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以码头营运时船舶燃油泄漏存在的环境风险为例,从码头风险事故识别、源项分析以及风险管理,应急预案等方面对拟建的码头进行风险评价,通过采用溢油扩散、漂移模型对该码头船舶发生漏油风险事故时对水质进行影响分析,为码头选址的环境可行性论证提供技术依据。  相似文献   

文章在对临海油品接卸码头生产运行调研分析的基础上,根据油码头及管道设计的相关规范和环保标准,对包括生产设施设备因素、作业环境因素、企业环境风险综合管理因素、环境应急管理因素等可能导致油品接卸码头生产过程发生溢油风险的源头进行了系统性的辨识、筛选和分析。同时,结合码头溢油环境风险评估技术体系,论证了油品接卸码头的溢油风险源辨识应重点围绕码头泊位设施、输油管线,并充分辨识溢油风险区域、危险物质状态、触发条件以及潜在危险性,确定形成了24个泊位溢油风险评价指标和12个输油管线溢油风险评价指标。  相似文献   

本文从环境敏感资源识别、区域风险分析、船舶交通事故源项分析等方面分析了海南洋浦港溢油风险现状及发展形势,并研究了溢油事故的危害和致因。本文将Oilmap溢油轨迹和归宿模型应用于洋浦港溢油风险研究,采用情景分析法假定溢油事故场景,并预测各事故情景下,溢油到达岸线的时间、油膜扫海面积等指标,对溢油事故污染风险进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文从环境敏感资源识别、区域风险分析、船舶交通事故源项分析等方面分析了海南洋浦港溢油风险现状及发展形势,并研究了溢油事故的危害和致因。本文将Oilmap溢油轨迹和归宿模型应用于洋浦港溢油风险研究,采用情景分析法假定溢油事故场景,并预测各事故情景下,溢油到达岸线的时间、油膜扫海面积等指标,对溢油事故污染风险进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文从环境敏感资源、船舶交通量及油品运量、事故案例等方面分析了钦州湾溢油风险现状及发展形势,并研究了溢油事故的危害和致因。本文将Oilmap溢油轨迹和归宿模型应用于钦州湾溢油风险研究,采用情景分析法假定溢油事故场景,并预测各事故情景下,溢油到达岸线的时间、油膜扫海面积、污染岸线长度和着岸油量等指标。根据钦州湾溢油风险分析及事故后果模拟,提出了钦州湾溢油风险的防范措施。  相似文献   

文章以即将建成的广西北部湾港钦州30万吨级油码头工程为例,阐述钦州湾海上船舶溢油环境现状,并对溢油风险概率和风险源进行分析,评价溢油风险等级,为钦州湾海洋环境风险评价提供技术依据。  相似文献   

今年以来货物吞吐量一路强劲增长的天津港,其支柱货类原油的接卸再次迎来历史新高。截至6月30日,天津港石油化工码头公司上半年共累计完成原油吞吐606.6万吨,同比净增59 9%,净增幅度继续名列全国榜首,相当于该公司2002年全年吞吐量的总和。天津港石油化工码头公司位于天津港主航道南侧,背靠天津港南疆石化小区,同正在如火如荼建设的天津滨海新区临港工业区隔海相望,与天津石化,大港石化两家国家级特大炼化企业相距仅40多公里,是天津港集团公司唯一可接卸石油及石油制品的大型基层骨干企业。公司现拥有包括15万吨级码头在内的四个专业化泊位,年设计吞吐能力1800万吨,可接卸原油、航空煤油、燃料油.汽柴油等50多种液体化工货物,是我国京、津、华北地区最大的石油化工产品集散中转中心。众所周知,原油的吞吐量不但标志着一个港口的作用与  相似文献   

本文论述了船舶污染事故溢油量的两大类测算方法,分别是适用于风险评价的溢油量预测方法和适用于已发生的船舶污染事故溢油量的估算方法,分析比较了经验公式法、MARPOL方法、基于CFD的数值模型计算法、基于监视监测的估算法和基于事故船舶油量检测估算方法的基本假设、原理及其主要应用领域。本文可为船舶污染事故溢油量的快速准确估算提供方法选择依据,为改进估算方法提供建议。  相似文献   

根据故障树分析理论,基于MATLAB/GUI平台,构建了船舶溢油故障树分析与事故案例查询系统。该系统可实现针对船舶溢油事故发生原因和概率的定性和定量分析、及事故案例的多条件筛选查询功能。利用构建的系统对船舶碰撞导致溢油事故故障树模型进行了最小割集、顶事件概率和底事件重要度的求解分析,结果表明该系统操作简便,计算耗时少,结果准确,可以为船舶溢油事故风险分析提供辅助工具,具有很好的实用价值。  相似文献   

海上溢油属突发性海洋污染事故,需要人们进行快速应急反应,调用方方面面的应急技术装备及资源,尽可能对事故予以控制、减少所造成的环境污染等各种损害和不良影响。国内外支持溢油应急快速反应行动的相关技术主要用于以下方面:对海上溢油漂移的动态进行空中监视、浮标跟踪和模拟预测;对受威胁敏感资源发出污染预警,并采取必要措施加以保护;通过应急决策支持系统和溢油清污系统对海上溢油实施有效控制,采用适宜的回收设备进行清污。  相似文献   

装卸工艺的合理布局是码头能安全生产、高效有序发挥作用的关键。文章介绍了广西北部湾港钦州30万吨级石油码头的油品性质、设计参数与装卸工艺流程,并基于对该码头泊位设计通过能力的计算分析,提出了码头装卸工艺布置方案,同时阐述了方案设计的重点和难点。  相似文献   

LNG接收站运行期间会产生蒸发气(BOG),使储罐压力处于不稳定状态,因此要对BOG进行处理。BOG处理工艺分为直接输出工艺和再冷凝工艺,由于再冷凝工艺能耗小、先进、合理,因此应用广泛。文中介绍了LNG接收站再冷凝工艺的工艺流程,其要点是采用BOG压缩机负荷调节、再冷凝器高压补气和调节气液比的方法来实现再冷凝器的液位控制,并使储罐压力和BOG处理系统都达到稳定状态。  相似文献   

A wide array of technical and operational solutions is available to shipowners in order to comply with existing and upcoming environmental regulation within Emission Control Areas (ECAs). Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is a promising alternative since it offers potential cost savings in addition to ensuring compliance with ECA regulation. But investment to retrofit existing vessels to be able to use LNG carries significant upfront costs, and a high degree of uncertainty remains on the differential between the prices of LNG and conventional maritime fuels, as well as on the availability of LNG and the reliability of its supply chain. New technologies such as LNG inherently carry substantial risk and an ill-chosen investment strategy may have irreversible consequences that could jeopardise the future of the shipping company. One important question is whether interested owners should invest in LNG now to comply with ECA rules in 2015 and reap the benefits of lower LNG prices, or whether it would be advisable to wait until some of the uncertainty is resolved.While traditional discounted cash flow techniques are unable to account for the value of managerial flexibility linked, for example, to the possibility of deferring an investment, real option analysis can be used to analyse such cases. The paper discusses the optimal time for investment in LNG retrofit and takes specific account of the value of an investment deferral strategy versus the advantages obtainable from the immediate exploitation of fuel price differentials. Through the use of a real option model the paper shows that there is a trade-off between low fuel prices and capital expenses for investment in LNG retrofit. The development in LNG is critically dependent on its future price as well as the reduction in capital costs and ship retrofitting costs. In this respect, policy makers can play a critical role in providing support to advance technical knowledge, maintain LNG prices at favourable levels and in avoiding ambiguity on regulation.  相似文献   

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) has emerged as a possible alternative fuel for freight railroads in the United States, due to the availability of cheap domestic natural gas and continued pursuit of environmental and energy sustainability. A safety concern regarding the deployment of LNG-powered trains is the risk of breaching the LNG tender car (a special type of hazardous materials car that stores fuel for adjacent locomotives) in a train accident. When a train is derailed, an LNG tender car might be derailed or damaged, causing a release and possible fire. This paper describes the first study that focuses on modeling the probability of an LNG tender car release incident due to a freight train derailment on a mainline. The model accounts for a number of factors such as FRA track class, method of operation, annual traffic density level, train length, the point of derailment, accident speed, the position(s) of the LNG tender(s) in a train, and LNG tender car design. The model can be applied to any specified route or network with LNG-fueled trains. The implementation of the model can be undertaken by the railroad industry to develop proactive risk management solutions when using LNG as an alternative railroad fuel.  相似文献   

LNG储罐是LNG接收站中关键的设备之一,其工程质量非常重要。为使罐壁施工质量达到良好状态,可事先采用施工用的混凝土、钢筋和DOKA模板等施工材料建造小段试验墙,根据这段试验墙可以提前发现工程可能出现的缺陷,这些缺陷包括模板错缝、预埋件凹陷、混凝土表面局部气孔麻面、墙体裂缝、漏浆及混凝土表面色差等,对这些缺陷产生的原因进行分析并采取相应的控制措施,以确保罐壁施工顺利且高质量进行。  相似文献   

文章应用溢油扩散模型、漂移模型和粒子跟踪模型等数学模型,对跨越饮用水水源保护区桥梁的油品泄漏事故开展定量预测分析及情景模拟预测,提出了针对性的风险防范与应急措施,为跨越敏感水体桥梁的环境影响评价、环保措施设计和风险管理提供科学依据与技术参考。  相似文献   

While maritime pollution is often caused at the operational level, the causes can generally be traced back to shortcomings in the ship–shore interface and to poor communication among stakeholders. Here, the environmental responsibilities of maritime stakeholders are systematically analyzed and quantified using an analytic network process. This approach ensures that the most important dependencies and feedbacks among the responsibilities which is applied to a real marine situation (an oil spill) to validate the theoretical basis. A number of latent links between stakeholders’ responsibilities and the catastrophic impacts of the spill are identified.  相似文献   

The container cargo proportion of total maritime transport increased from 3% in 1980 to 16% in 2011. The largest Brazilian port, the port of Santos, is the 42nd largest container port in the world. However, Santos’ performance indicators are much lower than those of the world’s largest ports, so comparisons with them are difficult. This article focuses on the Brazilian container terminals that handled containers in 2009 and compares port competitiveness. This study classified seventeen Brazilian container terminals into three distinct groups based on the following competitiveness criteria: number of containers handled, berth length, number of berths, terminal tariffs (in US$), berth depth, rate of medium consignment (in containers/ship), medium board (containers/hour), average waiting time for mooring (in hours/ship), and average waiting time for load or unload cargo (in hours/ship). This classification used a hierarchical cluster analysis. The classification shows that the terminal of Tecon in the port of Santos has the best performance of all, while small terminals (<150,000 container units) are the worst performing terminals in Brazil.  相似文献   

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