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1 概述。摩托车是我国主要的机动交通工具之一。1998年我国摩托车保有量就达到了2千万辆,年生产量突破了1千万辆,我国已成为摩托车大国。由于摩托车的车辆特性,在交通事故中乘员的死亡率较高,1998年的交通事故统计数据表明,驾驶摩托车造成的死亡人数达到11986人,占15.35%,严重受伤人数42696人,占19.16%。提高摩托车安全性的研究课题已经引起国际上的重视,欧洲、美国,尤其是日本,在摩托车碰撞安全性方面已经做了很多工作。为了使我国的摩托车业能健康发展,必须开展摩托车碰撞安全性研究工作,开发摩托车碰撞安全性防护装置,切实改善摩托车的碰撞安全性能。  相似文献   

摩托车交通事故的特征与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文指出了当前研究摩托车交通事故的必要性,论述了摩托车交通事故的类型;车辆的变形特性与乘员的伤害,并讨论了事故车速的分析原则与方法。  相似文献   

李世朝 《摩托车信息》2013,(12):128-128
由摩托车分标委组织制定的推荐性国家标准《摩托车碰撞乘员防护试验方法》,为我国填补了摩托车技术标准体系的相关空白。建设摩托作为首家参与《摩托车碰撞乘员防护试验方法》制定的企业,应邀在国家摩托车质量监督检验中心进行了摩托车碰撞试验。  相似文献   

摩托车是我国主要的机动交通工具之一。1998年我国摩托车保有量就达到了2千万辆,年生产量突破了1千万辆,我国已成为摩托车大国。由于摩托车的车辆特性,在交通事故中乘员的死亡率较高,1998年的交通事故统计数据表明,驾驶摩托车造成的死亡人  相似文献   

头盔是骑乘摩托车时保护头部、缓解冲撞受伤很重要的保护工具,不戴或不能正确佩戴头盔骑乘摩托车是很危险的。2001年,日本曾对其国内的交通事故进行过一次调查,其中摩托车死亡人数占总交通事故的17.9%,受伤人数占总交通事故的15.5%。从死者受伤部位看,头部受伤的占48.9%,脸部受伤的占1.0%,颈部受伤的占8.2%,和汽车事故比所占比例相当高。  相似文献   

驾乘摩托车,安全第一,尽人皆知!尤其是近年来,随着摩托车车速的不断提高以及交通的日益拥挤,世界各国十分重视摩托车交通安全。车辆的安全已经成为现代人关注的焦点。尽管安全摩托车的标准目前尚无明确统一的定义,但作为汽车大类产品,摩托车至少应符合安全汽车标准,亦即既具有良好的主动安全性,又具有不可缺少的被动安全性。主动安全性(Active Safety)也称“一次安全性”,是指汽车防止或难于发生事故的性能。被动安全性(Passive Safety)也称之为“二次安全性”,是指汽车在不可避免情况下一旦出现事故时汽车本身具有保护司机和乘员不至伤亡…  相似文献   

假人,又称为人体物理模型,是碰撞试验最基本的用具,在碰撞试验中替代真人,以便于技术人员分析在碰撞瞬间的各项技术数据.随着<摩托车正面碰撞乘员防护试验方法>标准的逐步推进,摩托车碰撞假人的作用至关重要.本文就假人的发展历史、分类、作用,摩托车试验碰撞假人,假人未来的发展等内容进行介绍.  相似文献   

2008年12月3日,由公安部交通管理科学研究所举办的《摩托车乘员头盔》国家标准专家审定会在上海召开。来自公安部道路交通管理标委会、公安部交通管理局、国家标准化管理委员会国标审查部、国家道路交通安全产品质检中心、上海市公安局交巡警总队、浙江省公安厅交警总队、广东省公安厅交警总队以及上海和汇安全用品有限公司等相关单位代表共同对新制定的《摩托车乘员头盔》国家标准进行了最后审定。  相似文献   

日前,在上海召开的摩托车乘员头盔国家标准专家审定会上传出信息,我国将进一步完善摩托车乘员头盔国家标准.不仅对相关生产实行许可证制度,且更加突出人性化特点和安全性,高档及运动类摩托车头盔性能与欧洲标准持平。  相似文献   

2005年12月14日,中国兵器装备集团对摩托车检测技术研究所(国家摩托车质量监督检验中心)承建的摩托车零部件检验及认证检验实验室技术故造“双高一优”项目和乘员头盔实验室技术改造项目进行了验收。  相似文献   

Thailand was classified as a middle-income country and ranked second highest in terms of road traffic fatality rate in the world in 2015. By 2018, this ranking went up to ninth in world which may be because of various earnest safety policies implementation, supporting road safety research and establishing a road safety directing center. However, crash fatality rate has considerably remained high until recent year, indicating a clear need for further related research. Considering severity of the crashes, the majority of fatal crashes involved the motorcycle road user. Therefore, motorcycle crashes are important issues and should be considered to mitigate fatality due to immoderate proportion of motorcycle road user and motorcyclist fatality. This study aims to identify factors that influence the severity of motorcycle accidents on Thailand's arterial roads by employing ordered logistic regression and multiple correspondence analysis. The results demonstrated that although both analyses were relatively different, they provided similar results. Age, road lanes, and helmet wearing were significant factors that influenced the severity of motorcycle accidents. The results could serve as reference for planning strategies or organizing campaigns to reduce and prevent death owing to road traffic accidents, which may enhance the overall image of road traffic safety in Thailand.  相似文献   

Many violations and accidents involving motorcyclists occur in the urban areas of Indonesia. It can be said that the failure to develop a good traffic safety culture causes poor motorcyclist behavior, as shaped by existing programs and mechanisms. This study aimed to identify motorcyclists' critical behaviors by conducting investigations using the reciprocal safety culture model as a framework. We tried to identify and clarify the safe behaviors expected by local governments from the existing driving safety program. By applying the antecedent-behavior-consequence model of the behavioral-based safety program, we obtained sixty-three behaviors associated with the six criteria of safe driving. We surveyed motorcyclists (N = 97) to review the sixty-three motorcyclist behaviors in the urban area. The relationship between the behavioral and psychological aspects of the reciprocal safety culture model was investigated to obtain the motorcyclists' critical behaviors. Multiple linear regression model, optimized by the stepwise regression, described the influence motorcyclist behavior on the perception of driving safety. We identified eight critical safety-related behaviors engaged in by motorcyclists. Observation revealed some cultural issues embedded in motorcyclists' eight critical safety-related behaviors that need to be intervened by the local government. The reciprocal safety culture model could be applied in the behavioral-based safety program to approach traffic safety culture issues. In order to develop a good traffic safety culture in the urban area, the local government needs to review the existing driving safety program by understanding drivers' behaviors as they relate to such a program.  相似文献   

Motorcycles are considered as one of the extreme modes of conveyance contributing to road accidents. Reports revealed that the number of deaths caused by motorcycles is significantly higher than by any other means of transportation. A large percentage of motorcycle accidents occurred mainly due to human behaviour. The objectives of this paper are to unveil and analyse certain behavioural patterns of riders influencing the motorcycle mishaps through literature reviews on various aspects of riding behaviours including the lack of visibility and alertness, and speeding issues. This is important for a comprehensive and broad understanding of the riders' behavioural and performance traits associated with speeding, visibility, and alertness issues. Thus, collisions due to these issues may be avoided. This study summarizes 104 selected articles published in Springer, Elsevier, Tylor & Francis, IEEE, US Patent, WHO and others, distributed over the year of 1981 to 2019, which were further separated into four classes; 22 articles (21%) on the speeding issues, 25 articles (24%) on the visibility issues, 24 articles (23%) related to alertness issues, and 33 articles (32%) comprising of other studies related to motorcycles. All these research papers highlighted the ways to reduce the risks from speeding and to improve the visibility and alertness of motorcycle riders. As a conclusion, the study found that by applying the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) in motorcycles, road accidents may be reduced. It is also well noticed that the headlight of motorcycle and the use of fluorescent jacket increase the conspicuity of a motorcyclist. Moreover, the Daytime Running Light (DRL) of a motorcycle may also reduce accidents. It is also noted that the use of sensors on steering wheel increases the alertness of drivers. Finally, a framework to gain an improved understanding on the motorcycle riders' behaviour related issues and the ways to handling them were recommended. On top of that, this study had also suggested a new technological utilisation to improve the management of speeding, visibility and alertness issues. Provided that these concerns are addressed, a drop in the number of accident occurrences is possible.  相似文献   

邹铁方  王冠  胡林  武和全 《汽车工程》2020,42(5):621-627,643
为探索骑乘人员的损伤差异,基于PC-Crash仿真软件,以车型、碰撞车速和碰撞形态为变量进行147组汽车碰撞载人摩托车的仿真,在此基础上用统计学方法分析所得数据。结果表明:绝大多数碰撞条件下,包括不同碰撞车速,骑车人头、胸部和撞击侧下肢损伤指标参数的均值均高于后座乘员;此外,当碰撞车速分别为45和50 km/h时,骑车人和后座乘员的头、胸部损伤都超过其安全界限。  相似文献   

Conflicting actions of motorcyclists making right-turn movements (RTM) pose a considerable risk of accidents, which is of great concern when attempting to augment the level of safety at unsignalized intersections. This study was conducted to identify the habits of motorcyclists in RTMs, including normal RTM, weaving/merging RTM, and opposite indirect RTM when crossing unsignalized intersections. The behavioral factors were affected by gender, passenger status, motorcycle type, STOP factor, speed, travel time, and lane width of major and minor roads, which were tested using multinomial and nested logit models on 2358 motorcyclists. The results indicated that all of the observed variables significantly influenced motorcyclists' behaviors at unsignalized intersections, excepting the variable of travel time. The factors of speed and lane width on minor roads significantly correlated to motorcyclist behaviors during weaving and merging RTM only. The logit model reveals that female motorcyclists tend to make normal RTMs. The study also proposes ideal and practical recommendations, such as stop and speed regulations, channelization, number of lanes and lane widths, and maneuver markers, in order to address dangerous behaviors, in particular weaving and merging and opposite indirect-type RTMs.  相似文献   

Malaysia has the highest road fatality risk (per 100,000 population) among the ASEAN countries and more than 50% of the road accident fatalities involve motorcyclists. This study has collected and analysed data from the police, government authorities, and national and international research institutes. Only fatality data are used due to the severe underreporting of severe injuries (up to 600%) and slight injuries (up to 1400%). The analysis reveals that the highest numbers of motorcycle fatalities occur in rural locations (61%), on primary roads (62%) and on straight road sections (66%). The majority are riders (89%), 16 to 20 years old (22.5%), and 90% of the motorcycles are privately owned. Of those involved in fatal accidents, 75% of the motorcyclists wear helmets, and 35% do not have proper licences. The highest number of fatalities by type of collision is ‘angular or side’ (27.5%). Although fatal motorcyclist crashes mostly involve ‘passenger cars’ (28%), motorcyclists are responsible for 50% of the collisions either by crashing singly (25%) or with other motorcyclists (25%). While male motorcyclists predominate (94% of fatalities), female motorcyclists aged 31 to 70, possessing ‘no licence’, not wearing helmets and travelling during the day, account for a higher percentage than male motorcyclists. Malaysia must acquire more motorcycle exposure data and establish an injury recording system and database based on hospital-records. To reduce motorcycle fatalities, it first has to understand why young male motorcyclists are prone to fatal crashes in the evenings and on weekends on rural primary roads, especially on straight road sections.  相似文献   

Road restraint systems are roadside structures that include safety barriers, crash cushions, terminal of barriers, the transitions among different road restraint systems, motorcyclist protection devices, etc. These systems are used to protect vehicle occupants from dangerous roadside elements and are a key issue in roadside safety.  相似文献   

针对目前我国高速公路2次事故多发的特点,从初次交通事故交通流辐射分析入手,阐述高速公路交通事故影响范围和影响时间的分析方法.建立基于TransModeler微观交通仿真平台的交通事故辐射分析模型,对其中一种紧急事件的交通流辐射范围进行实例分析.本模型可为交通事故或其他突发事件的信息发布、预警提供信息与决策支持,从而达到...  相似文献   

为从多维度精准剖析影响城市道路交通事故严重程度的因素,选取了我国某城市2018—2020年交通事故数据库中的4 587条数据作为研究对象,基于二元Logistic模型,从人、车、路、环境这4个方面,分别针对财产损失事故、伤人事故、死亡事故建立了模型。深入分析了道路物理隔离位置、路侧防护设施类型等因素对事故严重程度的影响,并利用Hosmer-Lemeshow检验和一致性检验对模型有效性进行验证。结果表明:①道路物理隔离的空间位置对事故严重程度有显著影响,仅布设中心隔离设施发生死亡事故的概率是同时布设中央和机非隔离的2.304倍。在有中心隔离设施的高等级道路中,增设机非隔离设施能有效降低事故发生的概率。②路侧防护设施类型为行道树、绿化带时,发生死亡事故的概率分别是金属护栏的1.982倍、1.648倍。与金属护栏相比,行道树更容易引发严重事故。③夜间无路灯照明发生死亡事故的概率是夜间有路灯照明的1.808倍,夜间无路灯照明是导致死亡事故的重要因素之一。④受过高等教育的驾驶人发生财产损失事故和伤人事故的概率较高,受过中等教育的驾驶员发生死亡事故的概率较高;受过中等教育驾驶员发生死亡事故的概率是高等教育驾驶员的2.049倍。研究深入分析了影响城市道路交通事故的显著因素及其对事故的影响,为事故严重程度的精细化分析提供了理论支持,为交通规划与管理部门提供了决策依据。   相似文献   

马艳丽  裴玉龙 《中南公路工程》2007,32(3):147-150,155
基于灰关联分析,对道路交通事故的影响因子进行预处理,建立了基于多因子关联分析的道路交通事故GM(1,N)预测模型。对哈尔滨市1994年~2004年的道路交通事故进行实例分析,预测结果表明GM(1,N))模型的预测精度高于GM(1,1)模型及多元线性回归模型。该模型克服了GM(1,1)模型对于波动性较大的非平稳数列预测精度低的缺点,该模型具有简单、有效、预测精度高的特点。GM(1,N)模型是一种动态数据处理方法,且不会出现量化分析与定性分析结果矛盾的现象,能够很好的反映交通事故的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

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