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The aim of this paper is to explain why we have conducted “Traffic Safety Education” in the Kagawa Prefecture during the past ten years so as to clarify the important factors for preventing painful traffic accidents in advance. To meet this aim, we firstly clarify the reason why we eventually decided to conduct “Traffic Safety Education” in the Kagawa Prefecture. In other words, the organization of powerful actors and/or leaders to cope with traffic accidents plays a very important role in “Traffic Safety Education.” Then, we specifically describe the essential parts of our “Traffic Safety Education”. In this respect, we have decided to select the following two aims: to reduce the number of traffic accidents, and to improve traffic manners, respectively. Thirdly, we evaluate various measures, such as teaching materials, teaching methods, and other activities of our “Traffic Safety Education” in detail. Lastly, we summarize the remaining tasks, which have been revealed so far, together with some concluding remarks.  相似文献   

公安机关交通管理部门在办理道路外交通事故时,要同处理道路交通事故一样,通过事故现场调查,最后出具《道路交通事故认定书》或《道路交通事故证明》,交强险及道路交通事故社会救助金对道路外交通事故同样适用。在事故现场调查过程中,可以根据需要采取行政强制措施,但涉及与道路外交通事故有关的"违法"行为的行政处罚及追究刑事责任方面已超出公安机关交通管理部门的职权范围,应当及时移送有关部门处理。  相似文献   

交通事故的发生,受人、车、路、环境、管理等多方面因素的影响,存在很大的不确定性。利用BP神经网络,建立交通事故预测模型,并用Matlab仿真,验证模型的精确性。  相似文献   

基于交通事故卷宗、交通事故视频信息数据,研究机非混行交通环境下典型交通事故形态,构建了面向机非混行交通环境下的自动驾驶汽车测试场景,旨在针对我国较为特殊的机非混行环境下的自动驾驶汽车的测试场景及测试评价方法提供参考。本文首先分析了自动驾驶测试场景的构建需求,建立交通事故数据筛选标准,得到133例可用于构建自动驾驶汽车测试场景的机动车与非机动车交通事故数据集;其次基于《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》行驶要求,对133例交通事故的发生地点、车辆行为、道路类型、环境光线等方面进行解构分析;最后通过聚类分析,建立了5类典型的自动驾驶测试场景模型,并分析了不同场景模型的关键要素,为实际道路测试提供理论指导。  相似文献   

交通管制是指为了保证交通安全、维护社会秩序,公安机关交通管理部门依法采取的带有疏导、限制或禁止性的具有强制性的行为。启动交通管制的前提可以概括为自然原因、严重危害社会治安秩序、事故灾难、道路专项维修或大修、执行警卫任务及其他突发事件6种情形。交通管制的具体措施可以归纳为疏导性交通管制、限制性交通管制及禁止性交通管制3种。实施交通管制要遵循必要性原则,要注意加强配合,实行联动。  相似文献   

依托公安交通管理综合平台中事故处理模块的相关功能,结合南京市宁杭高速交警大队事故处理工作,对宁杭高速近年来的交通事故情况进行统计、梳理,并对该路段的交通事故情况开展致因分析,最后从道路设计、交通标志设置、速度管控、违法治理、宣传教育方面提出事故预防工作对策。  相似文献   

This article provides the background to the special issue by reviewing the status of traffic problems in South East Asian countries, and in particular, the case of Cambodia. The “Make Roads Safe” report by the Commission for Global Road Safety (2011) confirms traffic accidents as the primary cause of youth mortality worldwide. Thus, the United Nations declared the decade from 2011 to 2020 as the “UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020”, promoting road safety and to reduce the number of deaths in road accidents by 2020. Furthermore, the “Sustainable Development Goals” adopted in 2015 highlight the important role of sustainable transport in tackling the exclusion of vulnerable groups. On the other hand, the World Health Organization in 2015 indicate an increase in the death rate due to traffic accidents in low-income countries since 2000. Traffic accidents were already recognized as a social problem before the 2000s in countries such as Thailand and the Philippines. At the same time, other ASEAN member states such as Vietnam and Cambodia which have experienced rapid economic growth since the 2000s are now experiencing the seriousness of traffic problems. It is said that 70% of road accidents in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos involve motorcycles and three-wheelers, but despite this situation, the regulatory framework for motorcycles remains undeveloped. In the case of Cambodia, speeding by young people remains the major cause of road deaths and this can be explained by the fact that people can now travel at a higher speed because of road developments but remaining challenges related to underdeveloped traffic legislation, and limited public awareness and knowledge of road safety are overlooked. In 2010, the Cambodian National Road Safety Action Plan 2010–2020 was drafted, aiming to halve the number of deaths in traffic accidents in 2020. However, in reality, the number of road deaths did not decrease to the level anticipated in the action plan until 2016. In this article, the authors emphasize the importance of implementing the “three Es” namely Engineering, Enforcement and Education in developing countries such as Cambodia. In particular, the authors claim that the role of education to increase people's road safety awareness is neglected compared to the other two dimensions and thus, it is highly important to raise people's road safety awareness through education among the young people.  相似文献   

在借鉴国内外城市交通安全评价指标及方法的基础上,结合我周实际情况,构建了城市交通安全水平评价指标体系,并参考城市道路交通管理评价指标体系,确定安全评价指标分级及标准。在此基础上,采用改进灰色聚类法对城市交通安全水平进行综合评价,根据聚类白化数确定三类灰类白化函数计算灰类白化值。以江苏省相关城市为实例,对城市交通安全水平进行了综合评价。  相似文献   

交通安全警示机器人的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对驾驶员的心理因素,利用其对交警和路政监察人员的敬畏心理,将安全警示装备拟人化,开发出具有超强威慑力、警示人性化的交通安全警示机器人并应用于道路交通安全管理。设计了双向4车道单侧道路施工工程中使用交通安全警示机器人的交通管制方案和使用交通安全警示机器人设置临时检查站的交通管制方案。交通安全警示机器人设置在交通管制现场后,更能强化和提高驾驶员的安全意识,主动服从执法指挥,还可以保障正在执勤的交警或路政监察人员的体力和人身安全。  相似文献   

在收集和整理兰州市近10年来的道路交通事故统计数据的基础上,利用统计分析的方法,研究了交通事故的规律,分析了交通事故的成因,将事故成因的分析作为交通安全规划的指标体系,通过衡量这些因素的权重和对这些因素的分析提出了预防和改善措施,以便对交通安全进行合理的规划,从而达到降低交通事故,减少伤亡人数和经济损失,配合交通管理部门做好交通管理的目的。  相似文献   

Traffic congestion and accidents are major issues in Phnom Penh, the capital city of the Kingdom of Cambodia. An inefficient signal system and lack of traffic discipline contributed to the unfavorable traffic conditions. A comprehensive traffic management project was recently implemented. An area traffic control system that controls traffic signals in the city based on the traffic conditions was introduced, and other traffic management improvement works such as pavement markings, traffic signs, and median dividers were installed. The project is making a positive impact on road users. Efficient operation and maintenance are key factors for the project to sustain its benefits.  相似文献   

先进的交通管理系统可有效提高城市现代化交通的有效利用率和交通流量,减少道路的交通拥挤程度、交通事故的发生率以及由于交通拥挤、事故等造成的出行延误。城市智能交通管理系统正是通过对高科技、高水平技术的应用,来提高交通管理系统的工作效率,达到改变城市交通混乱局面的目的。针对重庆市城市智能交通管理系统的道路交通信息采集子系统及相关技术进行分析和研究,在城市智能交通管理系统研究基础上,结合重庆市交通现状和交通智能化水平,提出重庆市道路交通信息采集与交通信息数据处理的原则和方案。  相似文献   

将城市道路交通安全规划研究的要点分为风险分析、规划目标、风险减缓措施,通过对三者相应的研究内容进行分析,提出相应的实现方法。实施城市道路交通安全规划需要建立城市道路交通安全信息管理系统,实行现代化的安全管理方式,积极做好各种应对措施,做到有备无患。一旦发生事故能及时、快速、有效地响应和救援,减少伤亡,减轻事故后果。还需要遵循行政机制、法律机制、社会机制和相应的基本原则。  相似文献   

基于交通事故数据,对北京交通事故的时空分布、肇事车辆、死伤人员、事故原因等特征进行研究。结果表明,北京交通事故分布具有规律性,肇事主体以及事故原因具有特殊性。  相似文献   

生态城市交通组织与改善设计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文简要论述了生态城市的特点以及生态城市交通设计过程中需要注意的问题,加以分析,得出可行的解决方案。该文以惠州市综合交通规划中的路网交通设计为例,简单介绍了项目背景和惠州市的城市面貌,以及最终的惠州市路网改善的方案,以期对解决生态城市的交通设计问题有所帮助。  相似文献   

在考虑交通管理可持续发展的基础上,利用可拓学的知识,对城市道路交通管理可持续发展水平作了综合评价,分析了城市道路交通管理可持续发展水平的影响因素,建立了城市道路交通管理可持续发展综合评价的物元模型,并将多指标城市道路交通管理可持续发展水平的目标评价归结为单目标决策,比较简明确切地反映出城市道路交通管理可持续发展水平。研究结果对促进城市交通可持续发展有重要的意义。  相似文献   

试论我国道路交通事故社会救助基金制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国《机动车交通事故责任强制保险条例》的生效实施,机动车交通事故强制责任保险制度开始运行并发挥作用,然而与之配套的道路交通事故社会救助基金制度的相关立法却尚未到位。本文在分析我国道路交通事故社会救助基金的法律性质、基本功能和法律特征的基础上,对我国道路交通事故社会救助基金制度构建提出相关完善建议。  相似文献   

Traffic accidents have long been known as an iceberg for comprehending the discrepancies of traffic management and entire transportation systems. Figures detailing traffic accidents in Indonesia, as is the case in many other countries, show significantly high numbers and severity levels; these types of totals are also evident in Jakarta, the highest-populated city in the country. While the common consensus recognizes that traffic accidents are the results of three different factor types, namely, human factors, vehicle factors, and external factors (including road conditions), human factors have the strongest influence—and figures on a worldwide scale corroborate that assertion. We, however, try to pinpoint the issues of non-human factors in light of increasing traffic accidents in Indonesia, where motorbike accidents account for the majority of incidents. We then consider three important pillars of action: the development of public transportation, improvement of the road ratio, and traffic management measures.  相似文献   

城市无环岛5路交叉口交通拥挤和交通事故频发,提高该类交叉口的安全性及其通行效率是城市交通规划设计研究的重要组成部分。交通学院以武汉市南湖壕沟无环岛5路交叉口为例,采用交叉口复杂度、车辆平均延误、排队长度、停车次数及服务水平作为评价指标,对交叉口渠化、交通组织、信号配时等方面进行组合优化设计研究,结合微观交通仿真软件Vissim进行模拟评价,仿真结果表明优化设计明显改善了该路口交通运行状况。  相似文献   

道路交通事故的发生是多种因素综合作用的结果,相邻车道上同向车辆间的动态视线遮挡是其中一个重要因素。本文首先介绍了同向车辆间动态视线遮挡现象对道路交通安全的影响机理,然后从微观和宏观两个方面对影响遮挡的因素进行了研究,最后提出了相应的安全措施。  相似文献   

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