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结合国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS公约)和防火规则(FSS规则),对大型邮轮厨房安全系统进行设计。讨论厨房区域的被动探火设计、通风切断设计、电力切断设计和深煎锅保护设计。基于安全返港(SRtP)的要求提出厨房及电气系统布置的设计方案,为大型邮轮厨房相关系统的设计提供思路,供设计人员参考。  相似文献   

为逐步完善安全、生态友好和经济的全球航运体系,本船设计贯彻新的环保设计理念。除满足各种最新公约、规则和有关法规的要求,包括MARPOL公约,SOLAS、IBC规则,USCG和OCIMF及Exxon公司等各项要求外,具有装卸时间短、极小的货油残留量、更可靠的防污染能力和高效快速洗舱等特征。  相似文献   

顾成国 《江苏船舶》2002,19(2):7-10
介绍了 1 2 50 0t化学品 /成品油船在锚泊、系泊设计中须满足的规范、规则要求 ,包括船级社规范、巴拿马运河规则、苏伊士运河航运规则、圣·劳伦斯航道共同规则、最小安全标准、国际石油公司海事论坛、德国海上同业会、国际海上人命安全公约等 ,并介绍了锚泊系泊的常规设计  相似文献   

毛欣维 《中国船检》2010,(12):66-70
<正>问:《公约》哪些条款同《ISM规则》规定相关?答:《公约》标题一至标题五涉及海员20个方面的要求,其中最低年龄、体检证书、培训和资格、工作时间和休息时间、配员水平、食品和膳食服务、船上和岸上医疗、健康和安全保护及事故预防等8个方面的要求。同国际海事组织《ISM规则》(《国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则》)中有关资源和人员、安全管理体系的基本要求、船上操作计划的制定、目标等部分条款要求有一定的兼容性。  相似文献   

为保证船舶脱险通道的安全、畅通,根据SOLAS公约(国际海上人命安全公约)及FSS规则(国际消防安全系统规则)要求,对脱险通道常见缺陷和案例进行分析、总结并提出解决方案,以保证在发生事故时船员能安全快速撤离。  相似文献   

王志刚  赵凡琪  吴骏 《船舶》2017,28(5):75-79
根据海安会决议MSC216(82)的《经修正的1974年国际海上人命安全公约》修正案规定,SOLAS第II-2章增加了有关客船安全返港的要求。文中详细描述了在规则下火灾报警系统的设计方法和该系统实现规则要求的原理。  相似文献   

人类对海洋环境保护日益关注,低碳经济已成为全球共识。近年来,作为负责海上航行安全和防止船舶造成海洋污染的国际海事组织,其防污公约正在由单纯的关注海洋的污染向水空一体化的立体方向发展,对国际船舶防污染公约、防污底公约、拆船公约、压载水公约及船舶能效设计指数提出了新的要求。我国航运业需给予认真研究和积极应对,以便在新的规则下赢得市场份额。  相似文献   

MSC 94通过极地规则 11月21日,国际海事组织海上安全委员会第94届(MSC 94)会议在英国伦敦IMO总部召开,强制性极地水域船舶营运规则(极地规则)及其关联的SOLAS修正案(SOLAS公约新的第XIV章)获得通过。极地规则包括安全和环保两部分要求,规定了在南北极水域恶劣环境下营运的船舶有关设计、构造、设备、操作、培训、搜救及环境保护方面的要求。  相似文献   

从分析国际海事组织制定和颁布的公约、规则以及国际航运市场对从业船员的安全需求和趋势入手,分析船员应具有的综合安全素质,并从STCW78/95公约要求和市场需求的角度,构建了船员综合安全素质框架。  相似文献   

1港口设施保安费政策简介 2002年12月,国际海事组织海上保安外交大会通过《国际海上人命安全公约》(以下简称SOLAS公约)修正案,提出加强海上保安的特别措施,并强制要求船舶符合《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》(以下简称ISPS规则)的规定。我国是SOLAS公约的缔约国,SOLAS公约修正案生效后,为了更好地履行公约,原交通部制定《中华人民共和国港口设施保安规则》,细化公约规定。  相似文献   

分析了历年来生效的吨位丈量规范或法规,比较了各个时期规范、法规的异同点,并结合实际案例,提出了进行吨位丈量时应注意的事项。同时,为了提高吨位丈量的准确性,对法规提出了若干合理化建议。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the reduction of air emissions from vessels when uncertainty is taken into account. Uncertainty in the reduction effects of the different existing air emission controls is currently high and makes their selection for vessel emission regulations compliance a challenging process. We develop a two-stage stochastic optimization model that addresses this uncertainty. The model’s objective is to plan the installation of air emission controls over a specified time horizon for a vessel to comply in the most cost-efficient way with the air emission regulations. The uncertain reduction effects of the controls are modelled by a set of scenarios. The approach is applied to a case study with real data. The solution exposes the important impact of uncertainty on this problem, especially on the SO X reduction, while the CO2 reduction plan seems in this case not affected by uncertainty.  相似文献   

The time dependence of survivability of ROPAX vessels, when sustaining side collision damage in waves, is investigated herein by use of numerical simulations of ship motion and flooding. Conducted research confirms that ROPAX ships characteristically capsize fast, when sustaining damage leading to capsizing. A probabilistic analysis of the survive time after collision damage reveals that even for the most generic damage conditions assumed, the survival time in the case of capsizing remains short, which is characteristic of this type of ship design, disposing the typically large undivided deck to be subject to flooding in higher waves. In a case study, the unconditional survivability in waves, corresponding to survival s-factor of SOLAS regulations, is alternatively assessed with numerical simulations. The estimated survivability proves to be time independent in terms of practical implications. Observed deviations between current SOLAS formulation and simulations, suggest the employment of comprehensive simulation methods when more reliable estimations and assessments of survivability are required.  相似文献   

基于模糊推理的潜艇舱室温度控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡勇  孔力 《舰船电子工程》2004,24(4):17-19,46
针对复杂的具有不确定数学模型的潜艇舱室温度环境,利用模糊推理的设计思想,提出了一种参数自调整双层模糊控制器,用于舱室温度控制,并通过采用确定性模糊调整规则,简化了模糊控制器的设计,具有较强的适应性和鲁棒性。仿真结果表明,该控制器明显地改善了控制系统的性能。  相似文献   

专用引航员船作为特种用途船舶,是引航员的工作驿站,其布置和功能在满足船东使用要求的同时,船舶性能和安全还要满足规范、法规对于特种用途船的要求。从功能对布置的要求、船舶适用规范、具体法规要求和船舶布置及配置如何满足这些要求方面,详细阐述了国内首艘新建专用引航员船的船型、救生和消防安全、完整稳性、破损稳性和线型优化等研究结果。  相似文献   

《Marine Structures》2002,15(4-5):475-498
The probabilistic distribution of the vertical extent of collision damage is an important and somewhat controversial component of the proposed IMO harmonized damage stability regulations for cargo and passenger ships. The only pre-existing vertical distribution, currently used in the international cargo ship regulations, was based on a very simplified presumption of bow heights. This paper investigates the development of this damage extent distribution based on three independent methodologies; actual casualty measurements, world fleet bow height statistics, and collision simulation modeling. The results from the three methods are compared, and a proposed distribution for the new harmonized regulations is presented.  相似文献   

目前,关于国际航行船舶载运危险品进港申报的时限存在争议。文中通过对我国有关法律法规的分析,得出国际航行船舶载运危险品进港中报的时限应为到港7日前(航程不足7日的,在驶离上一港前)的结论因此建议对此进一步明确规定,以规范危险品申报审批工作。  相似文献   

摘要:阐述了国内航行入级海船的现状和发展趋势,针对国内航行船舶船型大型化趋势,指出了CCS修订的国内航行入级海船规范和法规适应CSAD海船发展的修订特点,分析了其适应性、覆盖面和合理性,并对规范、法规未来发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

毕方全 《水运工程》2017,(6):168-173
长江上游控制河段狭窄、弯曲,为确保航道畅通和行轮安全,行轮必须根据信号台的通行指挥信号,单向、有序通过。一旦行轮未遵守通行指挥信号违规航行,极易发生船舶碰撞甚至搁浅等海事事故。基于AIS、视频监控和通行指挥信号提出一种控制河段船舶违规航行的检测方法,通过消除船舶倒影和拖尾水纹等噪声干扰,对船舶目标进行检测,通过多个摄像头轮流采集图像,实现多视场下跟踪船舶航迹;最后结合控制河段的通行规则,对违规航行行为进行判别。结果表明,该方法可对控制河段中违规航行船舶进行准确判别。  相似文献   

Shipping is increasing today along with the sector's emissions of greenhouse gases. The awareness of the emissions has increased the pressure for regulations of the shipping industry. Regulating the sector is far from simple due to the complexity of the market and the evasive characteristics of the industry. We know from studies of road pricing that attitudes among stakeholders are important for a successive policy implementation. The objective of this paper is to capture the Swedish ports’ attitudes towards regulations of the shipping sector's emissions of CO2 . This has been done by conducting a survey among commercial ports in Sweden. To our knowledge, this is the first study of this kind. Our analysis indicates that ports in Sweden are generally positive towards an implementation of regulations to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the shipping industry. The ports where most positive towards CO2 differentiated port due (97%), followed by a technical standard (92%), CO2 taxation (84%) and EU ETS (The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme; 74%).  相似文献   

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