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文章通过对温哥华港集装箱通港集疏运过程和相关利益方合作协调机制的全面分析,提出了其对温哥华港和港口依托城市产生的交通、环保和经济方面的负面影响,并系统分析了其形成原因。针对集装箱卡车在码头周转效率和物流链整体规划的问题,文章介绍了温哥华港和相关企业采用的对策措施和取得效果,结合我国集装箱港口实际情况进行了经验借鉴与技术引进的讨论。 相似文献
为加快推进世界一流港口建设,积极引导港口高质量发展,对沿海港口集装箱集疏运结构评价问题进行研究。首先将港口集疏运划分为公路、铁路、内河水运、沿海中转和国际中转五种方式。再按照港口集装箱的来源,构建了腹地箱和中转箱比重两个一级评价指标。针对腹地集装箱公、铁、水运输方式,进一步构建了公路、铁路、内河水运集装箱比重三个二级评价指标。基于现有港口统计数据,提出各级评价指标的测算方法。最后,通过与世界一流港口对比,分析我国沿海港口集疏运系统存在的主要问题,并提出完善港口集疏运统计制度、大力发展铁水联运和水水中转等对策建议。 相似文献
集装箱运输具有实现货物运输便捷、快速、安全、“门到门”等突出运输功能的特点和优势,能最大限度地满足货主的需要,同时还是实现多式联运的最佳方式。加快宁波港集装箱海铁联运体系建设,争取尽早改善宁波铁路集装箱的运输条件,充分发挥铁路在中、长距离集装箱运输中的优势,对促进宁波港集疏运综合交通发展有着重要的战略意义和现实意义。 相似文献
我国集装箱联运发展的回顾与展望 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目前,我国经济正处于快速发展时期,对集装箱运输的需求日益增长。随着国际、国内贸易量持续上升,去年全国进出口贸易总额超过6000亿美元,这有效地拉动了集装箱联运的需求,促进了集装箱联运的发展。2002年,港口与铁路共完成集装箱量3661.2万TEU,其中:港口集装箱吞吐量仍保持高速增长,完成吞吐量约3400万TEU;铁路集装箱发送量也有了快速的增长,完成发送箱量261.2万TEU,发送吨4819万吨。高增长的发展势头,使集装箱联运作为一种先进的运输组织形式,以其高效、低耗、便捷的特点,正在为我国经济的快速发展和市场化进程发挥着日… 相似文献
本文通过对欧盟地区若干国家典型企业开展集装箱海铁联运业务经济组织模式的考察和分析,为我国在加快铁水联运发展过程中如何充分发挥市场机制提供相应的参考,并提出相关建议。 相似文献
集装箱铁水联运是多式联运的重要形式之一,有利于充分发挥铁路运输在内贸运输和外贸集疏运方面大运量、低能耗的优势,是实现高效物流的有效途经。根据铁水联运运量数据小样本和不稳定的特点,将三次指数平滑方法、多元线性回归方法、BP神经网络方法组合,并通过遗传算法为单一预测方法赋权,建立了组合预测模型。以2011~~2020年铁水联运相关统计数据对模型进行实证分析,结果证明组合模型能在一定程度上提高预测精度和稳定性。 相似文献
本文在梳理我国集装箱海铁联运发展现状的基础上,通过借鉴国际典型港口集装箱海铁联运发展经验,提出新时期我国集装箱海铁联运发展的对策建议。 相似文献
<正> 为改善我国集装箱运输系统的运输条件,促进国际集装箱海铁联运的发展,1997年5月30日,经铁道部批准,由柳州铁路局与湛江港务局共同组建的湛江港站正式对外办理集装箱运输业务,成为全国首家由铁路和港务部门联合经营管理的铁路集装箱办理站——集装箱港站。随后,青岛、天津、厦门、连云港等港口和当地铁路运输部门相继仿效,开设了集装箱港站。我国吞吐量最大的集装箱港口上海也于1998年7月开通了杨浦港站和军工路港站。集装箱港站这一新生事物的发生,是我国推进国际集装箱多式联运的必然产物,它的不断成熟与发展,必将为实现集装箱海铁联运一体化经营发挥重要的作用。 相似文献
AbstractDespite a concentration of container traffic in the southeast of the UK over the last few decades, regional ports are attempting new development strategies to capture or retain specific traffic segments. These include intra-European short-sea traffic and a potentially increasing feeder market. These trends are reflected in the movement of different container types, which result in a number of planning challenges related to changing infrastructural and operational requirements. This paper uses highly disaggregated data on container type movements to address three issues that can inform these planning challenges. First, the imbalance of trade resulting in empty container repositioning; second, the requirement for gauge-cleared rail routes to cater for the increasing proportion of high-cube containers; and third, the specialisation of European short-sea traffic at secondary UK ports. The results reveal the disproportionate repositioning of empty containers at Scottish ports and the importance of 45?ft, high-cube and pallet-wide containers at regional ports, highlighting their focus on intra-European short-sea traffic and raising difficulties relating to their lower quality of landside infrastructure (particularly rail) in comparison to the large south-eastern ports. The potential repercussions on hinterland infrastructure development raise questions about both public and private sector responses to regional port development. 相似文献
This paper proposes the conceptual model of the Asian (Port) Doctrine to explain the successful development of top ranking container ports in Asia during the past four decades. This paper draws a new paradigm for the role of government as a third governance approach in addition to Anglo-Saxon and European doctrines by describing how Asian countries have developed container hub ports by investing in infrastructure as social overhead capital to support export-led growth. We survey characteristics and outcomes in major Asian container port developments and one European port in terms of a port development policy. The findings are presented in a comparative overview of government investment in functional elements of port, maritime infrastructure and landside connections to container ports. This paper confirms that the existing two doctrines—Anglo-Saxon and European doctrines—are not sufficient to explain the Asian success in major container port developments. The proposed framework contends that a newly proposed Asian Doctrine can accomplish this with the help of cross-subsidization, strategic and administered port pricing mechanism. 相似文献
随着湘桂高铁、贵广高铁、南广高铁、云桂高铁的建成,广西逐步进入高铁时代。广西高铁的发展给广西北部湾港口群带来了新的生机,高铁与港口货物联运是未来广西北部湾港口物流发展的新趋势。文章分析了广西港口与高铁联运的有利条件以及高铁运输对港口物流的促进作用,从技术标准缺乏、货物分运混乱、物流成本偏高等方面阐述了港口与高铁联运存在的现实问题,并提出了相应对策。 相似文献
Container Terminal Development in Mainland China and Its Impact on the Competitiveness of the Port of Hong Kong 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In recent years, China's container ports have experienced a significant expansion in throughput and capacity. This paper provides a review of the sector and analyses the recent development of container ports and terminals within Mainland China. It then focuses in more depth on the competition between the ports of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. In particular, the port of Shenzhen is analysed in the context of Robinson's criteria for hub port development to try to discern whether it will become the dominant regional hub. The discussion concludes that despite Shenzhen's current competitive advantages, Hong Kong will, in all probability, retain its dominant role. 相似文献