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隐川 《游艇业》2014,(4):104-107
灰白色休闲长裤搭配一双深棕色皮鞋:标志性的白色衬衣和一件大码深蓝西装,让他看起来大方得体,又不会偏离休闲太多。而口袋巾和精致红色胸针的配搭再一次成功地证明了这是一位拥有不俗品位的男人。  相似文献   

你说你去过马尔代夫,那里风光旖旎,醉人心扉:你说你去过爱琴海,那里风情万种,神秘浪漫:你说你飞遍地球,遇见了那些被称作天堂的地方……可就算你走遍了万丈土地,飞过了碧海蓝天,我仍旧会说你还羞的太远。因为有一种美景只存在于帆船的航线下,只有把生命、信仰、坚持统统交给手中的船舵和扬起的风帆。像大航海时代勇敢而聪明的航海士一般,让身体和灵魂跟着风走,才能看见。几个月前,就有这样一群人,他们逃离暄嚣城市,驾驶着一艘大帆船,试图重温大航海时代。驶向大多数人都未曾到过的梦想之地——西沙。这颗祖国南端的纯净明珠,此刻揭开了它神秘的面纱。  相似文献   

如果《珠江水运》已根置于你的心底,那么我们十分内疚地对你说:她要换名字了。但是我们保证,不管她叫什么,她所坚持的精神不会改变。  相似文献   

我不知道别人有没有和我同样的遭遇:当你专注地欣赏一档电视节目,或者津津有味地读着报纸上某一篇文章的时候,会突然出现障碍:那就是一个或几个词儿,一句或几句话,是你见所未见,闻所未闻的。立码儿,脑子就被搅得一塌糊涂:是这世界变化快,老朽如我者只有说不懂的份儿呢?还是他们有话不能好好说?……  相似文献   

GE总裁韦尔奇有一次在行政主管会改开始前,看到有个人坐在会议室门外,他就问那个人在做什么。那人回答说:“如果有任何技术问题,我就会马上采取行动。”韦尔奇不解会有什么问题。那人说:“假设投影机上方的灯泡坏了,就必须换一个新的。”韦尔奇平静地说:“会议室里有五位工程师,我敢打赌,他们当中一定有人会换灯泡,现在请你回到你的工作岗位上去干你自己的事去。”  相似文献   

男人总在追求一些好玩儿的东西,哪怕那是残酷的。所以总有人信誓旦旦地说:我怎么没生活在那个年代。是呀!想起就让人热血沸腾。冲在战火纷飞的反法西斯前线,然后悲壮地倒下,这一就是英雄呀!这一切源自一个伟大的梦想。直到现在你可能仍有梦想,那么,就让我帮你实现吧! 现在你就穿好军服、系上靴子、背起行囊上路吧!尽情享受和平带来的快乐!  相似文献   

Ralph Brown 《船艇》2010,(1):142-145
大浪袭来,将船推得离礁岩越来越近,我知道岩石就在附近但却被浪花模糊了视线,什么也看不清,我只能不停地对自己说:“它不会沉,它不会沉,它不会沉,相信你的船,相信你的船,不要慌,不要慌,上帝保佑,上帝保佑!”大地漆黑一片,乌云密密地盖住天空,15英尺高的大浪翻涌而上,又落下来涌进小船,小船四周被水雾包围,遮敝了观线。  相似文献   

SUSU 《游艇业》2014,(4):128-133
美国式疯狂 朋友从墨西哥回来,给我带了令人脸红的手信一一长得像男人“那活儿”的La Cofradia Reposado Lguanas,他很郑重其事地说:“绝对不能送人,这可是墨西哥当地限量版的龙舌兰酒,值得收藏,在最值得庆祝的时候,与爱人一起品尝,喝了令人飘飘欲仙。”这一脸坏坏的表情,不了解龙舌兰的人·定会以为,喝了龙舌兰,必然有“催情”事件发生,这似乎与夜夜笙歌的酒吧“不谋而合”。  相似文献   

《中国远洋航务》:香港曾经历过发展的困惑,现在慢慢找到了自己的新定位,我们可以将这种定位简单地说成是大陆与世界之间扮演“增值”的枢纽角色。面对香港的新定位,你觉得航运业准备好了吗?  相似文献   

王波  马艳君 《游艇业》2009,(10):42-45
翟墨坐在阳光刺眼的初秋,谈起他的航海经历。眼前的男人长发过肩、肤色古铜、臂膀宽厚,海上生活的痕迹星星点点显现出来。他说:“航海是件简单的事.不会游泳的人都可以驾驶帆船,只要不晕船。我也不是什么英雄,我生命的前三十年和航海无关。”  相似文献   

夏志华 《中国水运》2007,7(7):241-242
常微分方程具有一般数学的特点:抽象性、严密性,又具有本身的特点,即与工程技术紧密相连,实用性强.而常数变易法是解线性微分方程行之有效的一种方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents the uncertainty modelling of experimental results for a physical model of a tanker moored to a terminal inside a port. The physical model was built for an oil terminal at the port of Leixões in Portugal. The model incorporates the new modified port layout, as well as a future 300 m extension of the port outer north breakwater to enhance operational conditions. The physical model tests were performed on a scale of 1:80 in the Portuguese Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC). A generic mooring system of four mooring lines and two fenders is simulated using a nonlinear spring system. Decay tests are carried out to evaluate the natural periods of the moored model. Then, tests are carried out for the moored model in waves. The major aim of the experimental study is to obtain novel results for the wave elevation and direction at various locations inside the port, the ship motions at six degrees of freedom, and loads on mooring lines and fenders including the modified port layout. As the physical model measurements are subjected to different types of uncertainties, a systematic uncertainty analysis is carried out here, following ITTC guidelines and recommendations, to quantify all possible sources of uncertainties. The results are discussed, and several conclusions are reached. Based on the experimental results, the presented physical model study may replicate the results for waves and motions with uncertainties less than 9% of the significant amplitudes. The assessment of the applied nonlinear spring model reveals load predictions on the moorings, with uncertainties less than 4% of the maximum mooring loads.  相似文献   

李营  浦金云  丁立斌 《船舶工程》2015,37(S1):311-314
在剖析电缆火灾原因的基础上,利用实验方法对阻燃电缆的阻燃性能进行了研究,得出了其在火焰中具有良好的抗火能力;之后利用破坏性实验进一步证明了阻燃电缆的良好抗火性能;然后利用FDS火灾模拟软件对无电缆参与的火灾和有电缆参与的火灾进行了仿真研究,得出了电缆在火灾中是否被引燃主要取决于是否与火焰直接接触的结论;最后,建议人们在电缆防火设计时,重点关注那些容易接触火焰的电缆。  相似文献   

柴油发电机是舰船上重要的电源装置,它的性能直接影响到船上的电力系统性能。本文以某船用12相、8极柴油发电机为原型,详细阐述了其模拟机的设计方法。其模拟机的研制,对船上电力系统动态模拟和研究、船用柴油发电机的设计和研制提供了新的手段。  相似文献   

麦哲伦(Magellan,Ferdinand),葡萄牙著名航海家和探险家.先后为葡萄牙(1505~1512)和西班牙(1519—1521)作航海探险。5个多世纪以来,人们对麦哲伦崇拜得很,都把他看作是世界英雄,因为他是第一个完成环球航行的航海家。这一创举实际上以无可争辩的事实证明了地圆说。从这个意义上讲,麦哲伦的确是  相似文献   

为优化某船用柴油机的燃烧室的"油-气-室"匹配,降低有害物排放,运用AVL Fire对原型燃烧室改用不同燃烧室进行额定工况模拟.结果表明,高低型双涡流室双缩口燃烧室能在上涡流室形成"飞轮效应",相对于原型燃烧室,不仅能增加功率,而且能降低Nox和SOOT的排放.对高低型双涡流室双缩口燃烧室设置不同的高低涡流室的半径比r/R和喷油夹角进行计算.结果表明:随着r/R从0.3增加到1.3,Nox和SOOT的排放量均先减少后增多;当r/R为0.7时,Nox和SOOT的排放量均最少.当喷油夹角为140°~165°时,随着喷油夹角的增大,Nox的排放量先减少后增加,随后再减少,最后又升高;SOOT排放量先减小后增大,随后再减小.  相似文献   

Characteristics of a bubble jet near a vertical wall   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A numerical model of a coupled bubble jet and wall was built on the assumption of potential flow and calculated by the boundary integral method. A three-dimensional computing program was then developed. Starting with the basic phenomenon of the interaction between a bubble and a wall, the dynamics of bubbles near rigid walls were studied systematically with the program. Calculated results agreed well with experimental results. The relationship between the Bjerknes effect of a wall and characteristic parameters was then studied and the calculated results of various cases were compared and discussed with the Blake criterion based on the Kelvin-impulse theory. Our analyses show that the angle of the jet's direction and the pressure on the rigid wall have a close relationship with collapse force and the bubble's characteristic parameters. From this, the application range of Blake criterion can be determined. This paper aims to provide a basis for future research on the dynamics of bubbles near a wall.  相似文献   

本文阐述了监督73~*艇的船型研究要点,文中给出了该艇船模快速性、操纵性试验主要结果以及实船试航结果。  相似文献   

Coastal zones are among the most productive areas in the world, offering a wide variety of valuable habitats and ecosystems services. Despite the low population density in the Brazilian coastal zone, their distribution is quite concentrated near some coastal cities and state capitals. This concentration places enormous pressure on coastal resources. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to present an overview on the current status of SiMoCo (Sistema de Monitoramento Costeiro, or Coastal Monitoring System in English) project as a possible early warning system that can be integrated to the Brazilian Coastal Management Information System. This prototype platform provides a real-time access to the composition, organization and simulation of planktonic communities. First, our results demonstrate such a system detecting a target dinoflagellate; second, we apply structural and functional indexes to compare and characterize the ecological networks from two different coastal areas. Conclusions are made about SiMoCo’s feasibility and its possible contribution to the decision-making process within integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) strategies.  相似文献   

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