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The activity travel patterns of individuals in a household are inter-related, and the realistic modeling of activity-travel behavior requires that these interdependencies be explicitly accommodated. This paper examines household interactions impacting weekday in-home and out-of-home maintenance activity generation in active, nuclear family, households. The in-home maintenance activity generation is modeled by examining the duration invested by the male and female household heads in household chores using a seemingly unrelated regression modeling system. The out-of-home maintenance activity generation is modeled in terms of the decision of the household to undertake shopping, allocation of the task to one or both household heads, and the duration of shopping for the person(s) allocated the responsibility. A joint mixed-logit hazard-duration model structure is developed and applied to the modeling of out-of-home maintenance activity generation. The results indicate that traditional gender roles continue to exist and, in particular, non-working women are more likely to share a large burden of the household maintenance tasks. The model for out-of-home maintenance activity generation indicates that joint activity participation in the case of shopping is motivated by resource (automobiles) constraints. Finally, women who have a higher propensity to shop are also found to be inherently more efficient shoppers. 相似文献
A proportional shares model of daily time allocation is developed and applied to the analysis of joint activity participation between adult household members. The model is unique in its simultaneous representation of each decision maker's decisions concerning independent activity participation, allocation of time to joint activities, and the interplay between individual and joint activities. Further, the model structure ensures that predicted shares of joint activity outcomes be the same for both decision makers, an improvement over models that do not make interpersonal linkages explicit. The empirical analysis of travel diary data shows that employment commitments and childcare responsibilities have significant effects on tradeoffs between joint and independent activities. In addition, evidence is presented for the continued relevance of gender-based role differences in caring for children and employment participation. 相似文献
The recently emerging trend of self-driving vehicles and information sharing technologies, made available by private technology vendors, starts creating a revolutionary paradigm shift in the coming years for traveler mobility applications. By considering a deterministic traveler decision making framework at the household level in congested transportation networks, this paper aims to address the challenges of how to optimally schedule individuals’ daily travel patterns under the complex activity constraints and interactions. We reformulate two special cases of household activity pattern problem (HAPP) through a high-dimensional network construct, and offer a systematic comparison with the classical mathematical programming models proposed by Recker (1995). Furthermore, we consider the tight road capacity constraint as another special case of HAPP to model complex interactions between multiple household activity scheduling decisions, and this attempt offers another household-based framework for linking activity-based model (ABM) and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) tools. Through embedding temporal and spatial relations among household members, vehicles and mandatory/optional activities in an integrated space-time-state network, we develop two 0–1 integer linear programming models that can seamlessly incorporate constraints for a number of key decisions related to vehicle selection, activity performing and ridesharing patterns under congested networks. The well-structured network models can be directly solved by standard optimization solvers, and further converted to a set of time-dependent state-dependent least cost path-finding problems through Lagrangian relaxation, which permit the use of computationally efficient algorithms on large-scale high-fidelity transportation networks. 相似文献
One way of making activity-based travel analysis operational for transport planning is multi-agent micro-simulation. Modelling activity and trip generation based on individual and social characteristics are central steps in this method. The model presented here generates complete daily activity schedules based on the structure of a household and its members’ activity calendars. The model assumes that the household is another basic decision-making unit for travel demand aside from individual mobility needs. Results of the model are schedules containing complete information about activity type and sequence, locations, and means of transportation, as well as activity start times and durations. The generated schedules are the outcome of a probabilistic optimisation using genetic algorithms. This iterative method improves solutions found in a random search according to the specification of a fitness criterion, which equals utility here. It contains behavioural assumptions about individuals as well as the household level. Individual utility is derived from the number of activities and their respective durations. It is reduced by costs of travelling and penalties for late, respectively early arrival. The household level is represented directly by the utility of joint activities, and indirectly by allocation of activities and means of transportation to household members. The paper presents initial tests with a three-person household, detailing resulting schedules, and discussing run-time experiences. A sensitivity analysis of the joint utility parameter impact is also included. 相似文献
In this paper, an integrated destination choice model based on routing and scheduling considerations of daily activities is proposed. Extending the Household Activity Pattern Problem (HAPP), the Location Selection Problem (LSP–HAPP) demonstrates how location choice is made as a simultaneous decision from interactions both with activities having predetermined locations and those with many candidate locations. A dynamic programming algorithm, developed for PDPTW, is adapted to handle a potentially sizable number of candidate locations. It is shown to be efficient for HAPP and LSP–HAPP applications. The algorithm is extended to keep arrival times as functions for mathematical programming formulations of activity-based travel models that often have time variables in the objective. 相似文献
Household activity scheduling is widely regarded as the underlying mechanism through which people respond to emerging travel
demand management policies. Despite this, very little fundamental research has been conducted into the underlying scheduling
process to improve our understanding and ability forecast travel. The experimental survey approach presented in this paper
attempts to fill this gap. At the core of the survey is a Computerized Household Activity Scheduling (CHASE) software program.
The program is unique in that it runs for a week long period during which time all adult household members login daily to
record their scheduling decisions as they occur over time. An up-front interview is used to define a household's activity
agenda and mode availability. A sample of 41 households (66 adults and 14 children) was used to assess the performance of
the survey. Analysis focuses on times to completion, daily scheduling steps, activity-travel patterns, and scheduling time
horizons. Overall, the results show that the computer-based survey design was successful in gathering an array of information
on the underlying process, while minimizing the burden on respondents. The survey was also capable of tracing traditionally
observed activity-travel outcomes over a multi-day period with minimal fatigue effects. The paper concludes with a detailed
discussion on future survey design, including issues of instrument bias, use of the Internet, and improved tracing of spatial
behaviour. Future use of the survey methodology to enhance activity-travel diary surveys and stated responses experiments
is also discussed.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The paper focuses on how trip time variability affects re-scheduling of daily activities. A delay in a trip or an early arrival can contribute to changes in the timing, location of the next activity, and to the deletion/addition of some activities. We propose the idea of using fuzzy logic rules to explain the effect of variability in travel time on the benefits perceived by an individual with the changes, and to model different actions that the individuals take in order to re-establish the steadiness of the existing timetable. The fuzzy model is used to handle the imprecision of the data which is unstructured text. The results show that large deviations in trip duration are more likely to induce significant changes in the timetable whereas small deviations are either ignored or translated into modified timing of the next activity. In choosing an action, greater importance is assigned to the flexibility of the following activity, to the magnitude of the trip time saving/delay, and to the duration of the next activity. Time savings are not favoured unless they can be readily transferred into additional activity time allocated to the next activity or to a new activity. The fuzzy rules based system is capable of predicting satisfactorily the strategy of coping with uncertainty in travel times and the satisfaction sensed with the change. 相似文献
This paper presents a combined activity/travel choice model and proposes a flow-swapping method for obtaining the model's dynamic user equilibrium solution on congested road network with queues. The activities of individuals are characterized by given temporal utility profiles. Three typical activities, which can be observed in morning peak period, namely at-home activity, non-work activity on the way from home to workplace and work-purpose activity, will be considered in the model. The former two activities always occur together with the third obligatory activity. These three activities constitute typical activity/travel patterns in time-space dimension. At the equilibrium, each combined activity/travel pattern, in terms of chosen location/route/departure time, should have identical generalized disutility (or utility) experienced actually. This equilibrium can be expressed as a discrete-time, finite-dimensional variational inequality formulation and then converted to an equivalent "zero-extreme value" minimization problem. An algorithm, which iteratively adjusts the non-work activity location, corresponding route and departure time choices to reach an extreme point of the minimization problem, is proposed. A numerical example with a capacity constrained network is used to illustrate the performance of the proposed model and solution algorithm. 相似文献
This research focuses on finding the best transfer schemes in metro networks. Using sample-based time-invariant link travel times to capture the uncertainty of a realistic network, a two-stage stochastic integer programming model with the minimized expected travel time and penalty value incurred by transfer activities is formulated. The first stage aims to find a sequence of potential transfer nodes (stations) that can compose a feasible path from origins to destinations in the transfer activity network, and the second stage provides the least time paths passing by the generated transfer stations in the first stage for evaluating the given transfer schemes and then outputs the best routing information. To solve our proposed model, an efficient hybrid algorithm, in which the label correcting algorithm is embedded into a branch and bound searching framework, is presented to find the optimal solutions of the considered problem. Finally, the numerical experiments are implemented in different scales of metro networks. The computational results demonstrate the effectiveness and performance of the proposed approaches even for the large-scale Beijing metro network. 相似文献
This paper develops and estimates a multiple discrete continuous extreme value model of household activity generation that jointly predicts the activity participation decisions of all individuals in a household by activity purpose and the precise combination of individuals participating. The model is estimated on a sample obtained from the post census regional household travel survey conducted by the South California Association of Governments in the year 2000. A host of household, individual, and residential neighborhood accessibility measures are used as explanatory variables. The results reveal that, in addition to household and individual demographics, the built environment of the home zone also impacts the activity participation levels and durations of households. A validation exercise is undertaken to evaluate the ability of the proposed model to predict participation levels and durations. In addition to providing richness in behavioral detail, the model can be easily embedded in an activity-based microsimulation framework and is computationally efficient as it obviates the need for several hierarchical sub-models typically used in extant activity-based systems to generate activity patterns. 相似文献
This article presents a route choice model for public transit networks that incorporates variables related to network topology, complementing those found in traditional models based on service levels (travel time, cost, transfers, etc.) and users’ socioeconomic and demographic characteristics (income level, trip purpose, etc.). The topological variables represent concepts such as the directness of the chosen route and user knowledge of the network. For both of these factors, the necessary data is endogenous to the modelling process and can be quantified without the need for information-gathering beyond what is normally required for building route choice models. Other novel variables in the proposed formulation capture notions of user comfort such as vehicle occupancy rates and certain physical characteristics of network stations. We conclude that these new variables significantly improve the explanatory and predictive ability of existing route choice specifications. 相似文献
This paper presents a closed-form Latent Class Model (LCM) of joint mode and departure time choices. The proposed LCM offers compound substitution patterns between the two choices. The class-specific choice models are of two opposing nesting structures, each of which provides expected maximum utility feedback to the corresponding class membership model. Such feedback allows switching class membership in response to the changes in choice contexts. The model is used for an empirical investigation of commuting mode and departure time choices in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) by using a large sample household travel survey dataset. The empirical model reveals that overall 38% of the commuters in the GTHA are more likely to switch modes than departure times and 62% of them are more likely to do the reverse. The empirical model also reveals that the average Subjective Value of Travel Time Savings (SVTTS) of the commuters in the GTHA can be as low as 3 dollars if a single choice pattern of departure time choices nested within mode choices is considered. It can also be as high as 67 dollars if the opposite nesting structure is assumed. However, the LCM estimates the average SVTTS to be around 27 dollars in the GTHA. An empirical scenario analysis by using the estimated model indicates that a 50% increase in morning peak period car travel time does not sway more than 4% of commuters from the morning peak period. 相似文献
In the face of growing concerns about greenhouse gas emissions, there is increasing interest in forecasting the likely demand
for alternative fuel vehicles. This paper presents an analysis carried out on stated preference survey data on California
consumer responses to a joint vehicle type choice and fuel type choice experiment. Our study recognises the fact that this
choice process potentially involves high correlations that an analyst may not be able to adequately represent in the modelled
utility components. We further hypothesise that a cross-nested logit structure can capture more of the correlation patterns
than the standard nested logit model structure in such a multi-dimensional choice process. Our empirical analysis and a brief
forecasting exercise produce evidence to support these assertions. The implications of these findings extend beyond the context
of the demand for alternative fuel vehicles to the analysis of multi-dimensional choice processes in general. Finally, an
extension verifies that further gains can be made by using mixed GEV structures, allowing for random heterogeneity in addition
to the flexible correlation structures. 相似文献
Modeling the interaction between the built environment and travel behavior is of much interest to transportation planning
professionals due to the desire to curb vehicular travel demand through modifications to built environment attributes. However,
such models need to take into account self-selection effects in residential location choice, wherein households choose to
reside in neighborhoods and built environments that are conducive to their lifestyle preferences and attitudes. This phenomenon,
well-recognized in the literature, calls for the specification and estimation of joint models of multi-dimensional land use
and travel choice processes. However, the estimation of such model systems that explicitly account for the presence of unobserved
factors that jointly impact multiple choice dimensions is extremely complex and computationally intensive. This paper presents
a joint GEV-based logit regression model of residential location choice, vehicle count by type choice, and vehicle usage (vehicle
miles of travel) using a copula-based framework that facilitates the estimation of joint equations systems with error dependence
structures within a simple and flexible closed-form analytic framework. The model system is estimated on a sample derived
from the 2000 San Francisco Bay Area Household Travel Survey. Estimation results show that there is significant dependency
among the choice dimensions and that self-selection effects cannot be ignored when modeling land use-travel behavior interactions. 相似文献
The emergence of new information technologies and recent advances in existing technologies have provided new dimensions for travel demand decisions. In this paper we propose a comprehensive travel demand modeling framework to identify and model the urban development decisions of firms and developers and the mobility, activity and travel decisions of individuals and households, and to develop a system of models that can be used by decision makers and planners to evaluate the effects of changes in the transportation system and development of information technologies (e.g. various tele-commuting, tele-services and Intelligent Transportation Systems).The implementation of an operational model system based on this framework is envisioned as an incremental process starting with the current best practice of disaggregate travel demand model systems. To this end, we present an activity-based model system as the first stage in the development of an operational model system. 相似文献
Activity-based modelling approaches require a typical survey instrument which can collect the finer details of activities of each individual over both time and space. This paper focuses on the design of a new survey instrument called an activity-travel diary; examines its method of administration; and analyses activity-travel behaviour in the context of developing countries. The Mumbai Metropolitan Region in India is selected as the study area. With the aim of understanding the activities of each individual over a period of time, a pilot survey was conducted in a continuous time frame for a period of 15 days, followed by a main survey. The analysis of data collected by the instrument reveals some interesting facts regarding the relationships between socioeconomic attributes, activities and trip making behaviour. Identification of interactions among households and other members were also facilitated by the newly designed diary, which is not a well-versed topic for research in the context of a developing economy like Mumbai's. 相似文献
The development and initial validation results of a micro-simulator for the generation of daily activity-travel patterns are
presented in this paper. The simulator assumes a sequential history and time-of-day dependent structure. Its components are
developed based on a decomposition of a daily activity-travel pattern into components to which certain aspects of observed
activity-travel behavior correspond, thus establishing a link between mathematical models and observational data. Each of
the model components is relatively simple and is estimated using commonly adopted estimation methods and existing data sets.
A computer code has been developed and daily travel patterns have been generated by Monte Carlo simulation. Study results
show that individuals' daily travel patterns can be synthesized in a practical manner by micro-simulation. Results of validation
analyses suggest that properly representing rigidities in daily schedules is important in simulating daily travel patterns.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
An exploratory analysis of commuters' activity and travel patterns was carried out using activity-based travel survey data
collected in the Washington, DC metropolitan area to investigate and estimate relationships among socio-demographics, activity
participation, and travel behavior. Structural equations modeling methodology was adopted to determine the structural relationships
among commuters' demographics, activity patterns, trip generation, and trip chaining information. Three types of structural
equations model systems were estimated: one that models relationships between travel and activity participation, another that
captures trade-offs between in-home and out-of-home activity durations, and a third that models the generation of complex
work trip chains. The model estimation results show that strong relationships do exist among commuters' socio-demographic
characteristics, activity engagement information, and travel behavior. The finding that significant trade-offs exist between
in-home and out-of-home activity participation is noteworthy in the context of in-home vs. out-of-home substitution effects.
Virtually all of the results obtained in this paper corroborate earlier findings reported in the literature regarding relationships
among time use, activity participation, and travel.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
We develop a model for integrated analysis of household location and travel choices and investigate it from a theoretical point of view.Each household makes a joint choice of location (zone and house type) and a travel pattern that maximizes utility subject to budget and time constraints. Prices for housing are calculated so that demand equals supply in each submarket. The travel pattern consists of a set of expected trip frequencies to different destinations with different modes. The joint time and budget constraints ensure that time and cost sensitivities are consistent throughout the model. Choosing the entire travel pattern at once, as opposed to treating travel decisions as a series of isolated choices, allows the marginal utilities of trips to depend on which other trips are made.When choosing trip frequencies to destinations, households are assumed to prefer variation to an extent varying with the purpose of the trip. The travel pattern will tend to be more evenly distributed across trip ends the less similar destinations and individual preferences are. These heterogeneities of destinations and individual preferences, respectively, are expressed in terms of a set of parameters to be estimated. 相似文献
In principle, stochastic modelling methods are ideally suited to the analysis and forecasting of discretionary travel; they formalise both the capriciousness and continuity which are empirically typical of recurrent choice. In practice, the development of theoretically justifiable but tractable stochastic models has appeared to be an illusive goal in transportation research and stochastic models have found little favour. Recent statistical results on the nonparametric characterisation of mixing distributions now enable stochastic models to simultaneously represent a much greater variety of behaviour while, at the same time, actually reducing problems over tractability. The consequent case for reappraisal is illustrated by the development and calibration of a new joint timing/choice model for shopping travel. This model has sound theoretical underpinnings, permits complex variation in the frequency and regularity of shopping due to both observed and unobserved characteristics and constraints, and yet is readily calibrated from diary data. 相似文献