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近几年来,由于世界贸易连续保持两位数增长,带动了经济飞速发展,世界经济以3%~4%增加。世界航运业在中国因素的影响下,出现了千载难逢的机遇,推动世界各金融业聚焦以中国为主的航运市场。  相似文献   

Ship leasing is as old as shipping itself. As a financing device it is an alternative to equity financing through ship mortgages. Ship financing methodologies are in themselves highly sophisticated, and within that domain, the principal varieties of leases, namely, the operating lease and the finance lease are both fairly complex mechanisms in terms of their respective uses. Ships are assets; as such ship leasing falls under asset financing and is subject to the fundamental rules of equipment leasing. But ship leasing also has its own distinctive characteristics not only in relation to the unique features of the shipping industry and ship financing, but also, the legal regime within which ship leasing operates. There are variations in the legal regime which in turn impact on economic considerations. Thus, there are pros and cons involved in ship leasing, and they depend on a number of variables. This article is an attempt to critically examine these pros and cons from the relative perspectives of theory-based economists on the one hand, and law and accounting practitioners on the other. To that end, a two-fold literature review of the subject area is presented. The article concludes that economists identify ship leasing with a positive tax advantage and an enhanced financial disposition of the lessee. In contrast, the views of practitioners are complex and inconsistent. It is evident that the literature focuses on the legal arrangements involved in these transactions. These legal arrangements stem from the inherent risks associated with ships and shipping operations and have led to some disadvantages with respect to ship leasing.  相似文献   

近年来船舶融资租赁业务日益增多,从国际上来看,此项业务也具有广阔的发展前景。但目前政策性限制较多、法律规定还不健全,这其中也包括融资租赁船舶的登记。正确认识船舶融资租赁法律关系,规范海事  相似文献   

刘玮 《中国海事》2011,(4):15-17
融资租赁自20世纪50年代起源于美国,作为一种全新的方式,这一融资模式在之后的四十多年间于世界范围内得到迅猛发展,在大型固定设备、高科技产品等领域发挥着重要作用.目前,对于航运业这种资金密集型的行业,利用融资租赁方式购买船舶在航运公司已被普遍采用.  相似文献   

租赁业在我国航运融资发展中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周巍 《水运管理》2010,32(11):3-5
目前我国已成为全球发展最快的航运大国和造船大国。我国航运业发展历史较长,但租赁业,尤其是与船舶融资相结合的船舶租赁业在我国的迅速发展却是近两年的事。船舶租赁业与航运市场、金融市场密切相关,而航运市场和金融市场都是全球性市场,我国的航运融资更是全球市场不可分割的一部分。我国的船舶租赁业也正是基于此发展起来的。  相似文献   

2010年5月18日,熔盛重工有限公司与民生金融租赁股份有限公司在上海举行了战略合作协议暨巴拿马型散货船系列船建造合同签约仪式。至此,民生金融租赁在熔盛重工的订造船数增至18艘。  相似文献   

航运企业船舶融资租赁税收筹划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为促进我国船舶融资租赁业的发展,节约船舶融资租赁税务成本,提高航运企业的经济效益和市场竞争力,增强我国航运业的国际竞争力,通过介绍船舶融资租赁、税收筹划的概念和特点、我国融资租赁的税收政策,分别从非集团型航运企业和集团型航运企业两方面对融资租赁合约中的折旧期限、折旧方法、每期租金支付额、期满后船舶所有权的归属等方面予以筹划,提出4种融资租赁税收筹划方案,从而达到降低税负、实现航运企业税后收益最大化的目标。  相似文献   

发展船舶融资租赁 引领航运事业振兴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李阳  韩震 《中国海事》2009,(9):55-57
文中对船舶融资租赁进行了概述,分析了我国船舶融资租赁业发展中存在的问题,探讨了金融危机下发展船舶融资租赁的必要性,并据此提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

一、案情概况原告广东广发实业投资公司诉被告东莞市东信小轮公司(下称小轮公司)、东莞市信益实业总公司(下称信益公司)船舶融资租赁合同纠纷一案,广州海事法院于2003年5月27日受理后,依法组成合议庭,经庭审质证,原告和被告对以下证据和事实没有异议,合议庭予  相似文献   

船舶融资租赁是推动航运业发展的一种重要方式,同时又是一项复杂的经济活动。其投资金额大、租赁周期长、所需协调的环节多、涉及面广,并存在着登记制度不健全、缺乏统一规范等诸多因素。本文简要分析船舶融资租赁有关事项,并就如何防范风险提出几点建议,以有利于本项工作的开展,从而更好地服务于航运业,促进船舶的融资租赁业的健康发展。  相似文献   

航运业的发展注定会与金融业产生密不可分的联系,说到航运金融的重要性,很多人会联想到船舶融资对GDP的贡献、对航运企业发展的帮助等。但笔者希望强调的是,一国航运金融的发展程度直接关系到其在国际航运市场上的地位,航运金融环境成熟,  相似文献   

潘珉 《中国海事》2011,(4):45-47
从国际船舶融资的角度看,缺少船舶融资租赁权登记规定的船舶登记制度,是不利于跨国船舶融资租赁的。我国《船舶登记条例》中有关光船租赁权登记制度的基本精神和具体做法可为船舶融资租赁权登记制度提供有益借鉴。但仍存在一些不足,笔者试着从这方面提出若干建议。  相似文献   

张建西 《天津航海》2006,(4):44-48,56
随着我国市疡经济的逐步建立和对外贸易的日益扩大,我国海运市场也更加开放,本来对世界经济形势变化就很敏感的我国航运企业与国际市场更加贴近。面对严峻的挑战,远洋运输企业在自有资金缺乏的情况下,出于调整自身运力结构、调整资产结构、迅速扩大船队规模等目的经常进行船舶的融资租赁。  相似文献   

黄何 《中国海事》2012,(3):33-34
随着经济全球化、金融全球化及世界性的产业升级和结构调整,经过改革开放的洗礼,中国已成为世界造船大国、航运大国和港口大国。国家海洋经济战略的深入实施和航运业的快速发展对海事工作的要求也不断提高,海事职能得到了不断的发展和深化,  相似文献   

The Northern Sea Route (NSR) has tremendous potential for ocean shipping between Europe and Asia due to the savings from shorter transit time and distance. However, the Arctic area is environmentally vulnerable and thus there is a trade-off between NSR’s impacts on environment vs. its economic benefits, especially when compared with the traditional route, such as through the Suez Canal Route (SCR). This study estimates the market shares of different transport modes and alternative shipping routes for the container transport market between Europe and Asia, and the resulting environmental costs. Our result suggests that NSR can be a viable option under the status quo. However, its environmental costs tend to be higher than SCR due to small ship size and low load factor in the present, thus the development of NSR would lead to worse environment outcomes. If these issues can be resolved, NSR can benefit from lower operational and environmental costs, which will lead to higher market share and social welfare. Otherwise, increased use of NSR may lead to higher total environment costs than the status quo.  相似文献   

少飞 《中国船检》2006,(10):30-32
13年前的1993年.交通部发布了第一份《老旧船舶管理规定》。在之后的8年时间里,该规定为我国船舶运输安全和水域环境保护起到了重要的作用。2001年,为适应航运业发展的需求.交通部及时对原规定进行了修订.并颁布实施了《老旧运输船舶管理规定》,这也就是业内著名的2001年“2号令”。而在5年之后,航运业的蓬勃发展,再度对老旧船舶安全管理产生了新的诉求.新版《规定》再次出台。从8年到5年.越来越短暂的时间间隔,也见证着我国航运业飞速发展的成就。日前,记者就新规定的相关内容.采访了交通部水运司官员。  相似文献   

The Brazilian ship financing system has some unique features. The funds made available to finance the construction and acquisition of ships are sourced from a tax on import and cabotage freight, payable by the shippers. For Brazilian flagged ships, a portion of the tax generated can be used for the payment of loan instalments. This paper analyses the impact of the tax on the economy as a whole, and discusses the distribution of the tax burden between the shipowner and the shipper, taking into account the maritime transport demand elasticities in Brazil. The paper also analyses the effectiveness of the financing system in reducing the capital cost to shipowner, and the distortion effects produced by the utilization of the tax in loan repayments. The conclusion is that there are important distortions that may threaten the recovery of the maritime industry in Brazil.  相似文献   


Much is known about transport costs at sea and costs made at terminals in ports. About costs, made by ports to provide nautical facilities (incl. infrastructure) and services, not much research is done yet. This paper estimates the impact of increasing ship sizes on costs made by the Port Authority of Amsterdam when providing nautical facilities and services by using hedonic pricing techniques. We have rather unique data on ship’s sizes and harbour dues paid per ship for over 25 years for ships that visited the Port of Amsterdam. Harbour dues paid are used as a proxy for the costs of nautical facilities and services. We have found nearly constant returns to scale, when volume is used as a measure of a ships’ size. An increase in average ship size with 1,000 tonnes deadweight will result in approximately €2 million additional yearly costs (an increase of the average ship size of six percent results in an increase of nautical costs with nearly the same percentage). Our results can be used by Port Authorities and port operators (in case of landlord ports) to estimate costs to be made for providing nautical facilities and services in the near future.  相似文献   

中资资本时代到来 20世纪中叶以来,世界船舶融资的发展变化非常大.50年代是以欧洲特别是英国的资本为主,当时采用内部融资方式的比较多,以英国船东为代表:60年代是以日本、中国香港为代表的融资租赁方式;70年代泡沫经济的高峰,使融资租赁达到了高潮,这个阶段也是日本造船工业发展和其资金产业链形成的一个高峰时期:80年代石油危机导致了投融资规模急剧下降:90年代随着航运业的恢复,出现了政府贷款,船舶基金等多种融资方式,韩国最现代化的LNG船型的发展,就得益于或得助于船舶基金,特别是国际船舶基金对它的支持,推动了韩国造船工业在这方面的发展:21世纪头十年,融资规模剧烈震荡.  相似文献   

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