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为研究富水软弱地层工程性质及开挖后沉降特征,文章通过室内试验对深圳地铁国贸至老街区间隧道的地层物理力学参数进行了测定和分析,结果表明:(1)该区域地层存在较大孔隙和微裂隙且相互贯通,土体压缩性高,固结沉降大;(2)地层倾向于散粒体,含水量大且含砂多,施工排水易冲刷夹带松散颗粒而导致地层损失难于控制;(3)地层强度低,隧道开挖时围岩稳定性差。以上因素导致此类地层具有开挖影响范围广、地层沉降大并易发生地表塌陷的显著特征。实测地层沉降验证了试验结论的正确性,国贸至老街区间隧道开挖引起的地表沉降最大值约为193.5 mm,地表沉降槽宽度约为80 m,并发生了2次地表塌陷事故。可见,隧道开挖引起的地层沉降与地质条件密切相关,通过地层物理力学特性预测隧道开挖引起的地层沉降是必要的和可行的。 相似文献
在城市中修建地铁暗挖车站,由于开挖跨度大,埋深浅,对地层扰动较大,地表沉降的控制往往成为工程的重点和难点。北京地铁五号线某车站施工时采用数值分析预测、地层变位分部控制,以及信息化施工等措施,成功地将地表沉降控制在设定范围。其研究方法和支护手段,对解决类似大断面暗挖施工具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。 相似文献
公路隧道软弱围岩工程属于系统性的工程,在该项工程施工的阶段对于技术的应用要求比较高,只有科学的技术才能够提高工程的安全性以及稳定性.为了达到公路隧道软弱围岩工程项目的施工需求,依托某工程项目实例为研究背景,对围岩浅埋段综合技术的应用情况进行了研究.先是论述了该工程的基本资料,而后在论述该工程具体施工方案的基础上,深入性... 相似文献
软弱地层盾构斜穿既有建筑物沉降控制技术 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
文章以天津地铁九号线盾构穿越蝶桥公寓为背景,研究分析了软弱地层中浅埋盾构斜穿既有建筑物的安全风险和沉降控制措施.施工中由于采用了双液浆和单液浆组合注浆方式,有效地控制了地表沉降.监控量测结果表明,采用的综合措施,效果良好,可供类似工程借鉴. 相似文献
文章以十天高速公路石庄隧道施工为例,对该隧道浅埋软弱地质段的塌方冒顶情况进行了介绍,分析了塌方产生的原因,提出了内外结合的塌方处理方案,并阐述了方案的关键技术措施及注意事项。 相似文献
为了提高浅埋暗挖大跨隧道下穿既有铁路施工的安全性,基于浅埋暗挖大跨隧道下穿既有铁路施工难点及施工原则,对于既有铁路加固阶段、超前支护阶段、洞门施工阶段、初期支护阶段、二次衬砌阶段的施工安全管理要点展开分析,通过研究加强基础资料整理、做好监控量测工作、拟定地面控制措施、加强安全培训工作等注意事项,其目的在于积累工程施工安全管理经验,加快工程项目的施工进度。 相似文献
富水软弱地层盾构隧道始发洞口土体加固技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在富水软弱地层盾构隧道施工中,如何确保始发洞口土体的稳定是保证施工安全顺利进行的重要环节.文章以深圳地铁二号线南-科盾构区间为例,通过对搅拌桩法、旋喷桩法等传统的土体加固工法进行综合对比分析,并结合工程地质情况、地下水、施工环境以及安全性、经济性等因素,提出了选用两道800 mm厚素混凝土墙并配以搅拌桩对盾构隧道始发洞口土体进行联合加固的技术方案.结合现场监测数据,在盾构始发前和始发推进两个阶段对土体加固效果进行检验证明,这是一种适合软弱土层的较好的土体联合加固新技术. 相似文献
高速公路软基路堤沉降观测分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
控制地基沉降是高速公路软土地基路段施工的关键环节,进行沉降观测是必须且重要的。以工程施工为例,提出并介绍了在施工期进行沉降观测的方法和技术要点、填土速率的控制及推算工后沉降量。 相似文献
基于地层损失概念的盾构穿越运营隧道有限元分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对现有盾构掘进数值模拟方法的分析,提出了基于地层损失概念的有限元模拟方法,通过与理论和位移预测经验公式的对比,验证了其适用性,最后用于盾构穿越的分析当中,得出了若干运营隧道的变形规律,并与实际工程所显示的规律进行了对比。 相似文献
In contrast to air transport safety, safety in ground handling is not concerned only with aircraft accidents but also the Occupational Health and Safety of the employees who work at airport aprons. Ground handling safety costs the aviation industry tens of billions USD every year which raises the questions about the effectiveness of linear safety risk management of Ground Handling Services (GHS). This paper uses the state-of-the-art safety theory to justify and highlight the need for a systemic approach to safety risk management of GHS on the apron. A hybrid Total Apron Safety Management (TASM) framework, based on the combination of Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM), Grounded Theory, Template Analysis and Goals-Means Task Analysis (GMTA) was developed to support systemic safety modelling of GHS. The data that underpins the TASM framework includes extensive literature review, 15 observations, 43 interviews and expert judgement across five international airports. While the TASM framework can be applied in retrospective, prospective and system design analysis to improve both the safety management and the efficiency of apron operations, this paper showcases only one of its application on a case study of a historical safety occurrence. The results of the investigation carried out in this paper clearly demonstrate the benefits of the systemic as opposed to the existing linear approaches to retrospective safety analyses and the suitability of the TASM framework for occurrence analysis and prevention. 相似文献
Evaluations carried out in many countries show that soft policy measures in the form of personalized travel planning reduce private car use and increase travel by public transport. Sweden is a sparsely populated country that poorly supports public transport, a country with long distances, a cold climate, and a high concentration of private cars, which is why soft policy measures implemented in Sweden may be less cost-effective than has been found in other countries. Thirty-two programs using personalized travel planning were analysed with regard to stewardship, geographic area of application, choice of techniques of exerting an influence, and effects on car use and choice of alternative travel modes. None of the evaluations of the documented programs met the method requirements for such evaluations as regards design and effect measurement. Additionally, reporting was substandard as well as non-standard in the way that is desirable in order to enable comparative analyses. With reservations for these shortcomings, it is inferred that positive effects on a par with the results in other countries have been obtained in some of the implemented programs. It is however necessary to conduct evaluations which are of higher quality. The requirements which will then have to be applied are defined. 相似文献
辽宁省丹东至本溪高速公路张家隧道从304国道下穿越,其中右线隧道进口段较大区域为早期修建该国道时的弃碴形成的堆积层.文章详细介绍了综合处理堆积层、成功穿越该地段的施工措施抗滑钢管桩、坡面钢管注浆加固、超前及系统自进式锚杆,并对此地段的衬砌结构设计进行了分析,所取得的经验可供类似情况下的隧道设计与施工参考和借鉴. 相似文献
成都地铁密实砂卵石地层工程地质特性及施工方法浅析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地层的工程地质特性直接影响到支护参数及施工方法的选择。文章结合成都地铁工程实践,介绍了成都砂卵石地层的降水效应;通过对监测数据的分析,反映在CD法和台阶法两种不同施工方法条件下,地层变形及内力变化情况,为制定合理的施工方案提供借鉴和参考。 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies》2010,18(6):910-920
The discrepancy between the projected demand for arrival slots at an airport and the projected available arrival slots on a given day is resolved by the Ground Delay Program (GDP). The current GDP rationing rule, Ration-by-Schedule, allocates the available arrival slots at the affected airport by scheduled arrival time of the flights with some adjustments to balance the equity between airlines. This rule does not take into account passenger flow and fuel flow performance in the rationing assignment tradeoff.This paper examines the trade-off between passenger delays and excess surface fuel burn as well as airline equity and passenger equity in GDP slot allocation using different rationing rules. A GDP Rationing Rule Simulator (GDP-RRS) is developed to calculate performance and equity metrics for all stakeholders using six alternate rules. The results show that there is a trade-off between GDP performance and GDP equity. Ration-by-Passengers (a rule which maximizes the passenger throughput) decreased total passenger delay by 22% and decreased total excess fuel burn by 57% with no change in total flight delay compared to the traditional Ration-by-Schedule. However, when the airline and passenger equity are primary concerns, the Ration-by-Schedule is preferred. 相似文献