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The vertical and horizontal distribution of mesozooplankton biomass and its composition, together with the reproduction and development of the three dominant herbivorous copepods Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus, were studied in the Northeast Water between the end of May and end of July, 1993. Biomass varied between 0.15 and 10.6 g m−2 and was lower on the shallow banks. Highest biomass was found on the shelf slope and in the entrances to Belgica and Westwind Troughs. There was no seasonal trend during the study period. Among the zooplankton taxa, copepods were dominant, with 84% biomass of all other taxa, followed by chaetognaths with 14%. The large Calanus species made up 91% of copepod biomass. The most abundant species, C. glacialis, inhabited areas of low current speeds on Belgica and Ob Bank, C. hyperboreus dominated shelf slope and trough stations, while C. finmarchicus was most abundant in the Return Atlantic Current along the shelf slope and also eastern Belgica Trough. C. glacialis was the only Calanus species spawning during this period, but young copepodites of the other species were also abundant. Egg production of C. glacialis was at a maximum by our arrival and continued to at least mid August. According to the results from starvation experiments, its egg production was fuelled by food uptake, but was decoupled from phytoplankton chlorophyll until July, indicating ice-algae and microzooplankton as an alternative food source. Only when the polynya approached its maximum extent was a close relationship to phytoplankton established. Due to both spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the occurrence of young copepodite stages it was impossible to follow the growth of cohorts of developmental stages. Herbivorous carbon requirements estimated from egg production rates were mostly less than one third of the phytoplankton stock. From egg production and the distribution of young stages, the outer Westwing Trough seems to be the centre of biological activities. This may be related to the formation of young ice in winter in this area, which was found to carry a large mass of under-ice algae. High biomass but low production in Belgica Trough indicate this as an advective and expatriated community of C. finmarchicus and C. hyperboreus, where grazing is negligible, at least during early summer.  相似文献   

Data on hydrography, phyto- and zooplankton, obtained on a transect along the 0° meridian during the Winter Weddell Gyre Study, June 1992, revealed peculiarities of the early winter situation in the eastern Weddell Gyre. The vertical distribution and developmental stage composition of Rhincalanus gigas, Calanoides acutus, Calanus propinquus and krill, Euphausia superba larvae, were a good index for a general assessment of the seasonal condition of the plankton communities. There were five zones differing in seasonal situation: (1) The Polar Front and the southern ACC (not studied in detail), (2) The Weddell Front, (3) The Weddell Gyre interior, (4) The Maud Rise area, and (5) The Coastal Current zone. In the Weddell Front, the planktonic community resembled an autumnal situation with moderate phytoplankton biomass; the overwintering stock of copepods was not completely formed and the occurrence of calyptopes larvae of E. superba indicated that krill continued to reproduce until May. In the Weddell Gyre interior, a typical winter plankton community was found even before sea ice had formed. The specific hydrographic regime of the Maud Rise (governed by the mesoscale circulation over the seamount) support the late autumn conditions similar to the Weddell Front (but without early krill larvae). The plankton of the Coastal Current was a winter community. We conclude that in the eastern part of the Weddell Front (compared to the western part) seasonal development of both phytoplankton and herbivorous zooplankton is delayed in spring but prolonged in late autumn. Furthermore, it appears that the Weddell Sea ecosystem exhibits a much higher degree of spatial and temporal variability than thought before. This may have an impact on seasonal pattern of organic carbon transport from the pelagic realm to deeper water layers and to the sediment.  相似文献   

The results of a study on the spatial and temporal dynamics of size-fractionated biomass and production of phytoplankton in the Ross Sea during the austral spring and summer are reported. The spring cruise took place in the offshore Ross Sea from 14 November to 14 December 1994. Sampling was carried out on a transect of 27 stations distributed from 76.5 to 72.0°S along 175°E, and covered the three main Antarctic environments of the polynya open waters, the marginal ice zone and the pack ice area. Three subsystems were identified. The subsystem of the polynya was characterised by the predominance of the micro- and nano-planktonic fractions, chlorophyll (Chl a) concentrations from 69.6 to 164.7 mg m−2 and production rates from 0.68 to 1.14 g C m−2 day−1. The second subsystem, the marginal ice zone, showed a relative increase of the micro-planktonic fraction, high biomass levels (from 99.64 to 220 mg Chl m−2) and production rates from 0.99 to 2.7 g C m−2 day−1. The subsystem of the pack ice area had a phytoplankton community dominated by the pico-planktonic fraction and showed low biomasses (from 19.4 to 37.7 mg Chl m−2) and production rates (0.28 to 0.60 g C m−2 day−1). Selective grazing by krill is considered an important factor in determining the size structure of the phytoplankton communities. The summer study consisted of a time series carried out in inshore waters of Terra Nova Bay from 12 January to 8 February 1990. In a well stabilised water column and with high levels of PAR always available, the primary production rates of a community dominated by micro-plankton varied from 0.52 to 1.2 g C m−2 day−1 (average 0.84). A high P/B ratio, up to 3, and a remarkably elevated mean phaeopigment (Phaeo)/Chl a ratio of 2.4 indicated an active removal of biomass by grazing, confirmed by the presence of faecal pellets in quantities reaching 6000 m−3 in the upper 50 m. The peculiarities of the inshore versus offshore environments in terms of community size structure, production processes and their implications as regards the food web are discussed.  相似文献   

The nutrient distribution in the Northeast Water Polynya (NEW) was investigated intensively between the end of May and the beginning of August 1993 during the R/V Polarstern cruise ARK IX. The major characteristics were low initial nitrate concentrations (ca. 4 μM) in the surface mixed layer of the East Greenland Shelf Water, accompanied by high silicate values (ca. 10–14 μM). These concentrations were not reduced by phytoplankton growth. Silicate was rather homogeneously distributed in the entire water column, whereas nitrate increased continuously with depth to about 13 μM. Phosphate concentrations were about 1.1 μM and had a similar distribution to that of silicate. During the course of the summer, nutrients became depleted, and nitrate was exhausted in large parts of the NEW. Silicate was reduced to values of less than 2 μM at some stations which implies that diatom growth continued despite nitrate depletion, ammonium serving as a nitrogen source. The polynya is fertilised by water with the initial nutrient concentrations downstream of the Norske Øer Ice Shelf. This process continuously supplies nutrients to the surface throughout the year and these are transported northward by the anticyclonic surface circulation following the topography of the trough system. The northern boundary of this tongue of relatively nutrient-rich water is controlled by the uptake of nutrients by phytoplankton in summer. Its extemsion is variable due to interactions between biological processes, circulation and ice cover. In the Ob Bank region the nutrient distribution can be altered by the inflow of Polar Water from the north when strong northerly winds prevail as happened during the first part of the study.  相似文献   

The distribution at sea of seabirds was studied in the North-East Water (NEW) polynya, Greenland, during transect counts in the summers of 1991, 1992 and 1993 on board the ice-breaking RVs Polarstern and Polar Sea. Data collected within the polynya ‘box’ (78–82°N; 5–18°W) concern observations of 8000 birds counted during 1350 half-hour counts. Distribution is presented as density (N/km2) and calculated daily food intake. Five bird species were selected for discussion, representing more than 95% of the total numbers encountered: Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis), Ivory Gull (Pagophila eburnea), Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus) and Ross's Gull (Rhodostethia rosea). For these species, densities are comparable in the NE Greenland polynya and in other European Arctic seas. The main difference is the absence in NEW of the species playing the main role in Arctic seas: Brünnich's Guillemot (Uria lomvia) and Little Auk (Alle alle). In the absence of fish-eating birds and of birds consuming zooplankton in the water column, the NEW polynya ecosystem is thus dominated by surface feeders and, closer to the coast, by benthic feeders like eiders, Somateria mollissima and S. spectabilis, and walrus, Odobenus rosmarus. The density and daily food intake for all seabirds are one order of magnitude lower in the polynya than in the Arctic seas. The distribution and abundance of seabirds in the NEW polynya seems to reflect a very low density of pelagic fish and Zooplankton in the water column, while Zooplankton must be present at ‘normal’ concentrations in the upper layer.  相似文献   

A nutrient–phytoplankton–zooplankton–detritus (1D-NPZD) ‘phytoplankton {Phyt} and Pseudocalanus elongatus {Zoop} dynamics in the spring bloom time in the Gda sk Gulf. The 1D-NPZD model consists of three coupled, partial second-order differential equations of the diffusion type for phytoplankton {Phyt}, zooplankton {Zoop}, nutrients {Nutr} and one ordinary first-order differential equation for benthic detritus pool {Detr}, together with initial and boundary conditions. In this model, the {Zoop} is presented by only one species of copepod (P. elongatus) and {Zoop} is composed of six cohorts of copepods with weights (Wi) and numbers (Zi); where . The calculations were made for 90 days (March, April, May) for two stations at Gda sk Gulf with a vertical space step of 0.5m and a time step of 900 s. The flow field and water temperature used as the inputs in the biological model 1D-NPZD were reproduced by the prognostic numerical simulation technique using hydrographic climatological data. The results of the numerical investigations described here were compared with the mean observed values of surface chlorophyll-a and depth integrated P. elongatus biomass for 10 years, 1980–1990. The slight differences between the calculated and mean observed values of surface chlorophyll-a and zooplankton biomass are ca. 10–60 mg C m−3 and ca. 5–23 mg C m−2, respectively, depending on the location of the hydrographic station. The 1D-NPZD model with a high-resolution zooplankton module for P. elongatus can be used to describe the temporal patterns for phytoplankton biomass and P. elongatus in the centre of the Gda sk Gulf.  相似文献   

In polar regions sea ice is a site of enhanced primary production during winter and provides important habitat for small grazers, such as copepods. We sampled zooplankton from the sea ice and water column throughout 2005, near Dumont d'Urville station (Terre Adélie, Antarctica). Three species of ice-associated copepods were found: two calanoid copepods Paralabidocera antarctica and Stephos longipes and the harpacticoid copepod Drescheriella glacialis. P. antarctica was the most abundant of the three and was closely associated with the sea ice during most of the year. This species had a one year life cycle with a probable over-wintering period in the sea ice as nauplii and a short copepodite phase in spring. Reproduction and spawning occurred in early summer. A comparison with two other populations (near Syowa and Davis stations) along the east coast of Antarctica showed that there was a temporal shift in the life cycles of the three populations, which was linked to variability in sea ice conditions. D. glacialis was the second most abundant copepod and was more common during the winter than during summer, indicating its preference for the sea ice habitat. In autumn, the presence of D. glacialis in the deeper part of the water column suggested that this species colonised the sea ice from the benthos. S. longipes was found only in the water column near Dumont d'Urville and was not very abundant. In Terre Adélie particular environmental conditions, such as the absence of a permanent sea ice zone throughout the year, a longer time of open water, strong katabatic winds and the presence of polynyas, have influenced both the abundance and distribution of the three common ice-associated copepods.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary, marine ecological observations were conducted at the shallow water edge of the Northeast Water in June, 1993. Although variable in size and shape, a small polynya was constantly present at Eskimonaes, at the fast-ice edge of Ingolfsfjord. A shallow stratified layer developed at the water sufface at negative water and air temperatures—an effect of sea ice melting in cold water early in the season. Nutrients were recorded in considerable quantities, although by mid July NO3 had become depleted. The chlorophyll and phytoplankton maxima at 8–12 m depth had peak values of 2 mg chl a m−3, typical for Arctic algal blooms. The phytoplankton included over 90 species and was dominated by the Fragillariopsis group. Zooplankton was poor in biomass and density, but over 23 taxa were found, with the copepods Oithona similis and Pseudocalanus acuspes being numerically dominant. Sedimentation was approximately 0.2 g dry weight m−2 d−1 and suspended matter concentrations ranged from 4 to 19 mg l−1. The benthos was represented by hard bottom forms only, with a surprisingly dense cover of macrophytes. Juvenile sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), brittle stars (Ophiocten sericeum) and amphipods were dominant. Higher trophic levels were represented by benthic feeders, such as eiders and walruses. The area observed was more similar to high Arctic fjord ecosystems than to the offshore central Northeast Water polynya.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of the Mackenzie River plume on sinking fluxes of particulate organic and inorganic material on the Mackenzie Shelf, Canadian Arctic. Short-term particle interceptor traps were deployed under the halocline at 3 stations across the shelf during fall 2002 and at 3 stations along the shelf edge during summer 2004. During the two sampling periods, the horizontal patterns in sinking fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) and chlorophyll a (chl a) paralleled those in chl a biomass within the plume. Highest sinking fluxes of particulate organic material occurred at stations strongly influenced by the river plume (maximum POC sinking fluxes at 25 m of 98 mg C m− 2 d− 1 and 197 mg C m− 2 d− 1 in 2002 and 2004, respectively). The biogeochemical composition of the sinking material varied seasonally with phytoplankton and fecal pellets contributing considerably to the sinking flux in summer, while amorphous detritus dominated in the fall. Also, the sinking phytoplankton assemblage showed a seasonal succession from a dominance of diatoms in summer to flagellates and dinoflagellates in the fall. The presence of the freshwater diatom Eunotia sp. in the sinking assemblage directly underneath the river plume indicates the contribution of a phytoplankton community carried by the plume to the sinking export of organic material. Yet, increasing chl a and BioSi sinking fluxes with depth indicated an export of phytoplankton from the water column below the river plume during summer and fall. Grazing activity, mostly by copepods, and to a lesser extent by appendicularians, appeared to occur in a well-defined stratum underneath the river plume, particularly during summer. These results show that the Mackenzie River influences the magnitude and composition of the sinking material on the shelf in summer and fall, but does not constitute the only source of material sinking to depth at stations influenced by the river plume.  相似文献   

Many studies of copepod egg production have shown that food availability and temperature are major factors that influence copepod growth. However, coastal environments are complicated ecosystem and the relationships between growth of copepods and influencing factors are not always clear in nature. We conducted a study along an inner–middle–outer bay transect where variations in environmental parameters would be expected to affect the biomass and egg production rate of A. hongi from February 2001 to December 2001. In this study, we investigated the abundance and biomass with developmental stages and egg production rates of A. hongi in relation to various environmental factors. The copepod A. hongi occurred continuously throughout the year, with a peak abundance in May. In general, the variation in egg production rates showed a similar tendency with the variations in chlorophyll-a throughout the study period. This suggests that phytoplankton biomass is an important factor that affects the egg production of A. hongi. In addition, during the warm season, the egg production of A. hongi was also influenced by the ciliates abundance in the middle and outer bay. Consequently, the egg production of A. hongi is generally affected by food availability in Kyeonggi Bay.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1992, four current meter moorings were deployed in and later retrieved from the Northeast Water (NEW) polynya on the East Greenland Shelf by the USCGC Polar Sea. The moorings provided hourly temperature, salinity and current data for approximately one year. In the NEW, the circulation intensified and steadiness increased during winter. This intensification was most readily observed at 150 m on the southern side of Westwind trough. The surface layer freshened from summer through December due to ice-melt and freshwater runoff mixing down to at least 75 m. From December through early spring, salinity increased probably due to brine rejected during ice formation. Wintertime events showed water at 75 m with temperatures at the freezing point. Knee Water (KW) was not observed in the current meter data. However, a warmer and fresher than KW watermass was observed at 150 m over the shelf and may result from mixing outside the NEW among KW and the major water masses influencing the region. Polar Water and Atlantic Intermediate Water. Several short-lived events of 3 to 7 days duration perturbed the T-S character at each of the current meters. We believe that these T-S shifts were anticyclonic eddies advecting through the NEW polynya. During such perturbations, T-S values found generally at 75 m were observed at 150 m and T-S values generally at 150 m were observed at 250 m. On the northern side of the Westwind trough, the current meter data provided direct evidence for westward flow into the western extent of the trough at a depth of 250 m. This southwesterly current along the northwest slope of the trough at 250 m is in agreement with the summertime ADCP measurements made in 1992 aboard Polar Sea, and is consistent with the flow inferred from summer hydrography measured from Polarstern in 1993.  相似文献   

Zooplankton communities were studied in southeastern Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean) in September–October 2002. Cluster analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed three distinct mesozooplankton assemblages. A neritic assemblage occurred on the Mackenzie Shelf and in Franklin Bay, while distinct off-shelf assemblages prevailed in the Cape Bathurst Polynya and on the Beaufort Slope respectively. Over 95% of the mesozooplankton was comprised of eight copepod taxa. Pseudocalanus spp. contributed predominantly to the discrimination of the three assemblages and was the only significant indicator of the Shelf assemblage. Oithona similis, Oncaea borealis, Metridia longa and Calanus hyperboreus were indicators of the Polynya assemblage. Cyclopina sp. and Microcalanus pygmaeus were indicative of the overall off-shelf community (Polynya and Slope assemblages). The importance of omnivores and carnivores increased from the shelf to the polynya and the slope. Station depth and duration of reduced ice conditions during summer (< 50% ice concentration) underpinned the distribution of the assemblages (r2 = 0.71 and 0.45 respectively). The abundance of Pseudocalanus spp. was independent of depth and increased with the duration of reduced ice conditions (rs = 0.438). The abundance of Cyclopina sp., M. pygmaeus and other indicators of the offshore assemblages followed the opposite trend (rs = − 0.467 and − 0.5 respectively). Under continued climate warming, a reduction of the ice cover will affect the biogeography of mesozooplankton on and around the Mackenzie Shelf, to the potential advantage of Pseudocalanus spp. and other calanoid herbivores.  相似文献   

On the basis of classical hydrographic and nutrient analysis, water masses and their spreading in the Northeast Water (NEW) Polynya were investigated from RV Polarstern ARK IX (1993) data. It is shown that a local water body, East Greenland Shelf Water, occupies the top layer in the NEW and that this water is different from Polar Water exported from the Arctic Polar Ocean. Polar Water, as well as the underlying and also imported Knee Water, follows a path crossing the broad East Greenland Shelf diagonally from northeast to southwest but both waters do not enter the NEW Polynya. Intermediate waters in the NEW are also modified locally. A local source of silicate, contributing to an intermediate silicate maximum in the trough system, is identified in the centre of the anticyclonic movement over Belgica Bank. Furthermore, it is confirmed that there is no one-directional through-flow of deeper waters in the trough system. Belgica Trough and Westwind Trough contain two different water types of Atlantic origin, which are not directly related to Return Atlantic Waters. The deeper waters in Norske Trough are supplied from Belgica Trough over a sill of about 250 m depth.  相似文献   

High frequency sampling was performed in daylight hours along a 35 km transect in the Ligurian Sea to investigate the upper layer zooplankton distribution during the spring phytoplankton bloom. The results show detailed spatial structure and biomass of key zooplankton functional groups, copepods, salps and krill larvae, within the different water masses characterizing this region. Although observed values of total copepod biomass distribution were rather constant along the transect, species-specific patterns were observed in the copepod spatial distribution. The larger species Calanus helgolandicus, as well as Centropages typicus, Oithona spp., and Oncaea spp., were associated with the frontal zone. However, Acartia spp. had a scattered distribution, and Clausocalanus/Paracalanus did not have a clear pattern. In addition, krill larvae were concentrated in the frontal area and salps had a scattered pattern. The cross-shore zooplankton distribution appeared strongly influenced by both the Northern Ligurian current governing inshore waters, which acts as a major flushing forcing, and the Ligurian front, which governs offshore waters and may act as retention area for zooplankton.  相似文献   

Distributions of the radionuclides 210Pb and 239,240Pu in sediment cores from the Northeast Water Polynya, Greenland, showed that these nuclides reached depths of 5–15 cm by particle mixing and sediment accumulation. End-member average values of the particle mixing coefficient and sediment accumulation rate were 0.13 cm2 y−1 and 0.06 cm y−1, obtained from the 210Pb profiles by assuming that each process is dominant relative to the other. Both 210Pb and 239,240Pu were measured on four cores; using the Pu data to constrain mixing rates produced corrected sediment accumulation rates that were 20–80% of the values calculated by neglecting mixing. Organic carbon burial in the polynya sediments was ≤0.4 mmol m−2 d−1, based on measured POC values at depth in the sediments and sediment accumulation rates corrected for mixing. This value is about 1% of the independently measured POC flux leaving the euphotic zone and compares with benthic carbon remineralization rates of 7% calculated by others from O2 uptake in the sediments.The inventories of excess 210Pb in the sediments ranged from 6 to 28 dpm cm−2. Relative to the atmospheric input of 210Pb and in situ production from decay of 226Ra, approximately 5 dpm cm−2 of 210Pb was being removed from the water column. The difference between the removal from the water column and sediment inventories suggests a net import of 210Pb to the polynya. This may occur by input of dissolved 210Pb from offshore waters or by input of 210Pb carried by sea ice. Particulate matter in land-derived fast ice adjacent to the polynya contained 330 ± 14 dpm of excess 210Pb g−1. If particles transported in sea ice are comparable to those extracted from fast ice, then sea ice transport into the polynya followed by melting may be an important source of excess 210Pb to the area. Fast ice also may contribute 210Pb if portions break off and melt within the polynya, as occurred in 1993.  相似文献   

The egg production of marine copepods correlates with a range of variables, including the availability of organic carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) 20:5(n−3) (EPA) and 22:6(n−3) (DHA). However, an understanding of which substrates limit egg production in the natural environment has yet to be reached. The quantities of C, N, EPA and DHA ingested, derived from parental biomass, and invested in eggs by female Calanus finmarchicus during a 5-day incubation experiment were examined using stoichiometric theory to determine which substrate was limiting. The majority of each substrate was derived from parental biomass, and therefore the existing stoichiometric theory is developed to include this route of supply. The females were essentially devoid of lipid reserves, as evidenced by the lack of the storage fatty acids 20:1(n−9) and 22:1(n−11), and carbon limitation was predicted under most of the scenarios examined. Nitrogen limitation was only apparent when carbon and nitrogen utilisation efficiencies were assumed to be high (0.5) and low (0.4) respectively. PUFAs were assumed to be utilised with high efficiency (0.9), and were never predicted to limit production. This work highlights the need for a more detailed understanding of the maintenance requirements that marine copepods have for C, N, EPA, and DHA and hence the efficiencies with these substrates can be utilised for growth.  相似文献   

Twelve epipelagic copepod species were reviewed to compare their adaptations to the short primary production season and low temperatures which characterise the Southern Ocean. The species show a spectrum of adaptations, but three broad life cycle strategies were defined: (1) herbivorous in summer, a short reproductive period and winter diapause at depth (Calanoides acutus and possibly Ctenocalanus citer); (2) predominantly omnivorous/detritivorous diet, an extended period of feeding, growth and reproduction and less reliance on diapause at depth (Metridia gerlachei, Calanus propinquus, Calanus simillimus, Oithona similis, Microcalanus pygmaeus, and possibly Oncaea curvata and Oithona frigida); (3) overwintering and feeding within sea ice as early nauplii or copepodids (Stephos longipes and Paralabidocera antarctica). The large species Rhincalanus gigas appears to be intermediate between strategies (1) and (2). Contrasting species from groups (1) and (2), namely C. acutus and O. similis, were selected for more detailed comparison. For C. acutus, maximum (probably food saturated) feeding and egg production rates are well below equivalent values for Calanus spp. at lower latitudes. Likewise, summer growth and moulting rates are slower, and the growth season of this herbivore is only 2–4 months. Therefore, both the low summer temperatures and short primary production season seem to dictate a long (1 year) life cycle for C. acutus. A collation of data on O. similis revealed that its abundance increases about tenfold from the Antarctic shelf northwards to the Polar Frontal Zone, where abundances are similar to those in temperate and tropical shelf seas. In contrast to C. acutus, O. similis appears to remain in the epipelagic and reproduce there year-round, although the food sources which sustain this are still uncertain.  相似文献   

This paper outlines an approach to couple a structured zooplankton population model with state variables for eggs, nauplii, two copepodites stages and adults adapted to Pseudocalanus elongatus into the complex marine ecosystem model ECOHAM2 with 13 state variables resolving the carbon and nitrogen cycle. Different temperature and food scenarios derived from laboratory culture studies were examined to improve the process parameterisation for copepod stage dependent development processes. To study annual cycles under realistic weather and hydrographic conditions, the coupled ecosystem–zooplankton model is applied to a water column in the northern North Sea. The main ecosystem state variables were validated against observed monthly mean values. Then vertical profiles of selected state variables were compared to the physical forcing to study differences between zooplankton as one biomass state variable or partitioned into five population state variables. Simulated generation times are more affected by temperature than food conditions except during the spring phytoplankton bloom. Up to six generations within the annual cycle can be discerned in the simulation.  相似文献   

This study formed part of the Northeast Water project (NEW project) which dealt with physical, geophysical and biological processes in the Northeast Water Polynya off Northeast Greenland. This was part of the International Arctic Polynya Programme (IAPP). The diatom composition of the water masses, sea ice and melt ponds was analysed to show the relationship between ice and the water column near the ice with regard to the origin and fate of the cells in the ice and melt ponds. Fragilariopsis oceanica, Fragiliria sp. I and Chaetoceros socialis usually dominated the phytoplankton, while the ice and melt pond samples showed a wide range of assemblages, with different single-celled pennates and two undescribed species, Navicula sp. 1 and Nitzschia sp. 1 often dominant. Planktonic algae in sea ice can be released into the water column during ice break-up and melt, thus contributing to the spring bloom in the water column, if the timing of the release and the species composition are correct. The number of different ice algal assemblages supports the theory that cells originated from the water column, the benthos and freshwater. In addition, differential growth in the sea ice or melt ponds often altered the relative abundance of species in comparison with what is usually found in their original habitat. However, many of the cells in the ice and melt ponds were dead (empty frustules), making it difficult to determine whether the cells had actually lived in these habitats.  相似文献   

The sea ice biota of polar regions contains numerous heterotrophic flagellates very few of which have been properly identified. The whole mount technique for transmission electron microscopy enables the identification of loricate and scaly forms. A survey of Arctic ice samples (North-East Water Polynya, NE Greenland) revealed the presence of ca. 12 taxa belonging to the phagotrophic genus Thaumatomastix (Protista incertae sedis). Species of Thaumatomastix possess siliceous body scales and one naked and one scale-covered flagellum. The presence in both Arctic samples and sea ice material previously examined from the Antarctic indicates that this genus is most likely ubiquitous in polar sea ice and may be an important component in sea ice biota microbial activities.  相似文献   

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