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To accommodate the structural changes in logistics, competitions along a maritime supply chain are more intensive than before. This paper adopts a two-stage noncooperative game-theoretical approach to model the horizontal and vertical interactions among liners and ports. In the first stage, Bertrand game is applied to model the interactions between two liners. When the shipping line decides which port to call, a multinomial Logit model is applied. In the second stage, Bertrand game is applied to model the competitions between two ports. Nash equilibrium is derived by solving the Bertrand games. A numerical example is provided as a case study.  相似文献   

Marine phytoplankton experience competition, predation, infection and aggregation occurring across distances of micrometres to centimetres. However, the consequences of these interactions influence global processes, such as climate and fisheries productivity. There is a long-standing default assumption that these global processes cannot be traced to plankton distributions and interactions below a few metres because of the homogenising effect of turbulence [Hutchinson, G.E., 1961. The paradox of the plankton. Am. Nat. 95, 137–146.; Siegel, D.A., 1998. Resource competition in a discrete environment: Why are plankton distributions paradoxical? Limnol. Oceanogr. 43, 1133–1146.]. We show that, in active turbulence, phytoplankton patches, on the order of 10 cm, have repeatable asymmetry and regular spacing over distances of centimetres to tens of metres. The regularity and hierarchical nature of the patches in mixed ocean water means that phytoplankton are distributed in a dynamic, but definite seascape topography, where groups of patches coalesce between intermittent turbulent eddies. These patches may link large scale processes and microscale interactions, acting as fundamental components of marine ecosystems that influence grazing efficiency, taxonomic diversity, and the initiation of aggregation and subsequent carbon flux.  相似文献   

European hake (Merluccius merluccius) female size at maturity is estimated on an annual basis for Bay of Biscay and Galician coast, which are parts of the distribution of the Northern and Southern stocks, respectively. Clear trends in this reproductive parameter are observed along the time series and the potential factors affecting these trends have been investigated. Total biomass, different indexes of SSB, age diversity index, fishing mortality at age, NAO winter index, upwelling index and temperature were included in multiple regressions models to assess the relative importance of each of them on shifts in size at maturity.Bay of Biscay and Galician coast hake have followed different evolution in patterns of changes in size at maturity. In Bay of Biscay, a steadily decline of 15 cm has been observed from 1987 to 2004, which is well predicted by fishing mortality and age diversity, but also the environment may have played an important role. However, on the Galician coast a drastic decline of 16 cm from 1980 to 1988 was followed by a rapid increase in size at maturity during the next 10 years to original values and a stable period in the last 6 years. Decreasing biomass may explain the decline in size at maturity in the first period. However, total biomass and spawning biomass declined even during the period when size at maturity increased, which is contrary to compensatory theory. Shifts in environmental regime, NAO and upwelling, may have contributed to a decelerated growth during this period that might explain the later maturation.  相似文献   

随着优良岸线的不断减少和三峡库区蓄水影响的逐步显现,长江上游山区传统的桩基础排架结构面对高回填岸坡已经难以保证结构正常使用可靠性和安全性。为应对这一问题,在长江上游山区某码头工程设计过程中引入重力墩设计理念。通过运用ADINA三维有限元计算软件进行理论计算分析比较,重力墩基础排架结构比传统桩基排架结构具有更好的正常使用可靠性和安全性。  相似文献   

水翼叶顶间隙漩涡空化流动特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵宇  王国玉  黄彪  刘雷鸣 《船舶力学》2015,(11):1304-1311
采用试验的方法研究了不同空化数下水翼叶顶间隙区域漩涡空化流动的发展变化。试验在闭式空化水洞中进行,采用高速全流场显示技术对空化流场进行观测,并采用图像处理技术对试验结果进行处理,提出空化涡模型,阐述了涡空化的发展规律。研究结果表明:随着空化数的降低,叶顶间隙漩涡空化的发展主要经历如下三个阶段:(I)泄露涡内部空化初生阶段:在水翼中部附近产生游离状空化,向下游运动并迅速溃灭消失。(II)叶顶间隙内部附着空化发展阶段:涡空化逐渐发展并向水翼尾缘延伸,空化涡带呈螺旋状非轴对称旋转;叶顶位置压力面中部附近开始出现片状附着型空化,并体现出强烈的非定常特性。(III)射流剪切层内部空化形成阶段:涡空化延伸至水翼下游;叶顶附着空化充分发展,充满间隙并形成射流剪切层空化,和空化涡带共同形成三角状空化结构。  相似文献   

Numerical artifacts can limit accurate simulation of turbulent particle motion when Lagrangian particle-tracking models are implemented in hydrodynamic models with stratified conditions like fronts. Yet, modeling of individual particle motion in frontal regions is critical for understanding sediment dynamics as well as the transport and retention of planktonic organisms. The objective of this research was to develop a numerical technique to accurately simulate turbulent particle motions in a particle-tracking model embedded within a hydrodynamic model of a frontal zone. A new interpolation scheme, the ‘water column profile’ scheme, was developed and used to implement a random displacement model for turbulent particle motions. A new interpolation scheme was necessary because linear interpolation schemes caused artificial aggregation of particles where abrupt changes in vertical diffusivity occurred. The new ‘water column profile’ scheme was used to fit a continuous function (a tension spline) to a smoothed profile of vertical diffusivities at the xy particle location. The new implementation scheme was checked for artifacts and compared with a standard random walk model using (1) Well Mixed Condition tests, and (2) dye-release experiments. The Well Mixed Condition tests confirmed that the use of the ‘water column profile’ interpolation scheme for implementing the random displacement model significantly reduced numerical artifacts. In dye-release experiments, high concentrations of Eulerian tracer and Lagrangian particles were released at the same location up-estuary of the salt front and tracked for 4 days. After small differences in initial dispersal rates, tracer and particle distributions remained highly correlated (r = 0.84 to 0.99) when a random displacement model was implemented in the particle-tracking model. In contrast, correlation coefficients were substantially lower (r = 0.07 to 0.58) when a random walk model was implemented. In general, model performance tests indicated that the ‘water column interpolation’ scheme was an effective technique for implementing a random displacement model within a hydrodynamic model, and both could be used to accurately simulate diffusion in a highly baroclinic frontal region. The new implementation scheme has the potential to be a useful tool for investigating the influence of hydrodynamic variability on the transport of sediment particles and planktonic organisms in frontal zones.  相似文献   

通过对江苏平原河网地区某特殊航道跨河桥梁通航净宽的论证研究,对相关航道技术规范提出探讨意见.  相似文献   

2010年岁末寒冬,五羊之城——广州将掀起一轮海事届世博热潮。由中国船舶工业行业协会、中国造船工程学会、广东省经济和信息化委员会主办,广州市奥驰展览服务有限公司、新加坡IIR会展集团承办的第四届中国广州国际海事贸易展览会暨论坛于12月8日至10日隆重举行。届时,将有来自20多个国家和地区的800多家企业和机构云集广州中国进出口商品交易会琶洲会展中心B区10.3、11.3展馆,在20,000多平方米的展厅内,  相似文献   

With the growth of maritime transportation, seaports have become critical to the world economy as linking nodes between shipping and inland transport. However, the port system is fragile under certain unconventional emergency events. This study addresses the issue of investment on disaster prevention within the port competition context. The present model discusses and compares four situations of different relationships and strategies of pre-disaster prevention between two adjacent ports. Results indicate that both ports increase the disaster prevention investment under the cooperation scenario compared with that in the case of non-cooperation wherein they are complementary ports. Meanwhile, a numerical simulation is conducted to examine the collective and individual rationality of both ports. Although cooperation strategy decreases the total risk cost of two ports, one of the two ports may profit, whereas the other may suffer losses.  相似文献   

The effect of turbulence on the nutrient flux towards osmotrophic cells is predicted to be size dependent. This should translate into growth. We experimentally followed and modelled the growth of two marine diatoms of different size (Thalassiosira pseudonana, 6 μm in diameter and Coscinodiscus sp., ca. 109 μm in diameter) under still water and turbulent conditions, using a shaker table. Experiments were done with phosphorus-limited cultures and lasted for ca. 5 days. Turbulence enhanced the growth of Coscinodiscus sp. in agreement with theory but not the growth of T. pseudonana, which was actually slightly lower under turbulence. At the end of the experiments there were about 1.7 times as many Coscinodiscus sp. cells in the turbulent treatment than in the still treatment, while for T. pseudonana almost the same cell concentration was found in both conditions. In addition, the Coscinodiscus sp. cells growing under still conditions presented a higher specific alkaline phosphatase activity than those growing in turbulence which indicates a higher need for phosphorus in the still cultures. A simple dynamic model, based on Michaelis–Menten nutrient uptake kinetics, needed nearly no optimisation other than using observed initial conditions of phosphate and cell concentrations. The model showed how an increased nutrient flux towards the cells translates non-linearly into cell growth, most likely by affecting the half-saturation constant (KM). However, since Coscinodiscus sp. experienced significant mortality and cells partially settled to the bottom of the containers, unequivocal support for the size-dependent effect of turbulence on nutrient uptake will require further experiments and more sophisticated modelling. The mechanisms to connect an increased nutrient flux towards cells with population growth and whether this process is size dependent are important in parameterizing the effects of turbulence on marine plankton in coupled physical–biological models.  相似文献   

针对潮汐河口长航道乘潮计算的潮位资料代表性问题,提出了潮汐河口乘潮水位的多站联合计算法.该方法利用多站同步潮位资料,综合考虑船舶通航方式与潮波传播速度等因素,可合理计算潮汐河口乘潮水位.长江口深水航道的有关计算表明,相同乘潮历时和累积频率对应的乘潮水位,进河口大于沿程单站的乘潮水位,且明显大于出河口.潮汐河口长航道设计,应根据当地河口的潮汐性质、强度及其与径流的对比,以及船舶航行的特点包括航速、进出港载货情况和航道沿程水深,确定合理的乘潮方式,即选择合适的航道乘潮长度.  相似文献   

针对潮汐河口长航道乘潮计算的潮位资料代表性问题,提出了潮汐河口乘潮水位的多站联合计算法。该方法利用多站同步潮位资料,综合考虑船舶通航方式与潮波传播速度等因素,可合理计算潮汐河口乘潮水位。长江口深水航道的有关计算表明,相同乘潮历时和累积频率对应的乘潮水位,进河口大于沿程单站的乘潮水位,且明显大于出河口。潮汐河口长航道设计,应根据当地河口的潮汐性质、强度及其与径流的对比,以及船舶航行的特点包括航速、进出港载货情况和航道沿程水深,确定合理的乘潮方式,即选择合适的航道乘潮长度。  相似文献   

In this study, we carried out model tests to investigate the ice failure process and the resistance experienced by a transport vessel navigating in the Arctic region in pack ice conditions. We tested different navigation velocities, ice plate sizes, and ice concentrations. During the tests, we closely observed several phenomena, including the modes of interaction of the ice ship and the moving and failure modes of ice. We also measured the vessel resistances under different conditions. The test results indicate that the navigation velocity is a significant determinant of the moving and failure modes of ice. Moreover, vessel resistance is remarkably dependent on the ice concentration and navigation velocity. The variances of the mean and maximum resistance are also compared and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between the size of a port, its efficiency increase and the performance growth in the transshipment market. The hypothesis tested is that the bigger size of a port would increase the market share of the port in container transshipment; only when the size effect guarantees better ‘relative’ container handling efficiency in competing port system where the port belongs. To verify the hypothesis, this study carries out two analyses. First, the overall efficiency change of major Asian ports is examined through stochastic frontier analysis (SFA)—this produces the relative efficiency indices of the ports. Second, the relationship between efficiency indices and container transshipment volumes is studied through panel data analysis. From these analyses, it is observed that larger Asian ports show better cargo handling efficiency in relative terms; they also record bigger market share in container transshipment, while the size effect of the ports starts to play a factor when the annual container throughput reaches 5 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU).  相似文献   

船舶在能见度不良时的近距离避让   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述船舶在能见度不良时近距离避让的产生与后果,归纳了能见度不良时近距离避让行为的问卷调查情况和结论,提出了一些关于能见度不良时近距离避碰的措施与方法。  相似文献   

编者按:作为一名有着30多年航海经历的远洋船长,作者曾驾驶船舶挂靠世界各地多个港口,在港口国检查方面积累了丰富经验,现将其与大家分享交流  相似文献   

“十五”期末,我国港口货物吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量分别达到49.1亿吨和7580万TEU,分别是“九五”末的2.2倍和3.2倍,已连续三年稳居世界第一位;运输船舶达22.1万艘,超大型油轮、大型散货船和大型集装箱船拥有量显著增加。在这样的前提下,我国水上交通事故件数和死亡人数却分别下降  相似文献   

以大船重工建造的船坞为实例,阐述吊车基础设计中容易忽略的几个问题,进行较为全面地分析论证,提出改进方案。  相似文献   

Tendons vertically moor Tension-Leg Platforms (TLPs), thus, a deep understanding of physical tendon stresses requires the determination of the total axial deformation of the tendons, which is a combination of the heave, pitch, and surging responses. The vertical motion of the lateral sides of the TLP is coupled with surge and constitutes a portion of the pitch motion. Tendons are connected to the sides of the TLP; hence, the total displacement of the lateral sides is related to the total deformation of the tendons and the total axial stress. Therefore, investigating the total vertical response at the sides of the TLP is essential. The coupling between various degrees of freedom is not considered in the Response Amplitude Operator (RAO). Therefore, in frequency domain analysis, the estimated vertical RAO is incomplete. Also, in the time domain, only the heave motion at the center of TLP is typically studied; this problem needs to be addressed. In this paper, we investigate the portion of the pitch motion in the vertical response at the sides of the TLP in both the frequency and time domains. Numerical results demonstrate a significant effect of the pitch motion in the vertical motion of the edges of the TLP in some period ranges.  相似文献   

李俊娜 《水运工程》2014,(10):126-128
通过对湛江港进港航道水文特性的分析,结合当地船舶营运特点,根据海港工程总体设计关于乘潮水位的方法,提出一种利用湛江港内外潮位延时的特点、内外航道采取不同乘潮水位和乘潮历时的乘潮进港方案。  相似文献   

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