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<正> 一、影响多种模式铁路发展的主要问题 除国家铁路外,目前我国主要的铁路建设模式是中央与地方政府、企业或其他团体共同投资建设、经营管理的合资铁路以及由地方政府及企业自主建设、经营的地方铁路。到1998年底,我国铁路营业里程中有0.49万公里地方铁路和0.39万公里合资铁路,分别占营业总里程的7.38%和5.87%。全国共有70多个地方  相似文献   

长春机场大道跨长吉城际铁路立交桥上跨长吉城际铁路,由于对跨越高速铁路安全性的要求较高,通过对施工阶段、运营阶段建桥条件的综合分析,对三种主桥桥型方案,即:转体2×75m预应力混凝土T型刚构、顶推(40+70+40)m钢箱连续梁、悬浇(40+70+40)m预应力混凝土连续梁,从跨越城际铁路的适应性、安全性、工程经济性方面进行了比较和论证。经过综合比选,确定长春机场大道立交桥跨越长吉城际主桥采用2×75m预应力混凝土T构方案,可以较好地解决公路跨越城际铁路的施工阶段、运营阶段的安全问题,为大桥的顺利立项和获批创造了有利条件,给今后类似工程的设计提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

本文回顾台湾地区隧道开炸技术之演进,探讨爆破理论、合约制度以及开炸作业实务等方面的发展.文中以北回铁路隧道工程为例,透过开炸资料整理与统计分析,针对开炸方式、布孔与药量计算、开炸作业与爆破控制、开炸成果以及特殊地质情况开炸技术之发展等方面,比较20世纪70年代与90年代施工的差异.以为交流与参考.  相似文献   

中国铁路信息化建设起步于上世纪70年代末,经过20多年的努力,铁路信息化建设取得了丰硕的成果,先后建成了内部安全生产控制系统和运输管理信息系统(TMIS)等一大批应用系统,为铁路电子商务建设奠定了坚实的基础。另一方面,铁道部在部分地区和个别业务范围内也进行了电子商务的试点,为铁路电子商务应用积累了经验。但总体来说,中国铁路电子商务建设进展缓慢,与铁路改革和发展的大环境不协调。本文分析了铁路信息化基础、电子商务发展现状、存在问题,提出了规划策略、体系结构、技术平台和实施框架。一、中国铁路信息化和电子商务现状1、中国…  相似文献   

近年来,铁路隧道施工安全质量事故时有发生,造成了重大人员伤亡和经济损失.文章对铁路隧道发生事故的类型作了统计,归纳为岩溶隧道突水突泥、软弱围岩隧道塌方、隧道掌子面后方塌方、洞内火灾、洞内爆炸、隧道洞口边仰坡塌方,以及洞内机械设备安全事故等七种事故类型.并对隧道工程事故产生的主要原因作了比较详细的分析,提出了预防事故的措施,以及加强隧道施工安全和质量的技术管理.针对当前铁路隧道施工安全形势,建议做好隧道选线等前期规划工作、推进隧道风险管理、提高隧道机械化施工水平和健全中国隧道修建技术体系等方面的工作.  相似文献   

城际铁路区段通过能力是衡量铁路运输部门能否合理利用线路和是否满足客流需求的重要依据。本文针对城际铁路时段客流特性,考虑不同时段下列车正点可靠性的差异性以及天窗产生的三角区对"时段长度"的影响,分时段选取列车运行组合模式、计算区段通过能力。引入时段"空费时间"对各时段通过能力进行衔接,以计算最终全日城际铁路通过能力。通过算例,计算该某城际铁路区段下行方向通过能力以验证该方法的准确性。研究考虑列车服务水平的城际铁路通过能力,对于制定列车开行方案,提高列车满载率和提高列车服务水平具有指导意义。  相似文献   

铁路网规划是一个运筹学问题,需要在效益和成本之间作出平衡。基于效益与发展的铁路网规划模型主要考虑交通网络的社会效益及其对区域发展的影响,本文选取设计的4个指标旨在分别量化地体现铁路建设成本、铁路建设的资金分配、铁路建成后对旅客时间成本的节省以及对区域各城市的提升作用,通过乘除法完成多目标网络模型向单目标的转化,并设计算法和程序解决问题。以云南省楚雄州铁路网规划为例进行实证分析,得到效益与发展最优的铁路网规划方案,验证了模型的合理性和适用性。  相似文献   

蒙内铁路作为连接东非第一大港蒙巴萨和肯尼亚首都内罗毕的一条客货并行一级线路,对肯尼亚国内以及东非地区的经济发展和政治稳定具有重要的意义,也对于我国"一带一路"战略的实施以巩固中-肯关系和中非关系有着至关重要的意义.由于较为特殊的地理原因使得蒙内铁路全线长大坡道占比超过50%,使得长大坡道上的行车安全成为蒙内铁路安全运营的重中之重.本文以11.7‰的长大下坡道为研究对象,介绍了以DF11机车牵引,17辆编组时以118km/h进行紧急制动试验的情况,制动距离为890m;紧急制动前有充足的充风时间,制动实施至列车管压减为0用时3s,符合规定要求.基于试验结果验证了理论计算和软件计算的可靠性和准确性,计算结果指出为了使17辆编组列车在800m制动距离以内完成制动,当坡度为12‰时,建议其制动速度不高于112km/h,坡度6‰以下时,建议其制动速度不高于118km/h.本文的分析和计算结果旨在为蒙内铁路长大下坡道的安全行车运营以及整体安全控制体系的制定提供有效可靠的试验依据和理论支撑.  相似文献   

2013年11月7日~9日,中国土木工程学会隧道及地下工程分会防水排水专业委员会第十六届学术交流会暨专业委员会成立30周年庆祝活动在宁波举行,全国铁路、交通、国防、市政、建工、水利水电、高校以及日本等相关企业约70家单位及近140位嘉宾和代表出席了会议。  相似文献   

我国铁路大客户管理思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
匡敏 《综合运输》2007,(3):71-73,81
<正>由于运输能力的紧张,在某种程度上,铁路在有些地区的货物运输中还处于卖方市场的地位。但随着铁路中长期铁路网规划的实施,铁路运力的大规模释放、公路和沿海运输的发展,以及国家产业政策的调整,铁路本身的运量结构和市场竞争环境将发生较大的变化,铁路将从能力紧张型向能力适应型转变,这需要吸纳大量货源。面对市场竞争,铁路当前需要维持和保持好与既有客户之间的关系,发展和培育一批对铁路运输有重要意义的客户,通过与一些客户建立长期的战略伙伴关系、将他们变成铁路的忠诚客户。  相似文献   

Anti-lock brake system (ABS) has been designed to achieve maximum deceleration by preventing the wheels from locking. The friction coefficient between tyre and road is a nonlinear function of slip ratio and varies for different road surfaces. In this paper, methods have been developed to predict these different surfaces and accordingly control the wheel slip to achieve maximum friction coefficient for different road surfaces. The surface prediction and control methods are based on a half car model to simulate high speed braking performance. The prediction methods have been compared with the results available in the literature. The results show the advantage of ABS with surface prediction as compared to ABS without proper surface identification. Finally, the performance of the controller developed in this paper has been compared with four different ABS control algorithms reported in the literature. The accuracy of prediction by the proposed methods is very high with error in prediction in a range of 0.17-2.4%. The stopping distance is reduced by more than 3% as a result of prediction for all surfaces.  相似文献   

This work presents the preparation of aluminum (Al) 6061 nano hybrid composite samples reinforced with equal weight percentage of nano-ZrO2, micro-SiC, micro-Gr particles of 0%, 0.75%, 1.5%, 2.25%, and 3% using stir casting method. Friction characteristics of the composite samples under reciprocating conditions were studied at 125 °C using L27 orthogonal array and Taguchi method. The results of analysis of variance showed the influencing parameter for friction coefficient in the order of applied load and reciprocating sliding speed, followed by sliding distance and percent reinforcement. Hence, the total combined reinforcement sample of 6.75% was found to be optimum in terms of frictional characteristics and tensile strength. It was selected to synthesize lightweight nano hybrid composite cylinder liner (NL) and to replace the present cast iron cylinder liner (CL) used in biodiesel engine application. The developed NL had a 43.75% reduced weight than the currently used CL. Neat diesel and biodiesel from Jatropha oil and its diesel blends were used as test fuels. Experimental results proved that NL improved brake thermal efficiency, in-cylinder pressure, heat release rate and reduced carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, and smoke emission in comparison with the existing liner. The results also showed that emission of the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) increased marginally with the new liner. Thus, the newly developed NL was found suitable for both diesel- and biodiesel-operated internal combustion engines.  相似文献   

Antilock brake system (ABS) has been designed to achieve maximum negative acceleration by preventing the wheels from locking. Research shows that the friction between road and tire is a nonlinear function of wheel slip. Therefore, maximum negative acceleration can be achieved by designing a suitable control system for wheel slip regulation at its optimum value. Since there is a lot of nonlinearity and uncertainty (uncertainty in mass and center of gravity of the vehicle and road condition) in vehicle dynamics, a robust control method should be used. In this research, a sliding mode controller for wheel slip control has been designed based on a two-axle vehicle model. Important considered parameters for vehicle dynamic include two separated brake torques for front and rear wheels as well as longitudinal weight transfer caused by the acceleration or deceleration. One of the common problems in sliding mode control is chattering phenomenon. In this paper, primary controller design has been improved using integral switching surface to reduce chattering effects. Simulation results show the success of integral switching surface in elimination of chattering side effects and by high performance of this controller. At the end, the performance of the designed controller has been compared with three of the prevalent papers results to determine the performance of sliding mode control integrated with integral switching surface.  相似文献   

We used alert distance and flight initiation distance to evaluate the effects of the Qinghai–Tibet Railway and Highway on snowfinches’ responses to human encroachment. Road effect was divided into those associated with villages as high disturbance, area between Qinghai–Tibet Railway and Qinghai–Tibet Highway as medium and other areas away from roads as low. The result showed that the alert distance and flight initiation distance of snowfinches decreased significantly with increasing road effects, which indicated the Qinghai–Tibet Railway and Highway significantly affected the bird’s vigilance behavior.  相似文献   

随着我国高铁迅速发展,高铁建设如何与城市功能空间协同发展的问题引起广泛关注。为了评价高铁与城市协同发展的效率,本文从城市协同性、高铁枢纽建设、站城距离等角度,构建高铁枢纽建设与城市功能空间协同发展效率评价指标体系。并引入DEA模型进行分析计算其效率匹配度,为城市既有高铁站与城市协同发展程度提供依据。最后以京沪高铁为案例分析了24个车站与所在城市的协同关系效率值,结果表明,北京南站、上海虹桥站等高铁枢纽发展较好,常州北站、苏州北站、天津南站等较差,尤其是天津南站的通过能力、客流量等产出指标还需要进一步加强。  相似文献   

文章以南钦铁路南宁段良庆制梁场工程为依托,结合混凝土配合比设计技术条件、参数及混凝土配合比和性能,介绍了在现场预制梁中使用聚羧酸系高性能减水剂的应用效果。  相似文献   

Traffic breakdown is one of the most important empirical phenomena in traffic flow theory. Unfortunately, it cannot be simulated by many traffic flow models. In order to clarify its mechanism, the new brake light cellular automaton model has been proposed. Comparing with previous brake light models, three different aspects have been considered: (i) drivers tend to take large decelerations if the time gap is smaller than the safe time gap and the leading vehicle’s brake light is on; (ii) the brake light rule is set according to the reality; (iii) the randomization rule is put forward before the acceleration rule to weaken the impact of brake light on driving behaviors. Analyses show that the new model can explain the mechanism of traffic breakdown and the failures of other brake light models. Simulations confirm that all empirical features of traffic breakdown are successfully reproduced. At last, brake light models are calibrated and validated by the I-80 empirical data provided by NGSIM. Results show that the performance of the new model is the best and models in the three-phase theory are not necessarily better than models in the fundamental diagram approach and vice versa, at least for the brake light models.  相似文献   

物流管理是川藏铁路建设工程的重要内容,与工程质量、工期、成本等目标密切相关。川藏铁路建设工程所需物资种类繁多,需求量大,运输及储备受到现场施工环境的制约,管理难度极大。因此,建立一套科学有效的川藏铁路物流管理体系对于铁路建设的精准实施具有重要保障作用。本文通过分析川藏铁路的物流特征,解析川藏铁路物流管理全要素,结合物流特征及研究方法构建了包含物资保障管理,物流运作管理,通道建设管理的川藏铁路建设物流管理体系。最后,针对川藏铁路物流管理中面临的矛盾与挑战,提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

软弱围岩隧道修建新方法——核心土加固变形控制法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭峰  肖盛能  潘威  邹明波 《现代隧道技术》2012,49(3):131-137,145
2006年我国铁路系统相关施工单位开始接触变形控制法隧道施工技术,经过长达5年的基础理论学习研究与准备,在铁道部和兰渝铁路公司的支持下,2011年由中铁瑞威公司和意大利土力公司联合在兰渝铁路桃树坪隧道进行了中国首次隧道核心土加固变形控制法应用试验研究,并取得成功。文章通过工程实践,对桃树坪隧道的工程概况、地质问题、施工工艺、施工设备及核心土加固控制变形技术的应用效果作了较详细介绍。  相似文献   

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