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This paper addresses the relationship between land use, destination selection, and travel mode choice. Specifically, it focuses on intrazonal trips, a sub-category of trip making where both trip origin and trip destination are contained in the same geographic unit of analysis, using data from the 1994 Household Activity and Travel Diary Survey conducted by Portland Metro. Using multinomial logit and binary logistic models to measure travel mode choice and decision to internalize trips, the evidence supports the conclusions that (1) intrazonal trips characteristics suggest mode choice for these trips might be influenced by urban form, which in turn affects regional trip distribution; (2) there is a threshold effect in the ability of economic diversity/mixed use to alter travel behavior; and (3) greater emphasis to destinations within the area where an individual’s home is located needs to be given in trip distribution models.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new trip distribution model for destinations that are not homogeneously distributed. The model is a gravity model in which the spatial configuration of destinations is incorporated in the modeling process. The performance was tested on a survey with reported grocery shopping trips in the Dutch city of Almelo. The results show that the new model outperforms the traditional gravity model. It is also superior to the intervening opportunities model, because the distribution can be described as a function of travel costs, without increasing the computational time. In this study, the distribution was described by a simple function of Euclidean distance, which provides a good fit to the survey data. The slope of the distribution is quite steep. This shows that most trips are made to nearby supermarkets. However, a significant fraction of trips, mainly made by car, still goes to supermarkets further away. We argue that modeling of these trips by the new method will improve traffic flow predictions.  相似文献   

An expression is derived for the variances and covariances of the logarithms of origin- destination flows when estimated by one of a family of log-linear models. Among this family is the Furness growth factor model, the gravity model, the Willumsen model and the Van Zuylen-Bell model. Variances and covariances for the logarithms of the parameters incorporating prior information and for the values of the constraints with which the fitted values must conform are transformed linearly into approximate variances and covariances for the logarithms of the fitted values. Additional error due to misspecification of either the model or the constraints is not taken into account. Depending on the model, the prior information parameters may correspond to values of a deterrence function or to a base year trip matrix, while the constraints may represent design year trip end totals or traffic counts. As an illustration, the expression is applied to an example involving Willumsen's model.  相似文献   

This paper studies the properties and performance of a new measure of accessibility, called the activity-based accessibility (ABA) measure, and compares it to traditional measures of accessibility, including isochrone, gravity and utility-based measures. The novel aspect of the ABA is that it measures accessibility to all activities in which an individual engages, incorporating constraints such as scheduling, and travel characteristics such as trip chaining. The ABA is generated from the day activity schedule (DAS) model system, an integrated system based on the concept of an activity pattern, which identifies the sequence and tour structure among all the activities and trips taken by an individual during a day. A byproduct is an individual’s expected maximum utility over the choices of all available activity patterns, and from this the ABA is derived. The ABA is related to the logsum accessibility measures frequently derived from destination and mode discrete choice models. The key difference is that it is generated not by examining a particular trip, but by examining all trips and activities throughout the day.A case study using data from Portland, Oregon, demonstrates the rich picture of accessibility made available by use of the ABA, and highlights differences between the ABA and more traditional measures of accessibility. The ABA is successful in (a) capturing taste heterogeneity across individuals (not possible with aggregate accessibility measures), (b) combining different types of trips into a unified measure of accessibility (not possible with trip-based measures), (c) reflecting the impact of scheduling and trip chaining on accessibility (not possible with trip-based measures), and (d) quantifying differing accessibility impacts on important segments of the population such as unemployed and zero auto households (not possible with aggregate measures, and limited with trip-based measures).  相似文献   

The research described in this paper is an attempt to quantify the impact of a certain distribution of land uses upon trip characteristics — notably trip lengths. The idea is to relate trip lengths classified by mode and purpose to the distance of one trip end from the conurbation centre. The latter is defined as the point which represents a reasonable estimate of the place where the economic, administrative, and cultural life of the urban area is centered.By relating trip lengths to the distance of one trip end from the centre, one could obtain a relation which in effect would be a quantitative expression of the relation between transport and land use. The first application of this idea was in London using the 1966 journey to work data, and it gave quite satisfactory results.The area examined in this research is the Greater Athens Area. The method of analysis is similar to that followed in London so the results of the two studies can be compared. Only work trips are considered for four modes: car, bus, train and all modes (total). It is found that in the case of Athens too, when distance of the workplace from the centre is considered, trip lengths change in smoothly varying ways and a series of mathematical curves can be fitted to the data with an acceptable degree of accuracy. These curves are of the Gamma family having a constant spread factor and varying scale factors for each mode considered. When the distance of the residence end of the trip from the centre is considered, the trip length distributions are not very smooth, a clear mathematical curve cannot be fitted, but again a considerable degree of order can be detected. In addition to the above results a discussion is given on their meaning and the possibilities for future research. In fact the results so far are considered to be the first stage of a more extended research programme which will eventually connect trip length distributions to income and other economic or social parameters in an urban area.The author wishes to express his thanks and appreciation for the comments and constructive criticism made on the various drafts of this paper by M.J.M.  相似文献   

This research involved the development of a new traffic assignment model consisting of a set of procedures for an urbanized area with a population of 172,000. Historical, social, and economic data were used as input to conventional trip generation and trip distribution models to produce a trip table for network assignment. This fixed table was divided into three trip types: external-external trips, external-internal trips, and internal-internal trips. The methodology used to develop the new traffic assignment model assigned each of the trip types by varying the diversion of trips from the minimum path. External-external trips were assigned on a minimum path routing and external-internal trips were assigned with a slight diversion from the minimum path. Internal-internal trips were assigned with more diversion than external-internal trips and adjusted by utilizing iterative volume restraint and incremental link restraint. A statistical analysis indicated that assigning trips by trip types using trip diversion and volume and link restraint produces a significant improvement in the accuracy of the assigned traffic volumes.  相似文献   

Traditional trip distribution models usually ignore the fact that destination choices are made individually in addition to aggregated factors, such as employment and average travel costs. This paper proposes a disaggregated analysis of destination choices for intercity trips, taking into account aggregated characteristics of the origin city, an impedance measurement and disaggregated variables related to the individual, by applying nonparametric Decision Tree (DT) algorithms. Furthermore, each algorithm’s performance is compared with traditional gravity models estimated from a stepwise procedure (1) and a doubly constrained procedure (2). The analysis was based on a dataset from the 2012 Origin-Destination Survey carried out in Bahia, Brazil. The final selected variables to describe the destination choices were population of the origin city, GDP of the origin city and travel distances at an aggregated level, as well as the variables: age, occupation, level of education, income (monthly), number of cars per household and gender at a disaggregated one. The comparison of the DT models with gravity models demonstrated that the former models provided better accuracy when predicting the destination choices (trip length distribution, goodness-of-fit measures and qualitative perspective). The main conclusion is that Decision Tree algorithms can be applied to distribution modeling to improve traditional trip distribution approaches by assimilating the effect of disaggregated variables.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential capabilities of fuzzy and genetic fuzzy system approaches in urban trip distribution modelling with some new features. First, a simple fuzzy rule-based system (FRBS) and a novel genetic fuzzy rule-based system [GFRBS: a fuzzy system improved by a knowledge base learning process with genetic algorithms (GAs)] are designed to model intra-city passenger flows for Istanbul. Subsequently, their accuracy, applicability and generalizability characteristics are evaluated against the well-known gravity- and neural network (NN)-based trip distribution models. The overall results show that: traditional doubly constrained gravity models are still simple and efficient; NNs may not show expected performance when they are forced to satisfy trip constraints; simply-designed FRBSs, learning from observations and expertise, are both efficient and interpretable even if the data are large and noisy; and use of GAs in fuzzy rule-based learning considerably increases modelling performance, although it brings additional computation cost.  相似文献   

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have been used to alleviate congestion problems arising due to demand during peak periods. The success of ITS strategies relies heavily on two factors: 1) the ability to accurately estimate the temporal and spatial distribution of travel demand on the transportation network during peak periods, and, 2) providing real‐time route guidance to users. This paper addresses the first factor. A model to estimate time dependent origin‐destination (O‐D) trip tables in urban areas during peak periods is proposed. The daily peak travel period is divided into several time slices to facilitate simulation and modeling. In urban areas, a majority of the trips during peak periods are work trips. For illustration purposes, only peak period work trips are considered in this paper. The proposed methodology is based on the arrival pattern of trips at a traffic analysis zone (TAZ) and the distribution of their travel times. The travel time matrix for the peak period, the O‐D trip table for the peak period, and the number of trips expected to arrive at each TAZ at different work start times are inputs to the model. The model outputs are O‐D trip tables for each time slice in the peak period. 1995 data for the Las Vegas metropolitan area are considered for testing and validating the model, and its application. The model is reasonably robust, but some lack of precision was observed. This is due to two possible reasons: 1) rounding‐off, and, 2) low ratio of total number of trips to total number of O‐D pair combinations. Hence, an attempt is made to study the effect of increasing this ratio on error estimates. The ratio is increased by multiplying each O‐D pair trip element with a scaling factor. Better estimates were obtained. Computational issues involved with the simulation and modeling process are discussed.  相似文献   

Using the 2011 Swedish national travel survey data, this paper explores the influence of weather characteristics on individuals’ home-based trip chaining complexity. A series of panel mixed ordered Probit models are estimated to examine the influence of individual/household social demographics, land use characteristics, and weather characteristics on individuals’ home-based trip chaining complexity. A thermal index, the universal thermal climate index (UTCI), is used in this study instead of using directly measured weather variables in order to better approximate the effects of the thermal environment. The effects of UTCI are segmented into different seasons to account for the seasonal difference of UTCI effects. Moreover, a spatial expansion method is applied to allow the impacts of UTCI to vary across geographical locations, as individuals in different regions have different weather/climate adaptions. The effects of weather are examined in subsistence, routine, and discretionary trip chains. The results reveal that the ‘ground covered with snow’ condition is the most influential factor on the number of trips chained per trip chain among all other weather factors. The variation of UTCI significantly influences trip chaining complexity in autumn but not in spring and winter. The routine trip chains are found to be most elastic towards the variation of UTCI. The marginal effects of UTCI on the expected number of trips per routine trip chain have considerable spatial variations, while these spatial trends of UTCI effects are found to be not consistent over seasons.  相似文献   

The delay costs of traffic disruptions and congestion and the value of travel time reliability are typically evaluated using single trip scheduling models, which treat the trip in isolation of previous and subsequent trips and activities. In practice, however, when activity scheduling to some extent is flexible, the impact of delay on one trip will depend on the actual and predicted travel time on itself as well as other trips, which is important to consider for long-lasting disturbances and when assessing the value of travel information. In this paper we extend the single trip approach into a two trips chain and activity scheduling model. Preferences are represented as marginal activity utility functions that take scheduling flexibility into account. We analytically derive trip timing optimality conditions, the value of travel time and schedule adjustments in response to travel time increases. We show how the single trip models are special cases of the present model and can be generalized to a setting with trip chains and flexible scheduling. We investigate numerically how the delay cost depends on the delay duration and its distribution on different trips during the day, the accuracy of delay prediction and travel information, and the scheduling flexibility of work hours. The extension of the model framework to more complex schedules is discussed.  相似文献   

Estimates of the numbers of trips likely to be made by individuals and of the modes of transport that will be available to them for those trips are provided by the trip production model. The objective of the work described in this paper was to investigate the geographical stability of the trip production model by comparing the numbers of trips estimated by the model when using national rather than local data. The 1972/3 National Travel Survey was used as the national data. Household interview survey data from the transportation studies of Lincoln, Sheffield/Rotherham, South East Dorset and Bristol were the local data sources. Three home based trip purposes are modelled; 24 hour work, 24 hour shop, 24 hour other.The models calibrated from national and local data perform similarly provided both operate with local trip rates. The car ownership sub-model with national parameters produces similar forecasts to the models with local parameters. There are probably real differences in household trip rates for some trip purposes between urban areas.  相似文献   

The results presented in this report are based on data obtained from Chicago's three largest diesel commuter railroads. Those aspects of their operations that relate to energy and pollution are described. Service characteristics, such as average occupancy and average trip distance, are presented. Energy consumption results are presented and discussed. With energy efficiency measured in passenger-miles per Btu, it is found that trips by diesel commuter train are 3.5 times more energy efficient than Chicago Central Area auto trips. The total trip from home to suburban station, then by train to a downtown terminal, is found to be 2.2 times more energy efficient than Chicago Central Area auto trips. Pollutant production rates are presented for five pollutants. For every pollutant except sulfur oxides, trains are found to be less polluting per passenger-mile than autos. Per passenger-mile pollutant emissions from trains are, overall, less damaging by a factor of 5.5 than the per passenger-mile emissions from autos. Travel on these diesel commuter trains is less costly to society than auto travel (1972 suburban-based autos). This is the case whether one compares the train trip alone with an auto trip or the home-to-suburb an-station-tlien-to-a-downtown-terminal trip with a home-to-downtown auto trip.  相似文献   

Applications of dynamic network equilibrium models have, mostly, considered the unit of traffic demand either as one-way trip, or as multiple independent trips. However, individuals’ travel patterns typically follow a sequence of trips chained together. In this study we aim at developing a general simulation-based dynamic network equilibrium algorithm for assignment of activity-trip chain demand. The trip chain of each individual trip maker is defined by the departure time at origin, sequence of activity destination locations, including the location of their intermediate destinations and their final destination, and activity duration at each of the intermediate destinations. Spatial and temporal dependency of subsequent trips on each other necessitate time and memory consuming calculations and storage of node-to-node time-dependent least generalized cost path trees, which is not practical for very large metropolitan area networks. We first propose a reformulation of the trip-based demand gap function formulation for the variational inequality formulation of the Bi-criterion Dynamic User Equilibrium (BDUE) problem. Next, we propose a solution algorithm for solving the BDUE problem with daily chain of activity-trips. Implementation of the algorithm for very large networks circumvents the need to store memory-intensive node-to-node time-dependent shortest path trees by implementing a destination-based time-dependent least generalized cost path finding algorithm, while maintaining the spatial and temporal dependency of subsequent trips. Numerical results for a real-world large scale network suggest that recognizing the dependency of multiple trips of a chain, and maintaining the departure time consistency of subsequent trips provide sharper drops in gap values, hence, the convergence could be achieved faster (compared to when trips are considered independent of each other).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and efficient method for estimating origin-destination tables from roadside survey data. Roadside surveys, whether conducted by interviews or postcard mailback methods, typically have in common the sampling of trip origin and destination information at survey stations. These survey stations are generally located where roads cross “screenlines,” which are imaginary barriers drawn to intercept the trip types of interest.Such surveys also include counts of traffic volumes, by which the partial origin-destination (O-D) tables obtained at the different stations can be expanded and combined to obtain the complete O-D table which represents travel throughout the entire study area. The procedure used to expand the sample O-D information from the survey stations must recognize and deal appropriately with a number of problems:
  • 1.(i) The “double counting” problem: Long-distance trips may pass through more than one survey station location; thus certain trips have the possibility of being sampled and expanded more than once, leading to a potentially serious overrepresentation of long-distance trips in the complete expanded trip table.
  • 2.(ii) The “leaky screenline” problem: Some route choices, particularly those using very lightly traveled roads, may miss the survey stations entirely, leading to an underestimation of certain O-D patterns, or to distorted estimates if such sites are arbitrarily coupled with actual nearby station locations.
  • 3.(iii) The efficient use of the data: There is a need to adjust expansion factors to compensate for double counting and leaky screenlines. How can this be accomplished such that all of the data obtained at the stations are used without loss of information?
  • 4.(iv) The consequences of uncertainty and unknown travel behavior: Since the O-D data and other sampled variables are subject to random error, and since in general the probability of encountering a long-distance trip at some survey stations is affected by traveler route-choice behavior, which is not understood, the sample expansion procedure must rely on the use of erroneous input data and questionable assumptions. The preferred procedure must minimize, rather than amplify, the effects of such input errors.
Here, five alternate methods for expanding roadside survey data in an unbiased manner are proposed and evaluated. In all cases, it is assumed that traveler route choice generally follows the pattern described by Dial's multipath assignment method. All methods are applied to a simple hypothetical network in order to examine their efficiency and error amplification properties. The evaluation of the five methods reveals that their performance properties vary considerably and that no single method is best in all circumstances. A microcomputer program has been provided as a tool to facilitate comparison among methods and to select the most appropriate expansion method for a particular application.  相似文献   

This paper develops a flexible gravity-opportunities model for trip distribution in which standard forms of the gravity and opportunities models are obtained as special cases of a general opportunities (GO) model. Hence the question of choice between gravity or opportunities approaches is decided empirically and statistically by restrictions on parameters which control the global functional form of the trip distribution mechanism. The test for the gravity model is shown to be equivalent to a test of the IIA axiom where alternatives are destinations.The notational dichotomy between the two approaches is resolved by employing ordered trip matrices and transformations to permit row and column sum constraints to be applied. These constraints, often interpreted in various ways, are treated as normalisation terms and are therefore not strictly part of the form of the model. Doubly constrained, singly constrained and unconstrained versions of both models are developed throughout.A key step in the integration is the specification of an opportunity function which has as arguments destination-attribute variables such population, income or some other measure of opportunities and generalized cost/impedance-type variables relating origin and destination. This device obviates the mutual exclusiveness ordinarily required of these two sets of variables.The opportunity function is incorporated into a general proportionality factor which is defined by the difference in functions of cumulative opportunities; the latter are subjected to a convex combination of direct and inverse Box-Cox transformations. Different values of the parameters controlling these transformations generate contrasting families of models, notably the exponential and logarithmic intervening opportunities models and the gravity model. All models are shown to be embedded in a transformed triangular region over which likelihood function, response surface or simultaneous confidence interval contours may be plotted.These generalised gravity-opportunity concepts are applied to two well-known models: direct demand multimodal travel demand models, and the estimation of the OD matrix from link volumes. The second case is estimated empirically and here it is shown that a significant improvement is obtained over the gravity model, which is rejected, along with the logarithmic intervening opportunity model, in favour of a more general direct opportunities version.  相似文献   

Gwilliam  K. M.  Banister  D. J. 《Transportation》1977,6(4):345-363
Transport demand forecasting procedures have traditionally employed household based modal split models implicitly assuming a selection of mode for each trip based on relative generalised cost. A detailed examination of the trip patterns of a sample of household in West Yorkshire shows that in fact there is little discretionary choice of public transport; public transport trips in car owning households generally being explained in terms of the specific unavailability of the car for such trips. Two versions of a category analysis model for modal split are based on this observation and applied to household data for Glamorgan and Monmouthshire to show that such a procedure is workable and produces results comparing favourably with traditional approaches. The likely implications of three types of restraint policy are examined and it is concluded that the existing interdependence in trip patterns and modal choice within the household is of great significance in determining their effects. In particular it appears that positive attempts to increase vehicle occupancy at the peak are likely to be more favourable to public transport finances than the more negative policies to restrain use of the car for journey to work, or second car ownership.  相似文献   

In this paper, a destination choice model with pairwise district-level constants is proposed for trip distribution based on a nearly complete OD trip matrix in a region. It is found that the coefficients are weakly identified in a destination choice model with pairwise zone-level constants. Thus, a destination choice model with pairwise district-level constants is then proposed and an iterative algorithm is developed for model estimation. Herein, the “district” means a spatial aggregation of a number of zones. The proposed model is demonstrated through simulation experiments. Then, destination choice models with and without pairwise district-level constants are estimated based on GPS data of taxi passenger trips collected during morning peak hours within the Inner Ring Road of Shanghai, China. The datasets comprise 504,187 trip records and a sample of 10,000 taxi trips for model development. The zones used in the study are actually 961 residents’ committees while the districts are 52 residential districts that are spatial aggregations and upper-level administrative units of residents’ committees. It is found that the estimated value of time dramatically drops after the involvement of district-level constants, indicating that the traditional model tends to overestimate the value of time when ignoring pairwise associations between two zones in trip distribution. The proposed destination choice model can ensure its predicted trip OD matrix to match the observed one at district level. Thus, the proposed model has potential to be widely applied for trip distribution under the situation where a complete OD trip matrix can be observed.  相似文献   

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