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High occupancy vehicle lanes have become an integral part of regional transportation planning. Their purpose is to increase ridesharing by offering a travel time advantage to multiple occupant vehicles. This paper examines the extent to which an HOV facility increases ridesharing. Using data from the Route 55 HOV facility in Orange Country, California, changes in the carpooling rate on Route 55 are compared to that of a control group of freeway commuters. The analysis shows that the carpooling rate among peak period commuters, and particularly those who use the entire length of the facility, has increased. However, there has been no significant increase in ridesharing among the entire population of Route 55 commuters. Results suggest that barriers to increased ridesharing are formidable, that travel time savings must be large in order to attract new carpoolers, and that further increases in capooling will likely require development of extensive HOV lane systems.  相似文献   

This paper develops a mathematical approach to optimize a time-dependent deployment plan of autonomous vehicle (AV) lanes on a transportation network with heterogeneous traffic stream consisting of both conventional vehicles (CVs) and AVs, so as to minimize the social cost and promote the adoption of AVs. Specifically, AV lanes are exclusive lanes that can only be utilized by AVs, and the deployment plan specifies when, where, and how many AV lanes to be deployed. We first present a multi-class network equilibrium model to describe the flow distributions of both CVs and AVs, given the presence of AV lanes in the network. Considering that the net benefit (e.g., reduced travel cost) derived from the deployment of AV lanes will further promote the AV adoption, we proceed to apply a diffusion model to forecast the evolution of AV market penetration. With the equilibrium model and diffusion model, a time-dependent deployment model is then formulated, which can be solved by an efficient solution algorithm. Lastly, numerical examples based on the south Florida network are presented to demonstrate the proposed models.  相似文献   

This study proposes a methodological framework to incorporate latent factors, including direct and indirect perceptions, as the explanatory variables in a discrete choice models using revealed preference and stated preference data sets. The methodology requires the estimation of a model system comprising of a discrete choice model and the structural and measurement equations of a latent variable model. The application involves the evaluation of responses to the new high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on the Sun Yat‐Sen Freeway in Taiwan. The results obtained from this study provide valuable insights into the planning and assessment of HOV lanes.  相似文献   

To what extent will increasing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane-kilometer incentivize carpooling and reduce emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases? To answer these questions, we develop a multiple regression model relating HOV lanes and other socioeconomic factors to carpooling propensity in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, then calculate the extent to which increasing HOV lane-kilometers would lead to reductions in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) and major air pollutants across the U.S., by state. Increasing HOV lane extent has the greatest potential to reduce annual CO2e in the District of Columbia, followed by Hawaii and New York. The smallest potential is found in states with the lowest population density, led by North Dakota. We then explore the extent to which recommendations made at one level of data aggregation (that of individual states) may be valid for another level, such as individual counties. The only state with sufficient data available to disaggregate the model to the county level is California, where we found a lower potential for state-wide CO2e emission reductions under the county-level model as compared to the state-level model (0.69% as compared to 1.08%, under the same hypothetical scenario), albeit with significant differences in emission reduction potential between counties with higher vs. lower population densities. This analysis demonstrates the potential to generate generalizable insight into the magnitude of vehicle emission reductions that might be achieved through expanding HOV lanes, and highlights the importance of data disaggregation in identifying the optimal locations for potential reductions.  相似文献   

At frontage road intersections located downstream of freeway off-ramps, the use of dual right-turn lanes may provide improved weaving environments for right-turning vehicles from the off-ramp and reduce forced merges toward the desired right-turn bay. This paper investigates the safety impacts of the installation of dual right-turn lanes at frontage road intersections. A two-stage approach is used to estimate weaving conflicts as safety surrogates. In the first stage, micro-simulation models are calibrated based on field data to simulate vehicle trajectories. In the second stage, the trajectories are processed to estimate surrogate safety measures and frequency of weaving conflicts under different conditions. The two-stage approach is validated by correlation analysis between predicted weaving conflicts and actual crash rates. The results show that dual right-turn lanes can reduce weaving conflicts significantly compared to single exclusive right-turn lanes, and the safety benefits increase exponentially as weaving distance is reduced.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between historical exposure to the built environment and current vehicle ownership patterns. The influence of past exposure to the built environment on current vehicle ownership decisions may be causal, but there are alternative explanations. Households may primarily select to live in neighborhoods that facilitate their vehicle ownership preferences, or they may retain preferences that they have developed in the past, irrespective of their current situations. This study seeks to control for these alternative explanations by including the built environment attributes of households’ past residences as an influence on vehicle ownership choices. We use a dataset from a credit reporting firm that contains up to nine previous residential ZIP codes for households currently living in the 13-county Atlanta, Georgia, metropolitan area. Results show that past location is significant, but of marginal influence relative to the attributes of the current location. From a practical perspective, our results suggest that models that include current but not past neighborhood attributes (also controlling for standard socioeconomic variables) can forecast vehicle ownership decisions reasonably well. However, models that include both current and past neighborhood attributes can provide a more nuanced understanding of the built environment’s potentially causal influences on vehicle ownership decisions. This better understanding may provide more realistic forecasts of responses to densification or other travel demand management strategies.  相似文献   

Vehicle speed trajectory significantly impacts fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, especially for trips on signalized arterials. Although a large amount of research has been conducted aiming at providing optimal speed advisory to drivers, impacts from queues at intersections are not considered. Ignoring the constraints induced by queues could result in suboptimal or infeasible solutions. In this study, a multi-stage optimal control formulation is proposed to obtain the optimal vehicle trajectory on signalized arterials, where both vehicle queue and traffic light status are considered. To facilitate the real-time update of the optimal speed trajectory, a constrained optimization model is proposed as an approximation approach, which can be solved much quicker. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimal control model and the solution efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Traditionally, vehicle route planning problem focuses on route optimization based on traffic data and surrounding environment. This paper proposes a novel extended vehicle route planning problem, called vehicle macroscopic motion planning (VMMP) problem, to optimize vehicle route and speed simultaneously using both traffic data and vehicle characteristics to improve fuel economy for a given expected trip time. The required traffic data and neighbouring vehicle dynamic parameters can be collected through the vehicle connectivity (e.g. vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure, vehicle-to-cloud, etc.) developed rapidly in recent years. A genetic algorithm based co-optimization method, along with an adaptive real-time optimization strategy, is proposed to solve the proposed VMMP problem. It is able to provide the fuel economic route and reference speed for drivers or automated vehicles to improve the vehicle fuel economy. A co-simulation model, combining a traffic model based on SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) with a Simulink powertrain model, is developed to validate the proposed VMMP method. Four simulation studies, based on a real traffic network, are conducted for validating the proposed VMMP: (1) ideal traffic environment without traffic light and jam for studying the fuel economy improvement, (2) traffic environment with traffic light for validating the proposed traffic light penalty model, (3) traffic environment with traffic light and jam for validating the proposed adaptive real-time optimization strategy, and (4) investigating the effect of different powertrain platforms to fuel economy using two different vehicle platforms. Simulation results show that the proposed VMMP method is able to improve vehicle fuel economy significantly. For instance, comparing with the fastest route, the fuel economy using the proposed VMMP method is improved by up to 15%.  相似文献   

This study evaluates a new approach for reducing delay, and consequently improving level of service and safety on long upgrades on two-lane rural roads. This is the systematic provision of overtaking lanes, termed passing-climbing lanes (PCL), to improve traffic flow, safety, and capacity. The traffic impact of such lanes is analyzed for various grades, traffic volumes, and lane configurations by means of a simulation model developed for this study. Results show that this concept could provide substantial flow benefits—reduction in delay and in passenger-car platooning—with implications for better safety. Although the reduction in delay is found to be more pronounced as volume increases, these results may be obtained even with a small percentage of passing-climbing lanes. A model predicting average relative delay, formulated and calibrated on the basis of the simulation output, explains 95% of the observed variability. The economic advantages of the concept in optimizing the distribution of a limited budget among several sites, in staging construction over several years, and in adapting highway investment to traffic-demand variations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Charles Lave 《运输评论》2013,33(3):237-244
There is probably no way to evaluate the impact of the 55 mph limit in 1974 objectively—the necessary data were never collected. Godwin and Kulash assume a current saving of 3000 lives per year. This number is not the objective result of some explicit procedure, but rather the judgement of two conscientious experts; it is not subject to replication by other experts. Furthermore, the quality of their estimate is limited by the quality of the historical studies they are using for input: those studies relied on ‘best guesses’ because they did not have the necessary basic data. No amount of heroic effort by Godwin and Kulash can overcome these inherent deficiencies.

It is almost as difficult to quantify the benefits of the 55 mph limit today. The regression results reported above find no statistically discernible relation between average speed and the fatality rate, though they do show a significant relationship between speed‐variance and the fatality rate. Given this result, we want to know the relationship between the 55 mph limit and speed variance. There is weak evidence that this critical relationship is negative—raising the speed limit a small amount might actually decrease the dispersion of highway speeds.

Whatever the benefits of the 55 limit, its costs are important. On the rural interstate highways it costs about 250 years of extra driving time to save one life. And the policing resources spent on enforcing the 55 mph limit would save more lives if they were allocated to other highway safety measures.  相似文献   

China, Japan, and the European Union use weight-based fuel economy standards, whereas the US Department of Transportation favors footprint-based standards. In this paper we offer a way of reconciling these approaches. Weight-based standards tend to focus regulatory incentives on technology rather than downsizing, but they provide no incentive for weight reduction. Footprint-based standards, by contrast, motivate vehicle manufacturers to reduce weight without reducing footprint, but only to the extent that they are also motivated to increase footprint without increasing weight. Neither approach discriminates between beneficial and detrimental weight-changing strategies. However, the tradeoffs between weight and footprint can be circumvented by employing a weight-based standard, which does not create weight-changing incentives, in combination with complementary regulatory measures that would be focused specifically and exclusively on motivating beneficial weight reduction strategies.  相似文献   

Real data show that reserving a lane for carpools on congested freeways induces a smoothing effect that is characterized by significantly higher bottleneck discharge flows (capacities) in adjacent lanes. The effect is reproducible across days and freeway sites: it was observed, without exception, in all cases tested. Predicted by an earlier theory, the effect arises because disruptive vehicle lane changing diminishes in the presence of a carpool lane. We therefore conjecture that smoothing can also be induced by other means that would reduce lane changing.The benefits can be large. Queueing analysis shows that the smoothing effect greatly reduces the times spent by people and vehicles in queues. For example, by ignoring the smoothing effect at one of the sites we analyzed one would predict that its carpool lane increased both the people-hours and the vehicle-hours traveled by well over 300%. In reality, the carpool lane reduced both measures due to smoothing. The effect is so significant that even a severely underused carpool lane can in some instances increase a freeway bottleneck’s total discharge flow. This happens for the site we analyzed when carpool demand is as low as 1200 vph.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the costs of controlling some of the environmental impacts of motor vehicle transportation on groundwater and on surface waters. We estimate that annualized costs of cleaning-up leaking underground storage tanks range from $0.8 billion to $2.1 billion per year over 10 years. Annualized costs of controlling highway runoff from principal arterials in the US are much larger: they range from $2.9 billion to $15.6 billion per year over 20 years (1.6–8.3% of annualized highway transportation expenditures). Some causes of non-point source pollution were unintentionally created by regulations or could be addressed by simple design changes of motor vehicles. A review of applicable measures suggests that effective policies should combine economic incentives, information campaigns, and enforcement, coupled with preventive environmental measures. In general, preventing water pollution from motor vehicles would be much cheaper than cleaning it up.  相似文献   

U-turns are treated as left-turns in the current procedures for estimating saturation flow rates at signalized intersections. While U-turning vehicles are usually mixed with left-turning vehicles in inside or left-turn lanes and conflict with opposing through traffic as left-turning vehicles, the vehicle operating characteristics are different. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of U-turns on the traffic flow in left-turn lanes. Field data of 600 headways of left-turning passenger cars and 160 headways of U-turning passenger cars are recorded. The average headways of U-turning passenger cars are found to be significantly larger than those of left-turning passenger cars. The effects of U-turning vehicles depend upon the percent of U-turning vehicles in the left-turn lane, as well as the order of formation in the traffic stream. Adjustment factors for varying percents of U-turning vehicles in left-turn lanes are established.  相似文献   

Green  Lisa L.  Burris  Mark W.  Florence  David  Arthur  Winfred 《Transportation》2021,48(1):215-237
Transportation - Managed lanes (MLs) are a tool to more efficiently operate segments of a freeway. As ML prevalence increases in the United States of America, it is important to understand travel...  相似文献   

Given the rapid development of charging-while-driving technology, we envision that charging lanes for electric vehicles can be deployed in regional or even urban road networks in the future and thus attempt to optimize their deployment in this paper. We first develop a new user equilibrium model to describe the equilibrium flow distribution across a road network where charging lanes are deployed. Drivers of electric vehicles, when traveling between their origins and destinations, are assumed to select routes and decide battery recharging plans to minimize their trip times while ensuring to complete their trips without running out of charge. The battery recharging plan will dictate which charging lane to use, how long to charge and at what speed to operate an electric vehicle. The speed will affect the amount of energy recharged as well as travel time. With the established user equilibrium conditions, we further formulate the deployment of charging lanes as a mathematical program with complementarity constraints. Both the network equilibrium and design models are solved by effective solution algorithms and demonstrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed an evaluation method of exclusive bus lanes (EBLs) in a bi-modal degradable road network with car and bus transit modes. Link travel time with and without EBLs for two modes is analyzed with link stochastic degradation. Furthermore, route general travel costs are formulated with the uncertainty of link travel time for both modes and the uncertainty of waiting time at a bus stop and in-vehicle congestion costs for the bus mode. The uncertainty of bus waiting time is considered to be relevant to the degradation of the front links of the bus line. A bi-modal user equilibrium model incorporating travelers’ risk adverse behavior is proposed for evaluating EBLs. Finally, two numerical examples are used to illustrate how the road degradation level, travelers’ risk aversion level and the front link’s correlation level with the uncertainty of the bus waiting time affect the results of the user equilibrium model with and without EBLs and how the road degradation level affects the optimal EBLs setting scheme. A paradox of EBLs setting is also illustrated where adding one exclusive bus lane may decrease share of bus.  相似文献   

NOX emission rates of 13 petrol and 3 diesel passenger cars as a function of average speed from 10 to 120 km/h, emission class (pre-Euro 1 – Euro 5), engine type were investigated by on-board monitoring on roads and highways of St. Petersburg using a portative Testo XXL 300 gas analyzer. The highest level of NOX emission 0.5–2.5 g/km was inherent to old pre-Euro 1 petrol cars without a catalytic converter. NOX emissions rates of Euro 1 and Euro 2 petrol cars changed within 0.15–0.9 g/km, Euro 3 – 0.015–0.27 g/km, Euro 4 – 0.013–0.1 g/km, Euro 5 – 0.002–0.043 g/km. Euro 3 – Euro 4 petrol cars generally satisfied corresponding NOX Emission Standards (ES), except cold-start period, Euro 5 petrol cars did not exceed ES. Warmed, stabilized engines of Euro 3 – Euro 5 petrol cars showed 5–10 times lower NOX emission rates than corresponding ES in the range of speed from 20 to 90 km/h. NOX emission rates of diesel Euro 3 and Euro 4 cars varied from 0.45 to 1.1 g/km and from 0.31 to 1.1 g/km, respectively. Two examined diesel Euro 3 and one Euro 4 passenger vehicles did not satisfy NOX ES at real use. Euro 3 diesel cars showed 28.9 times higher NOX emissions than Euro 3 petrol cars and Euro 4 diesel car demonstrated 17.6 times higher NOX emissions than Euro 4 petrol cars at warmed and stabilized engine at a cruise speed ranging from 30 to 60 km/h.  相似文献   

This paper examines the variation in the value of travel time savings (VTTS) for travelers with a managed lane (ML) option when taking an ordinary trip versus a trip that is unusual in some way. VTTS estimates vary substantially depending on the urgency of the trip made. At the low end, the mean VTTS for a traveler who wants to make extra stops and still arrive on time is approximately 10% higher than that for an ordinary trip. At the high end, a traveler running late for an appointment shows a mean VTTS that is approximately 300% higher than that for an ordinary trip. These estimates vary widely over the population of travelers. In light of these variations, the value of an uncongested travel alternative (such as MLs) is examined and found to be greatly undervalued if using typical VTTS estimates.  相似文献   

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