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本文首先分析了《海港总平面设计规范》(JTJ211-99)提出港口锚位数的计算方法存在问题及其使用的极限性,后介绍随机服务系统理论。通过对待泊锚地、侯潮及避风锚地的计算,且对各类锚地进行优化配置,最终给出综合性港口锚地的计算方法,为同类港口的锚地计算提供参考。  相似文献   

针对海港不同功能锚地锚位数和总锚位数无适用计算方法的问题,调研国内沿海港口使用、管理部门并收集现有规范及有关文献资料,分析各种计算方法适用范围、存在问题及局限性。提出引航、候潮、待泊、应急和检验检疫、过驳和避风等锚地锚位数计算方法,考虑到各功能锚地可共用,且大风天气时船舶均出港避风,为此,认为港口总锚位数宜取避风锚地锚位数与其他功能锚地锚位数之和中的大值。通过实际案例进行验证,计算结果较为合适,为海港锚地锚位数计算提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为解决龙口港锚地规模不足的问题,进行了锚地面积计算的研究。在对锚地的基本要素、选划原则及龙口港现状进行充分分析的基础上,提出了实用的锚地面积计算方法,并提出了龙口港未来锚地的基本规划方案,对港口规划具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

港口岸线资源紧张,大吨级船舶或通航数量较少的船舶一般考虑乘潮进出港,并相应配置候潮锚地,针对目前尚无适合候潮锚地锚位数计算方法的问题,进行实地调研和有关规范标准研究,采用理论分析方法,提出影响候潮锚地锚位数因素,主要包括潮汐特征、航道管理及船舶到港时间规律等,且对这3个影响因素进行分析,得出一种适合海港候潮锚地锚位数的计算方法,并经实例验证。结果表明,该计算方法合理可行,可为锚地规划与设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

沿海集装箱港区港内锚地面积确定方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设置港内锚地,是沿海集装箱港区缓解航道拥堵,提高港口服务水平的有效途径之一。为完善港内锚地面积确定方法的理论研究,基于计算机仿真技术,建立设置港内锚地的沿海集装箱港区船舶航行作业系统仿真模型,研究计算期内可能同时占用港内锚地的船舶数量及船型组合;计算不同锚泊方式下所需的港内锚地最大面积。仿真结果与分析结论为沿海集装箱港区港内锚地的规划建设及改造扩建提供参考。  相似文献   

针对海港锚地的最小设计水深计算方法,进行了数学模型研究。采用UNDERKEEL计算模型,研究波浪作用下的船舶竖向运动,输出可提供船舶竖向运动的幅值响应算子(RAO)。研究中将锚地水深值按照1.2~2.5倍船舶吃水(T)以步长为0.05T增量作为输入参数进行计算研究,得出不同类型和等级的船舶在不同波高和波周期影响下的触底概率。根据选取的允许触底概率得出海港锚地最小设计水深与船舶吃水的参数关系,最终给出海港锚地最小设计水深的计算公式。相关研究方法和计算公式可以为海港锚地设计项目提供参考,并可作为海港锚地相关设计规范编制的参考资料。  相似文献   

条帚门外锚地是直接服务于宁波舟山港核心港区的大型锚地。拟建锚地位于我国典型的岛礁群港区,周边条件复杂、制约因素多,锚位需求大、功能类型多,锚地布局复杂。分析锚地服务港区和工程海域的制约因素,对锚地选址进行论证,通过锚地类型和锚位需求数的综合测算,提出基于锚位分区布局下的锚地平面布置和锚地容量计算,并对进出锚地的交通组织方案进行设计。提出的复杂岛礁海域大型锚地的设计方法和关键技术问题的解决方案,可为类似锚地工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

对于港外锚地与周边设施、碍航物的相对安全距离,目前没有一个明确的规定。文中介绍了我国关于锚地宏观选址的相关要求,深入研究了锚泊船走锚特征,包括走锚过程、漂移方向和走锚速度等方面,提出了确定锚地与周边设施(或碍航物)相对安全距离的计算方法,对港外锚地选址及保护锚地资源具有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

为了解决长江干线锚地总量不足、锚地结构性矛盾突出、锚地建设缺乏统一规划、锚地资源日趋紧张的问题,本文以长江安徽段为试点区段,在锚地现状和需求调研成果的基础上,结合已有港口锚地规划和船舶航行配套锚地实际需求,根据数学模型计算和综合分析,预测安徽沿江锚地需求量。  相似文献   

马晶  孙波 《水运工程》2024,(2):120-123
以京杭运河二通道上设置的八堡船闸待闸锚地为研究对象,基于运量预测、通航条件分析、八堡船闸运行特点等前期成果,通过经验公式计算、排队模型对待闸锚地所需锚泊位数量分析计算,同时利用三堡船闸待闸锚地布置情况进行实例对比分析,并提出针对性的锚地改造措施。结果表明,合适的待闸锚地容量为不小于3个闸次船舶数量,并建议设置远程调度锚地进行梯级调度。  相似文献   

码头可作业率决定着码头建成后的通过能力,对工程设计至关重要.在国际工程中,业主和咨询工程师通常会对码头可作业率提出明确的要求.但是,国内项目对于码头可作业率的要求相对模糊.通过对国内码头可作业天数分析方法的调查,发现国内通常采用简单的统计叠加分析法,根据船舶作业标准的限值扣除不同因素(如:风、浪、流等)影响码头可作业的...  相似文献   

王艳艳  杨海东 《港工技术》2007,(4):14-15,27
以综合费用最小为目标,推导出以到港船舶待泊时间为条件的最优泊位数应满足的条件,同时发现,泊位数变化引起的综合费用变化实际是到港船舶的待泊时间变化引起的。  相似文献   


Solving the berth allocation problem (BAP) in ports is not trivial where the berth resources are limited and various sizes of vessels arrive with dramatically dissimilar loads. Especially in real scenarios, arriving vessels are accepted for a berth with the first come first served (FCFS) priority rule. This study proposes a decision support system coupled with a simulation optimization module based on the swarm-based Artificial Bee Colony optimization algorithm for solving the BAP. The proposed methodology was implemented for the Izmir port in Turkey. To investigate the influences of the vessel priorities on the BAP, four different experimental scenarios based on the single (SQM) and multiple queue models (MQM) were coupled with FCFS and proposed hybrid queue priority (HQP) rule. The results indicated that SQM scenarios were superior to MQM scenarios in a manner of minimizing the average vessel waiting times and the implementation of a dynamic berth allocation strategy for the MQM significantly decreases the vessel waiting times. Results of the SQM also imply that utilization of the HQP approach further minimizes the average vessel waiting times and increases the berth utilization and port throughput without yielding excessive waiting times for the larger vessels compared with the FCFS priority rule.  相似文献   

受恶劣天气、汛期大流量、船闸停航检修等因素影响,三峡坝上大量船舶积压,待闸锚地锚位数量严重不足。利用排队论相关理论,建立待闸锚地排队模型,并结合过闸船舶的统计资料对现有锚地规模进行分析评价,可为三峡待闸锚地的建设规模提供参考。  相似文献   

The planning, design and development of a container terminal with optimum size and capacity and with a minimum capital cost is fundamentally dependent upon the loading and discharging operations at the quayside. The quayside function of container terminals is dependent basically on the number of berths available to service the incoming container ships. The objective of the container terminals dealing and admitting the ongoing ship calls is to provide immediate berth and loading and discharging services to the container ships with a minimum costly waiting time and a maximum efficiency. Previously terminal planners used to build extra berths to provide service. During the last two decades the terminal operators have adopted automation technologies in loading and discharging operation of the container ships as an alternative to designing extra berths. Ship owners naturally expect least waiting times for their container ships. On the other hand, it is also natural for port operators in a container terminal with costly facilities to see a high berth occupancy and productivity at the quayside. This study uses queuing theory to find a break-even point as a way of evaluating the cost of container ship waiting times and the cost of berth unproductive service times for container terminals aiming to automate their quayside operation. The analysis illustrates that automation devices installed on conventional Quayside Cranes (QSCs) significantly reduce the turnaround time of the container ships calling at the ports. It argues, however, that there should be a balance between the cost of berth unproductive service times and the cost of vessel waiting times. The study introduces a break-even point to be considered as a benchmark for calculating such a balance. The analysis in this study can be used as a decision tool for the operators of container terminals in the medium to small ports to appraise the feasibility of an investment in automation or expansion of the quayside facilities.  相似文献   

The main challenge for container ports is the planning required for berthing container ships while docked in port.Growth of containerization is creating problems for ports and container terminals as they reach their capacity limits of various resources which increasingly leads to traffic and port congestion.Good planning and management of container terminal operations reduces waiting time for liner ships.Reducing the waiting time improves the terminal’s productivity and decreases the port difficulties.Two important keys to reducing waiting time with berth allocation are determining suitable access channel depths and increasing the number of berths which in this paper are studied and analyzed as practical solutions.Simulation based analysis is the only way to understand how various resources interact with each other and how they are affected in the berthing time of ships.We used the Enterprise Dynamics software to produce simulation models due to the complexity and nature of the problems.We further present case study for berth allocation simulation of the biggest container terminal in Iran and the optimum access channel depth and the number of berths are obtained from simulation results.The results show a significant reduction in the waiting time for container ships and can be useful for major functions in operations and development of container ship terminals.  相似文献   

一般性散货码头通常采用散货船直接靠泊码头的作业方式。而对于趸船型散货码头,在散货船和码头之间还存在趸船作为过渡。这种情况下船舶荷载的计算以及缆绳力的响应特征需要综合考虑双船之间的相互作用机制,目前规范中对于趸船泊位靠泊计算尚缺少详细的条文说明,本文以印尼某趸船散货码头为例,借助OPTIMOOR软件,通过反应振幅算子方法分析趸船码头系泊布置方案,供类似工程参考。  相似文献   

为了提高集装箱港口泊位-岸桥分配效果和优化效率,以集卡运距和船舶在港时间最小为优化目标,建立了多目标离散泊位-岸桥分配模型,利用混沌云粒子群算法对泊位-岸桥分配模型进行求解,开发了粒子可行-整数化处理模块,内嵌于混沌云粒子群算法进化中,制定了粒子编码规则,设计了多目标函数的粒子历史极值和全局极值的计算方法,提出了基于混沌云粒子群优化算法求解多目标离散泊位-岸桥分配模型的新方法,数值算例结果证明了该模型和算法的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

基于天津港VTS管理细则和天津港船舶进出港交通流现状,统筹船舶定线制和锚地规划,提出在天津港水域进一步完善船舶定线制的建议.通过分析天津港锚泊状况和天津港的进出口船舶数据,提出优化锚地的具体方案,对锚地船舶进行分类,增加了锚地与航道、交通流密集区的间距,确定锚泊船之间的安全间距,细分锚地、区隔锚位,并为各锚位给出统一编...  相似文献   

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