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The exclusive pedestrian phase (EPP) has been used in many countries to promote walking around downtown areas by increasing the ease and convenience of pedestrian crossing. However, its applicability has not been systematically demonstrated, especially when an intersection is operated in actuated mode. This paper presents an extensive simulation‐based analysis of the applicability of EPP as compared with a normal concurrent pedestrian‐phase pattern at an isolated intersection controlled by actuated logic. Actuated signal control logics for EPP‐actuated and conventional concurrent pedestrian phase‐actuated controls are developed. Both of these control logics consider pedestrian crossing demands and can adapt to changes in vehicle traffic to reduce vehicle delay as well. A simulation model of a two‐phase controlled intersection is built and calibrated based on field data using VISSIM (PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG in Karlsruhe, Germany). Extensive analysis is conducted to reveal fully the applicable EPP domain in terms of vehicle traffic demand, pedestrian demand, vehicle turning ratio, and pedestrian diagonal crossing ratio. The results show that the performance and applicable domain of EPP are jointly determined by those five factors. EPP significantly outperforms concurrent pedestrian phase if the vehicle turning ratio is greater than 0.6 and the pedestrian diagonal crossing ratio is greater than 0.6. These results can help traffic engineers in choosing the appropriate pedestrian‐phase patterns at actuated signalized intersections. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The safety of signalized intersections has often been evaluated at an aggregate level relating collisions to annual traffic volume and the geometric characteristics of the intersection. However, for many safety issues, it is essential to understand how changes in traffic parameters and signal control affect safety at the signal cycle level. This paper develops conflict-based safety performance functions (SPFs) for signalized intersections at the signal cycle level. Traffic video-data was recorded for six signalized intersections located in two cities in Canada. A video analysis procedure is proposed to collect rear-end conflicts and various traffic variables at each signal cycle from the recorded videos. The traffic variables include: traffic volume, maximum queue length, shock wave characteristics (e.g. shock wave speed and shock wave area), and the platoon ratio. The SPFs are developed using the generalized linear models (GLM) approach. The results show that all models have good fit and almost all the explanatory variables are statistically significant leading to better prediction of conflict occurrence beyond what can be expected from the traffic volume only. Furthermore, space-time conflict heat maps are developed to investigate the distribution of the traffic conflicts. The heat maps illustrate graphically the association between rear-end conflicts and various traffic parameters. The developed models can give insight about how changes in the signal cycle design affect the safety of signalized intersections. The overall goal is to use the developed models for the real-time optimization of signalized intersection safety by changing the signal design.  相似文献   

Macroscopic pedestrian models for bidirectional flow analysis encounter limitations in describing microscopic dynamics at crosswalks. Pedestrian behavior at crosswalks is typically characterized by the evasive effect with conflicting pedestrians and vehicles and the following effect with leading pedestrians. This study proposes a hybrid approach (i.e., route search and social force-based approach) for modeling of pedestrian movement at signalized crosswalks. The key influential factors, i.e., leading pedestrians, conflict with opposite pedestrians, collision avoidance with vehicles, and compromise with traffic lights, are considered. Aerial video data collected at one intersection in Beijing, China were recorded and extracted. A new calibration approach based on a genetic algorithm is proposed that enables optimization of the relative error of pedestrian trajectory in two dimensions, i.e., moving distance and angle. Model validation is conducted by comparison with the observed trajectories in five typical cases of pedestrian crossing with or without conflict between pedestrians and vehicles. The characteristics of pedestrian flow, speed, acceleration, pedestrian-vehicle conflict, and the lane formation phenomenon were compared with those from two competitive models, thus demonstrating the advantage of the proposed model.  相似文献   

The present study intended to (1) investigate the injury risk of pedestrian casualties involved in traffic crashes at signalized intersections in Hong Kong; (2) determine the effect of pedestrian volumes on the severity levels of pedestrian injuries; and (3) explore the role of spatial correlation in econometric crash‐severity models. The data from 1889 pedestrian‐related crashes at 318 signalized intersections between 2008 and 2012 were elaborately collected from the Traffic Accident Database System maintained by the Hong Kong Transport Department. To account for the cross‐intersection heterogeneity, a Bayesian hierarchical logit model with uncorrelated and spatially correlated random effects was developed. An intrinsic conditional autoregressive prior was specified for the spatial correlation term. Results revealed that (1) signalized intersections with greater pedestrian volumes generally exhibited a lower injury risk; (2) ignoring the spatial correlation potentially results in reduced model goodness‐of‐fit, an underestimation of variability and standard error of parameter estimates, as well as inconsistent, biased, and erroneous inference; (3) special attention should be paid to the following factors, which led to a significantly higher probability of pedestrians being killed or sustaining severe injury: pedestrian age greater than 65 years, casualties with head injuries, crashes that occurred on footpaths that were not obstructed/overcrowded, heedless or inattentive crossing, crashes on the two‐way carriageway, and those that occurred near tram or light‐rail transit stops. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pedestrians and cyclists are amongst the most vulnerable road users. Pedestrian and cyclist collisions involving motor-vehicles result in high injury and fatality rates for these two modes. Data for pedestrian and cyclist activity at intersections such as volumes, speeds, and space–time trajectories are essential in the field of transportation in general, and road safety in particular. However, automated data collection for these two road user types remains a challenge. Due to the constant change of orientation and appearance of pedestrians and cyclists, detecting and tracking them using video sensors is a difficult task. This is perhaps one of the main reasons why automated data collection methods are more advanced for motorized traffic. This paper presents a method based on Histogram of Oriented Gradients to extract features of an image box containing the tracked object and Support Vector Machine to classify moving objects in crowded traffic scenes. Moving objects are classified into three categories: pedestrians, cyclists, and motor vehicles. The proposed methodology is composed of three steps: (i) detecting and tracking each moving object in video data, (ii) classifying each object according to its appearance in each frame, and (iii) computing the probability of belonging to each class based on both object appearance and speed. For the last step, Bayes’ rule is used to fuse appearance and speed in order to predict the object class. Using video datasets collected in different intersections, the methodology was built and tested. The developed methodology achieved an overall classification accuracy of greater than 88%. However, the classification accuracy varies across modes and is highest for vehicles and lower for pedestrians and cyclists. The applicability of the proposed methodology is illustrated using a simple case study to analyze cyclist–vehicle conflicts at intersections with and without bicycle facilities.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new mathematical framework for obtaining quantitative safety measure using macroscopic as well as microscopic traffic data. The safety surrogate obtained from the macroscopic data is in terms of analysis performed on vehicle trajectories obtained from the macroscopic data. This method of obtaining safety measure can be used for many different types of applications. The safety surrogate for the traffic dynamics are developed in terms of a new concept of Negative Speed Differentials (NSD) that involve a convolution of vehicle speed function obtained from vehicle trajectories and then performing the integration of the square of the output for its negative values. The framework is applicable to microscopic traffic dynamics as well where we can use car following models for microscopic dynamics or the LWR model for macroscopic dynamics. This paper then presents the use of this new safety surrogate on the development of a feedback control law for controlling traffic in work zones using Dynamic Message Signs. A hybrid dynamics model is used to represent the switching dynamics due to changing DMS messages. A feedback control design for choosing those messages is presented as well as a simple simulation example to show its application.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between field‐measured conflicts and simulated conflicts estimated from microsimulation model (PARAMICS) using the surrogate safety assessment model. An urban signalized intersection was selected for analysis. Automated video‐based computer vision techniques were used to identify field conflicts. The applicability of a two‐step model calibration procedure applied to VISSIM in a recent study was investigated using PARAMICS. In the first calibration step, the PARAMICS model was calibrated to ensure that the simulation gives reasonable results of average delay times. The second calibration step used a genetic algorithm procedure to calibrate PARAMICS parameters to enhance the correlation between simulated and field‐measured conflicts. Finally, the results obtained from PARAMICS were compared with results obtained from VISSIM. The comparison included three aspects: (i) the car‐following model and safety‐related parameters; (ii) the correlation between simulated and field‐measured conflicts; and (iii) the conflict spatial distributions. The results show that the default simulation model parameters give poor correlation with the field‐measured data, and therefore, using simulation models without a proper calibration should be avoided. Overall, good correlation between field‐measured and simulated conflicts was obtained after calibration for both models, especially at higher time‐to‐collision (TTC) values. At TTC threshold of 1.5 s, PARAMICS overestimates the number of conflicts and VISSIM underestimates it. Both models overestimated the number of conflicts at TTC threshold of 3.00 s. There were major differences between field‐measured and simulated conflicts spatial distributions for both simulation models. This indicates that despite the good correlation obtained from the calibration process, both PARAMICS and VISSIM do not capture the actual conflict occurrence mechanism. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent improvements of communication technologies leads to several innovations in road vehicles energy consumption. As an example, several ecodriving applications already appeared on all smartphone application markets. Using embedded smartphone signals, such applications provide real time feedback to drivers according to their performances. However most of these applications does not take into account upcoming events such as curves, slopes or crossings to advise the driver on the best actions to undertake to lower energy consumption. Furthermore, they do not analyze data coming from vehicle sensors. In this paper, we present an android application, developed within the FP7 European project ecoDriver, which provides several innovative properties: advice according to upcoming events, a real time evaluation of the driving behavior, the analysis of past actions, an interface with OBD2 connector and some more. This paper further develops the complete architecture and links between each innovative function. Future works will concentrate on integrating image processing in this application in order to detect the possible presence of a front vehicle.  相似文献   

The traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS) acts as a proverbially accepted last-resort means to resolve encounters effectively, while it also has been proven to potentially induce a collision in the hectic air traffic. Thus, new research considering the impact on safety is required to increase the airspace capacity based on a comprehensive analysis and accurate flight evaluation. In this paper, a causal encounter model is proposed to extend the TCAS logic considering the horizontal resolution manoeuvres, which could be used as the auxiliary supports when a potential collision is predicted in the vertical dimension. Based on the generated state space, the model developed in the graphical modelling and analysis software (GMAS), not only provides a better comprehension of the potential collision occurrences for risk assessment by representing the cause-effect relationship of each action, but also aids the pilots in the involved aircraft to make a cooperative and optimal option. Quantitative simulation results are conducted to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the encounter model with horizontal resolution. The resulting collision scenarios are further investigated to illustrate that the risk rate of TCAS logic failures is expected to reduce by shortening the pilot's response delay, and the computational efficiency is competent in dealing with multi-threat scenarios.  相似文献   

In this study, passengers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for and willingness to accept (WTA) improved public transportation and shift to public transportation in Malaysia were examined. Specifically, this study aimed to determine the factors or transport attributes that affect passenger WTA and WTP to shift to public transportation. The adopted methodology was based on a contingent valuation (CV) survey, which was conducted on a representative sample of a cross section in residents of Kajang, in Malaysia. This CV primary survey elicited the demand of passengers for improved public transportation. The spike model was adopted to avoid estimation errors caused by a large percentage of respondents who were unwilling to pay and accept at all. The estimation results showed that the best reduction rate for both travel time and cost was 45% among other amounts that range from 15% to 75%. The best parking cost increment was US$0.30 and the average WTP is US$0.68.  相似文献   

Cycling and walking are environmentally-friendly transport modes, providing alternatives to automobility. However, exposure to hazards (e.g., crashes) may influence the choice to walk or cycle for risk-averse populations, minimizing non-motorized travel as an alternative to driving. Most models to estimate non-motorized traffic volumes (and subsequently hazard exposure) are based on specific time periods (e.g., peak-hour) or long-term averages (e.g., Annual Average Daily Traffic), which do not allow for estimating hazard exposure by time of day. We calculated Annual Average Hourly Traffic estimates of bicycles and pedestrians from a comprehensive traffic monitoring campaign in a small university town (Blacksburg, VA) to develop hourly direct-demand models that account for both spatial (e.g., land use, transportation) and temporal (i.e., time of day) factors. We developed two types of models: (1) hour-specific models (i.e., one model for each hour of the day) and (2) a single spatiotemporal model that directly incorporates temporal variables. Our model results were reasonable (adj-R2 for the hour-specific [spatiotemporal] bicycle model: ∼0.47 [0.49]; pedestrian model: ∼0.69 [0.72]). We found correlation among non-motorized traffic, land use (e.g., population density), and transportation (e.g., on-street facility) variables. Temporal variables had a similar magnitude of correlation as the spatial variables. We produced spatial estimates that vary by time of day to illustrate spatiotemporal traffic patterns for the entire network. Our temporally-resolved models could be used to assess exposure to hazards (e.g. air pollution, crashes) or locate safety-related infrastructure (e.g., striping, lights) based on targeted time periods (e.g., peak-hour, nighttime) that temporally averaged estimates cannot.  相似文献   

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