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Pedestrian travel offers a wide range of benefits to both individuals and society. Planners and public health officials alike have been promoting policies that improve the quality of the built environment for pedestrians: mixed land uses, interconnected street networks, sidewalks and other facilities. Whether such policies will prove effective remains open to debate. Two issues in particular need further attention. First, the impact of the built environment on pedestrian behavior may depend on the purpose of the trip, whether for utilitarian or recreational purposes. Second, the connection between the built environment and pedestrian behavior may be more a matter of residential location choice than of travel choice. This study aims to provide new evidence on both questions. Using 1368 respondents to a 1995 survey conducted in six neighborhoods in Austin, TX, two separate negative binomial models were estimated for the frequencies of strolling trips and pedestrian shopping trips within neighborhoods. We found that although residential self-selection impacts both types of trips, it is the most important factor explaining walking to a destination (i.e. for shopping). After accounting for self-selection, neighborhood characteristics (especially perceptions of these characteristics) impact strolling frequency, while characteristics of local commercial areas are important in facilitating shopping trips.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the relationship between land use, destination selection, and travel mode choice. Specifically, it focuses on intrazonal trips, a sub-category of trip making where both trip origin and trip destination are contained in the same geographic unit of analysis, using data from the 1994 Household Activity and Travel Diary Survey conducted by Portland Metro. Using multinomial logit and binary logistic models to measure travel mode choice and decision to internalize trips, the evidence supports the conclusions that (1) intrazonal trips characteristics suggest mode choice for these trips might be influenced by urban form, which in turn affects regional trip distribution; (2) there is a threshold effect in the ability of economic diversity/mixed use to alter travel behavior; and (3) greater emphasis to destinations within the area where an individual’s home is located needs to be given in trip distribution models.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the transferability of a composite walkability index, the Pedestrian Index of the Environment (PIE), to the Greater Montréal Area (GMA). The PIE was developed in Portland, Oregon, and is based on proprietary data. It combines six urban form variables into a score ranging from 20 to 100. The measure introduces several methodological refinements which have not been applied concurrently in previous efforts: a wide coverage of the different dimensions of the urban form, together with the use of a distance-based decay function and modelling-based weighing of the variables.This measure is applied to the GMA using local data in order to evaluate the feasibility of its transfer (the possibility of locally replicating the measure). It is then included in a series of mode choice models to assess its transferability (the capacity of the measure to describe walkability and predict mode choice in another urban area). The models, segmented by trip distance or trip purpose, are estimated and validated against observed trip data from the 2013 Origin-Destination survey.Significant positive correlation is found between the PIE and the choice of walking for short trips, for all purposes as well as for four specific trip purposes. The inclusion of the PIE also improves the accuracy of the modelling process as well as the prediction of the choice of walking for short trips. The PIE can therefore be used in the GMA, and potentially in other metropolitan areas, to improve the modelling of travel behavior for short trips.  相似文献   

This study aims to improve a previously-developed methodology for predicting the traffic impacts of mixed-use developments (MXDs). In 31 diverse metropolitan regions across the United States, we collected consistent regional household travel survey data and computed built environment characteristics—D variables—of MXDs. Multilevel modeling (MLM) was employed to predict the probability of trips captured internally within MXDs, walking on internal trips, and travel mode choice on external trips, by trip purpose. Larger, denser, mixed-use, and more walkable MXDs show a larger share of trips internally, compared with conventional suburban developments. Those MXDs with good access to transit, employment, and destinations also show higher levels of walking, biking, and transit shares on external trips, thus helping to reduce traffic impacts on the external road network. Perhaps the most impressive finding is that well-designed MXDs have walk shares of more than 50 percent on internal trips. A k-fold cross-validation supports the robustness of our analyses.  相似文献   

This paper examines data about walking trips in the US Department of Transportation’s 2001 National Household Travel Survey. The paper describes and critiques the methods used in the survey to collect data on walking. Using these data, we summarize the extent of walking, the duration and distance of walk trips, and variations in walking behavior according to geographic and socio-demographic factors. The results show that most Americans do not walk at all, but those who do average close to thirty minutes of walking a day. Walk trips averaged about a half-mile, but the median trip distance was a quarter of a mile. A significant percentage of the time Americans’ walk was spent traveling to and from transit trips. Binary logit models are used for examining utility and recreational walk trips and show a positive relationship between walking and population density for both. For recreational trips, this effect shows up at the extreme low and high ends of density. For utility trips, the odds of reporting a walk trip increase with each density category, but the effect is most pronounced at the highest density categories. At the highest densities, a large portion of the effect of density occurs via the intermediary of car ownership. Educational attainment has a strong effect on propensity to take walk trips, for both for utility and recreation. Higher income was associated with fewer utility walk trips but more recreational trips. Asians, Latinos, and blacks were less likely to take utility walk trips than whites, after controlling for income, education, density, and car ownership. The ethnic differences in walking are even larger for recreational trips.  相似文献   

Research on walking behavior has become increasingly more important in the field of transportation in the past decades. However, the study of the factors influencing the scheduling decisions related to walking trips and the exploration of the differences between travel modes has not been conducted yet. This paper presents a comparison of the scheduling and rescheduling decisions associated with car driving trips and walking trips by habitual car users using a data set collected in Valencia (Spain) in 2010. Bivariate probit models with sample selection are used to accommodate the influence of pre-planning on the decision to execute a travel as pre-planned or not. The explicative variables considered are: socio-economic characteristics of respondents, travel characteristics, and facets of the activity executed at origin and at destination including the scheduling decisions associated with them. The results demonstrate that a significant correlation exists between the choices of pre-planning and rescheduling for both types of trips. Whether for car driving or walking trips, the scheduling decisions associated with the activity at origin and at destination are the most important explicative factors of the trip scheduling and rescheduling decisions. However, the rescheduling of trips is mainly influenced by modifications in the activity at destination. Some interesting differences arise regarding the rescheduling decision processes between travel modes: if pre-planned, walking trips are less likely to be modified than car driving trips, showing a more rigid rescheduling behavior.  相似文献   

The existing literature on urban transportation planning in China focuses primarily on large cities and neglects small cities. This paper aims to fill part of the knowledge gap by examining travel mode choice in Changting, a small city that has been experiencing fast spatial expansion and growing transportation problems. Using survey data collected from 1470 respondents on weekdays and weekends, the study investigates the relationship between mode choice and individuals’ socio-economic characteristics, trip characteristics, attitudes, and home and workplace built environments. While more than 35 percent of survey respondents are car owners, walk, bicycle, e-bike, and motorcycle still account for over 85 percent of trips made during peak hours. E-bike and motorcycle are the dominant means of travel on weekdays, but many people shift to walking and cycling on weekends, making non-motorized and semi-motorized travel especially important for non-commuting trips. Results of multinomial logistic regression show that: (1) job-housing balance might exert different effects on mode choice in different types of urban areas; (2) negative attitude towards e-bike and motorcycle is associated with more walking and cycling; and (3) land use diversity of workplace is related to commuting mode choice on weekdays, while land use diversities of both residential and activity places do not significantly affect mode choice on weekends. Our findings imply that planning and design for small cities needs to differentiate land use and transportation strategies in various types of areas, and to launch outreach programs to shift people’s mode choice from motorized travel to walking and cycling.  相似文献   

We test a copula-based joint discrete–continuous model to unravel mode choice and travel distance decisions in a joint framework for school trips. This framework explicitly accounts for common unobserved factors that may affect both the mode choice and travel distance. Joint estimation of the models makes a significant difference in the effect of travel distance on willingness to walk to school. The absolute value of the travel distance coefficient in the mode choice model increases by 22% when a joint formulation is adopted instead of the conventional single estimations. We find a significant decrease of 19% in the coefficient of travel safety perception in the joint mode choice model compared to the single model. This underscores the impact of model specification, in terms of the variable effect interpretation and policy assessments. The effect magnitude of several policy-sensitive variables is discussed and compared with previous studies. Particularly, we indicate that the probability of walking is reduced by 0.85% due to a 1% increase in travel distance; accordingly, it propels parents to select non-active modes, particularly school bus. This study also demonstrates how addressing parental concerns about travel safety could double the propensity to walk to school.  相似文献   

Traditional trip distribution models usually ignore the fact that destination choices are made individually in addition to aggregated factors, such as employment and average travel costs. This paper proposes a disaggregated analysis of destination choices for intercity trips, taking into account aggregated characteristics of the origin city, an impedance measurement and disaggregated variables related to the individual, by applying nonparametric Decision Tree (DT) algorithms. Furthermore, each algorithm’s performance is compared with traditional gravity models estimated from a stepwise procedure (1) and a doubly constrained procedure (2). The analysis was based on a dataset from the 2012 Origin-Destination Survey carried out in Bahia, Brazil. The final selected variables to describe the destination choices were population of the origin city, GDP of the origin city and travel distances at an aggregated level, as well as the variables: age, occupation, level of education, income (monthly), number of cars per household and gender at a disaggregated one. The comparison of the DT models with gravity models demonstrated that the former models provided better accuracy when predicting the destination choices (trip length distribution, goodness-of-fit measures and qualitative perspective). The main conclusion is that Decision Tree algorithms can be applied to distribution modeling to improve traditional trip distribution approaches by assimilating the effect of disaggregated variables.  相似文献   

In this paper, a destination choice model with pairwise district-level constants is proposed for trip distribution based on a nearly complete OD trip matrix in a region. It is found that the coefficients are weakly identified in a destination choice model with pairwise zone-level constants. Thus, a destination choice model with pairwise district-level constants is then proposed and an iterative algorithm is developed for model estimation. Herein, the “district” means a spatial aggregation of a number of zones. The proposed model is demonstrated through simulation experiments. Then, destination choice models with and without pairwise district-level constants are estimated based on GPS data of taxi passenger trips collected during morning peak hours within the Inner Ring Road of Shanghai, China. The datasets comprise 504,187 trip records and a sample of 10,000 taxi trips for model development. The zones used in the study are actually 961 residents’ committees while the districts are 52 residential districts that are spatial aggregations and upper-level administrative units of residents’ committees. It is found that the estimated value of time dramatically drops after the involvement of district-level constants, indicating that the traditional model tends to overestimate the value of time when ignoring pairwise associations between two zones in trip distribution. The proposed destination choice model can ensure its predicted trip OD matrix to match the observed one at district level. Thus, the proposed model has potential to be widely applied for trip distribution under the situation where a complete OD trip matrix can be observed.  相似文献   

This study examines mode choice behavior for intercity business and personal/recreational trips. It uses multinomial logit and nested logit methods to analyze revealed preference data provided by travelers along the Yong-Tai-Wen multimodal corridor in Zhejiang, China. Income levels are found to be positively correlated with mode share increases for high-speed rail (HSR), expressway-based bus, and auto modes, while travel time and trip costs are negatively correlated with modal shift. Longer distance trips trigger modal shifts to HSR services but prevent modal shift to expressway-based auto use due to escalation of fuel cost and toll charges. Travelers are less elastic in their travel time and cost for trips by nonexpressway-based auto use modes. The magnitude of elasticity for travel time is higher than trip costs for business trips and lower for personal/recreational trips. The study provides some policy suggestions for transportation planners and decision-makers.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the Nationwide Personal Transportation Study (NPTS) surveys of 1977 and 1983–1984 that reveal a remarkable increase in nonwork travel. This growth occurred among all city size classes but was stronger for suburban residents. Also interesting is that the rate of increase in nonwork trips was higher in the peaks (especially in the morning peak) than in the off-peak period. Some, but not all, of these trips may be price-elastic and might be diverted by congestion pricing strategies. The nonwork trip growth is concentrated in the “family and personal” and the “social and recreational” categories. Although higher-income households make more trips than low-income households, the increase in nonwork travel is common to all income groups. The growth in nonwork travel does not appear to be closely associated with the growth in female employment or trips related to the children of working women. The most convincing explanation of the growth in nonwork travel is that the trip cost savings (less time and distance) experienced because of more efficient spatial settlement patterns have provided an incentive to undertake more trips. Another implication is that urban economic models and urban transport policies have overemphasized the journey to work, especially to the central business district (CBD).  相似文献   

Pedestrians as compared to vehicular traffic enjoy a high degree freedom of movement even in heavily congested areas. Consequently, there are more alternative links available to pedestrians between a given origin‐destination (O‐D) pair. This paper describes a study done by the University of Calgary to evaluate the factors affecting the choice of route on intra‐CBD trips or trips within the Central Business District (CBD).

An origin destination survey conducted in downtown Calgary, Alberta enabled the identification of the most significant factors influencing the choice. These factors were analyzed in relation to the physical characteristics of the location, personal characteristics of the trip maker and the type of the trip.

It appears that most people chose the shortest link and factors such as the level of congestion, safety or visual attractions were only secondary. This suggests that the length should be made a major consideration when planning and designing pedestrian links.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of built environment measures on trip distance and walking decision of non-workers by segmenting the populace based on trip purpose, vehicle ownership, and the presence of school-going children in households. The built environment measures of home zone of individuals considered for the present analysis include zonal population density, zonal school enrolment, land use mix diversity index, and an indicator variable that captures if neighbourhoods have footpaths of adequate width available. Statistical analyses conducted on home-based trips indicate that an increase in the land use diversity of a zone has its strongest negative effect on distance travelled for participating in personal/household business activities. The non-vehicle owning group exhibit a higher tendency to walk than the vehicle-owning group for an increase in the land use diversity of zones. Further, the study suggests that school-enrolment in a zone also influences the travel decisions of non-workers in families with school-going children.  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of smartphone applications for trip planning and travel outcomes using data derived from a survey conducted in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 2015. The study provides empirical evidence of relationships of smartphone use for trip planning (e.g. departure time, destination, mode choice, coordinating trips and performing tasks online) and resulting travel outcomes (e.g. vehicle kilometers traveled, social gathering, new place visits, and group trips) and associated factors. Several sets of factors such as socio-economic characteristics and travel characteristics are tested and interpreted. Results suggest that smartphone applications mostly influence younger individuals’ trip planning decisions. Transit pass owners are the frequent users of smartphone applications for trip planning. Findings suggest that transit pass owners commonly use smartphone applications for deciding departure times and mode choices. The study also identifies the limited impact of smartphone application use on reducing travel outcomes, such as vehicle kilometers traveled. The highest impact is in visiting new places (a 48.8% increase). The study essentially offers an original in-depth understanding of how smartphone applications are affecting everyday travel.  相似文献   

Identification of the socioeconomic factors which affect the demand for buses, and the analysis of the use of the other transport modes by bus users are the two main objectives of this article. Work and school trips are highlighted as being very important trip purposes in Lagos metropolis by the multiple discriminant analysis model. It identifies mode of transport, distance, travel time, reliability, and the number of stops as significant mode choice variables. Multiple linear regression models for work and school trips identify mode of transport, transfort fare, travel time, annual income, and crew behaviour as significant variables in the choice of transport mode. These findings support the two alternative hypotheses of the study that the choice of bus is related to the individual perception of the quality of service of the different modes and that socioeconomic characteristics of the riders influence the patronage of buses. The attention of policy makers for the 22 transport corporations that operate inter-and intra-urban services in all the 21 states and the federal capital of Abuja in Nigeria is drawn to the importance of these variables for decisions.  相似文献   

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have been used to alleviate congestion problems arising due to demand during peak periods. The success of ITS strategies relies heavily on two factors: 1) the ability to accurately estimate the temporal and spatial distribution of travel demand on the transportation network during peak periods, and, 2) providing real‐time route guidance to users. This paper addresses the first factor. A model to estimate time dependent origin‐destination (O‐D) trip tables in urban areas during peak periods is proposed. The daily peak travel period is divided into several time slices to facilitate simulation and modeling. In urban areas, a majority of the trips during peak periods are work trips. For illustration purposes, only peak period work trips are considered in this paper. The proposed methodology is based on the arrival pattern of trips at a traffic analysis zone (TAZ) and the distribution of their travel times. The travel time matrix for the peak period, the O‐D trip table for the peak period, and the number of trips expected to arrive at each TAZ at different work start times are inputs to the model. The model outputs are O‐D trip tables for each time slice in the peak period. 1995 data for the Las Vegas metropolitan area are considered for testing and validating the model, and its application. The model is reasonably robust, but some lack of precision was observed. This is due to two possible reasons: 1) rounding‐off, and, 2) low ratio of total number of trips to total number of O‐D pair combinations. Hence, an attempt is made to study the effect of increasing this ratio on error estimates. The ratio is increased by multiplying each O‐D pair trip element with a scaling factor. Better estimates were obtained. Computational issues involved with the simulation and modeling process are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes transportation mode choice for short home-based trips using a 1999 activity survey from the Puget Sound region of Washington State, U.S.A. Short trips are defined as those within the 95th percentile walking distance in the data, here 1.40 miles (2.25 km). The mean walking distance was 0.4 miles (0.6 km). The mode distribution was automobile (75%), walk (23%), bicycle (1%), and bus (1%). Walk and bicycle are found less likely as the individual’s age increases. People are more likely to drive if they can or are accustomed to. People in multi-person families are less likely to walk or use bus, especially families with children. An environment that attracts people’s interest and provides activity opportunities encourages people to walk on short trips. Influencing people’s choice of transport mode on short trips should be an important part of efforts encouraging the use of non-automobile alternatives.
Gudmundur F. UlfarssonEmail:


Three origin‐destination matrices of inter‐zonal person trips for a section of the Los Angeles metropolitan region are analyzed using principal component analysis. The matrices represent total person trips, journey‐to‐work trips, and shopping trips. This allows for the identification of a number of sub‐regional travel fields or functional regions within the area. The composition of and interrelationships between these fields and the spatial coincidence of fields defined for different travel purposes are compared with existing and proposed public transit facilities.  相似文献   

Carsharing programs that operate as short-term vehicle rentals (often for one-way trips before ending the rental) like Car2Go and ZipCar have quickly expanded, with the number of US users doubling every 1–2 years over the past decade. Such programs seek to shift personal transportation choices from an owned asset to a service used on demand. The advent of autonomous or fully self-driving vehicles will address many current carsharing barriers, including users’ travel to access available vehicles.This work describes the design of an agent-based model for shared autonomous vehicle (SAV) operations, the results of many case-study applications using this model, and the estimated environmental benefits of such settings, versus conventional vehicle ownership and use. The model operates by generating trips throughout a grid-based urban area, with each trip assigned an origin, destination and departure time, to mimic realistic travel profiles. A preliminary model run estimates the SAV fleet size required to reasonably service all trips, also using a variety of vehicle relocation strategies that seek to minimize future traveler wait times. Next, the model is run over one-hundred days, with driverless vehicles ferrying travelers from one destination to the next. During each 5-min interval, some unused SAVs relocate, attempting to shorten wait times for next-period travelers.Case studies vary trip generation rates, trip distribution patterns, network congestion levels, service area size, vehicle relocation strategies, and fleet size. Preliminary results indicate that each SAV can replace around eleven conventional vehicles, but adds up to 10% more travel distance than comparable non-SAV trips, resulting in overall beneficial emissions impacts, once fleet-efficiency changes and embodied versus in-use emissions are assessed.  相似文献   

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