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饶守飞  邓富 《人民交通》2021,(21):46-47
在施工和日常使用过程中,桥梁隧道工程易出现裂缝等现象,不仅影响隧道的使用寿命,而且容易给隧道桥梁带来安全隐患.因此,在施工过程中,工程人员对桥梁隧道进行加固时,化学灌浆加固是最常用的方法.为有效提高化学灌浆技术与桥梁隧道工程的衔接水平,本文结合实际工程实例,分析了如何科学合理地应用化学灌浆技术.  相似文献   

公路桥梁隧道施工过程中桥台桥墩等位置容易出现裂缝、砌石松动、砌浆脱落等严重质量问题,对工程的安全性提出了很高要求。灌浆法能够针对桥梁隧道施工中容易出现的问题进行有效的加固,改善上述情况,显著提升公路桥梁墩台的承载能力,同时解决了桥梁工程中容易出现的一些问题,值得在今后的工程实际中继续推广应用。  相似文献   

隧道盾构下穿既有工程会扰动周围的土体,导致其邻近的构筑物产生变形,甚至结构发生破坏。文章以某邻近桥梁盾构隧道工程为研究对象,分析该盾构隧道施工过程对周边桥梁桩基的影响,并基于有限差分法,分析桥梁桩基及盾构上方路面的变形规律。研究表明,在盾构隧道施工过程中,桥梁桩基及盾构上方路面的变形均小于规范所规定的限值,说明盾构施工对其周边构筑物结构影响较小。研究成果可为隧道盾构施工方案提供理论指导和参考依据。  相似文献   

胡从骄  张旭 《人民交通》2021,(20):38-39
加强施工安全评估监控是确保公路工程桥梁隧道施工质量的重要前提,同时也是推动我国公路工程可持续发展的重要举措.本文首先剖析了桥梁隧道施工过程中可能存在的安全隐患,阐述了施工安全评估监管技术发展现状,最后具体分析了桥梁隧道施工安全评估的流程与应用.  相似文献   

在桥梁隧道工程中,地下隧道施工受到地质灾害风险、岩体破碎带和地下水影响,容易导致隧道施工出现塌方、水浸、地层沉陷等严重安全问题。因此,为解决松散和软弱地层引起的稳定、安全问题,探讨注浆拱棚超前支护技术,阐述注浆拱棚超前支护设备配置,对桥梁隧道注浆拱棚超前支护技术进行分析,提出桥梁隧道中注浆拱棚超前支护施工控制要点。研究表明,通过注浆、钢筋加固和拱棚结构的应用,提前预防和控制地质灾害风险,桥梁隧道施工中的地质问题得以有效应对,使工程安全性得到提高。  相似文献   

桥梁隧道是公路工程中的关键组成部分,关系到人们的日常出行和经济社会的发展,合理应用施工安全评估监控技术是确保桥梁隧道施工质量的有效举措。为提高桥梁隧道施工安全与质量,首先介绍桥梁隧道施工安全评估监控技术;其次,着重分析桥梁隧道施工的常见问题,包括施工安全问题、工程质量问题和施工管理问题;最后,对桥梁隧道施工中安全评估监控技术的具体应用进行研究,旨在进一步提高桥梁隧道的施工效率和施工质量。  相似文献   

鉴于施工环境、施工技术、施工方式等会影响道路桥梁隧道工程的施工质量与施工安全,加强道路桥梁隧道工程施工养护具有重要意义。通过对道路桥梁隧道工程施工的特点、难点进行分析,更好地了解目前道路桥梁隧道工程施工中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出养护对策,通过不断优化和创新的养护技术,提高道路桥梁隧道工程的施工效率,实现道路桥梁隧道工程的施工目的。  相似文献   

为解决道路桥梁隧道施工过程中出现的各种问题,介绍道路桥梁隧道的施工特点,对各方面因素进行深入的研究与分析,针对当前的工程难点,提出有效的解决办法和可行的技术措施,以期为今后的道路桥梁隧道的建设工作提供帮助。  相似文献   

龙溪隧道左线试验段围岩大变形成因机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国西部山区修建高速公路过程中常选择隧道方案,从而各类特长深埋、复杂地质条件下的隧道工程大量涌现,在施工过程中常出现各种隧道灾害.针对在建的都(江堰)-汶(川)公路龙溪隧道丁程中频繁出现的围岩大变形而导致初期支护侵限现象,基于现场测试资料.采用地质分析法和连续介质力学分析法,准确的获取了左线试验段围岩大变形的主要成因:倾向隧道右侧的软岩地层在高地应力(作用方向近垂直岩层)作用下产生较大变形.  相似文献   

受勘察手段限制,岩溶地区隧道建设过程中可能遭遇大型溶洞,带来施工、运营风险。文章以重庆奉节至巫溪高速公路羊桥坝隧道施工过程中发现的巨型溶洞为例,根据溶洞现状及补充勘察资料,提出了桥梁跨越方案、路基+明洞方案、回填暗挖方案和5种改线方案;通过在地质条件、施工风险、工程造价、工期等方面对诸方案进行综合比较,最终推荐采用新增费用最少、工期最短的左线左偏绕避溶洞方案。由于采用了该方案,在施工中未再遇大型溶洞,达到了规避地质风险、确保施工安全、节约造价、工期可控的效果。  相似文献   

文章从环渤海及沿海地区的经济发展需要和渤海海峡的自然、地质条件等情况出发,论述了修建渤海海峡跨海通道的必要性,研究分析了海峡通道的“南桥北隧”方案,并对海底隧道的不同方案及其施工方法进行了比较。回顾和展望了世界各国和我国修建水底隧道的情况和规划前景,以我国目前的隧道技术水平和经济实力为依据,论证了在近几十年内修建渤海海峡隧道的可行性,并提出应尽快组织力量进行渤海海峡隧道的前期地质调查及规划工作。  相似文献   

为节约工程造价,董家山隧道汶川端设计为渐变小净距隧道与整幅修建的泯江大桥相接。该端隧道洞口段左、右线间距较小,围岩较差。为保证隧道的安全施工,利用模型试验对洞口小净距段岩墙的加固措施、开挖方式及支护体系等施工方案进行了研究,提出了该段合理的施工方法和岩墙加固措施的建议,为董家山隧道小净距段的顺利施工提供指导。  相似文献   

珠江口海底隧道盾构法施工方案可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盾构法已经在国内外的地下工程中被广泛运用,特别是国外一些著名的海底盾构隧道,如英吉利海峡隧道、日本东京湾海底公路隧道、荷兰W esterschelde隧道;国内盾构技术也发展迅速,先后建成上海大连路、复兴东路过江盾构隧道,还有在建的上海翔殷路越江公路隧道、上中路隧道和已经开工建设的武汉、南京、上海长江桥隧工程等。这些海底、江底隧道的修建为盾构隧道的发展积累了丰富的经验。文章首先论述了国内外大直径、高水压、长距离推进等盾构施工关键技术,并结合珠江口海底隧道的建设条件与国内外的施工成功实例,对海底隧道盾构法施工方案的可行性进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

隧道钻爆法机械化修建方法是以全工序高效率大型机械配套为基础,用以解决复杂山区长大山岭隧道安全、优质、高效及经济等施工问题的一种技术方法。文章从隧道设计角度论述了钻爆法机械化修建面临的掌子面安全控制与洞身段变形控制两大关键挑战,并总结了以机械化全断面全地质型施工技术、掌子面稳定性评价方法、掌子面超前主动支护技术、掌子面超前支护“定量化”精准设计技术、低预应力锚杆主动支护技术、早高强喷混凝土主动支护技术、初期支护快速成环封闭技术、围岩形变压力计算方法等为核心的隧道钻爆法机械化修建设计关键技术,为推广应用隧道钻爆法机械化修建方法提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

随着交通运输的迅速发展,超大断面小近距高速公路隧道或城市快速干道的建设将成为发展的重点。福州市机场二期隧道初步设计定为加宽五车道,无论是洞室跨度还是设计施工难度均属全国公路隧道之首。对于超大断面隧道来说,扁平率不但直接影响工程造价,而且对结构设计和施工带来新的问题。文章主要通过结构受力和经济比选内轮廓,并通过有限元计算,分析隧道设计的合理性。  相似文献   

In China, the construction and monitoring of wildlife crossing structures is uncommon. Mountainous area occupies two-thirds area of China. A lot of tunnels (similar to overpasses in developed countries), bridges, and culverts (similar to underpasses) are constructed along highways. In general, these structures are multifunctional, including wildlife migration. However, studies on monitoring these potential crossing structures are almost vacant. Taking two highways in Changbai Mountain area as case studies, infra-red camera trapping and snow tracking were used to investigate the efficiency of tunnels, bridges and culverts on the highways. A total of 13 medium and large-sized wildlife species crossed highway through tunnels, bridges and culverts. One third of species were Chinese national protective species, and almost all species were present within 500 m from Ring Changbai Mountain Scenic highway used bridges and culverts to cross this highway. The tunnel along the expressway (length = 1000 m) and the bridges along the highway (width > 8 m) have been important passages for ungulates, Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris), yellow throated martens (Martes flavigula) and sables (Martes zibellina). Different species preferred to different types of structures, although most species preferred to bridges and tunnels. We suggest that short fences should be set around the bridges and culverts to guide animals to cross the passages, especially for ungulates. Monitoring programs of uses of crossing structures by wildlife should be conducted for at least 2 months to catch most species activity.  相似文献   

With a total length of about 22 km, Tianshan Shengli Tunnel on Urumqi-Yuli Expressway is currently the longest expressway tunnel under construction in the world. It adopts the construction scheme of "3 tunnels (2 D& B main tunnels and 1 TBM-driven middle pilot tunnel) + 4 shafts", which is characterized by great construction difficulty and high technical standard requirements. The tunnel construction is faced with technical challenges such as TBM passing through large fault fracture zones, long-distance construction ventilation in three tunnels, deep and large shaft construction and logistics organization in two-main tunnel construction assisted by middle pilot tunnel. In the parallel three-tunnel method design of Tianshan Shengli Tunnel, the TBM-driven middle pilot tunnel can not only play the role of advanced pilot tunnel, but also assist the construction of the two main tunnels and speed up the construction progress. For the middle pilot tunnel, the TBM excavation diameter is 8.4 m, and the initial support is designed as 100% force-bearing capacity in construction period, which can meet the requirements for two-way material transportation, ventilation and belt mucking in the pilot tunnel. Vault suspension scheme is adopted for the continuous belt conveyor, which can reduce the impact on the material flow organization in the cross passages. Multifunctional service vehicles (MSVs) independently developed by CCCC Group are used for the transportation of TBM materials and prefabricated inverted arch blocks, which can realize double-headed driving. TBM will pass through two large fault fracture zones F6 and F7. According to the stability of the surrounding rock at the tunnel face, the targeted treatment measures would be adopted. If necessary, the scheme of "steel segment + extruded concrete" shall be used for the initial support. In case of serious machine jamming or rock collapse, the heading expansion excavation method or bypass heading method shall be used. Tianshan Shengli Tunnel adopts phased forced ventilation option, and the ventilation mode is designed in stages with the change of tunnel construction stage. The fans and air pipes used are imported ones, and a ventilation management team is set up to strengthen ventilation management and ensure ventilation quality. Highly mechanized construction is used for the two D& B main tunnels, the application of equipment such as three-arm rock drilling jumbo and wet shotcrete machine is promoted, so as to reduce the number of workers and labor intensity, and improve work efficiency. The deep shafts of Tianshan Shengli Tunnel are constructed by short-section excavation and lining mixed operation method, and the initial support is lined by formwork pouring concrete, so as to realize safe and rapid excavation. According to the research results, the construction technology scheme for Tianshan Shengli Tunnel can meet the needs of tunnel construction. The research results can be directly used to guide the construction of Tianshan Shengli Tunnel, and provide reference for the construction of extra long highway tunnels in high-altitude areas. © 2022, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of tunnel construction in China, strengthening statistical studies of domestic tunnel construction accidents is of great significance in order to understand the safety status of tunnel construction and the development trends of tunnel construction accidents and for exploring the direction of future scientific re-search. There were 89 tunnel construction accidents in China (not including subway tunnels or municipal tunnels)from 2006 to 2016. The characteristics of these accidents are analyzed in terms of time distribution, spatial distribu-tion, grade and type of accident according to the statistics by means of line charts, bar charts and pie charts. Corre-sponding prevention and control recommendations are put forward considering the factors such as year, month, work-ing day, time period, region, location, grade and type. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

地铁重叠隧道施工顺序研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章以深圳地铁三号线老-东区间盾构隧道工程为背景,采用有限元数值模拟研究方法,对地铁重叠隧道段在地表无任何建筑物和地表有房屋基础两种工程条件下,采用先上洞后下洞和先下洞后上洞两种施工顺序的盾构区间隧道施工全过程的力学行为进行了分析对比。通过分析,揭示出了相关的研究成果与实际施工顺序不同的关键所在,可为今后类似工程的设计与施工提供参考。  相似文献   

地铁盾构隧道的PDCA质量管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于目前地铁盾构隧道的大量建设和存在的质量问题,将PDCA循环管理引入盾构隧道的质量管理中.文章分析研究了盾构法隧道原理和隧道施工及结构的特点;定义了三个层次的PDCA循环的周期,详细阐述了每个循环周期内8个阶段的主要工作方法和内容;分析了产生质量问题的主要原因及影响因素,并制定了执行计划的三阶段法.  相似文献   

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