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郑贤俊 《中国水运》2004,2(4):118-119
船舶航行的安全问题一直是船舶驾驶员最关心的问题,它直接关系到国家的财产和人们的生命安全.船舶在内河航道行驶,由于受到雾、水深、航道窄、船舶密度大等因素的影响,发生船舶搁浅、碰撞等事故屡见不鲜.本文作者就内河船舶在有雾的情况下,驾驶员冒雾航行的原因及对策进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   

在影响船舶航行安全的诸多因素中,水文环境是重要因素之一,无论是航行在海域还是内河航道中的船舶,都会受到水文的影响.风浪与海流是影响船舶在海域中安全航行的主要因素,而在内河航道中,航行环境主要受到不良的通航水流条件及航道条件影响,正常水位时,船舶的航行不会受到影响,而枯水期和洪水期时,航行事故会显著增多.为使驾驶员能够识...  相似文献   

通过对巴拿马籍油船桑吉(M/T SANCHI)轮与中国香港籍散货船长峰水晶(M/V CF CRYSTAL)轮在东海碰撞事故中人为因素的分析,提出船舶驾驶员情境意识对船舶的航行安全存在着重大影响,为加强船舶航行安全,有必要培养并提高船舶驾驶员的情境意识,最后提出如何培养良好的情境意识。  相似文献   

航行中船舶的螺旋桨缠绕异物在沿海和狭水道时常发生,对船舶的航行安全带来危害。为了避免这种事故的发生,就需要船舶驾驶员熟悉螺旋桨的工作状况、船舶的特性、航道的环境,更需要船舶驾驶员有熟练的航海技术、较强的责任意识。  相似文献   

对于船舶驾驶员来说,航行安全是其担负的重要的职责,确保的是人员的生命安危,维系的是船舶财产的平安。因此,如何规避船舶驾驶中由于违章、疏忽等错误导致的航行事故,就成为了船舶航行领域中需要加以研究和重视的课题。本文围绕船舶驾驶员的航行技术以及心理素质等能力素养的培养展开论述,提出船舶驾驶员应在遵守驾驶规定的基础上,提高随机应变能力的观点。并结合实际经验,将航行中所见所闻以及亲身经历的航行环境以及人员素质不同带来的航行安全问题进行论述,期望引起同仁的关注和讨论。  相似文献   

船舶从大洋航行到接近沿岸航行,到底有什么危险,船长和值班驾驶员需要注意什么,需要采取什么措施才能保证船舶的安全,可以从这起事故中吸取到深刻教训.事故告诫我们必须严格履行职责,认真执行国际公约,严格执行安全管理体系和规章制度,落实好各项安全措施,船舶航行安全才有保证.  相似文献   

李先忠 《航海》2015,(2):49-51
文章针对能见度不良时发生的海事事故的分析,探讨了能见度不良水域航行中注意事项和要点,为船舶驾驶员在能见度不良条件下保证船舶航行安全提供了良好经验做法,对新驾驶员在能见度不良水域如何正确操船能起到一定的提示作用。  相似文献   

本文对广西沿海能见度不良的情况,其对航标船舶航行以及抛设航标的影响,要求驾驶员在能见度不良时保持正规瞭望、正确使用雷达标绘、航速控制和改向避让行动等方面来对航标船舶安全操纵,以确保船舶安全航行到指定位置进行航标抛设,旨在进一步加强航标船舶在能见度不良时安全航行、安全作业,防止事故发生。  相似文献   

船舶碰撞的研究始终是航行安全或海上交通安全研究领域的热点问题。介绍了应用船舶操纵模拟器模拟碰撞过程的仿真技术,它是目前进行海上事故鉴定和事故分析的重要技术手段。首先利用仿真技术对当事船舶的碰撞过程进行实时动态仿真,再通过船舶碰撞事故分析软件(船舶碰撞事故分析系统2.0)进行分析,最后的仿真结果对船长、驾驶员具有重要的参考价值,也为海上安全主管机关调查处理船舶碰撞事故提供一种新的途径。  相似文献   

1、防碰撞 船长要不间断地开展对驾驶员的避碰知识培训。通过对国际避碰规则和事故案例的学习,加强驾驶人员安全意识和执行规则的自觉性。各船船长还要结合实际,指导驾驶员熟练掌握船舶操纵特性,提高在通航密集水域的航行和操纵技能,改正不良操作习惯,真正做到“早、大、宽,清”,保证船舶航行安全,避免船舶碰撞事故。  相似文献   

Research has shown that there are potentially disastrous outcomes of human fatigue at sea. The conditions in which the seafarers have to operate are becoming more and more demanding. The study in this article attempts to aggregate accident charts derived from in-depth studies of human fatigue-related accidents to determine common patterns of interlinked fatigue factors. The accidents are analyzed by means of the Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM), which in the article has been modified for maritime accidents. The main fatigue factors identified are ‘shift work’, ‘irregular working hours’, ‘inadequate task allocation’, and ‘excessive demands’. The study reveals several differences between ship collision and grounding accidents and their corresponding fatigue factors. Human fatigue-related collision accidents are characterized by wrong/badly timed decisions, misconceptions, and poor communication between the vessels. Right before the collision the crew is often panicking and mistakes are easily made. In human fatigue-related groundings, the conditions are often monotonous and the navigating officer has either overlooked the upcoming seabed or simply fallen asleep. Safety climate issues are also identified as important contributors to human fatigue.  相似文献   

Human error is the most important factor causing many ship accidents in maritime industry despite advanced technology and international regulations. Fatigue in seafarers is a well-known problem and a serious cause of ship accidents. There are many factors unique to the marine environment raising the potential for fatigue at sea. Due to the difficulties in measuring human fatigue and also in suggesting fatigue to be a root cause of accident, it is important to devise methods to detect and quantify the fatigue and mental symptoms. In this study, ‘Piper Fatigue Scale’ (PFS) has been used for measuring fatigue level and ‘Symptom Checklist 90- Revised’ (SCL-90-R) for detecting the severity of mental symptoms. Data analyses were performed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software. According to the results of PFS analysis, a slight degree of fatigue is detected in all sub-dimensions of the scale. According to the results of SCL-90-R analysis, the distress of mental symptoms perceived by seafarers is not generally highly detected. In conclusion, the purpose of this study is to determine, by using subjective measurements, the fatigue level and mental symptoms among seafarers caused by working conditions on-board.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether deficiencies detected during port state control (PSC) inspections have predictive power for future accident risk, in addition to other vessel-specific risk factors like ship type, age, size, flag, and owner. The empirical analysis links accidents to past inspection outcomes and is based on data from all around the globe of PSC regimes using harmonized deficiency codes. These codes are aggregated into eight groups related to human factor aspects like crew qualifications, working and living conditions, and fatigue and safety management. This information is integrated by principal components into a single overall deficiency index, which is related to future accident risk by means of logit models. The factor by which accident risk increases for vessels with above average compared to below average deficiency scores is about 6 for total loss, 2 for very serious, 1.5 for serious, and 1.3 for less-serious accidents. Relations between deficiency scores and accident risk are presented in graphical format. The results may be of interest to PSC authorities for targeting inspection areas, to maritime administrations for improving asset allocation based on prediction scenarios connected with vessel traffic data, and to maritime insurers for refining their premium strategies.  相似文献   

In recent years,marine pilotage accidents occurring on a worldwide basis as a result of human error have not been ceased to transpire,despite advances in technology and a significant set of international conventions,regulations,and recommendations to reduce them.This paper aims to investigate the effect of human factors on the safety of maritime pilotage operations.The human factors that affect the operators who are performing ships' berthing operations have also been examined in detail.In this study,in order to determine the causes of human-related errors occurred in maritime pilotage accidents,a comprehensive literature review is carried out,and a considerable number of real past case examples and an analysis of the maritime accident investigation reports regarding pilotage operations events that occurred between 1995 and 2015 have been reviewed.To validate the identified humanrelated risk factors(HCFs) and explore other contributory factors,survey questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with domain experts have been conducted.A structural hierarchy diagram for the identified risk factors(HCFs) has been developed and validated through experienced experts belonging to the maritime sector.A questionnaire for pair-wise comparison is carried out and analysed using the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) approach to evaluate the weight and rank the importance of the identified human causal factors.The findings of this study will benefit the maritime industry,by identifying a new database on causal factors that are contributing to the occurrence of maritime pilotage disasters.The database can be used as a stand-alone reference or help implement effective risk reduction strategies to reduce the human error,that might occur during pilotage operations.  相似文献   

长期以来国内海事界专家学者,特别是海事调查人员“判明事故当事人的责任”的理解一直存在着歧义。借鉴《道路交通安全法》的基本理论来分析海上交通事故当事人责任及责任确定原则,可知事故当事人责任是指事故当事人的过错行为对交通事故形成的影响力的大小和过错的严重程度,而不是当事人应当承担的法律责任。  相似文献   

以某港口2001~2007年海上交通事故统计数据为依据,应用灰色系统预测理论,建立该港口海上交通事故的GM(1,1)模型和UGM(1,1)模型,进行定量计算,结合定性分析,从而预测出该港口2008年海上交通事故的数量,以及2008年各种海上交通事故的比例.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate maritime safety from an occupational hazards perspective as opposed to a maritime casualty perspective. It is recognised that safety in shipping should encompass casualties arising from accidents occurring in the course of performing normal seafaring duties, not just those arising from technical defects or maritime disasters. The paper discusses an investigation involving a survey of 19 flag states and two detailed studies of records kept at the Hong Kong and Singapore maritime administrations. The results indicate that occupational accidents account for a significant proportion of fatalities at sea. The statistics presented specify the ship types that are most at risk, as well as the types of occupational hazards that can most frequently lead to accidents and fatalities. The results of this study indicate voids in the process of investigating fatalities that relate to occupational accidents. These results also indicate inadequate investigation of events and causes. The creation of a database of such information could potentially be used for the development of appropriate regulations that could prevent fatal and non-fatal occupational accidents through regulatory processes.  相似文献   

The recent foundering of the Costa Concordia in January 2012 demonstrated that accidents can occur even with ships that are considered masterpieces of modern technology and despite more than 100?years of regulatory and technological progress in maritime safety. The purpose of this paper is, however, not to speculate about the concrete causes of the Costa Concordia accident, but rather to consider some human and organizational factors that were present in the Costa Concordia accident as well as in the foundering of the Titanic a century ago, and which can be found in many other maritime accidents over the years. The paper argues that these factors do not work in isolation but in combination and often together with other underlying factors. The paper critically reviews the focus of maritime accident investigations and points out that these factors do not receive sufficient attention. It is argued that the widespread confidence in the efficacy of new or improved technical regulations, that characterizes the recommendations from most maritime accident investigations, has led to a lack of awareness of complex interactions of factors and components in socio-technical systems. If maritime safety is to be sustainably improved, a systemic focus must be adopted in future accident investigations.  相似文献   

The high frequency of maritime accidents and incidents occurring at sea has been a major challenge for the maritime industry in the last decades. The majority of these accidents are attributed to seafarers’ poor performance. This, despite the fact that the international maritime domain continues to adopt and update conventions regulating maritime safety to mitigate these accidents from occurring. In this paper, utilising a qualitative research approach, we show through a socio-cultural contextual perspective that time constraints as a major influencing factor in causing task deviations at sea which leads to dangerous situations. We analyse how some of the present barriers in place to prevent accidents at sea are in effect prompt seafarers who are working under time pressure to deviate from their task. Moreover, the paper discusses the social constituents such as job insecurity and the seafarers’ viewpoint towards the ship operators’ commitment to safe ship operations are crucial in motivating seafarers’ deviating from the task at hand when faced with time pressure.  相似文献   

High standard shipping is to a large extent dependent on the availability of high standard human resources both at sea and ashore. High standard human resources at sea require well-qualified mariners who are capable of navigating ships safely. Numerous maritime accidents and incidents have highlighted the crucial role that mariners have in avoiding casualties and maintaining clean oceans.  相似文献   

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