达3.79万km,沿海港口星罗棋布,2005年欧洲沿海港口完成集装箱吞吐量7300多万TEU,与同年我国大陆沿海港口集装箱吞吐量7002万TEU规模相当。本文根据相关统计数据分析欧洲沿海港口集装箱运输发展状况。 相似文献
This study empirically identifies crucial green shipping management capability and examines its impact on firm performance using survey data collected from container shipping firms, including shipping companies and agencies. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis is performed to identify three critical green shipping management capability dimensions, namely, greener policy, greener ships, and greener suppliers. In this study, firm performance is categorized into environmental performance and financial performance. The results indicate that a greener policy has a direct and positive influence on both the greener ships and the greener suppliers factors. Greener ships and greener suppliers are found to have an indirect and positive influence on financial performance through environmental performance. Accordingly, this study suggests that container shipping managers could focus on organizational green shipping management capability, specifically regarding policies, ships, and suppliers, to improve their environmental and financial performance. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings for container shipping firms have been discussed. 相似文献
This study looks at the degrees of interference for multiple cranes that work simultaneously at six major container terminals in the port of Kaohsiung. The results confirm that there are different degrees of mutual crane interference among terminals where different operational modes are adapted in the container yards. RTG handling systems show a very high value of aggregate cranes exponent f, with nearly no interference, as long as the number of allocated cranes is no more than the number of truck lanes under each crane. While SC systems reveal a relatively larger degree of mutual interference as the number of cranes increase. 相似文献
近年来,集装箱自动化码头基本形成了典型的堆场装卸工艺方案,即堆场整体垂直码头布置,每个箱区配备2台自动化轨道式场桥(ARMG),分别负责装卸船和陆路外集卡装卸相关作业。但在高水水中转比例的码头,由于船侧装卸箱量高于陆路进出港箱量,该方案存在海陆侧ARMG作业不均衡而影响装卸船效率的缺点。通过分析该方案在高水水中转比例码头的不适应性,梳理国内外现有的解决方案,提出新的针对性方案。通过各方案的综合比较,提出解决思路,为类似自动化码头的设计提供参考。 相似文献
This study looks at the degrees of interference for multiple cranes that work simultaneously at six major container terminals in the port of Kaohsiung. The results confirm that there are different degrees of mutual crane interference among terminals where different operational modes are adapted in the container yards. RTG handling systems show a very high value of aggregate cranes exponent f , with nearly no interference, as long as the number of allocated cranes is no more than the number of truck lanes under each crane. While SC systems reveal a relatively larger degree of mutual interference as the number of cranes increase. 相似文献
欧洲是全球经济贸易和海运业最发达的地区之一,共有集装箱海港约130个。2008年欧洲海港集装箱吞吐总量达9071万TEU,占全球港口集装箱吞吐总量的20%以上。欧洲海港与我国港口之间运输往来频繁,值得我国港航业关注。本文根据有关数据,分析欧洲海港集装箱运输发展现状。 相似文献
Thuong T. Le 《Maritime Policy and Management》1997,24(1):55-71
This article investigates the on-going relocation of freight container production, particularly in the standard dry freight segment, from South Korea and Taiwan to emerging economies (especially China and south-east Asia). It offers an assessment of their competitive positions but goes beyond the conventional focus on comparative cost advantage among nations. Drawing on the wealth of trade, investment, location and strategic management theories, it explores other variables including demand condition, industry structure, foreign direct investments and vertical industry linkages, besides production factor cost. 相似文献