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陈庆 《汽车杂志》2012,(3):158-159
沃尔沃环球帆船赛是世界顶级航海赛事,也是世界上要求最苛刻的一项团队运动赛事。而XC60T5环球帆船赛纪念版。则是为纪念这一赛事推出的典藏版本。在外观内饰细节上都针对环球帆船赛做出了独特的设计。  相似文献   

3月9日.2011-2012沃尔沃环球帆船赛组委会宣布,南非开普敦当选第一赛段终点.第八次入围该赛事停靠站名单。其余赛站将陆续确定并公布。2008—2009沃尔沃环球帆船赛中.中国首次被纳入全球航线.青岛也成为第一个举办这项世界顶级航海赛事的中国城市,  相似文献   

正沃尔沃FH和沃尔沃FH16特别限量版近日上市,限量版的灵感来源于沃尔沃将在2017年深秋即将启航的沃尔沃环球帆船比赛。2017-2018沃尔沃环球帆船赛限量版卡车兼具超高性能和舒适度,将限量供应。"冒险精神、竞技意识、不断追求进步……2017-2018沃尔沃环球帆船赛限量版的特点传递了赛事所具有的这一系列价值观。我们创造了一辆极具表现力的卡车,希望它能激发驾驶员的职业自豪感以及精益求精的  相似文献   

王培祥 《运输车辆》2013,(21):40-41
"我们能够与沃尔沃协同效应,加速‘东风’品牌走向全球化。这次签约是在‘东风’品牌全球化推广中一次具体的行动,我们希望借助这一平台,让全球越来越多的人了解‘东风’品牌。"10月30日,东风商用车有限公司与沃尔沃环球帆船赛在2013中国国际商用车展上签署联合品牌推广协议,正式命名的"东风号"帆船将作为中国唯一赛船,参加2014—2015年度沃尔沃环球帆船赛。该协议的签订不仅标志着"东风号"将在沃尔沃环球帆船赛这一大型国际赛事中扬帆起航,更表明了"东风"品牌商用车在全球市场推广战略的加速实施。"东风"远航据了解,沃尔沃环球帆船赛是目前全球影响力最大的专业帆船赛之一,被誉为"航海的珠穆朗玛峰"。东风商用车此次独家冠名的"东风号"帆船不仅将作为  相似文献   

正与沃尔沃环球帆船赛的第1次相遇,是在2009年。得益于2008年第29届奥运会帆船比赛在青岛成功举行,青岛成为沃尔沃环球帆船赛的停靠港。据说那一届赛事为了开拓亚洲市场,第一次增加了亚洲停靠港,修改了赛事线路,缩短了比赛间隔。就这样,我有机会接触到之前从来没有注意过的帆船运动。那是在青岛奥帆中心,我第1次近距离观看了帆船赛。当时几个人坐在一艘小船上,和比赛船只离得很近,风很大,太阳也毒,有几条船上的记者在还没接近比赛船就已经吐得稀里哗啦。记得那时年轻  相似文献   

<正>帆船是古老而充满魅力的体育运动,航海者们往往要凭借自身的航海技术和拼搏精神来完成比赛。沃尔沃环球帆船赛是世界上历时最长的职业体育赛事,也是全球顶尖的离岸帆船赛事,与美洲杯帆船赛和奥运会帆船比赛并称为世界三大帆船赛事。夏天到了,我们出海去!  相似文献   

刘佳 《驾驶园》2014,(1):28-29
<正>东风商用车冠名的"东风号"帆船,将参加沃尔沃环球帆船赛。"东风队"首轮船员选拔活动于2013年12月16日上午8时,在三亚半山半岛帆船训练基地开展。在"东风队"总经理布鲁诺·杜布瓦对选拔流程和测试项目做了大致讲解后,20名候选船员和2名媒体船员被分成4组,在场的评委对参选者的表现进行记录和评估。自2013年10月30日,东风商用车宣布参加沃尔沃环球帆船赛之日起,各项筹备工作都在按计划进行中。东风商用车携手沃尔沃环球帆船赛,是基于2013年1月东风汽  相似文献   

2011—2012沃尔沃环球帆船赛 世界顶级帆船赛沃尔沃环球帆船赛,将于2012年2月4日-2月19日期间在三亚停留。  相似文献   

于晶 《商用汽车》2014,(21):72-74
"航海、远洋是我们关注‘海洋意识’最好的载体,也是中国为东风这样的企业走向国际化过程当中搭建的一个非常好的平台。"帆船赛开幕,是阿利坎特民众的节日从我进入西班牙阿利坎特开始,就感受到了这里的帆船气氛。2014年10月3日,在第12届(2014—2015赛季)沃尔沃环球帆船赛开幕的前2天,记者来到了阿利坎特港赛事村。此时参赛的7支船队的岸上团队已经摆好了阵势,迎接当地民众的到来。傍晚的赛事村里依然人来人往,映衬在蓝天白帆之间,显出别样的慵懒悠闲。  相似文献   

<正>2015年2月7日,"至臻致远高效同行"——2015沃尔沃卡车驾驶员高效节油先锋评选将伴随着沃尔沃环球帆船赛三亚站的到来正式启动。沃尔沃卡车高效节油先锋评选活动作为沃尔沃卡车全球市场以及亚太地区的一项重要赛事,将会吸引来自各国的卡车驾驶高手同场竞技。沃尔沃卡车高效节油先锋评选活动将在各个市场分别举行区  相似文献   

2004年6月3日,上海国际赛车场赛道迎来国际汽联的验收,在FIA(国家汽联)专家近似于苛刻挑剔的巡检下,一致认为"上"赛道是至今为止赛道建设最好,质量最高,施工难度最大,得到了最大的肯定。 承担赛道沥青混凝土摊铺的是上海市政道机公司,在赛道的摊铺中为确保质量,进行了一系列的摸索。  相似文献   


The paper presents an innovative method for a lap time minimisation by using genetic algorithms for a multi objective optimisation of a race driver–vehicle model. The decision variables consist of 16 parameters responsible for actions of a professional driver (e.g. time traces for brake, accelerator and steering wheel) on a race track part with RH corner. Purpose-built, high fidelity, multibody vehicle model (called ‘miMa’) is described by 30 generalised coordinates and 440 parameters, crucial in motorsport. Focus is put on modelling of the tyre tread thermodynamics and its influence on race vehicle dynamics. Numerical example considers a Rear Wheel Drive BMW E36 prepared for track day events. In order to improve the section lap time (by 5%) and corner exit velocity (by 4%) a few different driving strategies are found depending on thermal conditions of semi-slick tyres. The process of the race driver adaptation to initially cold or hot tyres is explained.  相似文献   

We described in this paper the development of a high fidelity vehicle aerodynamic model to fit wind tunnel test data over a wide range of vehicle orientations. We also present a comparison between the effects of this proposed model and a conventional quasi steady-state aerodynamic model on race vehicle simulation results. This is done by implementing both of these models independently in multi-body quasi steady-state simulations to determine the effects of the high fidelity aerodynamic model on race vehicle performance metrics. The quasi steady state vehicle simulation is developed with a multi-body NASCAR Truck vehicle model, and simulations are conducted for three different types of NASCAR race tracks, a short track, a one and a half mile intermediate track, and a higher speed, two mile intermediate race track. For each track simulation, the effects of the aerodynamic model on handling, maximum corner speed, and drive force metrics are analysed. The accuracy of the high-fidelity model is shown to reduce the aerodynamic model error relative to the conventional aerodynamic model, and the increased accuracy of the high fidelity aerodynamic model is found to have realisable effects on the performance metric predictions on the intermediate tracks resulting from the quasi steady-state simulation.  相似文献   

A methodology is presented in this work that employs the active inverted wings to enhance the road holding by increasing the downward force on the tyres. In the proposed active system, the angles of attack of the vehicle's wings are adjusted by using a real-time controller to increase the road holding and hence improve the vehicle handling. The handling of the race car and safety of the driver are two important concerns in the design of race cars. The handling of a vehicle depends on the dynamic capabilities of the vehicle and also the pneumatic tyres’ limitations. The vehicle side-slip angle, as a measure of the vehicle dynamic safety, should be narrowed into an acceptable range. This paper demonstrates that active inverted wings can provide noteworthy dynamic capabilities and enhance the safety features of race cars. Detailed analytical study and formulations of the race car nonlinear model with the airfoils are presented. Computer simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed active aerodynamic system.  相似文献   

Variations in track temperature, surface conditions and layout have led tyre manufacturers to produce a range of rubber compounds for race events. Each compound has unique friction and durability characteristics. Efficient tyre management over a full race distance is a crucial component of a competitive race strategy. A minimum lap time optimal control calculation and a thermodynamic tyre wear model are used to establish optimal tyre warming and tyre usage strategies. Lap time sensitivities demonstrate that relatively small changes in control strategy can lead to significant reductions in the associated wear metrics. The illustrated methodology shows how vehicle setup parameters can be optimised for minimum tyre usage.  相似文献   

This work analyses the effect of friction in suspension components on a race car vertical dynamics. It is a matter of fact that race cars aim at maximising their performance, focusing the attention mostly on aerodynamics and suspension tuning: suspension vertical and rolling stiffness and damping are parameters to be taken into account for an optimal setup. Furthermore, friction in suspension components must not be ignored. After a test session carried out with a F4 on a Four Poster rig, friction was detected on the front suspension. The real data gathered allow the validation of an analytical model with friction, confirming that its influence is relevant for low frequency values closed to the car pitch natural frequency. Finally, some setup proposals are presented to describe what should be done on actual race cars in order to correct vehicle behaviour when friction occurs.  相似文献   

本文根据FSC赛车设计规则要求,利用Optimum Lap软件对FSC赛车链传动系统的传动比进行设计及优化,得到了最优传动比以确保法发动机最佳的动力输出。在此基础上,对FSC赛车链传动系统的关键零部件进行了设计,并对其强度进行了有限元分析,仿真结果表明FSC赛车链传动系统的关键零部件结构强度均满足设计要求。  相似文献   

Race car performance is strongly affected by aerodynamics. Due to downforce generated by the vehicle floor (i.e. diffuser), vehicle ride heights are key parameters to improve performance, and the coupling of aerodynamics and suspension is one of the key points of race car setting. This work focuses on the suspension and aerodynamic coupling from the vertical dynamics point of view. Besides road holding performance, for race cars, aerodynamic performance and stability are major factors. Downforce decreases laptime (the main performance target) but pitch instability is a non-desired effect that can happen in high downforce race cars. A new vertical dynamic performance index is proposed through the use of simulation to improve aerodynamic performance and understand the pitch instability phenomenon. This new index uses all relevant vehicle nonlinearities related to vertical dynamics and can handle a specific track profile and vehicle speed range, allowing the analysis be conducted according to a circuit specification. A previously validated Formula 3 car model was used as an example.  相似文献   

李雪 《时代汽车》2008,(3):64-64
MG诞生于1924年,自诞生之日起就不停地参加各种汽车比赛,BTCC英国房车赛、法国勒芒24小时汽车耐力赛.JWRC拉力赛以及英国古德伍德汽车赛等等。在过去的几十年间.MG共打破了40多项世界速度记录。可以说.MG的诞生就是创造速度记录的开始。作为MG家族中的翘楚.MG TF大量采用了F1赛车的技术。  相似文献   

变速器齿裂及轴承故障建模与故障特征提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了变速器齿裂故障、轴承故障的动力学模型,依据此模型仿真了齿裂故障、轴承内圈、外圈、滚动体故障的故障信号。采用平滑伪维格纳分布提取了这几种故障的特征。结果表明所建模型能提取出故障的特征。  相似文献   

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