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浮式海上风力机运动性能和锚泊系统(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The development of offshore wind farms was originally carried out in shallow water areas with fixed(seabed mounted) structures.However,countries with limited shallow water areas require innovative floating platforms to deploy wind turbines offshore in order to harness wind energy to generate electricity in deep seas.The performances of motion and mooring system dynamics are vital to designing a cost effective and durable floating platform.This paper describes a numerical model to simulate dynamic behavior of a new semi-submersible type floating offshore wind turbine(FOWT) system.The wind turbine was modeled as a wind block with a certain thrust coefficient,and the hydrodynamics and mooring system dynamics of the platform were calculated by SESAM software.The effect of change in environmental conditions on the dynamic response of the system under wave and wind loading was examined.The results indicate that the semi-submersible concept has excellent performance and SESAM could be an effective tool for floating wind turbine design and analysis.  相似文献   

Transportation of tension leg platform(TLP) structures for a long distance has always been associated with the use of a heavy semi-transport vessel.The requirements of this type of vessel are always special,and their availability is limited.To prepare for the future development of South China Sea deepwater projects,the China Offshore Oil Engineering Corporation has recently built a heavy lift transport vessel-Hai Yang Shi You 278.This semi-submersible vessel has a displacement capacity of 50k DWT,and a breath of 42 meters.Understanding the vessel’s applicability and preparing it for use in future deepwater projects are becoming imminent needs.This paper reviews the current critical issues associated with TLP transportation and performs detailed analysis of the designed TLP during load-out and transportation.The newly built COOEC transportation vessel HYSY 278 was applied to dry transport of the TLP structure from the COOEC fabrication yard in Qingdao to an oil field in South China Sea.The entire process included the load-out of the TLP structure from the landsite of the fabrication yard,the offloading and float-on of the platform from the vessel,the dry transport of the TLP over a long distance,and the final offloading of the platform.Both hydrodynamic and structure analysis were performed to evaluate the behavior of the transport vessel and TLP structure.Special attention was paid to critical areas associated with the use of this new vessel,along with any potential limitations.The results demonstrate that HYSY 278 can effectively be used for transporting the structure with proper arrangement and well-prepared operation.The procedure and details were presented on the basis of the study results.Special attention was also given to discussion on future use based on the results from the analysis.  相似文献   

A jack-up platform,with its particular structure,showed obvious dynamic characteristics under complex environmental loads in extreme conditions.In this paper,taking a simplified 3-D finite element dynamic model in extreme storm conditions as research object,a transient dynamic analysis method was proposed,which was under both regular and irregular wave loads.The steps of dynamic analysis under extreme conditions were illustrated with an applied case,and the dynamic amplification factor(DAF) was calculated for each response parameter of base shear,overturning moment and hull sway.Finally,the structural response results of dynamic and static were compared and analyzed.The results indicated that the static strength analysis of the Jack-up Platforms was not enough under the dynamic loads including wave and current,further dynamic response analysis considering both computational efficiency and accuracy was necessary.  相似文献   

Offshore observation platforms are required to have great ability to resist waves when they are operating at sea. Investigation on the motion characteristics of the platforms in the sea can provide significant reference values during the platform design procedure. In this paper, a series of numerical simulation on the interaction of a triple-hulled offshore observation platform with different incident waves is carried out. All of the simulations are implemented utilizing our own solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU, which is based and developed on the open source tools of OpenFOAM. Duration curves of motion characteristics and loads acting on the platform are obtained, and a comparison between the results of the amplitude in different incident waves is presented. The results show that the solver is competent in the simulation of motion response of platforms in waves.  相似文献   

A fuzzy model was presented to predict the weldment shape profile of submerged arc welds(SAW) including the shape of heat affected zone(HAZ).The SAW bead-on-plates were welded by following a full factorial design matrix.The design matrix consisted of three levels of input welding process parameters.The welds were cross-sectioned and etched,and the zones were measured.A mapping technique was used to measure the various segments of the weld zones.These mapped zones were used to build a fuzzy logic model.The membership functions of the fuzzy model were chosen for the accurate prediction of the weld zone.The fuzzy model was further tested for a set of test case data.The weld zone predicted by the fuzzy logic model was compared with the experimentally obtained shape profiles and close agreement between the two was noted.The mapping technique developed for the weld zones and the fuzzy logic model can be used for on-line control of the SAW process.From the SAW fuzzy logic model an estimation of the fusion and HAZ can also be developed.  相似文献   

第六代半潜式钻井平台装备复杂,尤其双钻井中心应用对平台布局带来新变化,总体布局设计是半台钻井作业效率的重要影响因素.本文系统研究总体布局设计,提出工程使用布局设计方案.首先建立双钻井中心钻井作业流程图,确定布局原则,以钻井效率为基本出发点,对平台各支持/服务系统输送方式进行规划设计,按各种输送方式对平台层次进行划分,确定以双钻井中心为中心的空间向心布局方案,按作业功能对平台设备设施进行模块划分,以模块作为基本布局单元,对上、下甲板采用小同布局算法进行布局规划,上层半台以输送成本最低利于输送算法布置,下层平台采用最适合面积算法,优先布置大尺寸模块,并对立柱、下浮体存储进行规划.最后研究布局对平台重心影响,进行重心计算并依据重心变化进行布局调整.本义针对半潜平台复杂大系统,采用层次划分和模块分解方法进行布局规划方案对我国半潜式钻井半台设计有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

以工作水深1200m、8缆系泊的半潜式海洋平台为对象,研究其系统定位方法,通过改变锚泊系统系泊缆长度来实现平台的定位。建立反映半潜式海洋平台锚泊系统动力响应的多目标优化模型,通过求解得到船体目标位移与最优系泊缆长度,借助多学科软件iSIGHT,通过开发程序接口,调用水动力分析软件ANSYS/AQWA求解器求解,实现了半潜式平台锚泊系统的结构动力响应优化设计。对半潜式平台进行风、浪、流联合作用下的水动力耦合分析,实时控制系泊缆长度来实现平台的定位并保证平台的稳定性。  相似文献   

半潜起重船动力定位能力计算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
俞赟 《船舶工程》2011,33(Z2):115-125
采用静态动力定位能力的分析方法,以普通船型动力定位计算原理为基础,研究了双体半潜起重铺管船动力定位能力计算的特点,简要介绍了该船型动力定位能力的计算方法,编制了程序以2×8000t半潜起重铺管船为例进行了实例计算.  相似文献   

苏义鑫  赵俊 《船舶工程》2015,37(3):49-52
鉴于广义预测控制(GPC)方法能用同一方式处理设备和安全约束,且具有较强的抗扰动能力,提出了一种基于GPC的船舶动力定位约束控制器设计方法。运用前馈控制器克服风力扰动的影响,且所产生的前馈量被用来实时修正推力约束,在修正后的推力约束下滚动优化GPC。对承受风、浪、流扰动的某供应船,采用提出的方法设计控制器,并进行仿真验证。仿真结果表明,所设计的控制器抗扰动能力较强,能完成对船舶的动力定位约束控制。  相似文献   

刘春雷  姜峰  李辉  邓宝利  王宇博 《船舶工程》2018,40(S1):287-294
针对2000m工作水深12点多成分张紧式系泊系统,采用时域耦合动力分析方法,研究不同浪向完整条件和一根系泊缆断裂的破损工况下浮体运动和系泊缆张力特性。改变系泊系统参数,定量探究其影响系泊系统的一般规律,提供满足API[1] [2]规范要求的系泊系统优化设计方案。结果表明:增加系泊缆根数可以有效增强平台定位能力;通过合理选择预张力倾角、预张力大小、系泊缆夹角等,可以大幅度改善平台的运动响应和系泊缆动态响应。  相似文献   

本文从船舶动力定位的概念和基本原理出发,简要介绍其组成、工作方式和现行几种形式,并以6 000 HP平台供应船为实例,介绍了入DNV船级的二级动力定位系统,包括规范要求、系统构成、对电站要求的几个模式和注意事项等。  相似文献   

采用悬链线系泊模式为一座深水半潜式生产平台进行多点系泊选型设计。通过敏感性分析,理顺各类因素对于整体系泊设计方案的影响规律,从而实现参数的合理选取,使得系泊方案的各项技术指标均满足规范要求,最终总结得出一套针对深水浮体多点悬链线系泊系统的设计流程。  相似文献   

深海半潜式钻井平台运动响应预报与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘子辉 《船舶》2008,19(1):32-36
文章以三维势流理论为基础的数值计算和模型试验相结合的研究方法,对一座工作海域为我国南海的深海半潜式钻井平台的运动响应的特点进行分析研究,对设计前期性能研究有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

崔戈 《船舶》2015,(3):103-108
提出一种基于模糊积分预测控制器的船舶动力定位系统控制方法,通过引入积分控制器消除了稳态误差,采用模糊控制算法实现了对不确定系统的控制,利用预测控制解决了船舶动力定位中的约束问题,有效地减少了船舶动力定位系统能量的消耗。仿真结果证明,提出的模糊积分预测控制器在满足动力定位要求的同时,大大提高了推力系统的效率,减少了推力消耗。  相似文献   

研究了模型预测控制在船舶动力定位系统约束控制中的应用,建立了3自由度动力定位船舶的数学模型,提出了船舶动力定位系统设计中应考虑的各种约束.针对某供应船,根据模型预测控制理论进行了动力定位控制器设计,使约束的处理问题贯穿于控制系统设计的始终.仿真试验验证了模型预测控制算法应用于船舶动力定位约束控制的有效性.  相似文献   

半潜起重船动力定位环境载荷计算方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俞赟 《船舶》2010,21(1):13-17
以普通船型动力定位环境载荷计算原理为基础,研究了多立柱半潜起重铺管船定位环境载荷计算的特点,简要介绍了该船型动力定位环境载荷的计算方法,并编制了风、流载荷的计算程序,以2×8 000 t半潜起重铺管船为例进行实例计算。得到的总环境载荷和试验结果趋势比较接近,具有较大的工程实用意义。  相似文献   

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