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Many accidents, resulting in a larger number of fatalities during the last few years, have focused attention on issues of maritime safety. Accident registration reveals that a large proportion have human related causes, and indicates that, by looking at cultural aspects, one's understanding of the underlying mechanisms leading to accidents might increase. Several constructs of culture and climate have appeared on national, organizational and safety levels. Those constructs are discussed together with problems that occur when interpreting accidental data, and recording accidental causes. The papers reviewed indicate the existence of a 'chain of evidence' from accidents/safety to attitudes, communications, conflict-solving, etc. and further to safety culture. To be able to reduce the risk for accidents, there seems to be a need for coordination and the cultural perspective seems to be one that integrates and takes the many disciplines and multi-level nature of accidents and safety into account.  相似文献   

对客滚船安全管理的规律性进行研究,可以提高管理的针对性和科学性,进一步降低各种不安全因素对客滚船航行安全的影响,防止和减少客滚船事故的发生,为全面提升客滚船航行安全系数提供事实和理论分析依据。针对近年来渤海客滚船事故的种类和起因进行了较为全面的统计,对占渤海客滚船事故比例最大的火灾事故发生的原因进行了分析。在此基础上,结合日常对客滚船管理的实际经验,指出了渤海客滚船火灾事故在船舶管理、火灾预防和控制、客滚船结构设计上存在的对火灾事故的预防和控制等方面暴露出的问题,并针对这些问题提出了相应的安全管理对策。  相似文献   

The purpose of the International Safety Management Code (the ISM Code) is to promote safety culture in the maritime industry. Learning the lessons from incidents should help to improve safety performance since incidents and accidents can share the same root causes. The aim of this paper is to take a closer look at incident reporting in the Finnish shipping industry, to study the reasons for poor incident reporting and to suggest improvements to increase reporting. The paper consists of a literature study, which focuses on previous studies concerning incident reporting, and an interview study, which focuses on Finnish shipping companies and their personnel. The interview study confirmed that incident reporting does not function properly within the Finnish maritime industry. The maritime personnel have an occupational culture which is incompatible with the rule-based safety management approach provided by the ISM Code. The willingness to report incidents could be increased if all seafarers were involved in the reporting process and the preparation of corrective actions. In addition, the reporting procedures should be streamlined and developed to a more user-friendly direction.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate maritime safety from an occupational hazards perspective as opposed to a maritime casualty perspective. It is recognised that safety in shipping should encompass casualties arising from accidents occurring in the course of performing normal seafaring duties, not just those arising from technical defects or maritime disasters. The paper discusses an investigation involving a survey of 19 flag states and two detailed studies of records kept at the Hong Kong and Singapore maritime administrations. The results indicate that occupational accidents account for a significant proportion of fatalities at sea. The statistics presented specify the ship types that are most at risk, as well as the types of occupational hazards that can most frequently lead to accidents and fatalities. The results of this study indicate voids in the process of investigating fatalities that relate to occupational accidents. These results also indicate inadequate investigation of events and causes. The creation of a database of such information could potentially be used for the development of appropriate regulations that could prevent fatal and non-fatal occupational accidents through regulatory processes.  相似文献   

针对船舶航行安全的薄弱环节,在故障树分析船舶搁浅事故成因的基础上,运用贝叶斯网络对事件之间的多态性和逻辑性进行了研究。得到了事件的后验概率值,分析了导致事故发生的薄弱环节,推理得出最可能引起事故发生的事件组合,结果与统计资料一致,为提高船舶运营的安全和运营管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The environmental hazard potential of a total of 15 chemicals that are transported through the Finnish coastal areas was assessed in this paper using a scoring method developed for accidents. The study indicates that the chemicals most commonly transported/handled in Finnish ports are methanol, sodium hydroxide solution, acids, pentanes, phenol, xylenes, methyl tert-butyl ether, ethanol and ethanol solutions. For the evaluation of the environmental hazardousness of various chemicals, a priority list of chemicals that are the most commonly transported regionally in marine environments was compiled for this study. The method used has many similarities to other commonly used scoring systems, but this study gave more weight to specific characteristics of an accidental release, water biota and impact on the environment. Nonylphenol, ammonia and sulphuric acid ranked as the most hazardous substances on the list. The results of the study can be used by rescue and environmental authorities and enterprises to improve preparedness for accidents and to mitigate the effects of accidental spills.  相似文献   

The increase in the world's trading capacity, which has been spurred by globalization, has caused problems in marine transportation, namely congestion. Despite the safety measures currently in place, marine accidents are still not being prevented. This study focuses on marine accidents in the Turkish Straits that have done serious harm to humans, the natural environment, and the economy. To reduce the negative impacts mentioned above, this study considered the most common types of accidents, their causes, and their results. For this purpose, 850 serious marine accidents, which took place in the Turkish Straits between the years of 2001 and 2010 (as recorded by the Undersecretaries for Maritime Affairs), have been analyzed and the data obtained have been systematically tabulated using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) methodology. According to the data, the most significant cause of marine accidents in the Turkish Straits is human error. This study proposes measures to ensure that ship personnel are competent, mentally and physically, to navigate narrow and dangerous waterways in order to minimize the amount of accidents caused by human error.  相似文献   

罗卫星 《中国海事》2014,(11):31-32
文中简要分析了目前内河船发生事故后擅自开航的原因,从提高船员安全意识、优化事故险情上报程序、制定事故船适航性研判程序与规定及完善内河船舶修造体系等方面,明确内河事故船适航性研判程序和责任,以便及时消除安全风险,防止次生事故发生。  相似文献   

文中从西江渔业船舶水上交通安全现状出发,深入分析西江渔业船舶事故多发的原因,从加强安全宣传,提高渔业船舶安全性能,畅通与商船沟通联系渠道,加强商船瞭望值班,提高灾害性天气的预防预控能力,调整西江渔业船舶安全监管职能,健全渔业船舶安全管理的法律法规等方面提出安全管理对策,望有助于规范西江航运干线渔业船舶水上交通行为,降低西江渔业船舶事故发生率。  相似文献   

This article is intended as a contribution to safety and health in small-scale/artisanal fishing in the autonomous region of Andalusia, Spain. Training is examined as a key element for reducing risks and therefore the serious number of accidents that occur in the fishery work sector as one of those that is statistically reflected as such and discusses the international and Spanish regulations. The case study focuses on the use of safety equipment in this fishing fleet and highlights the improper use of safety equipment and lack of a health and safety culture. Training is examined as a key element in promoting health and safety awareness in this group.  相似文献   

张士超 《船海工程》2021,(1):112-116,121
针对海洋钻修机井架及底座的安全评估方法的局限性,采用安全检查表法(SCL)、故障类型及影响分析法(FMEA),以及事故树分析法(FTA)从设备隐患的角度出发对井架进行全面的安全评价,结果表明:SCL可有效识别井架及底座存在的隐患,隐患发生在二层台及井架主体部位居多,安装不合理为最主要的隐患形式;FMEA方法可识别出井架...  相似文献   

为揭示普通杂货船安全事故的主要原因及规律,对近年来国际海事组织关于普通杂货船安全问题的提案进行了比较研究,同时也对欧盟海事局、国内相关的普通杂货船事故统计结果进行了分析比较。研究发现目前普通杂货船全损事故数占各类船舶全损事故总数的40%左右;1992年2月1日之前建造的多数普通杂货船不满足破损稳性要求;沉没、碰撞、火灾及搁浅是导致普通杂货船事故的主要原因;装卸超长、超重货物与普通杂货船沉没具有关联性。根据揭示的普通杂货船事故发生的主要原因和规律,针对海事主管机构、船级社和船公司提出了预防普通杂货船事故发生的管理措施。  相似文献   

The comprehensive analysis presented in this paper investigates the links and comparative assets between human factor and other factors that are important determinants of maritime transport risk. In this outline, the identification of factors, such as age and ship size, that can be statistically linked (i.e. statistical significance) to whether an accident in a passenger vessel can be attributed to human factor or other causes is addressed accordingly. This way, the role of human factor in relation to safety of Greek coastal shipping is revealed and the spotlight is able to focus on the various aspects and points that manifest the importance of human element in the maritime industry. The risk assessment of the transportation with Greek passenger ships is being used in order for the safety level of Greek coastal shipping to be adequately estimated. Moreover, the comparison between the values of risk for accidents caused by human factor and those attributed to other causes is an established way to bring to the fore the unbroken relationship between the human factor and marine accidents’ consequences. The paper is concluded with interesting insights and comments drafted through the aforementioned tasks.  相似文献   

文中简要分析了西江下游船桥碰撞事故的原因,提出从规范桥梁的建造和管理、加强桥区水域安全监管、提高船舶过桥技能和恶劣环境下桥区水域监管能力等方面预防船桥碰撞的对策.  相似文献   

In recent years,marine pilotage accidents occurring on a worldwide basis as a result of human error have not been ceased to transpire,despite advances in technology and a significant set of international conventions,regulations,and recommendations to reduce them.This paper aims to investigate the effect of human factors on the safety of maritime pilotage operations.The human factors that affect the operators who are performing ships' berthing operations have also been examined in detail.In this study,in order to determine the causes of human-related errors occurred in maritime pilotage accidents,a comprehensive literature review is carried out,and a considerable number of real past case examples and an analysis of the maritime accident investigation reports regarding pilotage operations events that occurred between 1995 and 2015 have been reviewed.To validate the identified humanrelated risk factors(HCFs) and explore other contributory factors,survey questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with domain experts have been conducted.A structural hierarchy diagram for the identified risk factors(HCFs) has been developed and validated through experienced experts belonging to the maritime sector.A questionnaire for pair-wise comparison is carried out and analysed using the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) approach to evaluate the weight and rank the importance of the identified human causal factors.The findings of this study will benefit the maritime industry,by identifying a new database on causal factors that are contributing to the occurrence of maritime pilotage disasters.The database can be used as a stand-alone reference or help implement effective risk reduction strategies to reduce the human error,that might occur during pilotage operations.  相似文献   

The 2010 Manila amendments to the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code (STCW) was adopted by the idea to render the profession more attractive to the seafarers, particularly to cadets. It is possible to ensure greater attraction only by providing suitable and safe working conditions on board to cadets. This study analyses occupational accidents and near misses encountered by ocean going deck cadets, who received A-II/I training, during their sea training. The aim of this study was to determine causal factors influencing work accidents and to propose several recommendations for the safety of deck cadets. A total of 857 officer candidates, who received maritime education at university level in Turkey, were interviewed. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used in the study to analyse the occupational accidents. As a result of this study on deck cadets, the most risky areas for work accidents were found to be the deck (39.9%), cargo areas (35.7%), areas used for manoeuvring operations (including winch areas and areas in which berthing, unberthing, and anchoring operations take place) (16.1%), and accommodation areas (8.3%). The most important root causes for occupational accidents were identified as not using personal protective equipment (24.2%), haste (22.6%), and presence in inappropriate places (13.6%). This study offers some important insight into the prevention of occupational accidents, and includes suggestions and advisory opinions of sector representatives. As a result of this study, several recommendations for the prevention of accidents are proposed.  相似文献   

In the recent years, safety culture in relation to shipboard safety and organizational factors has received increasing interest within the shipping industry. This study examines this relationship, where risk perception is an indicator for shipboard safety. Data was derived from a survey carried out in 2006, where 1262 questionnaires were collected from 76 vessels. Explorative factor analyses were used to extract factors of safety culture. Analysis of variance was used to assess the associations between the safety cultural factors and demographic and organizational variables. Finally, linear regression analysis was carried out to assess the association between risk perception and safety culture, controlling for the influence of demographic and organizational variables; age, department, vessel type and nature of work. The results suggest that safety-oriented shipboard management style, performance of proactive working practices and good reporting practices all contribute to a better perception of shipboard safety, while a high demand for efficiency contributes to a more negative perception of the safety level. Further, safety is perceived as better when work is performed as a team. To gain a better understanding of risk perception and safety at sea, it would be helpful to further examine the characteristics and influences of teamwork.  相似文献   

张明 《武汉造船》2012,(1):142-144
分析镍红土矿海运事故频发的原因,分析目前实验室镍红土矿检测方法的局限性,从开采、转运、货物验收到装船运输探讨各环节存在的安全隐患,总结安全运输镍红土矿的海运对策。  相似文献   

The recent foundering of the Costa Concordia in January 2012 demonstrated that accidents can occur even with ships that are considered masterpieces of modern technology and despite more than 100?years of regulatory and technological progress in maritime safety. The purpose of this paper is, however, not to speculate about the concrete causes of the Costa Concordia accident, but rather to consider some human and organizational factors that were present in the Costa Concordia accident as well as in the foundering of the Titanic a century ago, and which can be found in many other maritime accidents over the years. The paper argues that these factors do not work in isolation but in combination and often together with other underlying factors. The paper critically reviews the focus of maritime accident investigations and points out that these factors do not receive sufficient attention. It is argued that the widespread confidence in the efficacy of new or improved technical regulations, that characterizes the recommendations from most maritime accident investigations, has led to a lack of awareness of complex interactions of factors and components in socio-technical systems. If maritime safety is to be sustainably improved, a systemic focus must be adopted in future accident investigations.  相似文献   

广西近海溢油扩散数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄成  赵利平  肖剑 《水道港口》2013,(2):174-179
利用MIKE 21 HD模块模拟广西近海二维潮流特性,根据实测水文资料对广西近海二维水动力模型进行了验证。应用MIKE 21 OS溢油模块加载广西近海二维水动力数据,建立广西近海二维溢油扩散模型,对溢油事故进行影响预测。研究结果表明,风场、潮流场和溢油事故发生位置对溢油轨迹都有着重要影响。风场是油膜漂移方向的最大影响因素,在不同溢油事故发生位置的工况下,溢油的漂移轨迹和扫海范围可能完全不同。  相似文献   

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