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这艘船是根据“Crystal Harmony”号改装而成,载重量50142吨,船体全长241米,宽29.6米,吃水7.5米,主机(发动机)采用电动柴油机,航行速度为23节,可容纳旅客720名。她比载重28,856吨的“飞鸟”号大1.7倍,可容纳旅客也增加了,而且船内设施也很完善。[编者按]  相似文献   

从属于Karnibal集团的Holland America Line(HAL)船厂建造的Noordam号,是2002年完工的Wister Class级的4艘船中的一艘Zuidersam型,  相似文献   

王荣 《船艇》2006,(6):30-35
“海洋自由号”档案 重量相当于8万辆轿车或3.2万头号成年大象。 身长超过埃菲尔铁塔,相当于纵向相连的37辆双层巴士。 拥有15层甲板,总长度11公里。 船上管道有160公里长,电线总长3500公里,共安装了75万只灯泡。 每天能淡化320万升海水,制造3.5万公斤冰块。[编者按]  相似文献   

秦欣 《船艇》2006,(1):16-17
280米长的美国荣耀号游轮是由德国Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven船厂最新建造的。这艘游轮的建造过程可谓一波三折。其最早的船东由于破产使得建造工作中断。直到美国总统布什特许给予该游轮琼斯法案的赦免权(注:该法案要求美国国内货物应由美国籍的船东、水手及美国建造的船舶承运),Norwegian Cruise Lines(NCL)公司决定收购未完工的船体,并转运到德国Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven船厂进行建造。  相似文献   

张娈  王志华 《船电技术》1999,19(6):64-65
开发电能作为推进电源和船上各种操作的电源已越来越普遍了。过去采用蒸汽来进行的燃油热伴随,现今越来越多地采用电能来实现,除自动阀以外的其他控制阀也是用电而不是用压缩空气作为动力。  相似文献   

裴钰 《中国海事》2012,(2):15-15
从旅游专业角度出发,游船、游轮、邮轮这三个概念主要基于产品和市场的细分。 1.游船:自然和都市的观光游,如在杭州西湖、天津海河、广州珠江的船舶,以游览为主; 2.游轮:内河和近海休闲游,中高端,如在长江三峡的船舶,以休闲为主;  相似文献   

京生 《港口科技》2010,(10):45-46
2010年10月3日,继今年5月2日后再次造访山东青岛的“钻石公主号”游轮,号称是“全球十五大最豪华邮轮之一”。这艘邮轮重116000t,长290.4m,宽48.2m,高达62.5m,载重11.6万t。可同时容纳乘客2670位,共有客舱1337间,其中748间设有私人露台,游客可以不出客房,直接凭栏观赏海上美景。  相似文献   

在分析长江干线航道条件及相关政策的基础上,分析上海—重庆长江旅游航段航线布局所需考虑的长江通航环境、船舶航行和过闸时间、旅游资源吸引力及城市发展水平等重要因素,明确城市资源、港口资源、旅游资源等布局原则。根据船舶航行时间,按照"昼游夜行"要求对长江沿线可挂靠港点进行筛选,并结合上述资源条件对港点进行调整,提出停靠点为上海、南通、镇江、南京、安庆、九江、武汉、岳阳、荆州、宜昌、重庆的航线布局方案。本研究成果可为游轮公司选取合适挂靠点、合理地设置航线奠定基础。  相似文献   

皇家加勒比国际游轮公司向芬兰阿克尔造船厂订购了一艘能容纳5400名乘客的豪华客轮。该客轮的造价约为九亿欧元,创下了商业造船最高价纪录。这艘名为“海上巨无霸”的客轮重达220,000吨,预计在2009年秋完工。该客轮比皇家加勒比游轮公司向阿克尔船厂订购并已于今年四月份交付使用的339米的“海洋自由号”游轮还要长,这艘巨无霸长360米,宽47米,高65米。  相似文献   

苏红宇 《船艇》1992,(12):19-30
一、简史挪威王国地处欧洲北部,斯堪的纳维亚半岛的西半部,西邻大西洋,东接瑞典、芬兰及俄罗斯,南临北海。有岛屿达74000个,海岸线长达13,121英里,有众多的天然良港,非常适于航运。由于其优良的天然条件,挪威很早就建立了船舶工业,19世纪中期起便开始建造钢船,并采用蒸汽机。到1900年建造了35000总吨的船舶,但从此以后挪威造船业始终处于停滞状态。直到50年代初期,由于挪威政府重视并扶植造船业,给予船  相似文献   

没有人可以反驳,笔和手表是男人的珠宝。如果你不屑一顾地说:现在哪还有人用笔呢?那么我们也只能同样不屑一顾地对你说:对不起,你一定不是个足够成功而且有品位的男人,所以无法理解名笔对于成功男人的重要性。  相似文献   

挪威的造船厂商近期接单频繁,订单任务已延伸至2007年,主要承接了大量近海保障船。该国的造船工程师已经具有多年向外成功出口各种类型船舶设计方案的历史,尤其在游轮和客船方面的专业水平更是相当出名。挪威的船舶设备公司不能单独依赖国内市场,他们要不断扩展国外市场,寻求更多的销售渠道。挪威海事出口商会也在积极寻找目标市场拓展业务。  相似文献   

Norwegian port connectivity and its policy implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of a seaport depends on how well it is connected in a transportation network. A port’s connectivity is therefore one of the key issues in determining its competitiveness and developments in regions and countries. We construct a port connectivity index for major Norwegian ports based on a unique dataset derived from the automated identification system (AIS) for multiple vessel types over a 7-year period. Port connectivity is evaluated empirically by the number of unique vessel visits, vessel sizes, and cargo sizes. The research has implications for port authorities and policy makers in the areas of port planning, infrastructure investment, short sea shipping promotion, and environmental policies. The contributions of this research are twofold. First, the methodology linking the AIS vessel-tracking system with port connectivity is a pioneering empirical application of maritime big data. Second, the port connectivity index is constructed for multiple vessel types and regional port groups, which is an improvement from the current literature where conceptual measures are constructed based on hypothetical and usually too simple optimization rules. The methodology can be easily expanded to other regions in the world.  相似文献   

The primary aim here is an attempt to measure the impact of foreign exchange movements on the operating results of the shipping industry. The issue arises from the imposition of a volatile foreign exchange market on a freight market structure which fixes revenues in US dollars. Despite attempts to shift costs into dollars, some other currency liabilities still remain, making exposure to exchange rate fluctuations inevitable. The contemporary experience of the Norwegian industry is used to analyse the cost structure in terms of currency denomination, the volatility in the real Kroner/US dollar exchange rate, and the sensitivity of the operating results to these fluctuations. This serves to highlight the commercial vulnerability of shipping companies. Exposure can be seen in a positive or negative light depending on the direction of movement in the exchange rate. Operating profits can rise and fall dramatically simply because of these exchange rate movements.  相似文献   


This paper is written in response to a recent publication (Walker, 1973) which questions both the biological basis for wetlands preservation and the usefulnesss of scientific participation in the formulation of management policies. Our major points are that: (1) considerable evidence exists linking wetlands primary production to aquatic secondary production, (2) all available information suggests that large‐scale wetlands destruction results in lowered production of estuarine organisms of interest to man, (3) more than economics needs to be considered in attempts to analyze the procedures by which the wetlands controversy is to be resolved, and (4) uncertainty about the applicability of scientific findings to a particular problem situation does not destroy the usefulness of those findings in reaching a solution to a public controversy.  相似文献   

As a high-cost country, it is believed that Norway has to build its competitiveness in most industries on innovation and knowledge-intensive products. The shipping industry is no exception. It has to be innovative in order to prosper. This unison conclusion, which has been drawn in several research projects during the last 10-20 years, is probably also applicable for companies in other high cost countries. A major issue in this research is how the industry can develop and maintain innovativeness and international competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to discuss the conclusion drawn in previous research concerning how the shipping industry can be innovative. It concludes that shipping companies have to improve their skills and competencies in a stronger interplay between organizations within and without the maritime cluster. This may increase their total capability and innovativeness and create distinctive competitive advantages that are difficult to imitate.  相似文献   

As a high-cost country, it is believed that Norway has to build its competitiveness in most industries on innovation and knowledge-intensive products. The shipping industry is no exception. It has to be innovative in order to prosper. This unison conclusion, which has been drawn in several research projects during the last 10–20 years, is probably also applicable for companies in other high cost countries. A major issue in this research is how the industry can develop and maintain innovativeness and international competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to discuss the conclusion drawn in previous research concerning how the shipping industry can be innovative. It concludes that shipping companies have to improve their skills and competencies in a stronger interplay between organizations within and without the maritime cluster. This may increase their total capability and innovativeness and create distinctive competitive advantages that are difficult to imitate.  相似文献   

挪威海上保险条款中的共同海损吸收条款   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王芳 《世界海运》2001,24(5):36-36
介绍了挪威海上保险合同中的共同海损吸收条款的做法和特点,在我国的海上保险合同中,船舶所有人也应当借鉴这种做法,要求保险人加入此条款,这有利于保护船舶所有人的利益。  相似文献   

6月18日,宁安航海在广州举行了SIMRAD CS68 ECDIS显示与信息系统产品介绍会。与会的25位来自广州地区的专业通导设备代理商、船厂与科研机构的代表出席了该产品介绍会,并见证了SIMRAD这些年在中国的不断成长。  相似文献   

A theory of replacement in the context of ocean going vessels is discussed. The approach is based upon costs rather than profits, and while there appear to be many difficulties in applying replacement theory to ships it is shown that there are some segments where the theory can still usefully be applied. The effect on replacement resulting from varying important cost parameters is shown and it is found that while fiscal measures have very little effect, capital cost and operating cost profiles have the most important influence. It is concluded that shipowners need to keep themselves fully informed of changes in cost and improvements in technology that may indicate replacement of a vessel somewhat sooner than normal replacement age.  相似文献   

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