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2010年7月16日,大连新港原油储备库输油管道爆炸起火,部分原油沿入海管线流入海中,造成大连附近海域大面积污染,海上清污工作迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

<正>大连新港"7·16"原油管线爆炸事故造成大量原油泄漏入海,是我国有史以来最大规模的海上溢油污染事故,造成严重的海洋及海岸带污染。事故发生后,在交通  相似文献   

赵远哲  李冰  翟宝军 《中国海事》2010,(8):F0002-F0002
<正>7月16日,大连新港中石油储备库输油管道爆炸起火导致大量原油泄漏入海,引发海洋污染。党中央、国务院领导高度重视海上清污工作,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理张德江在交通运输部部长李盛  相似文献   

<正>当美国墨西哥湾溢油事件的噩梦尚未淡出人们的记忆,7月16日,大连新港中石油储备库输油管道爆炸所引发的原油泄漏入海事件又给美丽的滨城以重重一击。冲上云霄的红色火球、流进大海的黑色原油、一只只在低空盘旋却无  相似文献   

7月16日,大连新港中石油原油储备区输油管线发生爆炸起火事故,引发大量原油泄漏入海,对海洋环境造成巨大威胁,大连市委、市政府指定辽宁海事局作为海上清污工作的指挥部门,迅速组织开展海上清污行动,把事故造成的环境损失降到最低。经过九天九夜的连续奋战,海上清污工作取得了决定性胜利。但此次事故暴露出了我国在重大水域污染事故应急方面存在的一些问题,进一步加强我国水域污染应急体系建设已是迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

石建敏 《航海》2012,(5):72-74
2010年7月16日,中石油大连新港石油储备库输油管道发生爆炸,大量原油泄漏入海,导致大连湾、大窑湾和小窑湾等局部海域受到严重污染。上海打捞局迅速派遣船只赶往事故现场,参与原油回收和清理工作。当时我们船上主要使用的收油设备是Framo堰式收油机,经现场使用,发现在当时的海况和环境下收油效果并不理想。回收的油水混合物中含水量太高,回收效率也受风浪影响,并且回收时需要大容量的临时存储设备。为应对今后这种突发性的大规模海上溢油事故,我们考虑  相似文献   

<正>7月16日18时08分,一声剧烈的爆炸声,划破了海滨大连傍晚的宁静。大连新港原油罐区火光冲天,浓烟弥漫……消防官兵组织全力灭火。18时30分,辽宁省海上搜救中心接到事故报警,爆炸使部分原油沿管线流入  相似文献   

2月23日,中国交通建设集团有限公司一航局承建的中国最大的原油接卸码头——大连新港新30万吨级原油码头工程正式开工。  相似文献   

近日获悉,在国务院总理办公会上正式批准了大连30万吨级进口原油码头工程项目建议书。 30万吨级原油码头项目,1(?)94年11月上报项目建议书,最后报国务院审批。 该码头建成后,将成为我国最大的进口原油码头。我国现有最大进口原油码头  相似文献   

1VLCC订造概况我国进口原油总量的90%需通过海运方式进口,其中由我国航运企业控制运力承运原油的占比仅10%~20%,其余均由国际油船承运,这使得我国的进口原油运输受制于人,能源安全面临巨大威胁。为保障我国能源安全,实现可持续发展目标,我国政府提出了"国油国运"的号召,鼓励国有航运企业发展进口原油运力承运我国进口原油,保障国家能源安全。2012年9月20日,中海集团宣布新造10艘超大型油船(VLCC)。同一天,大连中远亦透露该  相似文献   

This paper suggests the existence of a feedback relationship between the dynamic entrance of less-developed countries in shipping and the prolongation and deepening of maritime crises. The duration and extent of the transitional period of crisis depends also on the specific terms of the 'succession' procedure between fleets with different cost levels. During the last major maritime crisis, nations at a less advanced stage of development entered the maritime industry producing a service that had become—more or less—'standardized', following the Vernon product cycle more than all other cycles. The distribution of world tonnage among the different groups of countries underwent major changes as the effects of the economic crisis after 1973, which coincided with developments in the supply of tonnage, created favourable conditions for the rise of the lower cost fleets of developing countries, in a feedback relationship. The restoration of freight levels during the late 80s and early 90s, which was accompanied by a certain stabilization in the various groups of countries' shares in the world fleet, corroborates from the opposite direction the hypothesis of a close interrelationship between maritime crisis and changes in the international hierarchy in shipping.  相似文献   

张涛 《中国海事》2009,(10):69-71
站在现代化宽敞明亮的驾驶台里,无论你是船长还是水手,望着眼前波涛翻滚的大海,它会给你勇气、力量和智慧。航海是艰辛的、孤寂的,更是伟大和高尚的。翻开厚厚的世界发展史,维生素的出现、咖啡的传播、美洲大陆的发现、麻风病的医治,哪里没有大海的气息?哪里没有波浪的痕迹?这里的知识只是浩瀚航海史的“沧海一粟”,却鲜为人知,  相似文献   

论我国《海商法》下船舶优先权的项目设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭佳怡 《中国水运》2007,7(2):259-260
船舶优先权作为一项古老的海商法法律制度,一直吸引着众多学者探索研究。本文提出对《海商法》下船舶优先权的项目设置需严格控制,只须设定船员工资、救助报酬项目,对特殊群体进行保护即可。这样规定对我国航运业的发展有一定促进作用。  相似文献   

浅议海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
证据是指用于证明某一事物客观存在或某一主张成立的有关事实证明。无论海事调查还是海事诉讼过程中,证据无疑是至关重要的,它是海事部门查明事实的基础,也是海事法院审判的依据。由于海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据都是对事实的证明,因此这两种证据有很多方面是相同的,但由于调查取证的方法、证明的侧重点、法律规定的不同,海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据必然存在不同之处。本文通过对两种证据在各个方面的比较分析,并参照国外海事调查情况,提出海事调查证据与海事诉讼证据的关系。海事部门海事调查的性质和目的我国自建国以来,直到《海上交通安…  相似文献   

黄锦标 《世界海运》2010,33(10):28-30,33
结合佛山海事局近年来在内河海事监管模式探索方面的实践,进行现状分析,对如何探索创新监管模式,加强内河海事建设,实现内河海事的有效监管找出依据,提出建议。  相似文献   

陈红 《中国海事》2008,(9):58-59
海事档案管理是海事文化建设的一部分,也是海事业务的基础性工作。近年来,随着沿海港口的开发与开放,海事工作业务也随之扩大.形成大量的海事业务档案。文中通过阐述海事档案特征,分析海事档案管理与海事文化建设的关系,探讨创新海事档案管理形式,目的是充分发挥海事档案的作用,更好地服务于海事文化建设和发展。  相似文献   

海事系统提出了"三个一"和"四型海事"的建设目标。文章分析了海事业务信息系统现状与需求之间的差距,提出利用整合海事系统业务信息资源,全面提高信息化对海事协同监管、公共服务、决策支持的支撑水平。  相似文献   

Many accidents, resulting in a larger number of fatalities during the last few years, have focused attention on issues of maritime safety. Accident registration reveals that a large proportion have human related causes, and indicates that, by looking at cultural aspects, one's understanding of the underlying mechanisms leading to accidents might increase. Several constructs of culture and climate have appeared on national, organizational and safety levels. Those constructs are discussed together with problems that occur when interpreting accidental data, and recording accidental causes. The papers reviewed indicate the existence of a 'chain of evidence' from accidents/safety to attitudes, communications, conflict-solving, etc. and further to safety culture. To be able to reduce the risk for accidents, there seems to be a need for coordination and the cultural perspective seems to be one that integrates and takes the many disciplines and multi-level nature of accidents and safety into account.  相似文献   

Many accidents, resulting in a larger number of fatalities during the last few years, have focused attention on issues of maritime safety. Accident registration reveals that a large proportion have human related causes, and indicates that, by looking at cultural aspects, one's understanding of the underlying mechanisms leading to accidents might increase. Several constructs of culture and climate have appeared on national, organizational and safety levels. Those constructs are discussed together with problems that occur when interpreting accidental data, and recording accidental causes. The papers reviewed indicate the existence of a ‘chain of evidence’ from accidents/safety to attitudes, communications, conflict-solving, etc. and further to safety culture. To be able to reduce the risk for accidents, there seems to be a need for coordination and the cultural perspective seems to be one that integrates and takes the many disciplines and multi-level nature of accidents and safety into account.  相似文献   

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