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建立某大型客车车身段模型,依据ECER66进行车身段侧翻仿真,分析了乘员生存空间的侵入情况和加速度变化情况,并提出有效的改进措施。  相似文献   

Recent data show that 35% of fatal crashes in sport utility vehicles included vehicle rollover. At the same time, experimental testing to improve safety is expensive and dangerous. Therefore, multi-body simulation is used in this research to improve the understanding of rollover dynamics. The majority of previous work uses low-fidelity models. Here, a complex and highly nonlinear multi-body model with 165 degrees of freedom is correlated to vehicle kinematic and compliance (K&C) measurements. The Magic Formula tyre model is employed. Design of experiment methodology is used to identify tyre properties affecting vehicle rollover. A novel, statistical approach is used to link suspension K&C characteristics with rollover propensity. Research so far reveals that the tyre properties that have the greatest influence on vehicle rollover are friction coefficient, friction variation with load, camber stiffness and tyre vertical stiffness. Key K&C characteristics affecting rollover propensity are front and rear suspension rate, front roll stiffness, front camber gain, front and rear camber compliance and rear jacking force.  相似文献   

Buses are an integral part of the national transportation system of each country. A rollover event is one of the most important hazards that concerns the safety of the passengers and the crew in a bus. In the past, it was observed after the accident that the deforming superstructure seriously threatens the lives of the passengers. Thus, the stiffness of the bus frame is the first thing that needs to be considered. The unfortunate side of strengthening the bus superstructure is that it usually causes the bus weight to increase. This paper presents an efficient and robust analysis method with which to design the bus superstructure for a reduction in occupant injuries from rollover accidents while the weight of the strengthened bus is maintained at the same level. First, the absorbed energy of the bus frame and its components during a rollover were investigated by using a LS-DYNA numerical study. The highest energy absorption region, which is the side section of the bus frame, was found and focused on for the investigation of a means to re-distribute the energy-absorption ability of the side frame component. Then the thickness parameters that were obtained from the re-distribution of the energy-absorption ability were used in the analysis to optimize the design. Finally, a prototype of the bus with a reasonable thickness for the window pillars and the side wall bars, which was based on the optimized parameters, was verified to ensure it satisfied ECE R66. In this paper, an effective usage of materials and an efficient and robust analysis method were presented to design the bus superstructure. Although the optimization process for increasing the stiffness is simple, this study improves the upper displacement by 39.9% and the lower displacement by 49.3% (versus the bus survivor space) while maintaining the bus weight at the existing level.  相似文献   

本文论述了编制具有高水平的客车标准,对我国客车工业发展具有重要意义,编制客车标准是我国客车工业发展的基础性工作。制订出高水平的客车标准,要认真实践科学发展观,积极参照国际标准,并结合国情,使标准具有科学性、适用性、可操作性,更好地促进我国客车工业持续发展。  相似文献   

本文论述了利用CRUISE软件进行汽车建模的过程,并对某重型商用车的动力性和燃油经济性进行了仿真分析。  相似文献   

The main objective of the presented study was to compare the effectiveness of two standard test procedures for evaluating bus roof integrity: the dynamic rollover test according to UN-ECE Regulation 66 (ECE-R66), and the quasi-static symmetric roof loading according the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 220 (FMVSS 220). Both tests were applied to a selected Paratransit Bus. The investigation was carried out primarily using a numerical study backed up by experimental validation tests on components and full scale rollover tests. A sensitivity analysis using LS-OPT? was performed to identify the most important structural components influencing the response of the bus in these two tests. The results obtained from this study show that the final outcome of the crashworthiness assessment of the selected paratransit bus depends on the selection of the evaluation standard. Although the two tests are used for the same purpose of roof integrity evaluation, their results are divergent and may lead to different conclusions. The paper presents a discussion on the effectiveness of both standards in evaluating the rollover crashworthiness.  相似文献   

吴艳婧 《客车技术》2011,(5):22-23,26
通过对Showcase软件的介绍,阐述了Showcase软件在客车造型方案评审中的应用。  相似文献   

根据ECER66对客车侧翻进行仿真,使用ANSA脚本开发客车侧翻自动分析模块,应用LS-DYNA进行分析,该模块得到验证。应用该模块可提高分析效率,并为流程自动化提供参考。  相似文献   

串联混合动力客车参数选择及仿真   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以某客车为原型,结合我国城市交通和公交车辆的行驶特点,在对比分析各种混合动力系统的基础上确定了混合动力公交客车的串联混合动力驱动形式,介绍了串联混合动力汽车总成参数的计算方法,最后根据计算得到的参数使用ADVISOR软件进行了性能仿真。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,中国城市公共交通得到了快速发展,其防火安全是各级管理部门关注的焦点,更是全体民众出行安全的重要保证。本文就客车空调的防火安全设计进行了简单的探讨,供客车空调行业设计和应用的同行们参考。  相似文献   

客车动态翻滚试验仿真研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
分析了客车动态翻转试验的现状,并利用有限元模型对某大型豪华客车进行了动态翻滚仿真模拟试验。结合试验结果证明该方法合理正确,能够在一定程度上指导客车企业改进技术,提高安全性能。  相似文献   

Many researches have been conducted in the area of control applied to vehicle dynamics, aiming at reducing the possibility of the occurrence of the type of accident known as rollover. In this research, based on a common nonlinear model and its linearisation, a method for properly selecting matrices for solving the Riccati equation considering different speeds was proposed. The method showed in which ways speed really influences the choice of controller gains. By developing the dynamic equations for the yaw- and roll-coupled motions and modelling of controllers and state observers, it is possible to compare the efficacy of this control strategy using both linear and nonlinear simulations using Matlab. Significant results were obtained regarding the reduction of the rollover coefficient for a double-lane change manoeuvre at different speeds, thus indicating advantages of using this controller in practical cases.  相似文献   

在我国以混合交通模式为主的交通环境中,许多公路没有设置中央隔离带,车辆逆行超车容易造成轿车钻入商用车前下部的恶性事故.欧洲从1980年开始商用车前下防护的研究(图1所示),1994年实施了ECE-R93商用车前下防护的法规.目前我国正准备实施的<商用车前下部防护要求>强制性标准,主要借鉴欧洲ECE-R93法规.国内各大商用车企业全新设计的N2、N3类卡车必须充分考虑该项法规的要求,在卡车前部设计安装前下防护装置.  相似文献   

唐波 《汽车与配件》2009,(21):72-73
本文根据利用LS-DYNA软件所做的一个货车前下防护装置开发案例,提出应对《商用车前下部防护要求》的卡车前下防护装置设计要领。  相似文献   

杨立慧 《城市车辆》2009,(12):55-55
1团体客车市场2003年以前,团体客车的定义是单位根据自身经济承受能力购买车辆,用于解决企业员工上下班交通问题的工具,一直作为生活资料出现。  相似文献   

1团体客车市场2003年以前,团体客车的定义是单位根据自身经济承受能力购买车辆,用于解决企业员工上下班交通问题的工具,一直作为生活资料出现。2003年以后,以江、浙、沪、珠三角等经济发达地区为代表的城市出现经济开发区,很多现代化企业纷纷入住,员工上下班交通由传统的公司提  相似文献   

凤舞 《城市车辆》2009,(9):16-17
经常路过重庆国家客车质量监督检验中心的人们或许已经习惯了从围墙之内传出的各种声响,然而7月31日的那一声巨响却不是平常能听到的。在场地一边,一辆海格V91客车从检测台上翻下。这已经是苏州金龙连续3年进行的第三次侧翻试验了。同样是在重庆,2007年,海格V92率先依据联合国欧洲经济委员会(EGE)R66《大客车上部结构强度》法规(以下简称EOER,66)进行侧翻试验;2008年,海格A80客车通过修订的ECER66-01《大客车上部结构强度》法规。  相似文献   

以某大客车为研究对象,分别拟合前后悬架空气弹簧刚度,在Matlab中建立八自由度整车模型,并进行平顺性仿真与实验,将其仿真结果与试验结果进行比较,结果显示,所建立的动力学模型及仿真结果是正确的。  相似文献   

A Rollover Index combined with the grey system theory, called a Grey Rollover Index (GRI), is proposed to assess the rollover threat for articulated vehicles with a tractor–semitrailer combination. This index can predict future trends of vehicle dynamics based on current vehicle motion; thus, it is suitable for vehicle-rollover detection. Two difficulties are encountered when applying the GRI for rollover detection. The first difficulty is effectively predicting the rollover threat of the vehicles, and the second difficulty is achieving a definite definition of the real rollover timing of a vehicle. The following methods are used to resolve these problems. First, a nonlinear mathematical model is constructed to accurately describe the vehicle dynamics of articulated vehicles. This model is combined with the GRI to predict rollover propensity. Finally, TruckSim? software is used to determine the real rollover timing and facilitate the accurate supply of information to the rollover detection system through the GRI. This index is used to verify the simulation based on the common manoeuvres that cause rollover accidents to reduce the occurrence of false signals and effectively increase the efficiency of the rollover detection system.  相似文献   

利用显式动力分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA,进行瞬态动力学仿真分析,模拟制动器在制动过程中接触摩擦情况与接触应力的分布以及制动过程中制动鼓的变形和速度的变化情况。  相似文献   

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