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As a kind of clean and renewable energy,tidal current energy is becoming increasingly popular all over the world with the shortage of energy and environmental problems becoming more and more severe.A floating tidal current power station is a typical type of tidal current power transformers which can sustain the loads of wind,waves,and current,and even the extreme situation of a typhoon.Therefore,the mooring system must be reliable enough to keep the station operating normally and to survive in extreme situations.The power station examined in this paper was installed at a depth of 40 m.A 44 mm-diameter R4-RQ4 chain was chosen,with a 2 147 kN minimum break strength and 50 kN pretension.Common studless link chain was used in this paper.Based on the Miner fatigue cumulative damage rule,S-N curves of chains,and MOSES software,a highly reliable mooring system was designed and analyzed.The calculation results show that the mooring system designed is reliable throughout a 10-year period.It can completely meet the design requirements of American Petroleum institution(API).Therefore,the presented research is significant for advancing the design of this kind of power station.  相似文献   

This research proposes a new offshore wind energy generation system that uses a tension leg platform (TLP) and describes experiments performed on a TLP type wind turbine in both waves and wind. The following conclusions can be made from the results of this research. 1) In the case of coexisting wave-wind fields, the wind effect stabilizes the pitch motion. 2) The wind effect decreases vibration of the mooring lines when waves and wind coexist. In particular, the springing (2nd or 3rd order force) also decreases in this field. 3) It can be estimated that the reduction in the rate of generation of electrical power can be up to about 6% as a result of the heel angle. In addition, the annual amount of electricity generated was estimated along with the utilization factor based on the experimental results.  相似文献   

This paper researches how to apply the advanced control technology of model predictive control(MPC) to the design of the dynamic positioning system(DPS) of a semi-submersible platform.First,a linear low-frequency motion model with three degrees of freedom was established in the context of a semi-submersible platform.Second,a model predictive controller was designed based on a model which took the constraints of the system into account.Third,simulation was carried out to demonstrate the feasibility of the controller.The results show that the model predictive controller has good performance and good at dealing with the constraints of the system.  相似文献   

系泊系统非线性恢复力研究及其应用(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Mooring system plays an important role in station keeping of floating offshore structures.Coupled analysis on mooring-buoy interactions has been increasingly studied in recent years.At present,chains and wire ropes are widely used in offshore engineering practice.On the basis of mooring line statics,an explicit formulation of single mooring chain/wire rope stiffness coefficients and mooring stiffness matrix of the mooring system were derived in this article,taking into account the horizontal restoring force,vertical restoring force and their coupling terms.The nonlinearity of mooring stiffness was analyzed,and the influences of various parameters,such as material,displacement,pre-tension and water depth,were investigated.Finally some application cases of the mooring stiffness in hydrodynamic calculation were presented.Data shows that this kind of stiffness can reckon in linear and nonlinear forces of mooring system.Also,the stiffness can be used in hydrodynamic analysis to get the eigenfrequency of slow drift motions.  相似文献   

To provide a simulation system platform for designing and debugging a small autonomous underwater vehicle’s (AUV) motion controller, a six-degree of freedom (6-DOF) dynamic model for AUV controlled by thruster and fins with appendages is examined. Based on the dynamic model, a simulation system for the AUV’s motion is established. The different kinds of typical motions are simulated to analyze the motion performance and the maneuverability of the AUV. In order to evaluate the influences of appendages on the motion performance of the AUV, simulations of the AUV with and without appendages are performed and compared. The results demonstrate the AUV has good maneuverability with and without appendages.  相似文献   

Offshore observation platforms are required to have great ability to resist waves when they are operating at sea. Investigation on the motion characteristics of the platforms in the sea can provide significant reference values during the platform design procedure. In this paper, a series of numerical simulation on the interaction of a triple-hulled offshore observation platform with different incident waves is carried out. All of the simulations are implemented utilizing our own solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU, which is based and developed on the open source tools of OpenFOAM. Duration curves of motion characteristics and loads acting on the platform are obtained, and a comparison between the results of the amplitude in different incident waves is presented. The results show that the solver is competent in the simulation of motion response of platforms in waves.  相似文献   

Transportation of tension leg platform(TLP) structures for a long distance has always been associated with the use of a heavy semi-transport vessel.The requirements of this type of vessel are always special,and their availability is limited.To prepare for the future development of South China Sea deepwater projects,the China Offshore Oil Engineering Corporation has recently built a heavy lift transport vessel-Hai Yang Shi You 278.This semi-submersible vessel has a displacement capacity of 50k DWT,and a breath of 42 meters.Understanding the vessel’s applicability and preparing it for use in future deepwater projects are becoming imminent needs.This paper reviews the current critical issues associated with TLP transportation and performs detailed analysis of the designed TLP during load-out and transportation.The newly built COOEC transportation vessel HYSY 278 was applied to dry transport of the TLP structure from the COOEC fabrication yard in Qingdao to an oil field in South China Sea.The entire process included the load-out of the TLP structure from the landsite of the fabrication yard,the offloading and float-on of the platform from the vessel,the dry transport of the TLP over a long distance,and the final offloading of the platform.Both hydrodynamic and structure analysis were performed to evaluate the behavior of the transport vessel and TLP structure.Special attention was paid to critical areas associated with the use of this new vessel,along with any potential limitations.The results demonstrate that HYSY 278 can effectively be used for transporting the structure with proper arrangement and well-prepared operation.The procedure and details were presented on the basis of the study results.Special attention was also given to discussion on future use based on the results from the analysis.  相似文献   

Mooring systems play an important role for semi-submersible rigs that drill in deepwater.A detailed analysis was carried out on the mooring of a semi-submersible rig that conducted a trial well drilling at a deepwater location in the South China Sea in 2009.The rig was 30 years old and had a shallow platform with a designed maximum operating water depth of 457 m.Following the mooring analysis,a mooring design was given that requires upgrading of the rig’s original mooring system.The upgrade included several innovations,such as installing eight larger anchors,i.e.replacing the original anchors and inserting an additional 600 m of steel wires with the existing chains.All this was done to enhance the mooring capability of the rig in order for the rig to be held in position to conduct drilling at a water depth of 476 m.The overall duration of the drilling was 50 days and the upgraded mooring system proved to be efficient in achieving the goal of keeping the rig stationary while it was drilling the trial well in the South China Sea.This successful campaign demonstrates that an older semi-submersible rig can take on drilling in deep water after careful design and proper upgrading and modification to the original mooring system.  相似文献   

Although the upwind configuration is more popular in the field of wind energy, the downwind one is a promising type for the offshore wind energy due to its special advantages. Different configurations have different aerodynamic performance and it is important to predict the performance of both downwind and upwind configurations accurately for designing and developing more reliable wind turbines. In this paper, a numerical investigation on the aerodynamic performance of National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL) phase VI wind turbine in downwind and upwind configurations is presented. The open source toolbox Open FOAM coupled with arbitrary mesh interface(AMI) method is applied to tackle rotating problems of wind turbines. Two 3D numerical models of NREL phase VI wind turbine with downwind and upwind configurations under four typical working conditions of incoming wind velocities are set up for the study of different unsteady characteristics of the downwind and upwind configurations, respectively. Numerical results of wake vortex structure, time histories of thrust, pressure distribution on the blade and limiting streamlines which can be used to identify points of separation in a 3D flow are presented. It can be concluded that thrust reduction due to blade-tower interaction is small for upwind wind turbines but relatively large for downwind wind turbines and attention should be paid to the vibration at a certain frequency induced by the cyclic reduction for both configurations. The results and conclusions are helpful to analyze the different aerodynamic performance of wind turbines between downwind and upwind configurations, providing useful references for practical design of wind turbine.  相似文献   

近年来海上浮式风机的研究备受关注,安全可靠的系泊系统将保证风机在风、浪、流等复杂环境荷载作用下稳定运行,准确合理地描述风机运动将为评估风机发电效率提供支持。以半潜型浮式风机的系泊系统为研究对象,基于经典悬链线理论,采用准静态分析法提出一套系泊系统的设计方法。通过坐标变换,得到风轮真实的俯仰运动用于计算风机的动力效应及评定其发电效率。采用动力法分析了系泊系统锚链的导缆孔位置、预张力大小、锚链间夹角等参数对风机系统发电效率、浮式平台运动性能和系泊锚链张力的影响,得到了浮式平台迎风面俯仰倾角、水平偏移及锚链张力随参数的变化规律,为半潜型浮式风机系泊系统的设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

本文以一种可支持干式采油树的新型深水浮式平台为研究对象,采用频域和时域分析方法,分析不同工况下该平台的运动响应和锚链力特性,并与试验数据相对比以验证数值方法的正确性。在此基础上,重点分析了锚链断裂和伸缩立柱长度对该平台各项性能的影响。研究表明,该新型深水浮式平台具有优越的垂荡运动性能,且伸缩立柱长度对其垂荡运动具有影响。此外,如果发生锚链断裂,将对平台水平运动及锚链力产生较大影响。  相似文献   

An innovative offshore system integrating a floating offshore wind turbine with a steel fish farming cage (FOWT-SFFC) has recently been developed by the two leading authors for offshore wind and aquaculture industry. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the dynamic responses of FOWT-SFFC subjected to simultaneous wind and wave actions in the harsh South China Sea environment by a series of model tests. The tests are conducted at the Tsinghua Ocean Engineering Basin with Froude scale of 1:30. In this paper, the similarity law and setup of model tests are given first. Then a series of calibration tests and identification tests are carried out to validate the capacity of wind generator and wave maker, and to identify the vibration frequencies of tower, the stiffness of mooring system, natural periods and system damping, motion response amplitude operators (RAOs) of FOWT-SFFC, and thrust-speed performance of the turbine in wave basin. After that, seakeeping tests are implemented for random waves, followed by a sequence of load cases including normal operating and extreme conditions. Constant wind speeds and random wind speeds are respectively considered in load combinations. The experimental results affirm the excellent seakeeping and dynamic performance of FOWT-SFFC. Existence of metal fish nets increases the damping of foundation's 6 degree-of-freedoms motions. Generally, the influence of nets on the dynamic responses is insignificant in wind sea states.  相似文献   

选择地理位置、区域环境较为关键的岛礁,建立浅水浮式海洋平台,具有重要意义。应用在岛礁浅水区域的浮式海洋平台,由于受地理环境限制,很难设计对称式系泊系统。因此,本文设计2种典型非对称式系泊系统布置方案,基于TMA浅水波浪谱理论,对2种非对称系泊系统作用下浮式平台的水动力响应进行时域数值计算,计算结果与对称式系泊系统作用下结果对比分析,获得了非对称系统状态下平台运动响应特点及系泊张力分布特点。  相似文献   

海上浮式风机基础目前有半潜式,重力式,导管架式,Spar式很多种。目前国内对于桁架式浮式风机基础的结构分析比较少。本文采用Truss spar型海上浮式风机基础,基于三维势流理论和直接计算法,对其在深海环境中进行结构强度分析。分析表明,结构在垂荡板和桁架结构连接处容易发生较大应力集中,易产生破坏,在后续的设计修改中可对这一部位进行重点研究。  相似文献   

王乐 《船舶工程》2019,41(1):95-99
机舱通风系统是自升式风电平台重要的动力辅助系统。本文研究了具有自升式风电平台特色的机舱通风系统,对机械进风自然排风与机械进排风两种通风方式进行分析比较,并提出了先进的变频控制机舱通风系统设计理念。通过正在建造中的项目实例,详细介绍了基于变频控制的机舱通风系统的核心设计思路,展现了该系统智能、节能和安全可靠等诸多优势,对今后自升式风电平台机舱通风系统设计具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

漂浮式海洋能平台运动响应耦合预报研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着海洋工程向远海发展,漂浮式海洋能平台的运动响应预报问题成为研究的热点之一.本文以漂浮式海洋能平台为研究对象,首先基于间接时域法,建立浮式平台时域运动方程,然后基于悬链线理论和全矢量形式的三维集中质量法,建立系泊系统运动方程.在使用自行开发的计算程序对以上方程进行求解获得初值后,以系缆和浮式平台的受力和位移作为2个运动方程的交互输入与输出,建立浮式平台与系泊系统的全耦合计算方法.最后对简化的浮式海洋平台进行计算,分析载体平台的运动响应和系缆受力情况.本文可为解决相关工程问题提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

海上风机吊装运输船及其吊装方式的研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚震球  韩强 《船舶》2011,22(2):54-61
介绍了国内外海上风电的发展情况和前景,风电场建设对风机吊装运输船的需求;阐述了海上风机吊装运输船的分类及风机安装方式的发展变化。  相似文献   

近岛礁浅水环境下浮式平台系泊系统设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁军  程小明  田超  张凯  吴波 《船舶力学》2015,(7):782-790
基于有限水深格林函数、Morison公式和时域耦合动力分析方法,以一近岛礁半潜式生产生活平台为研究对象,分析了传统系泊方式(悬链线式和张紧式)和桩柱式系泊方式下平台的运动和系泊系统动力响应。结果表明,通常应用在中深水海域的传统系泊方式,在近岛礁浅水环境下使用时会出现一系列的问题,且进一步优化的空间较小。而文中提出的新型桩柱式系泊系统,很好地解决了传统系泊方式在浅水中存在的问题,且使得船舶的停靠变得更加便利。该文中的分析结果可为平台的水池模型试验和浅水环境下浮式平台系泊系统的进一步设计提供参考。  相似文献   

韩凌  杜勤 《船海工程》2007,36(3):82-86
针对目前国内外海洋石油开发向深海发展的趋势,对深海半潜式平台的锚泊系统的布置方式、所采用锚泊线材料和锚设备,以及模型试验和静、动力、耦合计算的研究方法等方面的研究现状和发展趋势作了介绍,为我国今后深海油气平台锚泊技术开发的设计和研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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