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ESP系统是博世公司1995年推出的,意为“车辆电子稳定系统”(Electronic Stability Program,以下简称“ESP”)。其工作原理是,传感器按照每秒25次的频率检测驾驶员的行驶意图和车辆的实际行驶情况。如果发现有紧急情况,它会迅速做出反应,中央处理器经过分析传感器传来的信号,通过液压调节器调节每个车轮的制动压力,从而及时调整车辆的行驶状态,维护车辆的行驶稳定性。如有可能,还会干预发动机和传动系统的工作,同时能降低车辆侧滑的危险,从而降低事故的发生。ESP是一项主动安全系统,能始终处于工作状态,不停地监控车辆行驶状态和观察驾驶者的意图,  相似文献   

汽车电子稳定系统的工作原理及检修   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了汽车电子稳定系统(ESP)的组成部件及其功能;在分析ESP工作原理的基础上,介绍了ESP的维护和检修方法。  相似文献   

浅谈汽车电子稳定程序系统(ESP)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代汽车技术的发展,车辆的主动安全性大大提高。为了防止车轮抱死,避免车辆在紧急制动时因车轮抱死而失控,1978年博世公司开发了世界首套ABS,并在1985年投产。据统计在2004年欧洲生产的新车ABS,装备率已达到85%,而欧洲生产协会更保证对2004年7月起生产的新车100%装备ABS系统。在我国生产的新车中装备ABS系统也达到66%。由于ABS不能解决车辆在湿滑路面上起步或加速出现的车轮打滑问题,更不能避免车辆发生侧滑。因此,在ABS的基础上,进一步发展出了牵引力控制系统(TCS)。在车辆起步或加速时,如果某个车轮出现了打滑现象(车轮速度…  相似文献   

随着现代轿车技术的发展,车辆的主动安全性也大有提高。自博世(Bosch)公司在1978年开发出世界上首套ABS系统开始,1985年进行了批量生产,目前新生产的车辆多数已经配备了ABS系统。据统计.2004年欧盟生产的新车ABS装备率已达85%,而欧洲汽车生产协会更保证2004年7月起生产的新车100%装备ABS系统。今年中国生产的新车ABS系统装备率也达到了66%,可以预计在不久的将来,中国生产的新车ABS装备率也将提高到100%。  相似文献   

电子稳定程序(Electronic Stability Program,即ESP),属于车辆的主动安全技术,也称为动态驾驶控制系统。实质上,它是一个防滑系统,使车辆始终保持在惯性力和行驶方向一致的状态,防止车辆因侧滑而发生意外事故,降低在事故中发生侧面碰撞的几率。ESP能在车辆的行驶过程中识别出车辆的不正常行驶状态,如转向不足和转向过度等,然后通过协调相关系统的工作使车辆回到正常行驶状态。这些相关系统主要为ABS(防抱死制动系统)、EBD(电子制动力分配系统)、EDL(电子差速锁定)系统、TCS(牵引力控制系统)、EBC(电子制动控制)系统和BAS(电子制动助力系统)等。  相似文献   

晓青 《驾驶园》2009,(11):60-63
汽车灯光为汽车行驶提供照明和信号功能.尽管属于小器件,但对整车具有重要的意义,其重要性如同眼睛之对于人。  相似文献   

在汽车正常运行中有若干因素决定了汽车的安全性。  相似文献   

被动安全系统在事故发生时提供安全保护,主动式安全系统能够帮助避免事故。电子稳定程序ESP是一种创新的安全系统。可以主动帮助司机在危急时刻保持车辆比较稳定地行驶在路面上。[编者按]  相似文献   

刘波 《客车技术》2014,(3):22-25,28
在线性二自由度车辆模型基础上,采用直接横摆力矩控制方法,选取质心侧偏角和横摆角速度作为稳定性控制系统的主控变量,设计了三种具有针对性的基于滑模变结构理论的车辆操纵稳定性控制策略——质心侧偏角、横摆角速度和两者联合的滑模变结构控制。在Matlab,Simulink平台上,对三种汽车稳定性控制策略的具体应用进行仿真分析,验证了所设计稳定性控制算法的有效性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

汽车线束多路电子控制系统的现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了汽车线束4种布线方式的优缺点,推荐美国I/O控制有限公司的多路电子控制系统这一先进技术,以提高国产客车电气技术的水平。  相似文献   

混合式教学能让线上、线下教学相互补充、相互促进,从而优化教学过程,提升教学效果.在对中职汽车运用与维修专业《汽车发动机电控系统》的课程性质、课程内容以及教学目标进行分析后,参考混合式学习已有研究成果基于云班课线上教学平台和六步教学法搭建中职学校混合式教学的模式框架,并进行教学实践应用,运用比较分析法对混合式教学...  相似文献   

在建立了汽车转向与悬架系统的综合模型的基础上,运用一种具有扩展的调节器结构LQG控制方法,设计了 主动悬架控制器,实现对车身横摆角速度、车身垂直加速度、车身侧倾角和俯仰角的集成控制,从而显著提高汽车的 平顺性、操纵稳定性和安全性。  相似文献   

The Vehicle stability control system is an active safety system designed to prevent accidents from occurring and to stabilize dynamic maneuvers of a vehicle by generating an artificial yaw moment using differential brakes. In this paper, in order to enhance vehicle steerability, lateral stability, and roll stability, each reference yaw rate is designed and combined into a target yaw rate depending on the driving situation. A yaw rate controller is designed to track the target yaw rate based on sliding mode control theory. To generate the total yaw moment required from the proposed yaw rate controller, each brake pressure is properly distributed with effective control wheel decision. Estimators are developed to identify the roll angle and body sideslip angle of a vehicle based on the simplified roll dynamics model and parameter adaptation approach. The performance of the proposed vehicle stability control system and estimation algorithms is verified with simulation results and experimental results.  相似文献   

Recently, the advanced driver assistance system (ADAS), which helps mitigate car accidents, has been developed using environmental detection sensors, such as long and short range radar, lidar, wide dynamic range cameras, ultrasonic sensors and laser scanners. Among these detection sensors, radars can quickly provide drivers with reliable information about the velocity, distance and direction of a target obstacle, as well as information about the vehicle in changing weather conditions. In the adaptive cruise control system (ACCS), three radar sensors are usually needed because two short range radars are used to detect objects in the adjacent lane and one long range radar is used to detect objects in-path. In this paper, low-cost radar based on a single sensor, which can detect objects in both the adjacent lane and in-path, is proposed for use in the ACCS. Before designing the proposed radar, we analyzed the world-wide radar technology and market trends for ACCS. Based on this analysis, we designed a novel radar sensor for the ACCS using radar components, such as an antenna, transceiver module, transceiver control module and signal processing algorithm. Finally, target detection experiments were conducted. In the experimental results, the proposed single radar can successfully complete the detection required for the ACCS. In the conclusion, the perspective and issues in the future development of the ACCS radar are described.  相似文献   

司康 《城市车辆》2007,(11):47-50
所谓汽车电子,简单地说就是汽车制造及装修过程中所采用的电子信息技术产品.按照对汽车行驶性能作用的影响划分,可以把汽车电子产品归纳为2类:一类是汽车电子控制装置,汽车电子控制装置要和车上机械系统进行配合使用,即所谓"机电结合"的汽车电子装置,它们包括发动机、底盘、车身电子控制,例如电子燃油喷射系统,制动防抱死控制、防滑控制、牵引力控制、电子控制悬架、电子控制自动变速器和电子动力转向等;另一类是车载汽车电子装置,车载汽车电子装置是在汽车上能够独立使用的电子装置,它和汽车本身的性能并无直接关系.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model-based fault detection and isolation technique for automotive yaw moment control system. For this purpose, a novel fault detection and isolation algorithm for a class of actuator-plant systems is proposed. Compared with the existing fault detection and isolation techniques that can only isolate a target fault or require multiple observers to isolate multiple faults, a unique strength of the proposed algorithm is its ability to isolate faults at the component level solely based on the residuals generated by a single observer. The validity of the proposed algorithm, applied to automotive yaw moment control system, is investigated via a simulation study based on a realistic vehicle dynamics model. The results suggest that the proposed algorithm can isolate the component subject to fault while effectively handling two perennial nuisances: sensitivity to disturbances and false alarms due to uncertainties.  相似文献   

线控转向是汽车未来转向技术的发展方向。简单介绍了汽车线控转向系统的结构和工作原理:重点分析汽车线控转向系统的安全性,阐述线控转向系统的失效原因及失效模式,提出一种安全结构,并对该结构硬件和软件设置进行分析;最后指出当前发展汽车线控转向系统的关键技术。  相似文献   

An electronic throttle consists of a DC motor, spur gears, a return spring, a position sensor, power electronics and an electronic control unit. Fast and precise position control of this electromechanical system is relatively difficult due to very high friction and the strong nonlinearity of the spring. Simple application of linear control, such as PID, fails. In this paper, two new controller structures suitable for different reference signal types are described. The key component of the position controller is the friction compensator based on either/both feedforward or feedback principles. The quality of the resulting behavior was measured using several criteria including the measure of control activity around the equilibrium position. The control activity directly influences the vibration, the noise and the wear of the servo system. The proposed controllers demonstrated superior behavior compared with other published structures.  相似文献   

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