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五月,美洲杯帆船赛世界系列赛在风景如画的水城威尼斯拉开战幕,各国勇士在晴朗的天气和完美的比赛条件下展开角逐。完美诠释速度与激情。首日赛事最大的赢家是法国能源队。能源队在船长的带领下一路劈荆斩棘。努力捍卫自己的领先位置。在最后一天的比赛中。微弱的风势成为所有船队最大的敌人,而能源号—直保有领先优势。凭借最后时刻航道的改变赢得了这场比赛的胜利,美国宝马甲骨文屈居亚军。  相似文献   

如果一滴水不能推动另一滴水,或者被另一滴水所推动,那么,这滴水必定成为静止的水,扩而大之就是静止的河流。但这样的河流迟早都会死去。因为河流的生命就来自动荡不安的流动。流动才是河流的灵魂。我们其实一直在寻找这种推动的力量。在寻找中,我们有时候成为一滴推动的水,有时候又成为一滴被推动的水。在推动与被推动之中,我们蜿蜒成流淌的溪水或河流。我们笃信一条大河的澎湃与壮观,就是无数一滴水绵密推动力量的合唱。  相似文献   

近期,国内某修船厂修理了一艘轮船,在船舶修理合同中,既没有写明修船的周期,也没有注明修船的费用。结果,船舶修好了,船东以修船周期过长等理由,没有付清修船款。此事件导致该修船厂亏损上百万。 由于可以理解的原因,记者在这里隐去了这家修船厂的名称。但是,这个看似不可思议的亏损事件,却是真实的。诸如此类的修船厂亏损的事件不胜枚举。其中重要的原因之一,就是船舶修理合同不规范。 合同不规范,自然容易产生各种漏洞和法律上的纠纷。“船舶修理非标准合同”几乎成了中国修船企业的“软肋”之一。 2004年8月19日,《中国船舶工业行业协会标准船舶修理合同》(试行)正式发布。  相似文献   

提起南非,会想起什么呢?足球世界杯? 除了世界杯。别忘了还有航海。 至少要比在中国流行得多。南非开普敦队的船长Errol Stern说起帆船在南非很流行的时候多少有些自豪。他指了指身边的船:这也是我们南非来的,中国杯的冠军。  相似文献   

江南七月,池塘莲花盛开,街头不时飘来凤凰传奇的《荷塘月色》,仿佛是莲花的世界。而对我来说,淡淡的莲花香里弥漫着难以言状的伤感,母亲于7月16日逝去,走完了她人生90年的生命之路。母亲姓李,名若莲。她的一生,人如其名。母亲出身在川西一个地主家庭,是家中的幺女。她的姐夫是国民党的少将,哥哥是国民党县党部书记(亦是1975年我国最后一批特赦人员之一)。出身在这样的家庭里,衣食无  相似文献   

近年,帆船游艇在中国渐兴。越来越多的船主,愿意用自己的船艇给宾客们来一场海上的愉快party。如果您刚好收到出海的邀请,那么一趟愉快的海上旅程,作为一名宾客,该具备怎样的船艇文化礼仪呢?首先说下登船。登船者必须征得船长(船主)的同意才可登船。如果贸然登船,您就有可能会被视为不受欢迎者而被赶下船。有个故事是1704年苏格兰水手赛尔柯克在海上跟船长争吵,被船长遗弃在荒岛上,四年后被救回英国。这个故事引起轰动,也备受作家关注,其中一位叫笛福的作家为此创作了一部小说叫《鲁滨逊漂流记》。宾客对主人领土的尊重必不可少。  相似文献   

1月二手散货船5年船龄的Capesize/Panamax/Supramax的船价分别是4800万美元/2800万美元/2600万美元。船价呈继续下跌的态势。一些船东身负重债,面临破产;而另一些则有能力在市场上猎取廉价品。少数的交易的成交价成了市场的价码。新的价位吸引着投资意愿。“有钱的是王者”。  相似文献   

激光镭迪尔级帆船赛于2008年被列入奥运会女子单人比赛项目。该项目使用的帆船是稳向板型帆船,船身4.23米,船重5617公斤,由一人操驾。在奥运所有帆船参赛项目中,光镭迪尔是最小的级别。伦敦奥运会的帆船赛是在英格兰的西南部韦茅斯湾一波特兰港举行。当地中大风的天气情况对体型高大的欧洲人来说。是一个绝对的优势.不过这并没有影响来自中国的选手徐莉佳摘取这枚金牌。这是中国代表团在伦敦奥运会的第31枚金牌,也是中国帆船项目上首枚奥运会金牌。  相似文献   

刘江洁 《中国船检》2010,(1):33-38,123
2010,单壳油轮的命运更加多舛。作为全球范围单壳油轮的“自由王国”,亚洲也加快了淘汰步伐。目前.中国已向世界郑重公布了提前淘汰单壳油轮的时间表。油轮的转身.在航运历史的长河中划下了一道印痕。单壳油轮的离去。留给安全、绿色的油轮船型一个全新的舞台与天地,油轮发展由此进入了一个新的时代。  相似文献   

Bill 《游艇业》2013,(4):54-57
刚过完元宵节,我随着五缘湾俱乐部的教练以及他们的成员。开始了一次帆船体验之旅。这次我们乘坐的是“飞虎”帆船,所以在讲解的过程中是按照飞虎上面的装置讲解的。但帆船操作的基本原理是相通的。首先我们要讲的是在帆船即将驶离码头前的基本工作,其中包括帆船上的主要部件及用途、基础结绳方法、绳索的使用。  相似文献   

Book reviews     
R. S. Farrow, with J. M. Broadus, T. A. Grigalunas, P. Hoagland III, and J. J. Opaluch. 1990. Managing the Outer Continental Shelf Lands: Oceans of Controversy. New York: Taylor & Francis New York, 168 pp., paper.

Richard A. Kenchington. 1990. Managing Marine Environments. New York: Taylor & Francis, 248 pp.  相似文献   

本文介绍高置滑油柜在滑油系统中的应用,阐明采用高置滑油柜可省略滑油抽吸泵的实用方法。  相似文献   

230柴油机超高增压系统选型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了 20V230柴油机实现P_(me)= 2.5MPa超高增压的技术途径,总结了目前的各种超高增压柴油机所采取的技术措施,分析了顾氏系统、相继增压系统和高工况放气系统的柴油机性能,提出了“相继增压与顾氏系统相结合的复合涡轮增压系统”,并对增压系统选型及整机布置进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional (1D) coupled physical–microbiological model has been applied to a site in the central North Sea. The impact of the choice of the turbulence closure scheme on the modelling the primary production has been investigated.The model was run with four different parameterisations of vertical mixing of heat, momentum and dissolved and suspended matters, using M2 tidal forcing and the hourly mean meteorological forcing of 1989 to reproduce the annual thermal structure and primary production. The four mixing parameterisations are: Level 2 turbulence closure scheme [Mellor, G.L., Yamada, T., 1974. A hierarchy of turbulence closure models for planetary boundary layers. J. Atmos. Sci. 31, 1791–1806; Mellor, G.L., Yamada, T., 1982. Development of a turbulence closure model for geophysical Fluid problems. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. 20 (4) 851–875] using an explicit numerical scheme [Sharples, J., Tett, P., 1994. Modelling the effect of physical variability on the midwater chlorophyll maximum. J. Mar. Res. 52, 219–238]; a version of the Level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme [Galperin, B., Kantha, L.H., Hassid, S., Rosati, A., 1988. A quasi-equilibrium turbulent energy model for geophysical flows. J. Atmos. Sci. 45, 55–62; Ruddick, K.G., Deleersnijder, E., Luyten, P.J., Ozer, J., 1995. Haline stratification in the rhine/meuse freshwater plume: a 3D model sensitivity analysis. Cont. Shelf Res. 15 (13) 1597–1630] simplified to use an algebraic mixing length by Sharples and Simpson [Sharples, J., Simpson, J.H., 1995. Semidiurnal and longer period stability cycles in the Liverpool Bay region of freshwater influence. Cont. Shelf Res. 15, 295–313], also solved explicitly; the same simplified L2.5 scheme with an implicit numerical solution and modified vertical discretisation scheme [Annan, J.D., 1999. Numerical methods for the solution of the turbulence energy equations in the shelf seas. Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 29, 193–206]; and another version of the same scheme (but using a different algebraic mixing length) as described by Xing and Davies [Xing, J., Davies, A.M., 1996a. Application of turbulence energy models to the computation of tidal currents and mixing intensities in the shelf edge regions. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 26, 417–447; Xing, J., Davies, A.M., 1996b. Application of a range of turbulence models to the computation of tidal currents and mixing intensities in shelf edge regions. Cont. Shelf. Res. 16, 517–547; Xing, J., Davies, A.M., 1998. Application of a range of turbulence energy models to the computation of the internal tide. Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 26, 1055–1084]. Various model outputs at the sea surface and in depth profiles have been compared with data collected in 1989 as part of the North Sea Project [Huthnance, J.M., 1990. Progress on North Sea Project. NERC News, vol. 12, pp. 25–29, UK]. It is shown that the biological results are extremely sensitive to the small changes in the physical conditions, which arise due to the different turbulence schemes tested. The timing of the spring bloom and the maintenance of the midwater chlorophyll maximum all differ greatly between model runs, and the gross primary production varies by a factor of two from the highest to lowest results. The simplified Level 2.5 scheme, implemented using the numerical methods of Annan [Annan, J.D., 1999. Numerical methods for the solution of the turbulence energy equations in the shelf seas. Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 29, 193–206], produces results, which give the best agreement with the available data.  相似文献   

“9·11”事件后,美国加强国内安全,同时为了防范可能利用港口设施对美国本土的恐怖袭击,在全世界范围内的大型港口积极推行“大港计划”等港口安全倡议,在相关港口安装辐射检测系统,阻止核和其他放射性材料的非法偷运到美国。本文根据门式辐射检测装置在斯里兰卡科伦坡南港的实施情况,介绍其系统组成,分析码头安全设施对于港口安全管理及运营的影响,对于我国大型集装箱码头提供参考及借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Shortcomings of the traditionally used nonlinear restoring stiffness of TLPs, i.e. unrealistically high stiffness of horizontal motions, their uncoupling and secant formulation are pointed out. Therefore, new consistent restoring stiffness is derived. The platform is considered as a rigid body moored by flexible pretensioned tendons. Global horizontal low frequency motions (surge, sway and yaw) with large amplitudes as a result of dominant second order wave excitation and small stiffness, and vertical local motions (heave, roll and pitch) of higher frequency and small amplitudes excited by the first order wave forces, are distinguished. Hence, horizontal displacements represent position parameters in analysis of vertical motions. First, the linear restoring stiffness, which consists of the tendon conventional axial stiffness, the tendon geometric stiffness and the platform hydrostatic stiffness, is established. Then it is extended to large displacements resulting in new secant restoring stiffness. It depends on surge, sway and yaw displacements and is the same in any horizontal direction. Also, the tangent stiffness, which gives more accurate results, is derived. Heave is defined as vertical projection of axial tendon vibrations and platform tangential oscillations, which are analyzed in their natural moving coordinate system. Inertia force due to setdown, as a slave d.o.f. of the master horizontal motions, is taken into account in the dynamic equilibrium equations. As a result the complete tangential stiffness matrix of horizontal and vertical motions includes 7 d.o.f. The known secant restoring stiffness matrices are compared with the new one and noticed differences are discussed. All theoretical contributions are illustrated by relatively simple numerical example.  相似文献   

The digital signal-obtaining for gyroscope is given. The single optic-fiber sensor via modulating intensity of light is used as measuring eonlponent . The influence on static transmission properties resulting from the special working environnlent (e. g. cryogenic and vacuum) ,the measure error because of tile reflector shape of rotor,the abnormity of facula from sensor caused by the existence of engraving error,and tile fixing error of sensor and the error of machine tool's initial lignnlent are investigated. The mathematic model in every condition is founded, the simulation and relative experiments ale done and the outeome is analyzed. The mathematic model and method of compensating technology are studied and some relative experiments are made. The result of study is usefid to improvement of the signal-obtaining system.  相似文献   

The Passenger Vessel Services Act (PVSA) of 1886, a cabotage law, attempts to shield U.S. maritime shipping from foreign competition. It also applies to the U.S. cruise ship industry. The PVSA requires foreign cruise ships that carry passengers between U.S. ports to also stop at foreign ports. Norwegian Cruise Line America (NCLA), which operates one U.S. flagged cruise ship in Hawaii, wants the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to require foreign cruise ships offering Hawaii itineraries from the U.S. west coast to spend more time in foreign ports. We analyze the merits of NCLA's proposal. We argue that rather than making the PVSA even more protectionist, the law should be repealed.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Coastal Resources Management: Beyond Market and Bureaucracy by Robert B. Ditton, John L. Seymour, and Gerald C. Swanson. Published by D. C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Massachusetts, 1977, 191 pp., 6 figures.

The Urban Sea: Long Island Sound by Lee E. Koppelman, Peter K. Weyl, M. Grant Gross, and DeWitt S. Davies. Published by Praeger Publishers, 1976. 209 pp., 81 figures, 42 tables.  相似文献   

The separation in Southern Ocean provinces of silicate excess at nitrate exhaustion and of nitrate excess at silicate exhaustion was already introduced by Kamykowski and Zentara (Kamykowski, D., Zentara, S.J., 1985. Nitrate and silicic acid in the world ocean: patterns and processes. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 26, 47–59; and Kamykowski, D., Zentara, S.J., 1989. Circumpolar plant nutrient covariation in the Southern Ocean: patterns and processes. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 58, 101–111) and our investigations of the silicate to nitrate uptake ratios confirm the earlier distinction. Oligotrophic antarctic waters mainly exhibit proportionally higher silicate removal what induces a potential for nitrate excess. The nitrogen uptake regime of such areas is characterised by low absolute as well as specific nitrate uptake rates throughout. Maximal values did not exceed 0.15 μM d−1 and 0.005 h−1, respectively. Corresponding f-ratios ranged from 0.39 to 0.86. This scenario contrasts strikingly to the more fertile ice edge areas. They showed a drastic but short vernal increase in nitrate uptake. Absolute uptake rates reached a maximum value of 2.18 μM d−1 whereas the maximal specific uptake rate was 0.063 h−1. In addition to an optimal physical environment for bloom development, accumulation of ammonium stimulated nitrate uptake in a direct or indirect way. Since ammonium build-up in surface waters traces enhanced remineralisation, release of other essential compounds during degradation of organic matter might have been the main trigger. This peak nitrate utilisation during early spring led to the observed potential for silicate excess. With increasing seasonal maturity the nitrate uptake became inhibited by the presence of enhanced ammonium availability (up to 8% of the inorganic nitrogen pool), however, and after a short period of intensive nitrate consumption the uptake rates drop to very low levels, which are comparable to the ones observed in the area of nitrate excess at silicate exhaustion.  相似文献   

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