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A major source of urban freeway delay in the U.S. is non-recurring congestion caused by incidents. The automated detection of incidents is an important function of a freeway traffic management center. A number of incident detection algorithms, using inductive loop data as input, have been developed over the past several decades, and a few of them are being deployed at urban freeway systems in major cities. These algorithms have shown varying degrees of success in their detection performance. In this paper, we present a new incident detection technique based on artificial neural networks (ANNs). Three types of neural network models, namely the multi-layer feedforward (MLF), the self-organizing feature map (SOFM) and adaptive resonance theory 2 (ART2), were developed to classify traffic surveillance data obtained from loop detectors, with the objective of using the classified output to detect lane-blocking freeway incidents. The models were developed with simulation data from a study site and tested with both simulation and field data at the same site. The MLF was found to have the highest potential, among the three ANNs, to achieve a better incident detection performance. The MLF was also tested with limited field data collected from three other freeway locations to explore its transferability. Our results and analyzes with data from the study site as well as the three test sites have shown that the MLF consistently detected most of the lane-blocking incidents and typically gave a false alarm rate lower than the California, McMaster and Minnesota algorithms currently in use.  相似文献   

近年来,我国高速公路建设事业迅速发展,极大地带动了社会的经济发展,但同时高速公路服务区也对沿线地区水资源环境造成了一定的影响。本文在介绍国内外高速服务区的污水处理现状的基础上,结合云南省高速服务区建设示范工程,研究分析了生物生态技术在服务区污水处理工程中的实际应用,对生态污水无害处理技术的推广提供了一定的经验。  相似文献   

The early warning of incidents on urban arterial roads in a congested city can reduce delay, accidents and pollutant emission. Freeway incident detection systems implemented in recent years may not be suitable for arterial incidents. Arterial incident detection is more difficult. The traffic flow on an arterial road is not conserved from the upstream end of a road link to the downstream end because urban traffic does turn in and out of side‐streets, car‐parks and local residences. Roadside friction such as kerbside parking and shopping traffic also tends to create apparent incidents which are in fact frequent and normal events. This paper develops a definition for an arterial incident and describes a case study on an arterial road in Melbourne, Australia. The study shows that detectors upstream of an incident are more useful for incident detection than downstream detectors. It also identifies occupancy and speed as the appropriate parameters to characterise and detect arterial incidents.  相似文献   

Traffic incidents are recognised as one of the key sources of non-recurrent congestion that often leads to reduction in travel time reliability (TTR), a key metric of roadway performance. A method is proposed here to quantify the impacts of traffic incidents on TTR on freeways. The method uses historical data to establish recurrent speed profiles and identifies non-recurrent congestion based on their negative impacts on speeds. The locations and times of incidents are used to identify incidents among non-recurrent congestion events. Buffer time is employed to measure TTR. Extra buffer time is defined as the extra delay caused by traffic incidents. This reliability measure indicates how much extra travel time is required by travellers to arrive at their destination on time with 95% certainty in the case of an incident, over and above the travel time that would have been required under recurrent conditions. An extra buffer time index (EBTI) is defined as the ratio of extra buffer time to recurrent travel time, with zero being the best case (no delay). A Tobit model is used to identify and quantify factors that affect EBTI using a selected freeway segment in the Southeast Queensland, Australia network. Both fixed and random parameter Tobit specifications are tested. The estimation results reveal that models with random parameters offer a superior statistical fit for all types of incidents, suggesting the presence of unobserved heterogeneity across segments. What factors influence EBTI depends on the type of incident. In addition, changes in TTR as a result of traffic incidents are related to the characteristics of the incidents (multiple vehicles involved, incident duration, major incidents, etc.) and traffic characteristics.  相似文献   

Transportation - Supplying public transport systems with high levels of service quality is fundamental for retaining users and attracting new ones. Policies that improve transit service quality...  相似文献   

The optimal control performance of a single signal-controlled junction is investigated. Two existing methods for analysing this control problem are discussed. One of these, a combinatorial method, generates all possible control structures in terms of groupings of streams of traffic to have green together and the order in which right of way is granted. The other method allows an existing control structure to be optimised by convex programming techniques. Incompatibilities between these two approaches are illustrated and it is shown that they cannot be combined in a satisfactory manner. A new procedure is framed that allows a control structure generated by the combinatorial method to be optimised directly. This procedure is applied to an example junction to illustrate its use.  相似文献   

Mixed cycle length operation has been recommended for networks where individual intersections process considerably different traffic volumes. The signals to operate at lower or higher cycle lengths are determined heuristically. This paper demonstrates that the use of mixed cycle lengths as given by the heuristic is inferior to operation under a common cycle length. This contradicts findings in earlier studies, and the difference in conclusion is due to the use of updated optimization methodology. A procedure for incorporating the allocation of mixed cycle lengths into the global optimization of all signal timing variables by a genetic algorithm is proposed. The mixed cycle length timing plans obtained from this procedure are an improvement over those determined heuristically. Mixed cycle length operation is found to be of a more limited application than indicated in previous studies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study that evaluated the contribution of manual operation (by a police officer) compared to the automatic control of an actuated signal. It is shown that manual operation improved the operation of congested signalized intersections, as measured by the degree of saturation and total throughput. It is found that the major advantage of manual control is due to the use of long cycle times, resulting in a decrease in lost time during congestion. It is argued that such a strategy can be successfully implemented as part of the automatic control. Measurements have indicated a significant decline in the saturation flow with the increase in the green period. The paper describes the phenomenon and its importance to intersection capacity.  相似文献   

Actuated traffic signal control logic has many advantages because of its responsiveness to traffic demands, short cycles, effective use of capacity leading to and recovering from oversaturation, and amenability to aggressive transit priority. Its main drawback has been its inability to provide good progression along arterials. However, the traditional way of providing progression along arterials, coordinated–actuated control with a common, fixed cycle length, has many drawbacks stemming from its long cycle lengths, inflexibility in recovering from priority interruptions, and ineffective use of capacity during periods of oversaturation. This research explores a new paradigm for traffic signal control, “self-organizing signals,” based on local actuated control but with some additional rules that create coordination mechanisms. The primary new rules proposed are for secondary extensions, in which the green may be held to serve an imminently arriving platoon, and dynamic coordination, in which small groups of closely spaced signals communicate with one another to cycle synchronously with the group’s critical intersection. Simulation tests in VISSIM performed on arterial corridors in Massachusetts and Arizona show overall delay reductions of up to 14% compared to an optimized coordinated–actuated scheme where there is no transit priority, and more than 30% in scenarios with temporary oversaturation. Tests also show that with self-organizing control, transit signal priority can be more effective than with coordinated–actuated control, reducing transit delay by about 60%, or 12 to 14 s per intersection with little impact on traffic delay.  相似文献   

Driver performance in responding to the green-amber-red signal change was studied based on a sample of 2316 last crossing and first stopping vehicles collected by unobtrusive observations at 10 junction approaches in Singapore. Two schemes, a speed-distance diagram (S-D) and an acceleration-deceleration (A-D) diagram, were used to demarcate the driving situations; the driver actions, as revealed outcomes of driver decision-making, were mapped onto these diagrams. The speed-distance diagram can give some indication on what a driver would possibly do. The more complicated acceleration-deceleration diagram is useful for diagnosing the appropriateness of the driver actions. An application of the A-D diagram was demonstrated, and several situations prone to red-running were noted.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the guidelines being used to introduce tram priority at traffic signals in Melbourne. Where techniques being used to meet the guidelines are of interest they are briefly outlined. Similarly, where it has been found that it is not possible to meet the full requirements of the guidelines, the deficiencies of current techniques are outlined and areas for further investigation put forward.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional multi-objective optimizations have been used for decades for the problems in traffic engineering although only few times so far in the optimization of signal timings. While the other engineering and science disciplines have utilized visualization of 3-dimensional Pareto fronts in the optimization studies, we have not seen many of those concepts applied to traffic signal optimization problems. To bridge the gap in the existing knowledge this study presents a methodology where 3-dimensional Pareto Fronts of signal timings, which are expressed through mobility, (surrogate) safety, and environmental factors, are optimized by use of an evolutionary algorithm. The study uses a segment of 5 signalized intersections in West Valley City, Utah, to test signal timings which provide a balance between mobility, safety and environment. In addition, a set of previous developed signal timing scenarios, including some of the Connected Vehicle technologies such as GLOSA, were conducted to evaluate the quality of the 3-dimensional Pareto front solutions. The results show success of 3-dimensinal Pareto fronts moving towards optimality. The resulting signal timing plans do not show large differences between themselves but all improve on the signal timings from the field, significantly. The commonly used optimization of standard single-objective functions shows robust solutions. The new set of Connected Vehicle technologies also shows promising benefits, especially in the area of reducing inter-vehicular friction. The resulting timing plans from two optimization sets (constrained and unconstrained) show that environmental and safe signal timings coincide but somewhat contradict mobility. Further research is needed to apply similar concepts on a variety of networks and traffic conditions before generalizing findings.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new model which studies probability distributions of queue lengths at fixed time traffic signals. It extends Haight's model for Poisson arrivals that the arrival distribution during the effective red period is general and the headway between two successive departures is not less than the minimum departure headway. Moreover, the probability generating function of the queue length, at the end of the effective red period, is derived. The probabilities of the queue lengths, at the ends of the effective green, actual red and amber periods, are also obtained. Comparison is made with Haight's model. Finally a case study for the proposed model is reported.  相似文献   

While maritime pollution is often caused at the operational level, the causes can generally be traced back to shortcomings in the ship–shore interface and to poor communication among stakeholders. Here, the environmental responsibilities of maritime stakeholders are systematically analyzed and quantified using an analytic network process. This approach ensures that the most important dependencies and feedbacks among the responsibilities which is applied to a real marine situation (an oil spill) to validate the theoretical basis. A number of latent links between stakeholders’ responsibilities and the catastrophic impacts of the spill are identified.  相似文献   

NETSIM is a powerful microscopic simulation model and has been applied to numerous traffic studies. However, it appears that there are few attempts to use it to study bus operations. One of the possible reasons may be the difficulty in modeling some of the unique characteristics in bus operations. A similar challenge was faced when a recent evaluation on bus operations involving priority signals (B‐signals) was undertaken in Singapore. This paper describes the difficulties faced when NETSIM was applied in modeling bus priority signals and the techniques adopted to overcome them. This study shows that, by incorporating innovative techniques, NETSIM can be effectively used to model bus operations along with other traffic in a network.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for designing rail transit systems to meet operating requirements when track maintenance or failure cause sections of tracks to be unavailable for service. The methodology can be also used to establish the requirements for the continuity of operations during construction. The main objective of the paper is to develop a tool which performs trade-offs between system costs and level of services during emergencies/construction. Several alternatives, including various signal and control systems, number and types of crossovers and corresponding operating strategies, are developed and evaluated against capital investments. Operating measures and strategies for the selected alternative can be recommended before the design phase is completed, because the designer, by using this methodology, is aware of the capacities attained during emergencies and construction.  相似文献   

To contend with congestion and spillback on commuting arterials, serving as connectors between freeway and surface-street flows, this paper presents three multi-path progression models to offer progression bands for multiple critical path-flows contributing to the high volume in each arterial link. The first proposed model is a direct extension of MAXBAND under a predetermined phasing plan, but using the path-flow data to yield the progression bands. The second model further takes the phase sequence at each intersection as a decision variable, and concurrently optimizes the signal plans with offsets for the entire arterial. Due to the competing nature of multi-path progression flows over the same green duration, the third model is proposed with a function to automatically select the optimal number of paths in their bandwidths maximization process. The results of extensive simulation studies have shown that the proposed models outperform conventional design methods, such as MAXBAND or TRANSYT, especially for those arterials with multiple heavy path-flows. The research results from this study have also reflected the need to collect more traffic pattern data such as major path-flow volumes, in addition to the typical intersection volume counts.  相似文献   

Recent advances in communication and computing technology have made travel time measurements more available than ever before. In urban signalized arterials, travel times are strongly influenced by traffic signals. This study presents a novel method based on well‐known principles to estimate traffic signal performance (or more precisely their major “through” movements) based on travel time measurements. The travel times were collected between signals in the field by using point‐to‐point travel time measurement technologies. Closed‐circuit television cameras and signal databases were used to collect traffic demand and signal timings, respectively. Then, the volume/capacity ratio of major downstream signal movements was computed based on demand and signal timings. This volume/capacity ratio was then correlated with travel times on the relevant intersection approach. The best volume‐delay function was found, along with many other functions, to fit the field data. This volume‐delay function was then used to estimate volume/capacity ratios and, indirectly, a few other signal performance metrics. The method, called travel time‐based signal performance measurements, was automated and displayed on a Google Map. The findings show that the proposed method is accurate and robust enough to provide necessary information about signal performance. A newly developed volume‐delay function was found to work just slightly better than the Bureau of Public Roads curve. Several issues, which may reduce the accuracy of the proposed method, are identified, and their solutions are proposed for future research. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As mobile traffic sensor technology gets more attention, mathematical models are being developed that utilize this new data type in various intelligent transportation systems applications. This study introduces simple analytical estimation models for queue lengths from tracked or probe vehicles at traffic signals using stochastic modeling approach. Developed models estimate cycle-to-cycle queue lengths by using primary parameters such as arrival rate, probe vehicle proportions, and signal phase durations. Valuable probability distributions and moment generating functions for probe information types are formulated. Fully analytical closed-form expressions are given for the case ignoring the overflow queue and approximation models are presented for the overflow case. Derived models are compared with the results from VISSIM-microscopic simulation. Analytical steady-state and cycle-to-cycle estimation errors are also derived. Numerical examples are shown for the errors of these estimators that change with probe vehicle market penetration levels, arrival rates, and volume-to-capacity ratios.  相似文献   

Many analyses of traffic signal queues use Webster and Cobbe's formula, which combines the net effect of the red/green cycle with a term representing stochastic effects, idealised as an M/D/1 queue process having random arrivals and uniform service. Several authors have noted that this component should depend not only on demand intensity but also on throughput capacity in each green period, although an extra empirical term may partially allow for this. Extending the service interval in M/D/1 (M = Markovian, i.e. random, D = deterministic, i.e. uniform, 1 = one server) enables the effect to be reproduced, but no exact expressions for its moments are found. Approximate formulae for the extended mean exist but are accurate only near saturation. The paper derives novel approximations for the equilibrium mean and also variance and utilisation, using functions linking traffic intensity with green period capacity. With three moments, equilibrium probability distributions can be estimated for which a method based on a doubly nested geometric distribution is described.  相似文献   

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