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金属带式无级变速器(CVT,Continuously Variable Transmission)中的速变器(Variator)是靠摩擦传递扭矩,所以关于速变器的滑移研究实质上是十分重要的。从CVT速变器滑移率定义入手,建立速变器状态空间数学模型,详细研究滑移率与牵引系数之间的关系,提出速变器滑移控制策略,进一步采用MATLAB/Simulink/SimDriveline建立带有金属带式无级变速器整车仿真模型,通过仿真结果分析得出:在相同滑移率工况下,采用滑移控制比采用传统的夹紧力控制能够使用更小的安全系数,有效地降低了CVT液压控制系统的压力,提高了CVT自身效率,同时也提高了CVT传递扭矩的能力。  相似文献   

金属带式无级变速器速比匹配与控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先建立金属带式无级变速器(CVT)的液压系统数学模型,在此基础上通过试验分析了液压系统对速比变化率的影响;其次考虑到CVT系统复杂的非线性和速比控制阀的开关特性,设计了模糊速比控制器;最后进行了速比控制台架试验和变速控制系统整车道路试验.试验结果表明:所设计的速比控制器能很好地实现实际速比对目标速比的追踪,满足汽车的变速要求,能应用于实际的金属带式CVT中.  相似文献   

正内燃机时代,说到CVT变速器的压力钢带,博世是毫无疑问的技术领导者,大部分主机厂想要量产搭载CVT变速器的车型,绕不开博世的专利。现在,博世希望将这一技术应用到纯电驱动和混合动力系统。在第十三届国际汽车变速器及驱动技术研讨会(TMC2021)期间,以"技术中立"的开放态度推出多元化动力总成方案的博世,展示了众多电气化时代最新的CVT技术,包括适配大扭矩车型平台的新型CVT压力式钢带、电动汽车专用的CVT变速器(CVT4EV)等。博世称,CVT是面向未来新能源汽车多样化动力总成需求的高性价比解决方案。  相似文献   

金属带式无级变速器电液控制系统的试验研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
通过对金属带式无级变速液压控制系统功能进行分析,把该系统分为夹紧力控制和速比控制系统。设计了金属带式无级变速器电—液控制系统,对控制阀特性进行了研究,为夹紧力控制系统和速比控制系统分别设计了控制器。最后对所设计的CVT控制系统进行了实车道路试验,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

2008年12月,博世集团无级变速箱业务部全球副总裁范威克在天津接受采访时表示,愿意向中国企业提供专有技术的转让和工程支持,帮助中国自主品牌开发自己的CVT变速箱。据博世中国区CVT业务部销售经理张辉介绍,CVT变速箱是靠压力钢带传输动力,作为全球领先的压力钢带供应商,博世提供的新一代CVT压力钢带可适用于1.0~3.5L甚至更大排量的发动机。  相似文献   

随着消费者对于驾乘舒适性与低油耗要求的日益强烈,作为无级变速器的代表,CVT无级变速器越来越多地出现在主流家轿的产品线当中,尤其是小排量车型,CVT的使用将令其燃油经济性优势进一步突出。现今大家所熟悉的CVT无级变速器多为钢带(链)式变速机构(图I),而在2010中国汽车变速器大会上,一个叫做GIF(吉孚)的德国企业带来了自己的另一种CVT无级变速器,他们称之为KRG——锥环式无级变速器(Cone-Ring Transmission,图2)。KRG锥环式无级变速器对于大多数人而言可能是个陌生的名词,不过,  相似文献   

无级变速器(CVT)正在成为改善发动机燃油经济性的重要技术之一,也在为减少汽车的CO_2排放作出贡献。介绍近年来应用于皮带式CVT的各种先进技术。通过降低摩擦、带轮的小型轻量化、降低润滑油摩擦阻力,以及降低滚动轴承摩擦扭矩等技术措施来改善燃油经济性,相比传统的CVT,可降低约30%的摩擦损失,同时也提高了CVT自身的传动效率。此外,采用皮带式CVT与副变速器相结合的独特结构,可以扩大变速比范围,改善车辆的起步与加速性能。  相似文献   

文章介绍了一种通过杠杆来控制无级变速器速比变化的新方法。新型无级变速器,其控制部分采用了杠杆机构,与CVT液压控制系统中的反馈杠杆不同,它是用于替代常规的液压控制机构。采用杠杆作为变速执行元件,可以简化无级变速器的结构及控制系统,对新型无级变速器的设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

正通用汽车为后轮驱动产品开发的全新电动变速器(EVT),用于凯迪拉克CT6的插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)驱动系统。该变速器包括两个集成电动机,行星齿轮和液压离合器。它能够在无级变速(CVT)传动比范围内进行动力分流型混合动力操作;在固定传动比下进行并联混合动力操作,并在不同传动比组合下实现纯电动驱动。本文将介绍从变速器的机械设计,控制设计,  相似文献   

汽车CVT技术发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1概述目前在汽车上广泛使用的自动变速技术是将液力变矩器和行星齿轮系组合的自动变速器技术,它在主要汽车制造商生产的城市用车中的平均装车率已经达到70%。但是液力变矩器和行星齿轮系的组合有着明显的缺点:传动比不连续,只能实现分段范围内的无级变速;液力传动的效率较低,影响了整车的动力性能与燃油经济性。所以汽车行业早就开始研究其它新型变速技术,无级变速(CVT)技术就是其中最有前景的一种。2CVT的基本工作原理CVT(Continuously Variable Transmission)技术即无级变速技术,采用传动带和工作直径可变的主动轮、从动轮相配合传递…  相似文献   

A modified CVT ratio map is proposed to obtain the improved fuel economy for a metal belt CVT. Since the CVT system loss, which occupies most of the drivetrain loss, depends on the engine speed, input torque, primary and secondary actuator pressure, a modified CVT ratio map is produced to realize the highest engine-CVT overall efficiency through the consideration of CVT system loss. The modified CVT ratio map is constructed with respect to the demanded vehicle power and present vehicle speed based on the steady state CVT system loss. Using the modified CVT ratio map, performance simulations are carried out using the dynamic models of the CVT powertrain. The simulation results indicate that the modified CVT ratio control provides improved engine-CVT overall system efficiency, and improves the fuel economy of the federal urban driving schedule by 4.9 percent.  相似文献   

Vehicular drivelines with hierarchical powertrain control require good component controller tracking, enabling the main controller to reach the desired goals. This paper focuses on the development of a transmission ratio controller for a hydraulically actuated metal push-belt continuously variable transmission (CVT), using models for the mechanical and the hydraulic part of the CVT. The controller consists of an anti-windup PID feedback part with linearizing weighting and a setpoint feedforward. Physical constraints on the system, especially with respect to the hydraulic pressures, are accounted for using a feedforward part to eliminate their undesired effects on the ratio. The total ratio controller guarantees that one clamping pressure setpoint is minimal, avoiding belt slip, while the other is raised above the minimum level to enable shifting. This approach has potential for improving the efficiency of the CVT, compared to non-model based ratio controllers. Vehicle experiments show that adequate tracking is obtained together with good robustness against actuator saturation. The largest deviations from the ratio setpoint are caused by actuator pressure saturation. It is further revealed that all feedforward and compensator terms in the controller have a beneficial effect on minimizing the tracking error.  相似文献   

Vehicular drivelines with hierarchical powertrain control require good component controller tracking, enabling the main controller to reach the desired goals. This paper focuses on the development of a transmission ratio controller for a hydraulically actuated metal push-belt continuously variable transmission (CVT), using models for the mechanical and the hydraulic part of the CVT. The controller consists of an anti-windup PID feedback part with linearizing weighting and a setpoint feedforward. Physical constraints on the system, especially with respect to the hydraulic pressures, are accounted for using a feedforward part to eliminate their undesired effects on the ratio. The total ratio controller guarantees that one clamping pressure setpoint is minimal, avoiding belt slip, while the other is raised above the minimum level to enable shifting. This approach has potential for improving the efficiency of the CVT, compared to non-model based ratio controllers. Vehicle experiments show that adequate tracking is obtained together with good robustness against actuator saturation. The largest deviations from the ratio setpoint are caused by actuator pressure saturation. It is further revealed that all feedforward and compensator terms in the controller have a beneficial effect on minimizing the tracking error.  相似文献   

In this study, a model-based integrated control method for engines and continuous variable transmissions (CVTs) is developed. CVT refers to a type of transmission which allows an engine to be operated independently with respect to the vehicle speed, with the engine torque and CVT gear ratio controlled in an integrated manner. In the proposed integrated control scheme, engine operating points which minimize the rate of instantaneous fuel consumption are calculated, and the engine target torque and target gear ratio are determined in an integrated manner based on the results of the calculations. Unlike the previous map-based control method, the method introduced in this study does not require an engine torque map or a CVT ratio map for tuning, and the engine torque and CVT ratio are controlled to minimize the amount of fuel used while satisfying the level of acceleration demand from the driver. The control scheme is based on the powertrain model, and the CVT response lag and transmission loss are also considered in the integrated control processes. The algorithm is simulated with various driving cycles, with the simulation results showing that the fuel economy performance of the vehicle system is improved with the newly suggested engine-CVT integrated control algorithm.  相似文献   

传统的纯电驱动工程机械利用电机来模拟发动机的功能,没有燃油消耗和污染排放,符合目前节能减排的趋势,但电机调速性能和过载能力未得到充分利用;另外,动力总成发生了变化,但相应的控制策略没有充分考虑液压系统的工作特点而进行有效的优化和完善,因此,整机的动力性、节能性、操控性和安全性等均有待提高。为进一步降低能耗,提高纯电驱动工程机械的效率,提出一种基于变转速控制的定量泵负载敏感系统,并针对定压差不能满足工程机械在复杂工况下的高效性问题,提出一种变压差控制策略,使系统在不同工况下进一步满足对动态响应或节能性的需求。建立了该负载敏感系统变压差控制的仿真模型,并在某8 t纯电驱动挖掘机上对所提出的控制策略进行测试。结果表明:系统压差与先导压力变化一致,仅与操纵阀杆的位移有关,而与负载压力的变化无关。在复合运动需要大流量时可通过操作手柄使先导压力增大,实现大范围无流量饱和功能,且在整个过程中流量变化曲线平滑,整机运行无抖动现象,具有较好的操控性;在压差为1 MPa时消耗的能量仅为压差3 MPa时的2/3;在低速需要小流量时,通过操作手柄保证系统压差处于较低水平,从而降低了系统的压力损耗,提高了系统的节能性。所提出的变转速控制负载敏感系统变压差控制策略能有效降低能耗,提高系统的操控性。  相似文献   

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (Plug-in HEV) has dramatic improvements in fuel economy and emission reduction. It is most important to decide its optimal configuration, energy management strategy, powertrain sizes, and control logic parameters. For multi-objective optimization, we present a concurrent optimization methodology based on an optimal Plug-in HEV powertrain configuration with continuous variable transmission (CVT). The novelty is using evolutionary algorithm in conjunction with an instantaneous optimal energy management strategy. Simulation results indicate the proposed method can significantly reduce fuel consumption and emissions by simultaneously optimizing the propulsion system parameters as well as the energy control parameters.  相似文献   

Most hybrid vehicles employ the continuously variable transmission (CVT or eCVT) currently as their choice of the transmissions. Recently, an automated geared transmission (AGT) or dual clutch transmission (DCT) is being tried for some hybrid vehicles for the better fuel economy than the CVT hybrid. However, this AGT or DCT is using automated clutches which require the hydraulic power in addition to the slippage in the clutch plate invoking some energy loss as well as wear. Also, they require a motor with significant power to match to the engine power. The clutchless geared smart transmission (CGST) has no clutch and the clutch function is performed by a planetary gear system controlled by a motor-generator. The hybrid vehicles proposed here using CGST may have some merits in durability, fuel efficiency, and cost since they do not have clutches. The motor used for the clutch function can be also working for power merge with the engine in propelling the vehicle. The proposed hybrid system can be either mild hybrid or full hybrid by adopting a different capacity of battery with much smaller motor-generator due to the planetary gear system compared to the other type hybrid vehicles. In this study, the prospects of newly proposed CGST hybrid system are examined in practical aspects compared with AGT hybrid or DCT hybrid systems.  相似文献   

单轴并联式混合动力系统(Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle,PHEV)包括电池、驱动电机、发动机、自动变速器等多个关键部件。各部件效率特性存在相互耦合的关系,要实现系统整体效率最优,需要辨明影响系统效率的控制参数,并对系统整体效率最优的控制参数进行优化。以装备无级变速器(Continuously Variable Transmission,CVT)的PHEV为研究对象,首先对系统各关键部件的效率特性进行分析,建立各关键部件效率模型,明确各部件效率与控制参数、状态参数之间的关系。在此基础上,对发动机单独驱动模式下动力传递路径中不同部件的效率耦合关系进行分析,推导出系统燃油消耗量与动力系统各状态参数、控制参数之间的函数关系。根据分析结果,选取车辆需求功率及车速为状态参数,变速器速比及发动机转矩为控制参数,以系统燃油消耗量最小为目标建立优化目标函数和约束条件,对系统优化问题进行定义。根据优化问题的特点,设计基于模拟退火的优化算法对优化问题进行求解,获取系统燃油消耗率最小时变速器目标速比和发动机目标转矩随状态参数的变化关系。建立系统仿真模型对所述优化算法进行仿真分析,并搭建混合动力试验台对优化结果进行试验验证。结果表明:无级变速器效率对系统整体效率影响较大,采用优化控制规律使发动机效率有所降低,但无级变速器效率升高更大,系统整体效率升高;在功率需求一定的循环工况下,优化控制算法比传统上仅以发动机效率最高为目标的控制算法节油1%~2%。  相似文献   

《JSAE Review》2001,22(1):9-14
If an engine with an electric throttle valve control and CVT is fitted to the powertrain, fuel consumption becomes economical while the throttle valve angle and the gear ratio of CVT are controlled simultaneously. If the engine is operated with a lean air-fuel ratio (A/F), it is also effective for fuel economy. Therefore, combining A/F control with the simultaneous control of the throttle valve angle and the gear ratio becomes a more important method for controlling the powertrain of a car. Though these input-output relations were complicated, an adequate and convenient control method was required for the synthetic powertrain control. From such a point of view, Engine-CVT-A/F consolidated control using decoupling control theory was investigated.  相似文献   

CVT液压系统功率的匹配分析与仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以CVT液压系统为研究对象,建立了压力、流量和功率的仿真模型,并对车辆起步、加速、制动等典型工况和ECE、EUDC循环工况进行了仿真,计算表明采用定量泵供油的CVT液压系统存在较大的功率损失,提出了提高电动液压泵和双联液压泵供油系统效率的新方案,为系统的节能控制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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