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The behavior of time allocation to two types of discretionary activities is formulated as a doubly-censored Tobit model. The model is capable of incorporating cases where the entire amount of time available for discretionary activity is allocated to one type of activity and the other type of activity is not engaged at all. The model is applied to examine individuals' allocation of time to in-home and out-of-home discretionary activities on working days and non-working days, using a weekly time-use data set from the Netherlands. Workers' daily activity patterns vary significantly between working days and non-working days, while it can be expected that patterns of time allocation are correlated between working days and non-working days. A set of error components is introduced into the model to represent this correlation, adopting a mass point approach which requires no assumption about the distribution of the error components. The validity of the model is examined statistically.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of discrete activity choice and continuous resource allocation which is based on the premise of random utility maximization and which can be conveniently estimated using existing statistical software packages. The model derivation involves virtually no approximations and adheres strictly to the utility maximization concept. The empirical analysis applies the model to the participation choice and resource (time) allocation to nonwork, out-of-home activities by workers. The statistical results show that activity choice and time allocation are governed by the same mechanism as the utilitarian assumptions indicate and support the theoretical framework employed in the model development.  相似文献   

Bhat  Chandra R.  Misra  Rajul 《Transportation》1999,26(2):193-229
This paper formulates a model for the allocation of total weekly discretionary time of individuals between in-home and out- of-home locations and between weekdays and the weekend. The model formulation takes the form of a continuous utility-maximizing resource allocation problem. The formulation is applied to an empirical analysis using data drawn from a 1985 time-use survey conducted in the Netherlands. This survey gathered time-use information from individuals over a period of one week and also collected detailed household-personal socio-demographic data. The empirical analysis uses household socio-demographics, individual socio-demographics, and work-related characteristics as the explanatory variables. Among the explanatory variables, age of the individual and work duration during the weekdays appear to be the most important determinants of discretionary time allocation.  相似文献   

A retrospective and prospective survey of time-use research   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
The central basis of the activity-based approach to travel demand modeling is that individuals' activity-travel patterns are a result of their time-use decisions within a continuous time domain. This paper reviews earlier theoretical and empirical research in the time-use area, emphasizing the need to examine activities in the context or setting in which they occur. The review indicates the substantial progress made in the past five years and identifies some possible reasons for this sudden spurt and rejuvenation in the field. The paper concludes that the field of time-use and its relevance to activity-travel modeling has gone substantially past the "tip of the iceberg", though it certainly still has a good part of the "iceberg" to uncover. Important future areas of research are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

The activity travel patterns of individuals in a household are inter-related, and the realistic modeling of activity-travel behavior requires that these interdependencies be explicitly accommodated. This paper examines household interactions impacting weekday in-home and out-of-home maintenance activity generation in active, nuclear family, households. The in-home maintenance activity generation is modeled by examining the duration invested by the male and female household heads in household chores using a seemingly unrelated regression modeling system. The out-of-home maintenance activity generation is modeled in terms of the decision of the household to undertake shopping, allocation of the task to one or both household heads, and the duration of shopping for the person(s) allocated the responsibility. A joint mixed-logit hazard-duration model structure is developed and applied to the modeling of out-of-home maintenance activity generation. The results indicate that traditional gender roles continue to exist and, in particular, non-working women are more likely to share a large burden of the household maintenance tasks. The model for out-of-home maintenance activity generation indicates that joint activity participation in the case of shopping is motivated by resource (automobiles) constraints. Finally, women who have a higher propensity to shop are also found to be inherently more efficient shoppers.  相似文献   

Five activity-travel choice dimensions, including three activity time allocation decisions and two work-related travel choices, are jointly modeled using the structural equation model in order to accommodate the complex interactions among them. Via a two-step estimation approach, the behavioral pattern underlying activity-travel decisions is explicitly revealed. For example, it demonstrates the priority with respect to subsistence activity, maintenance activity, and recreation activity due to a limited time budget; and bus commuting behavior positively influences the time allocated to the maintenance activity. In addition, two attitudinal factors are constructed and confirmed to have important effects on the five behavioral dimensions, which contribute to reveal the decision-making process from the perspective of psychology. This comprehensive framework is expected to provide important implications for mobility management and urban planning.  相似文献   

Levinson  David M. 《Transportation》1999,26(2):141-171

Demographic, socioeconomic, seasonal, and scheduling factors affect the allocation of time to various activities. This paper examines those variables through exploration of the 1990 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey, which has been inverted to track activity duration. Two key issues are considered. First, how much can activity duration and frequency explain travel duration? The analysis shows activity duration has positive and significant effects on travel duration, supporting recent arguments in favor of activity based models. Second, which recent trend is the main culprit in the rise in travel: suburbanization, rising personal incomes, or female labor force participation? This paper examines the share of time within a 24-hour budget allocated to several primary activities: home, work, shop, and other. The data suggest that income and location have modest effects on time allocation compared with the loss of discretionary time due to working.


This paper focuses on the tradeoff in time allocation between maintenance activities/travel and discretionary activities/travel. We recognize that people generally must travel a minimum amount of time in order to allocate one unit of time to the activity. This minimum amount of travel is represented by the travel time price, a ratio obtained by dividing the total amount of time traveling to maintenance or discretionary activities by the total amount of time spent on activities of the same type; it is the time equivalent of the monetary price for performing an activity. Using the San Francisco Bay Area 1996 Household Travel Survey data and applying the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) of demand equations, we found that with respect to the time equivalent of income elasticities of maintenance and discretionary activities, the former is less than unity and the latter is greater than unity. In other words, maintenance activities are a necessity and discretionary activities are a luxury. With respect to the own travel time price elasticities, if the travel time price of performing a certain type of activity increases (for reasons such as traffic congestion), one would reduce the time allocated to that type of activity. Time spent on maintenance activities is less elastic than the time spent on discretionary activities. As for the cross travel time price elasticities (changes in time allocated to activity type i in responses to changes in the time price for activity type j), we found that ɛdm>0 and ɛmd>0, suggesting a substitution effect between maintenance and discretionary activities.  相似文献   


Despite the wide use of utility theory to model travellers' behaviour, the interest in non-expected utility theories has increased due to their potential to capture more realistic behaviour. A main question raised is whether travellers are better described as utility maximizers or should be qualified differently.

This paper presents a literature review on the use of expected utility theory (EUT), prospect theory (PT) and regret theory (RT) to model travellers' behaviour. Gaps in the literature are identified and a discussion about advantages and disadvantages of each theory is presented. A case study illustrates the differences between the theories.

Under certain conditions, PT and RT restrict themselves to EUT. Their added value, however, is the possibility of capturing loss aversion, risk aversion and risk-seeking (PT) and regret aversion (RT). On the practical level, the use of EUT is well established, while contributions of PT and RT are marginal. On the theoretical level, however, RT seems to be (marginally) more suitable to model travellers' behaviour, while EUT and PT are equally suitable. This suggests that the large use of EUT is highly influenced by its very tractable framework. We do not claim the superiority of any theory, but propose to compare them through a systematic review.  相似文献   

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