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正随着移动互联网、大数据、车联网等技术越来越多地渗透到交通领域,百姓的出行将越来越高效便捷,同时也有利于管理部门为社会提供更好的公共交通服务。其中,大数据的运用在公交都市建设过程中,大数据可谓是"大有可为"。9月5日,国务院印发《促进大数据发展行动纲要》(简称((纲要》),系统部署大数据发展工作,并提出:率先在交通等领域,实现公共  相似文献   

正2019年3月23日,由道明光学股份有限公司主办的"国家公路网命名编号调整暨战略合作研讨会"在浙江永康召开。来自各省、自治区、直辖市交通运输、公安交通管理等方面的领导、专家、学者、优秀企业代表及媒体记者500余人齐聚永康,为国家公路网命名编号调整建言献策,以进一步完善国家公路网整体运行功能,提升我国公路交通标志设置水平,服务公众安全便捷出行。  相似文献   

道路货物运输是带动社会发展的重要力量,对国民经济具有重大支撑作用。智慧道路货物运输体系,作为一种灵活、便捷、高效的全新货物运输模式,运用互联网、大数据、云计算等信息通信技,以及专用的无人驾驶公路货物运输路线,减少了交通事故,社会环境效益明显。  相似文献   

随着传统行业对"互联网+"方向建设思考的不断深入,机场行业领域也亟需思考与探索新的应用与服务模式,将线上资源和线下旅客无缝对接,从而为旅客带来更加新颖、便捷与个性化的出行与消费体验,提升自身品牌价值及顾客满意度。因此,首都机场利用航站楼内部署铺设的蓝牙定位营销网络,结合对于机场行业基础旅客服务的需求分析以及首都机场自身对于旅客服务理念和商业价值挖潜诉求,推出了"梦想之旅—我最摇摆"主题营销活动,从首都机场股份公司微信公众号、微信摇一摇、线上分享体验以及线下活动宣传等不同层次和维度进行全方位的传播,使更多线上、线下的旅客了解、参与其中,并立足活动转化率将独立活动的全方位数据进行了深入挖掘,共同打造了"互联网+"智慧营销案例。  相似文献   

本文在借鉴世界著名湾区发展经验的基础上,深入分析了世界湾区交通发展的新阶段新趋势,提出要重点聚焦未来交通科技、"互联网+"共享交通、高水平互联互通、"四港联动"等领域,在杭州湾区率先开展试点示范,着力六大举措,打造全球首屈一指的全域化智慧交通发展先行区和示范区,构筑智慧、便捷、高效的湾区互联互通集成交通体系,为世界湾区交通发展提供浙江方案。  相似文献   

车老板们能否摘掉"土帽子",享受互联网带来的便捷服务?针对目前地方"土黄牛"们(配货站)手里攥着的海量信息,究竟这顶互联网的信息帽子该怎么戴?本期主编沙龙将带来一些答案……  相似文献   

在详细分析南宁市道路交通违法行为现状的基础上,文章研究了道路交通违法行为信息化系统建立的需求,分析了系统所要求实现的功能,介绍了系统的设计思路、整体架构及主要模块。通过开发和应用该系统,实现了公安交通管理部门对道路交通违法行为的信息化管理;为车管部门提供及时、准确的相关处罚信息;同时提供丰富灵活的数据综合查询功能,满足各个部门、各个级别的信息共享需求,达到了提高公安交通管理部门执法水平和服务能力的目的。  相似文献   

本文阐述了在"互联网+"与各行业快速融合的新时代,机场作为对国民经济和社会发展具有重要作用的公共性基础设施。探索新的O2O商业与服务模式,通过和微信、支付宝等互联网企业深度合作,创新性的将线上资源和线下资源无缝对接,利用微信公众号、微信摇一摇、支付宝等新兴技术打造具有机场特色的O2O生态圈;从不同层次和纬度为机场旅客提供更加新颖、便捷和科技感的出行和消费体验,同时利用新媒体技术提升机场品牌价值和旅客整体满意度。  相似文献   

<正>互联网作为一种"能源",已经越来越深入地变革着传统行业。"滴滴"的出现,便捷了百姓出行;"阿里"的网店,愉悦了大众购物;微信支付,让手机变成了随手可刷的钱包……随着传统行业被颠覆,"互联网+"正在深度变革大众百姓的生活方式和用户体验。北京首都国际机场是全球第二大国际机场,每天有超过1600架次航班在这里起降,超过60万人次的中外旅客和接送机人员从这里进出,年旅客吞吐量近9000万人次。在"互联网+"的时代背景下,旅客在出行过程中,  相似文献   

正"在我国推进大众创业、万众创新深入发展之际,如何以大数据为基础,结合云计算、物联网、人工智能等新兴技术,加速推进交通运输行业的变革,既是一道创业课题,也是一片掘金蓝海。"互联网思维对传统交通领域的渗透,为解决城市交通诸多"痛点"开辟了崭新途径,也使得"互联网+交通"成为交通行业最引人瞩目的变革。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new Controlled Vehicular Internet Access protocol with QoS support (CVIA-QoS) is introduced. CVIA-QoS employs fixed gateways along the road which perform periodic admission control and scheduling decisions for the packet traffic in their service area. The CVIA-QoS protocol is based on Controlled Vehicular Internet Access (CVIA) protocol that was designed only for the best-effort traffic. The most important contribution of the CVIA-QoS protocol is providing delay bounded throughput guarantees for soft real-time traffic, which is an important challenge especially for a mobile multihop network. After the demands of the soft real-time traffic is met, CVIA-QoS supports the best-effort traffic with the remaining bandwidth. Simulation results confirm that in CVIA-QoS protocol, the real-time throughput is not affected from the best-effort load and its delay is much smaller than CVIA delay when both the real-time and best-effort load exist in the channel. It has been observed that, unlike, CVIA-QoS, IEEE 802.11e with multi-hopping suffers from lower throughput and high number of real-time packet drops.  相似文献   

More and more commuters are beginning to favour public transportation. Fast and convenient park and ride (PnR) services provided by public transportation authorities are the result of changes of household demographics and household, increasing fuel prices and a focus on environmental sustainability. However, lack of parking spaces in PnR facilities creates a major bottleneck to this service. The aim of this research is to develop a location-based service (LBS) application to help PnR users choose the best train station to use to reach their destination using a multicriteria decision making model. A fuzzy logic method is used to estimate parking availability when a user is estimated to arrive at a PnR facility. Two surveys are conducted to collect traffic flow, travel behaviour and service quality data at four selected Perth Western Australia train stations. With the proposed approach and survey data, a prototype of LBS application, Station Finder, was developed using the Android SDK 4.0 and Google API 16. This application is a useful and practical tool to save travel cost and time of PnR users’.  相似文献   

The integration of internet and mobile phones has opened the door to a new wave of utilizing private vehicles as probes not only for performance evaluation but for traffic control as well, gradually replacing the role of traffic surveillance systems as the dominant source of traffic data. To prepare for such a paradigm shift, one needs to overcome some key institutional barriers, in particular, the privacy issue. A Highway Voting System (HVS) is proposed to address this issue in which drivers provide link- and/or path-based vehicle data to the traffic management system in the form of “votes” in order to receive favorable service from traffic control. The proposed HVS offers a platform that links data from individual vehicles directly with traffic control. In the system, traffic control responds to voting vehicles in a way similar to the current system responding to prioritized vehicles and providing the requested services accordingly. We show in the paper that the proposed “voting” system can effectively resolve the privacy issue which often hampers traffic engineers from getting detailed data from drivers. Strategies to entice drivers into “voting” so as to increase the market penetration level under all traffic conditions are discussed. Though the focus of the paper is on addressing the institutional issues associated with data acquisition from individual vehicles, other research topics associated with the proposed system are identified. Two examples are given to demonstrate the impact of the proposed system on algorithm development and traffic control.  相似文献   

On the basis of the Norwegian national personal travel survey (NPTS) 1997/98 and a connected mail back survey of the use of information – and communication technology at home, the relation between mobility and use of stationary communication has been studied. On the basis of these results we cannot see any direct substitutionary effects of the use of stationary technology at people's home on the use of mobile technology. Access to and use of information technology seems not to have a significant impact on travel activities in everyday life. Stationary communication seems to be a supplement to activities based on mobile technology. For people who work more than “normal” weekly working hours, stationary technology seems to give them greater flexibility in regard to where to work, but it does not necessarily reduce their travel activity. There is a tendency that people who own home computers make less work trips, but this does not affect the total number of daily trips. The spatial flexibility give a temporal flexibility, which means that work trips and other trips can be more dispersed over the day than is the situation today. The positive consequence can be a reduction in the rush-hour traffic; the negative is that it is more difficult to offer a high frequent public transport service when travel needs are more spread in time. Ownership and use of both mobile and stationary technologies are unequally distributed. Men, people with high education and income are the most frequent owners and users.  相似文献   

Recently connected vehicle (CV) technology has received significant attention thanks to active pilot deployments supported by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT). At signalized intersections, CVs may serve as mobile sensors, providing opportunities of reducing dependencies on conventional vehicle detectors for signal operation. However, most of the existing studies mainly focus on scenarios that penetration rates of CVs reach certain level, e.g., 25%, which may not be feasible in the near future. How to utilize data from a small number of CVs to improve traffic signal operation remains an open question. In this work, we develop an approach to estimate traffic volume, a key input to many signal optimization algorithms, using GPS trajectory data from CV or navigation devices under low market penetration rates. To estimate traffic volumes, we model vehicle arrivals at signalized intersections as a time-dependent Poisson process, which can account for signal coordination. The estimation problem is formulated as a maximum likelihood problem given multiple observed trajectories from CVs approaching to the intersection. An expectation maximization (EM) procedure is derived to solve the estimation problem. Two case studies were conducted to validate our estimation algorithm. One uses the CV data from the Safety Pilot Model Deployment (SPMD) project, in which around 2800 CVs were deployed in the City of Ann Arbor, MI. The other uses vehicle trajectory data from users of a commercial navigation service in China. Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of the estimation is found to be 9–12%, based on benchmark data manually collected and data from loop detectors. Considering the existing scale of CV deployments, the proposed approach could be of significant help to traffic management agencies for evaluating and operating traffic signals, paving the way of using CVs for detector-free signal operation in the future.  相似文献   

为优化城市道路交通信号控制方法,本文结合交通信号控制系统建设发展现状,分析当前各大城市交通信号控制系统普遍存在的问题,立足于互联网环境下的浮动车数据,提出基于互联网平台大数据的交通信号控制辅助优化机制。研究发现可利用互联网路口拥堵报警数据及时有效发现问题路口,利用路段拥堵指数及路口交通流参数变化趋势辅助评估配时方案的优化效果,并通过成都市应用实例证明该机制适用于当前交通控制场景需求,可有效辅助交通信号优化工作,是传统交通模式向真正智能交通模式过渡的阶梯。  相似文献   


This paper investigates the effects of mobile phone use while driving on traffic speed and headways, with particular focus on young drivers. For this purpose, a field survey was carried out in real road traffic conditions, in which drivers' speeds and headways were measured while using or not using a mobile phone. The survey took place within a University Campus area, allowing to distinguish between settings approximating to either free flow or interrupted flow conditions. Linear and loglinear regression methods were used to investigate the effects of mobile phone use and several other young driver characteristics, such as gender, driving experience and annual distance travelled, on vehicle speeds and headways. Separate models were developed for average free flow, interrupted flow, as well as for total average speed. Results show that mobile phone use leads to a statistically significant reduction in traffic speeds of young drivers in all types of traffic conditions. Furthermore, male and female drivers reduce their speed similarly when using a mobile phone while driving. However, male drivers using their mobile phone drive at lower speeds than female drivers not using their mobile phones. Sensitivity analysis revealed that, among all explanatory variables, the effect of mobile phone use on speed was most important. Accordingly, vehicle headways appear to increase for drivers using their mobile phone. However, this effect could not be statistically validated, due to the strong correlation between speed and headway.  相似文献   

由基于移动智能终端的云环境交通平台进行的交通调查是一种新型的交通数据收集手段。文章介绍了基于移动智能终端的云环境交通平台技术的应用领域、使用方法及效果,并结合该平台总体设计方案,分析了该平台技术研究所取得的创新性成果。  相似文献   

Agent technology is rapidly emerging as a powerful computing paradigm to cope with the complexity in dynamic distributed systems, such as traffic control and management systems. However, while a number of agent-based traffic control and management systems have been proposed and the multi-agent systems have been studied, to the best of our knowledge, the mobile agent technology has not been applied to this field. In this paper, we propose to integrate mobile agent technology with multi-agent systems to enhance the ability of the traffic management systems to deal with the uncertainty in a dynamic environment. In particular, we have developed an IEEE FIPA compliant mobile agent system called Mobile-C and designed an agent-based real-time traffic detection and management system (ABRTTDMS). The system based on Mobile-C takes advantages of both stationary agents and mobile agents. The use of mobile agents allows ABRTTDMS dynamically deploying new control algorithms and operations to respond unforeseen events and conditions. Mobility also reduces incident response time and data transmission over the network. The simulation of using mobile agents for dynamic algorithm and operation deployment demonstrates that mobile agent approach offers great flexibility in managing dynamics in complex systems.  相似文献   


Many people use public transportation systems to reach their destination, while others use personal vehicles. Poor transportation systems do not attract ridership. Therefore, the usage of passenger cars increases, and traffic and environmental conditions deteriorate. Efficient public transportation has been recognized as one of the potential ways of mitigating air pollution, reducing energy consumption, improving mobility and alleviating traffic congestion. The objective of this study is to optimize a bus feeder service that provides the shuttle service between a recreation center (e.g. Sandy Hook, NJ) and a major public transportation facility, subject to site-specific constraints such as vehicle schedules, bus availability, service capacity and budget. The decision variables include bus headway, vehicle size and route choice. The solution methodology integrating both analytical and numerical techniques is developed, which optimizes the decision variables. Finally, the proposed solution methodology is applied to a case study. Numerical results, including optimal solutions and sensitivity analyses, are presented while the level of coordination between the feeder service and a major transportation service is discussed.  相似文献   

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