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<正>[提要]1.施工合同转包后合同效力的认定,在不认定合同效力的情况下,承包人主张工程价款,法院是否支持?2.公司清算过程中是否适当地履行了通知和公告的义务,法院如何认定?3.公司注销,清算组未履行通知和公告义务,清算组成员应承担什么样的赔偿责任,按份责任还是连带责任?  相似文献   

张丽英  尚迪 《世界海运》2012,35(3):49-52
2011年英国王座法庭审理的"尼亚加拉海运公司诉天津钢铁集团"案涉及保险人的代位求偿问题,依英国判例,保险人应以被保险人的名义行使代位求偿权。尼亚加拉海运公司认为该案应依运输合同中的仲裁条款去英国仲裁,而中国的收货人则认为救助关系不应受运输合同中仲裁条款的约束,且已在中国法院起诉。尼亚加拉海运公司向英国法院申请禁诉令,英国法院向中国的收货人及其保险人签发了禁诉令。就该案案情、禁诉令的效力等进行分析。  相似文献   

武寒霜 《世界海运》2013,36(5):55-56
[提要]1.大连海事法院是否具有管辖权?2.合同中变更的手写内容能否得到法律的认可?[案情]2008年7月24日,原告与被告在厦门签订《定期租船合同》,合同最后一页打印的第四十五条约定:"凡因本租船合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,双方选择厦门海事法院管辖,并适用中国法。"原告提供的合同原件最后一页右下角有手写内容:  相似文献   

李伟  匡浩 《世界海运》2022,(3):37-41
<正>[提要]船舶保险人发现被保险人违反如实告知义务、保险标的危险程度增加的通知义务和维护保险标的的安全义务时,可以请求法院判令解除船舶保险合同,以期从根本上摆脱保险责任。但是在法律效力上,合同解除存在有溯及力和没有溯及力两种情况。财产保险合同属于继续性合同,其解除原则上不具有溯及力。船舶保险人以投保人(被保险人)因重大过失违反相关义务为由请求法院判令解除保险合同的,如果保险期间尚未届满,则保险人行使的合同解除权仅对将来发生效力,  相似文献   

李征 《天津航海》2022,(1):38-41
我国修船业快速发展的同时,履行修船合同发生的合同主体效力争议、拖欠修理费、合同变更、质量瑕疵、安全事故归责等法律纠纷也呈现上升势头.如何防控修船纠纷的发生,减少诉累,已成为修船厂、船东、船舶主管、海事法院和律师等多方主体的关注热点.文章总结了从多年的船长工作经验及对海事海商的研究心得,从多角度阐述了船舶修理合同中应当关...  相似文献   

1996年在北京大学发生了一起有名的电子邮件案。在该案中电子邮件的法律地位得到了法院的认可,由此引发了人们对电子文件的一系列思考:电子文件何以能作为司法凭证?其司法凭证证据效力有多大?电子文件在法律上如何才能取得同其他形式的证据对等的地位?这些问题无论从理论上还是从实践中都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

提单留置权是指承运人根据提单产生的留置权。在国际海上集装箱运输中,经常发生承运人根据提单留置货物或运输单证的情况。提单留置权是合同留置权的一种。合同留置权的效力在于合同条文的规定及解释,但是,提单不是运输合同,仅是运输合同的证明,故提单留置权的效力还取决于条款是否合法。由于现行国际运输公约都没有留置权的规定,于是,国内法就起着决定性的作用,提单中的留置权条款当受其约束。  相似文献   

本文涉及的案例是英国最高法院就期租合同下船舶停租纠纷与代理人问题的最新权威判决。该案历时七年多,先是经过伦敦仲裁,然后先后上诉至高等法院、上诉法院,最终至最高法院,最高院于2016年5月11日作出最终判决。本案纠纷主要涉及期租合同下停租问题,重点解决了承租人代理人的认定问题并对此作出权威解读。以该案例为基础,就英国法下停租条款中代理人问题予以探讨。  相似文献   

本文涉及的案例是英国上诉法院就期租合同下船舶停租纠纷的判决。该案先是经过伦敦仲裁,仲裁裁决支持租家,但船东不服仲裁裁决,对仲裁裁决向英国高等法院提起上诉,高等法院改判仲裁裁决,支持船东的上诉请求。后租家不服高等法院的改判判决,针对高等法院判决向英国上诉法院提起上诉,上诉法院最终驳回高等法院的判决,维持了仲裁裁决本案纠纷主要涉及船舶漂流期间租家是否可以停租的问题,并进而涉及对NYPE 1946期租合同第15务款措辞的法律解释将以该案例为基础,就英国法下停租条款予以探讨。  相似文献   

巨乐 《世界海运》2013,36(9):51-53
海上货运代理合同中,一方当事人主张合同约定之外的费用,法院能否支持?未订立书面合同的情形下,履约方利益能否得到保护?合同履行中,一方受有损害,主张损害赔偿的构成要件有哪些?损害赔偿能否作为不支付对价的抗辩?  相似文献   

为优化某船用柴油机的燃烧室的"油-气-室"匹配,降低有害物排放,运用AVL Fire对原型燃烧室改用不同燃烧室进行额定工况模拟.结果表明,高低型双涡流室双缩口燃烧室能在上涡流室形成"飞轮效应",相对于原型燃烧室,不仅能增加功率,而且能降低Nox和SOOT的排放.对高低型双涡流室双缩口燃烧室设置不同的高低涡流室的半径比r/R和喷油夹角进行计算.结果表明:随着r/R从0.3增加到1.3,Nox和SOOT的排放量均先减少后增多;当r/R为0.7时,Nox和SOOT的排放量均最少.当喷油夹角为140°~165°时,随着喷油夹角的增大,Nox的排放量先减少后增加,随后再减少,最后又升高;SOOT排放量先减小后增大,随后再减小.  相似文献   

Modern management techniques are slowly but surely being introduced aslo in shipping management. Large sections of the industry practises strategic management at various levels in the firm. This paper outlines a method for deciding chartering strategies in the international bulk shipping industry. A well known risk/return model is tailored to transportation contracts in the shipping industry. The model delineates a set of optimally defined transportation contracts that may serve as a basis for the shipowner's strategic decisions. The strategies and elements of strategies suggested by the model have historically been practised by a number of successful shipowners. An important conclusion of the paper is that no second best problems exists and hence movement towarts the optimal solution is advocated even if such a solution cannot or will not be reached. Additionally, the paper provides an organized way of crafting, analysing and applying chartering strategies where the outcomes can be clearly defined and analysed based on well known statistical concepts and theories.  相似文献   

本文阐述了监督73~*艇的船型研究要点,文中给出了该艇船模快速性、操纵性试验主要结果以及实船试航结果。  相似文献   

文章采用CFD技术计算大型水下搭载平台与微小型水下机器人之间的水动力干扰性能.作为对水下搭载的可行性的验证,研究了二维物体和壁面的干扰,进而计算了在不同来流速度和距离时的阻力、升力和倾覆力矩性能.同时计算了大型搭载平台与微小型机器人在不同来流速度和不同距离改变时的阻力、升力和倾覆力矩性能.此外,对微小型水下机器人的中纵剖面的压力和速度分布进行了细致的分析.  相似文献   

This paper presents a preliminary technical feasibility study on a new methodology proposed for installing a monopile-based bottom supported offshore wind turbine structure. The concept is developed to address the problem of “waiting for a suitable weather window” which is commonly faced by the existing installation methods that uses a typical jack-up platform. In the methodology, a floating vessel along with a floatable subsea structure fitted with a hull on the top, hereafter named SSIP (subsea structure for installing a pile), is proposed first to install a monopile. Then the same structure is used to carry an FIUS (fully integrated upper structure) of an offshore wind turbine, which is characterized by a telescopic tower, and install it over the monopile by using an FOP (float-over-pulling) arrangement. Here, the installation methodologies are first briefly described along with the critical load cases associated with them. These load cases are then numerically studied for a significant wave height (HS) of 2.5 m, and the results are summarized. For installing a fully integrated offshore wind turbine upper structure on a monopile foundation by the FOP method, two installation schemes are presented, and their dynamic characteristics are compared. It is shown that the proposed methodologies have potential to provide installation solutions which can be environmentally more robust compared to the existing method for installing an offshore wind turbine.  相似文献   

Bioresuspension and biodeposition: a review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The present literature on biologically mediated fluxes from the benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) across the sediment-water interface into the sediment and vice versa is reviewed. The processes involved are categorised according to direct bioresuspension and biodeposition, i.e. direct interception of the animal with particles, and those effects, which are indirectly created by benthic organisms, e.g., changes of physical properties in the sediments, constructions like tubes and pits and the corresponding changes in hydrodynamic conditions. It is concluded that benthic organisms significantly increase the flux of particles across the interface and that the physically created fluxes are easily modified by a factor of 2 and more.  相似文献   

Experiments involving a sonar platform with a sound absorption wedge were carried out for the purpose of obtaining the low frequency acoustic characteristics. Acoustic characteristics of a sonar platform model with a sound absorption wedge were measured, and the effects of different wedge laid areas on platform acoustic characteristic were tested. Vibration acceleration and self-noise caused by model vibration were measured in four conditions: 0%, 36%, 60%, and 100% of wedge laid area when the sonar platform was under a single frequency excitation force. An experiment was performed to validate a corresponding numerical calculation. The numerical vibration characteristics of platform area were calculated by the finite element method, and self-noise caused by the vibration in it was predicted by an experiential formula. The conclusions prove that the numerical calculation method can partially replace the experimental process for obtaining vibration and sound characteristics.  相似文献   

崔忞慜  戚珩  李光 《船舶工程》2016,38(1):65-68
船舶机电设备可靠性维修性保障性(RMS)设计已经成为与产品狭义功能性能同等重要的设计特性之一。调距桨装置是船舶重要推进设备之一,其RMS在服役期间的持续稳定效能,直接对船舶任务、效能、安全保障、使用保障费用等都产生重要的影响。本文选取故障树动态主逻辑图为RMS建模框架,提出了RMS模型的建模方法,结合计算机仿真技术,给出了基于RMS模型的仿真流程及仿真方法。最后应用本文所研究的建模仿真方法对某型调距桨装置进行RMS评价。  相似文献   

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