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10月,卡特彼勒向新疆神华集团五彩湾露天煤矿项目承包商葛洲坝新疆工程局有限公司交付了首批Cat~(?)793D 220吨矿用卡车。此次交机的Cat~(?)793D矿用卡车是葛洲坝新疆工程局有限公司首次引入卡特220吨的大型矿用卡车用于五彩湾露天煤矿的开采,双方还签署了国内首个设备保养和维修的承包合同。卡特彼勒集团副总裁及卡特彼勒全球矿业总裁科夫曼先生(Mr.Chris Curfman),卡特彼勒集团副总裁及卡特彼勒亚太分销部总裁儒泊然先生(Mr.Robert Charter),卡特彼勒全球矿业大中华区及韩国总裁杨锞宝先生出席了交机仪式。  相似文献   

于忠青 《运输经理世界》2010,(21):I0032-I0032
2010年10月16日,雷诺卡车在内蒙古霍林河煤矿正式推出KERAX矿山车,这是KERAX矿山车首次在中国正式亮相。长期以来,雷诺卡车一直活跃在100多个国家的运输行业当中。特别是其矿山用车KERAX,更是以优越的性能以及先进的设计制造理念,成为矿业集团的首选运输车,被众多用户尊称为矿山作业领域的专家。  相似文献   

全球领先的运输解决方案供应商——沃尔沃集团携旗下多个卡车品牌在北京国际车展隆重登场,涉及公路运输、建筑工程及矿山专用车和消防车等领域,显示了沃尔沃卡车在运输领域的雄厚实力。  相似文献   

全球领先的运输解决方案供应商——沃尔沃集团携旗下多个卡车品牌在北京国际车展隆重登场,涉及公路运输、建筑工程及矿山专用车和消防车等领域,显示了沃尔沃卡车在运输领域的雄厚实力。  相似文献   

全球领先的运输解决方案供应商——沃尔沃集团携旗下多个卡车品牌在北京国际车展隆重登场,涉及公路运输、建筑工程及矿山专用车和消防车等领域,显示了沃尔沃卡车在运输领域的雄厚实力。今年正值沃尔沃卡车在华发展业务二十周年,在此期间沃尔沃卡车见证并伴随着中国物流行业的高速发展和巨大飞跃。沃尔沃卡车在1997年即首先向中国市场推出了基于沃尔沃卡车高质量产品和完善服务体系之上的全面运输解决方案,致力于为中国物流企业的提速发展和转型升级提供可靠的支持和核  相似文献   

水下储供油系统输油软管压块重力和数量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软管是指沿海地面从座沉海底的水下储供油系统铺设到海面的橡胶管。研究了软管所受的波浪力和海流力的大小 ,给出了为保证软管稳定时加载在软管上的压块的重力和压块数量 ,讨论了如何处理处于 2个水域区段的某软管段的受力计算  相似文献   

作为生产运营工具,重卡车市场会随着物流企业发展水平而波动.重卡产品约2/3用于公路物流,受公路货运周转量影响显著:另有1/3产品用于工程建设、矿山采掘等,受固定资产投资增速影响较大.  相似文献   

自1896年戴姆勒发明了世界上第一台卡车以来,梅赛德斯-奔驰卡车用于建筑工程领域已有110多年的历史,在德国,每两台建筑工程用车中就有一台闪耀着三叉星徽夏季正值载重车,特别是混凝土泵车及机械设备的使用高峰期,为了进一步为中国客户创造良好的安全工作环境,并有效预防车辆故障的发生,奔驰卡车和中联重科携手开展"蓝色关爱"大型客户关怀活动。该活动于8月10日在山东淄博正式启动,并持续至今年9月底结束,全国15省市的使用奔驰底盘的中联混凝土泵车客户将从中受益。为了让所有奔驰卡车客户能够快捷、全面地享受到三叉星徽品质的至臻服务,奔驰卡车旗下的10多个服务站将特别派出专业服务技师进行一站式上门安全检测服务,内容包含车辆的  相似文献   

压水堆核电站需用大量的金属软管,以前依靠国外进口,现要求国产化.由于进口软管与国产软管的产品结构和性能不同,原来的管路安装不能适应国产软管的安装要求,需重新设计.文中采用几何分析方法,推导出了在用核岛U型、S型弯曲安装的软管长度计算公式,并利用已掌握的安装数据,得到了软管的计算长度,但对于安装半径R小于软管最小弯曲半径...  相似文献   

正在由人、车、道路环境三者构成的道路交通中,车辆是交通事故中的主要元素,各类交通事故大多与车辆有关,确保汽车安全是减少事故的主要内容。在诸多交通事故的案例中,很多恶性交通事故常常与大型卡车、客车密不可分。因此,如何提高卡车、客车等商用车的安全性成为很多企业的重要责任,威伯科(纽约证券交易所代码:WBC)便是这众多企业中的佼佼者。在不久前举  相似文献   

防风网工程是一种应用于港口露天煤堆场的环保构筑物,然而煤堆场内转运煤炭的货车数量多且出入频繁,给道路周边的防风网带来了安全隐患。文章分析了港区货车撞击防风网等构筑物事故发生的原因,介绍了防撞措施的设置原则,提出了刚性防撞、柔性防撞、绿化带防撞、夜间防撞等被动防撞措施。  相似文献   

在管道输送石油的生产过程中,热媒炉是给原油进行加热的设备。设计的控制系统能否正常运行,关系到输油的安全、节能。以铁大线的加热炉为例,用PLC逻辑控制器实现热媒炉自动化控制,结合热媒炉工作原理,以S7-300PLC为炉控系统,实现热媒炉助燃空气和燃料油的自动控制与优化燃烧,达到了节能、降耗、保安全的目的。  相似文献   

卡套接头与其连接管的连接是一种特殊密封结构,针对其匹配密封性,在气压、水压检验基础上提出了更严格的密封性检漏要求,要求在充正气压的条件下应能对泄漏部位进行定位同时对泄漏率进行半定量检测.文中结合要求分析了卡套接头与其连接管的密封结构特点,总结气压、水压检验的检测工艺流程和不足,提出了采用正压氦质谱检漏方法,通过氦质谱仪...  相似文献   

Improving air quality across mainland China is an urgent policy challenge. While much of the problem is linked to China’s broader reliance on coal and other fossil fuels across the energy system, road transportation is an important and growing source of air pollution. Here we use an energy-economic model, embedded in a Regional Emissions Air Quality Climate and Health (REACH) integrated assessment framework, to analyze the impacts of implementing vehicle emissions standards (ES) together with a broader economy-wide climate policy on total air pollution in five species and 30 Chinese provinces. We find that full and immediate implementation of existing vehicle ES at China 3/III level or tighter will significantly reduce the contribution of transportation to degraded air quality by 2030. We further show that road transport ES function as an important complement to an economy-wide price on CO2, which delivers significant co-benefits for air pollution reduction that are concentrated primarily in non-transportation sectors. Going forward, vehicle emissions standards and an economy-wide carbon price form a highly effective coordinated policy package that supports China’s air quality and climate change mitigation goals.  相似文献   

In recent years, China’s rapid economic growth resulted in serious air pollution, which caused substantial losses to economic development and residents’ health. In particular, the road transport sector has been blamed to be one of the major emitters. During the past decades, fluctuation in the international oil prices has imposed significant impacts on the China’s road transport sector. Therefore, inspired by Li and Zhou (2005), we propose an assumption that China’s provincial economies are independent “economic entities”. Based on this assumption, we investigate the China’s road transport fuel (i.e., gasoline and diesel) demand system by using the panel data of all 31 Chinese provinces except Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. To connect the fuel demand system and the air pollution emissions, we propose the concept of pollution emissions elasticities to estimate the air pollution emissions from the road transport sector, and residents’ health losses by a simplified approach consisting of air pollution concentrations and health loss assessment models under different scenarios based on real-world oil price fluctuations. Our framework, to the best of our knowledge, is the first attempt to address the transmission mechanism between the fuel demand system in road transport sector and residents’ health losses in the transitional China.  相似文献   

某油罐底板发生了渗漏,采用AE声发射技术在油罐在用状态下检测出底板渗漏点的大致位置后,倒空油罐,对油罐内部管壁和底板进行热水循环清洗。用N2置换内部的油气,用轴流风机强制通风,检测罐内气体符合呼吸和防爆要求后,从人孔进入罐内。通过渗透检测和真空箱检测的方法精确找出缺陷位置,采用充N2隔离油气、浇水降温、钻孔等一系列措施挖除缺陷,更换底板下缺陷附件的含油沥青砂层。最后,在缺陷所在位置上焊接补丁钢板,成功地进行了易燃易爆油罐底板渗漏的修补。  相似文献   

我国水运行业正在大力推进实施船舶使用岸电技术,船舶使用岸电技术可以使得港区环境得到明显改善,但增加了火电行业的能耗和排放。本文考虑船舶使用岸电后火电行业的能耗和排放增加的影响因素,分析船舶使用岸电技术的节能减排效果。  相似文献   

Galal M. Said 《运输评论》2013,33(4):321-348

Kuwait is a relatively small country located at the top of the Arabian Gulf with population in 1980 amounting to 1.355 millions. Kuwait occupies an area of approximately 17 800 square kilometres. Kuwait's main source of national income is oil export. Income from oil export and other sources has resulted in Kuwait having the highest per capita income in the world. Consequently vehicle ownership is very high and traffic is ever growing and extending. Kuwait is self‐sufficient in only a few commodities and has a shortage of local labour. This means that transport has a fundamental role to play at the national and international level for the development of Kuwait's economy.

This paper provides a brief statement of transport in Kuwait. It starts by describing Kuwait's national setting and touches on the economic and social aspects in Kuwait that have an influence on transport patterns and needs. It describes the national transport system and covers road, air, rail and ports. Urban development planning in Kuwait is described and issues related to stages of urban development planning. The Kuwait City Master Plan and new town initiatives are presented. The urban transport system in Kuwait Metropolitan Area is described. In particular the characteristics of the urban road network and public transport facilities are outlined along with recent transport planning studies and new initiatives in the urban transport system.

The paper ends with a statement on organizations involved in the transport sector in Kuwait and a note on transport finance.  相似文献   

A sector is a component airspace whose operation is allocated to an air traffic controller. The operation complexity of a sector plays a critical role in the current Air Traffic Management system, e.g. it determines the workload volume of air traffic controllers and serves as a reliable index for airspace configuration and traffic flow management. Therefore, accurately evaluating the sector operation complexity is a problem of paramount importance in both practice and research. Due to numerous interacting factors, traditional methods based on only one single complexity indicator fail to accurately reflect the true complexity, especially when these factors are nonlinearly correlated. In light of these, the attempt to use machine learning models to mine the complex factor-complexity relationship has prevailed recently. The performance of these models however relies heavily on sufficient samples. The high cost of collecting ample data often results in a small training set, adversely impacting on the performance that these machine learning models can achieve. To overcome this problem, this paper for the first time proposes a new sector operation complexity evaluation framework based on knowledge transfer specifically for small-training-sample environment. The proposed framework is able to effectively mine knowledge hidden within the samples of the target sector, i.e. the sector undergoes evaluation, as well as other sectors, i.e. non-target sectors. Moreover, the framework can properly handle the integration between the knowledge derived from different sectors. Extensive experiments on real data of 6 sectors in China illustrate that our proposed framework can achieve promising performance on complexity evaluation when only a small training set of the target sector is available.  相似文献   

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