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Vehicle longitudinal control systems such as (commercially available) autonomous Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and its more sophisticated variant Cooperative ACC (CACC) could potentially have significant impacts on traffic flow. Accurate models of the dynamic responses of both of these systems are needed to produce realistic predictions of their effects on highway capacity and traffic flow dynamics. This paper describes the development of models of both ACC and CACC control systems that are based on real experimental data. To this end, four production vehicles were equipped with a commercial ACC system and a newly developed CACC controller. The Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) that has been widely used for ACC car-following modeling was also implemented on the production vehicles. These controllers were tested in different traffic situations in order to measure the actual responses of the vehicles. Test results indicate that: (1) the IDM controller when implemented in our experimental test vehicles does not perceptibly follow the speed changes of the preceding vehicle; (2) strings of consecutive ACC vehicles are unstable, amplifying the speed variations of preceding vehicles; and (3) strings of consecutive CACC vehicles overcome these limitations, providing smooth and stable car following responses. Simple but accurate models of the ACC and CACC vehicle following dynamics were derived from the actual measured responses of the vehicles and applied to simulations of some simple multi-vehicle car following scenarios.  相似文献   

Adaptive Cruise Control systems have been developed and introduced into the consumer market for over a decade. Among these systems, fully-adaptive ones are required to adapt their behaviour not only to traffic conditions but also to drivers’ preferences and attitudes, as well as to the way such preferences change for the same driver in different driving sessions. This would ideally lead towards a system where an on-board electronic control unit can be asked by the driver to calibrate its own parameters while he/she manually drives for a few minutes (learning mode). After calibration, the control unit switches to the running mode where the learned driving style is applied. The learning mode can be activated by any driver of the car, for any driving session and each time he/she wishes to change the current driving behaviour of the cruise control system.The modelling framework which we propose to implement comprises four layers (sampler, profiler, tutor, performer). The sampler is responsible for human likeness and can be calibrated while in learning mode. Then, while in running mode, it works together with the other modelling layers to implement the logic. This paper presents the overall framework, with particular emphasis on the sampler and the profiler that are explained in full mathematical detail. Specification and calibration of the proposed framework are supported by the observed data, collected by means of an instrumented vehicle. The data are also used to assess the proposed framework, confirming human-like and fully-adaptive characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of having cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) embedded vehicles on traffic flow characteristics of a multilane highway system. The study identifies how CACC vehicles affect the dynamics of traffic flow on a complex network and reduce traffic congestion resulting from the acceleration/deceleration of the operating vehicles. An agent-based microscopic traffic simulation model (Flexible Agent-based Simulator of Traffic) is designed specifically to examine the impact of these intelligent vehicles on traffic flow. The flow rate of cars, the travel time spent, and other metrics indicating the evolution of traffic congestion throughout the lifecycle of the model are analyzed. Different CACC penetration levels are studied. The results indicate a better traffic flow performance and higher capacity in the case of CACC penetration compared to the scenario without CACC-embedded vehicles.  相似文献   

Under the Connected Vehicle environment where vehicles and road-side infrastructure can communicate wirelessly, the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) can be adopted as an actuator for achieving traffic safety and mobility optimization at highway facilities. In this regard, the traffic management centers need to identify the optimal ADAS algorithm parameter set that leads to the optimization of the traffic safety and mobility performance, and broadcast the optimal parameter set wirelessly to individual ADAS-equipped vehicles. Once the ADAS-equipped drivers implement the optimal parameter set, they become active agents that work cooperatively to prevent traffic conflicts, and suppress the development of traffic oscillations into heavy traffic jams. Measuring systematic effectiveness of this traffic management requires am analytic capability to capture the quantified impact of the ADAS on individual drivers’ behaviors and the aggregated traffic safety and mobility improvement due to such an impact. To this end, this research proposes a synthetic methodology that incorporates the ADAS-affected driving behavior modeling and state-of-the-art microscopic traffic flow modeling into a virtually simulated environment. Building on such an environment, the optimal ADAS algorithm parameter set is identified through a multi-objective optimization approach that uses the Genetic Algorithm. The developed methodology is tested at a freeway facility under low, medium and high ADAS market penetration rate scenarios. The case study reveals that fine-tuning the ADAS algorithm parameter can significantly improve the throughput and reduce the traffic delay and conflicts at the study site in the medium and high penetration scenarios. In these scenarios, the ADAS algorithm parameter optimization is necessary. Otherwise the ADAS will intensify the behavior heterogeneity among drivers, resulting in little traffic safety improvement and negative mobility impact. In the high penetration rate scenario, the identified optimal ADAS algorithm parameter set can be used to support different control objectives (e.g., safety improvement has priority vs. mobility improvement has priority).  相似文献   

This contribution furthers the control framework for driver assistance systems in Part I to cooperative systems, where equipped vehicles can exchange relevant information via vehicle-to-vehicle communication to improve the awareness of the ambient situation (cooperative sensing) and to manoeuvre together under a common goal (cooperative control). To operationalize the cooperative sensing strategy, the framework is applied to the development of a multi-anticipative controller, where an equipped vehicle uses information from its direct predecessor to predict the behaviour of its pre-predecessor. To operationalize the cooperative control strategy, we design cooperative controllers for sequential equipped vehicles in a platoon, where they collaborate to optimise a joint objective. The cooperative control strategy is not restricted to cooperation between equipped vehicles. When followed by a human-driven vehicle, equipped vehicles can still exhibit cooperative behaviour by predicting the behaviour of the human-driven follower, even if the prediction is not perfect.The performance of the proposed controllers are assessed by simulating a platoon of 11 vehicles with reference to the non-cooperative controller proposed in Part I. Evaluations show that the multi-anticipative controller generates smoother behaviour in accelerating phase. By a careful choice of the running cost specification, cooperative controllers lead to smoother decelerating behaviour and more responsive and agile accelerating behaviour compared to the non-cooperative controller. The dynamic characteristics of the proposed controllers provide new insights into the potential impact of cooperative systems on traffic flow operations, particularly at the congestion head and tail.  相似文献   

This paper presents a traffic control system that can work standalone to handle various boundary conditions of the recurrent, non-recurrent congestion, transit signal priority and downstream blockage conditions to improve the overall traffic network vehicular productivity and efficiency. The control system uses field detectors’ data to determine the boundary conditions of all incoming and exit links. The developed system is interfaced with CORSIM micro-simulation for rigorous evaluations with different types of signal phase settings. The comparative performance of this control logic is quite satisfactory for some of the most frequently used phase settings in the network with a high number of junctions under highly congested conditions.  相似文献   

Work zones on motorways necessitate the drop of one or more lanes which may lead to significant reduction of traffic flow capacity and efficiency, traffic flow disruptions, congestion creation, and increased accident risk. Real-time traffic control by use of green–red traffic signals at the motorway mainstream is proposed in order to achieve safer merging of vehicles entering the work zone and, at the same time, maximize throughput and reduce travel delays. A significant issue that had been neglected in previous research is the investigation of the impact of distance between the merge area and the traffic lights so as to achieve, in combination with the employed real-time traffic control strategy, the most efficient merging of vehicles. The control strategy applied for real-time signal operation is based on an ALINEA-like proportional–integral (PI-type) feedback regulator. In order to achieve maximum performance of the control strategy, some calibration of the regulator’s parameters may be necessary. The calibration is first conducted manually, via a typical trial-and-error procedure. In an additional investigation, the recently proposed learning/adaptive fine-tuning (AFT) algorithm is employed in order to automatically fine-tune the regulator parameters. Experiments conducted with a microscopic simulator for a hypothetical work zone infrastructure, demonstrate the potential high benefits of the control scheme.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrated the efficiency of feedback-based gating control in mitigating congestion in urban networks by exploiting the notion of macroscopic or network fundamental diagram (MFD or NFD). The employed feedback regulator of proportional-integral (PI)-type targets an operating NFD point of maximum throughput to enhance the mobility in the urban road network during the peak period, under saturated traffic conditions. In previous studies, gating was applied directly at the border of the protected network (PN), i.e. the network part to be protected from over-saturation. In this work, the recently developed feedback-based gating concept is applied at junctions located further upstream of the PN. This induces a time-delay, which corresponds to the travel time needed for gated vehicles to approach the PN. The resulting extended feedback control problem can be also tackled by use of a PI-type regulator, albeit with different gain values compared to the case without time-delay. Detailed procedures regarding the appropriate design of related feedback regulators are provided. In addition, the developed feedback concept is shown to work properly with very long time-steps as well. A large part of the Chania, Greece, urban network, modelled in a microscopic simulation environment under realistic traffic conditions, is used as test-bed in this study. The reported results demonstrate a stable and efficient behaviour and improved mobility of the overall network in terms of mean speed and travel time.  相似文献   

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