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Static and changing port economic impacts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper attempts to provide general guidelines for conducting a port' economic impact analysis. In so doing, a methodology is proposed to organize efficiency the search for port-related industries and to determine the degree of their dependence on a port. this methodology is applied to the port of Hampton Roads. In addition, some constraints in predicting the changes in the economic impact of a port attribute to changes in the volume cargo are identified.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the economic effects of maritime trade through the Port of New York on the New York metropolitan region. It decomposes the impacts associated with the trans-shipment of waterborne exports and imports in 1977 and 1987 into those arising from the changing tonnage of trade and those attributable to the changing commodity mix. Input-output analysis is used to calculate the numbers of jobs, personal and business incomes, and output which arise from each effect. Finally, it examines the impacts on specfic industries and occupations in the region.  相似文献   

Glacial ice features in the northern and central Barents Sea may threaten ships and offshore structures. Particularly, small glacial ice features, which are difficult to detect and manage by concurrent technologies, are of concern. Additionally, small glacial ice features are more susceptible to wave-driven oscillatory motions, which increases their pre-impact kinetic energy and may damage ships and offshore structures. This paper is part of three related papers. An initial paper (Monteban et al., 2020) studied glacial ice features’ drift, size distribution and encounter frequencies with an offshore structure in the Barents Sea. The following two papers (Paper I and Paper II) further performed glacial ice impact studies, including impact motion analysis (Paper I) and structural damage assessment (Paper II). This paper (Paper I) studies the wave-driven motion of small glacial ice features and their subsequent impact with a given offshore structure. The aim here is to develop a numerical model that is capable of efficiently calculating the relative motion between the ice feature and structure and to sample a sufficient amount of impact events from which statistical information can be obtained. The statistical information entails the distributions of the impact location and associated impact velocities. Given the distributions of the impact velocities at different locations, we can quantify the kinetic energy for related impact scenarios for a further structural damage assessment in Paper II (Yu et al., 2020).In Paper I, a numerical model that separately calculates the wave-driven oscillatory motion and the mean drift motion of small glacial ice features is proposed, implemented and validated. Practical and fit-for-purpose hydrodynamic simplifications are made to simulate and sample sufficient impact events. The numerical model has been favourably validated against existing numerical results and experimental data. A case study is presented where a 10 m wide glacial ice feature is drifting under the influence of surface waves towards an offshore structure. The case study shows that if an impact happens, the overall impact location and impact velocity can be best fitted by the Normal and Weibull distributions, respectively. Additionally, the impact velocity increases with impact height. Moreover, the impact velocity increases and the impact range is more dispersed in a higher sea state. It is also important to notice that the approaches and methods proposed in this paper adhere to and reflect the general requirements stated in ISO19906 (2019) and NORSOK N-003 (2017) for estimating the design kinetic energy for glacial ice impacts.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the shift in membership of the Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association (MEBA), the major us marine engneer labour union, and the problems asssociated with this change. The problematic nature of this change is examined by describing the changing membership of MEBA: demonstrating a relationship between the occupational socialzation of members prior to entering the union and their behaviour as members; and by explaining how the actions of MEBA led to the creation of the problem and the policy it implemented to alleviate the sitution. Data are gathared from participant observation, interviews with union officials and marine engineers. Implications for the formation of sentient groups are discussed.  相似文献   

Hinterland accessibility is one of the main determinants in port competition. Improving hinterland accessibility is a complex process in which many actors are involved and many factors play a role. It requires coordination mechanisms beyond the price mechanism; conditions of complexity can become such that assistance is needed from other coordination mechanisms, such as introduction of incentives, creation of an interfirm alliance, changing scope, and creating collective action. The goal of this paper is to gain a better understanding on coordination in hinterland chains. Based on the insights of Transaction Cost Economics, a set of variables is explicated in order to understand when, by whom, and under which conditions and situations coordination arrangements are chosen. The variables can be divided into variables related to the complexity of the coordination problem and variables related to the coordination arrangement. The variables are used in an empirical analysis of coordination arrangements in hinterland transport from and to the port of Rotterdam. This analysis provides insight into the patterns and conditions of the emergence of different coordination arrangements that improve hinterland accessibility.  相似文献   

The foreign trade transport accessibility (FTTA) of Mainland China to overseas regions is studied in terms of the shipping connectivity and achievable market scales. First, the concept of FTTA is defined. Second, the path choice behavior of shippers is analyzed, and a method to measure FTTA is proposed. Last, with 357 cities in Mainland China as the origins and eight overseas regions as the destinations, the FTTAs from origins to destinations are evaluated. The study is helpful to acquaint decision-makers with the FTTA’s spatial distribution and to offer information by which China can expand its export-oriented industry and optimize its port and shipping industries.  相似文献   

Bus based public transport has enjoyed revitalisation in many urban areas but outside large towns and cities its provision and quality remains erratic. Many rural settlements have infrequent services giving rise to social exclusion through transport disadvantage.The UK Government highlighted a need in Towards a Sustainable Transport System (2007) for radical new thinking on rural accessibility to help meet goals of quality of life and accessibility for all and to help meet the challenge in finding carbon friendly ways of meeting rural transport needs. This paper reports work undertaken for the Commission for Integrated Transport, an advisory body to UK Government, on how shared taxi-schemes could be developed within a deregulated environment to meet rural accessibility needs. This is based on an analysis of institutional barriers and comparison between successful mainland European schemes and UK schemes. The paper considers economic viability and the levels of subsidy currently used to provide accessibility in rural areas to show the potential for making current expenditure on rural transport in the UK ‘work harder’ to deliver a collective taxi-based service as part of the public transport mix so as to increase rural accessibility.  相似文献   

From 2000s, there have been three forces provoking slow steaming practice in the liner industry: (1) oversupply of shipping capacity, (2) increase of bunker price and (3) environmental pressure. This paper analyses the background and the recent application of slow steaming in liner shipping. The research looks into the questions of how slow steaming can save bunker consumption and bring benefits to the environment. On the other hand, solutions are also examined to the adverse side of slow steaming practice, i.e., how it affects the container transit time. For which, a cost model is developed to demonstrate the impact of slow steaming on the revenue change, with application to the North Europe—Far East Trade as a case study. The final result shows that the optimal speed for the shipowner is correlated with the designed speed, bunker price and the price of CO2. With the increase of the bunker price and the price of CO2, the optimal speed will also increase, which means that slow steaming practice has a positive impact on the environmental protection.  相似文献   

As integrated supply-chain management (SCM) is now at the epicentre of business transformation, firms are breaking down boundaries between internal functions, as well as between the enterprise itself and key partners in the value chain (e.g. customers, distributors, suppliers and carriers). One of the main goals of such new management approach is to get everyone in the supply chain into a common platform of logistics transactions and information systems.

Against such background, the aim of this work is to analyse how and if port operators can face the challenge of higher integration, on the assumption that the higher the integration between the actors the higher the competitiveness of the whole supply chain.

Accordingly, we adopted an SCM approach in the analysis of the port of Le Havre in Renault's supply chain. More specifically, we referred to the Lambert tri-dimensional model based on supply chain's structure (actors), key business processes and links between actors. The field work—which mainly consisted of semi-structured interviews to Renault, logistics and port operators, and, finally, to the Le Havre Port Authority—was crucial to gather the needed information.  相似文献   

As integrated supply-chain management (SCM) is now at the epicentre of business transformation, firms are breaking down boundaries between internal functions, as well as between the enterprise itself and key partners in the value chain (e.g. customers, distributors, suppliers and carriers). One of the main goals of such new management approach is to get everyone in the supply chain into a common platform of logistics transactions and information systems.

Against such background, the aim of this work is to analyse how and if port operators can face the challenge of higher integration, on the assumption that the higher the integration between the actors the higher the competitiveness of the whole supply chain.

Accordingly, we adopted an SCM approach in the analysis of the port of Le Havre in Renault's supply chain. More specifically, we referred to the Lambert tri-dimensional model based on supply chain's structure (actors), key business processes and links between actors. The field work—which mainly consisted of semi-structured interviews to Renault, logistics and port operators, and, finally, to the Le Havre Port Authority—was crucial to gather the needed information.  相似文献   

4月18日,中国国家主席胡锦涛开始了他的美国之旅.美国总统布什已经宣称,中美贸易逆差和人民币汇率的灵活性在双方的讨论之中.  相似文献   

This review interprets recent studies of the interactions between the competition of gateway seaports and the accessibility of landside transportation links to inland regions. Port competition is treated as part of a rivalry between two transportation chains. This article identifies the main modeling approaches and defines the different types of hinterland access systems described in the literature. A general theoretical framework is then proposed to incorporate those key components. The importance of the proposed framework is revealed by comparing and extending results from the literature. Major assumptions that need further empirical verification are identified and discussed, and related empirical studies are reviewed. Finally, avenues for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Traditional liner carriers, operating in the highly competitive commercial environment of the last few years, have attempted to lower the marginal cost of each box carried. Technological improvements in both construction and propulsion systems have led to a steady growth in carrying capacity. Ships of 600+ TEUs are now in service and, as a result of this trend, have displaced 'smaller' ships from the major east-west trades. The more competitive environment of these trades has in turn led to a redeployment of ships in the 2500+ TEU range to the north-south trades. The result has been a rapid increase in north-south capacity, including feeder services and falling freight rates. Despite the current excess supply in shipping and historically low freight rates, significant developments in technology have created opportunities for new fast containerships. The paper analyses the key economic factors in the differentiation of the new fast ship technology from the traditionally designed containerships and demonstrates the potential financial viability to owners of these new 'greyhounds'.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an activities-location choice model with endogenous price which simulates, based on Expected Random Utility principle, the behaviour of several agents of the urban system (e.g. the workers distinguished by income, the firms by economic sector) to estimate the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities within the study area as well as the impact of differential changes in accessibility on the dwelling price. The study area for this research is the metropolitan area of Napoli (South Italy), for which we show the results of the model estimation and the results of a “backcasting” analysis.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impacts of maritime piracy on global economic development. Calibrated with data between 2003 and 2008, we model shipping demands and competition in the Far East-Europe container liner shipping service and investigate the economic welfare loss effects due to reduced volumes of trade and shipping, as well as efficiency loss due to geographical re-routing of shipping networks which would be otherwise uneconomical. The substantial economic loss simulated from our model indicates that, even from purely the perspective of economic interests, more efforts from the international community should be dedicated to tackle maritime piracy.  相似文献   

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems are undergoing rapid development in many countries due to the unique characteristics of this form of mass transit. In China, BRT schemes are being adopted as a key strategy for relieving traffic problems. As a case-study, this paper examines the performance and impacts of BRT in Beijing, the first full-featured BRT system in China. It considers in turn the role of ITS technology in influencing the operational efficiency, technical performance and cost issues associated with BRT. Particular attention is given to the consequent impacts of BRT on travel behaviour change, traffic environment and property development. While some challenges remain, the early performance of BRT suggests that it is one of the key measures for promoting sustainable mobility.  相似文献   

近年来,造船人才短缺曾让造船界头疼不已.随着世界航运形势急转直下,造船市场也随之进入寒冬.在这种背景下,造船人才短缺,暂时有所缓解.  相似文献   

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