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The road transport sector is one of the major contributors of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants emissions. Regional emissions levels from road vehicles were investigated, in Mauritius, by applying a fuel-based approach. We estimated fuel consumption and air emissions based on traffic counts on the various types of classified roads at three different regional set ups, namely urban, semi urban and rural. The Relative Development Index (RDI), a composite index calculated from socio-economic and environmental indicators was used to classify regions. Our results show that the urban motorways were the most polluting due to heavy traffic. Some rural areas had important pollution levels as well. Our analysis of variance (ANOVA), however, showed little difference in emissions among road types and regions. The study can provide a simple tool for researchers in countries where data are very scarce, as is the case for many developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper suggests using a proportional hazard model to predict personal income, for the purpose of imputing missing income data in household travel surveys. The model has a hazard function that comprises two multiplicative components: (1) a non-parametric baseline hazard function that is dependent only on the income level and (2) a function that is dependent only on the other personal attributes of the survey respondents (excluding income). To estimate and validate the model, data is drawn from a travel characteristics survey conducted in Hong Kong in year 2001. The model is found to have a much higher accuracy when compared with a conventional ordered probit model based on the assumption that the logarithm of income is normally distributed.
C. O. TongEmail:

C.·O. Tong   is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. He received his B.Sc. (Eng.) degree from the University of Hong Kong, M.Sc. (Transportation Engineering) degree from Leeds University and Ph.D. degree from Monash University. His research interests are in transport demand modeling and dynamic network modeling. Jackie K. L. Lee   worked as a Research Assistant at the Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong during the period from March 2004 to April 2005. She received her B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in Civil Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is a Chartered Engineer and is also Corporate Members of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and the Institution of Structural Engineers.  相似文献   

Intercity bus (ICB), deviated fixed route transit (DFRT) and demand responsive transit (DRT) are three major modes of rural public transportation. This paper focuses on the characteristics and motivations of DFRT and DRT riders, compared to non-riders, in Tennessee. A rural DFRT rider survey, a rural DRT rider survey and a rural (non-rider) resident survey were performed. It is found that DFRT and DRT riders have similar demographics to ICB riders. The most common trip purpose for DFRT and DRT passengers is medical care, which is different from ICB trips. Ninety percent of the riders have difficulty finding alternative transportation modes, suggesting they are captive riders, not choice riders. Regression results indicate that people choosing transit modes tend to have lower personal and household income, own fewer cars, to not be homeowners, and be of non-white race. Rural residents who receive more education are more likely to be open-minded to use rural transit.  相似文献   

Conventionally, the objective of transit routing is often set either to minimize the total operational cost, subject to a given level of service quality, or to maximize the service quality at a given acceptable cost. In a deregulated, commercial‐based environment however, such as bus and railway operations in cities of the UK and Hong Kong where several private firms compete in route‐based or area‐based market, routing becomes one of the means for higher returns rather than just for cost saving. In such a case, how do the transit providers set up their routes for profit‐maximization? Will the routing based on the provider's objective meet the user's objective? How do government regulations and policies affect the choice of transit provider's routing strategy? To answer these questions, we first examine the relationship between the objectives of users and transit providers, set up criteria for transit routing quality, and then investigate the possible routing configurations/patterns for a hypothetical case. These criteria include (1) the load factor of transit, (2) the level of route directness, (3) the level of route overlapping, and (4) the total number of routes and (5) the average of route length. These measures are finally applied to a real case in Hong Kong to examine the route changes of Kowloon Motor Bus from 1975 to 1995. The result of the empirical case reveais how key measures such as load factor are controlled by the bus operator and affected by government policies and how the bus routing pattern was adjusted to meet users' need. Facing the dilemma as evident in Hong Kong between the route directness and the efficiency of road use, we suggest that a rational multi‐modal routing structure be put in place if an institutional solution is introduced so that bus and other transit modes can form a sharing program or an alliance.  相似文献   


In this paper we discuss a dynamic origin–destination (OD) estimation problem that has been used for identifying time-dependent travel demand on a road network. Even though a dynamic OD table is an indispensable data input for executing a dynamic traffic assignment, it is difficult to construct using the conventional OD construction method such as the four-step model. For this reason, a direct estimation method based on field traffic data such as link traffic counts has been used. However, the method does not account for a logical relationship between a travel demand pattern and socioeconomic attributes. In addition, the OD estimation method cannot guarantee the reliability of estimated results since the OD estimation problem has a property named the ‘underdetermined problem.’ In order to overcome such a problem, the method developed in this paper makes use of vehicle trajectory samples with link traffic counts. The new method is applied to numerical examples and shows promising capability for identifying a temporal and spatial travel demand pattern.  相似文献   

Bus rapid transit system is designed to provide high‐quality and cost‐efficient passenger transportation services. In order to achieve this design objective, effective scheduling strategies are required. This research aims at improving the operation efficiency and service quality of a BRT system through integrated optimization of its service headways and stop‐skipping strategy. Based on cost analysis for both passengers and operation agencies, an optimization model is established. A genetic algorithms based algorithm and an application‐oriented solution method are developed. Beijing BRT Line 2 has been chosen as a case study, and the effectiveness of the optimal headways with stop‐skipping services under different demand levels has been analyzed. The results has shown that, at a certain demand level, the proposed operating strategy can be most advantageous for passengers with an accepted increase of operating costs, under which the optimum headway is between 3.5 and 5.5 min for stop‐skipping services during the morning peak hour depending on the demand with the provision of stop‐skipping services. The effectiveness of the optimal headways with stop‐skipping services is compared with those of existing headways and optimal headways without stop‐skipping services. The results show that operating strategies under the optimal headways with stop‐skipping services outperforms the other two operating strategies with respect to total costs and in‐vehicle time for passengers. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Zhu  Yi 《Transportation》2020,47(6):2703-2730
Transportation - Understanding individual daily activity patterns is essential for travel demand management and urban planning. This research introduces a new method to infer transit riders’...  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the system-wide impacts of implementing a dynamic eco-routing system, considering various levels of market penetration and levels of congestion in downtown Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, USA. The study concludes that eco-routing systems can reduce network-wide fuel consumption and emission levels in most cases; the fuel savings over the networks range between 3.3% and 9.3% when compared to typical travel time minimization routing strategies. We demonstrate that the fuel savings achieved through eco-routing systems are sensitive to the network configuration and level of market penetration of the eco-routing system. The results also demonstrate that an eco-routing system typically reduces vehicle travel distance but not necessarily travel time. We also demonstrate that the configuration of the transportation network is a significant factor in defining the benefits of eco-routing systems. Specifically, eco-routing systems appear to produce larger fuel savings on grid networks compared to freeway corridor networks. The study also demonstrates that different vehicle types produce similar trends with regard to eco-routing strategies. Finally, the system-wide benefits of eco-routing generally increase with an increase in the level of the market penetration of the system.  相似文献   

This paper presents and tests a method to design high-performance transit networks. The method produces conceptual plans for geometric idealizations of a particular city that are later adapted to the real conditions. These conceptual plans are generalizations of the hybrid network concept proposed in Daganzo (2010). The best plan for a specific application is chosen via optimization. The objective function is composed of analytic formulae for a concept’s agency cost and user level of service. These formulae include as parameters key demand-side attributes of the city, assumed to be rectangular, and supply-side attributes of the transit technology. They also include as decision variables the system’s line and stop spacings, the degree to which it focuses passenger trips on the city center, and the service headway. These decision variables are sufficient to define an idealized geometric layout of the system and an operating plan. This layout-operating plan is then used as a design target when developing the real, detailed master plan. Ultimately, the latter is simulated to obtain more accurate cost and level of service estimates.This process has been applied to design a high performance bus (HPB) network for Barcelona (Spain). The idealized solution for Barcelona includes 182 km of one-way infrastructure, uses 250 vehicles and costs 42,489 €/h to build and run. These figures only amount to about one third of the agency resources and cost currently used to provide bus service. A detailed design that resembles this target and conforms to the peculiarities of the city is also presented and simulated. The agency cost and user level of service metrics of the simulated system differ from those of the idealized model by less than 10%. Although the designed and simulated HPB systems provide sub-optimal spatial coverage because Barcelona lacks suitable streets, the level of service is good. Simulations suggest that if the proposed system was implemented side-by-side with the current one, it would capture most of the demand.  相似文献   

Growing concerns over climate change have led to an increasing interest in the role of the built environment to reduce transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Many studies have reported that compact, mixed-use, and well-connected developments reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Others, however, argue that densification and mixture of land uses can slow down vehicle movements, and consequently generate more driving emissions. Methodologically, VMT is only a proxy, not an exact measure of emissions. This study quantifies the net effects of the built environment on household vehicle emissions through a case study of Austin, TX. The study employed structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques and estimated path models to improve understanding of the relationship between the built environment and vehicle emissions. The results show a rather complex picture of the relationship. Densification can reduce regional vehicle emissions despite its secondary effect of reduced vehicle travel speed. A 1% increase in density was found to reduce household vehicle emissions by 0.1%. However, intensification of the design feature of the built environment in developed areas may work in the opposite direction; the modeling results showed a 1% increase in grid-like network being associated with 0.8% increase in household vehicle emissions. Based on the results, the study addressed the potential of and the challenges to reducing vehicle emissions through modifying the built environment in local areas.  相似文献   

This study evaluates an existing bus network from the perspectives of passengers, operators, and overall system efficiency using the output of a previously developed transportation network optimisation model. This model is formulated as a bi-level optimisation problem with a transit assignment model as the lower problem. The upper problem is also formulated as bi-level optimisation problem to minimise costs for both passengers and operators, making it possible to evaluate the effects of reducing operator cost against passenger cost. A case study based on demand data for Hiroshima City confirms that the current bus network is close to the Pareto front, if the total costs to both passengers and operators are adopted as objective functions. However, the sensitivity analysis with regard to the OD pattern fluctuation indicates that passenger and operator costs in the current network are not always close to the Pareto front. Finally, the results suggests that, regardless of OD pattern fluctuation, reducing operator costs will increase passenger cost and increase inequity in service levels among passengers.  相似文献   

The use of microscopic simulation models to assess the likely effects of new traffic management applications and changes in vehicle technology is becoming increasingly popular. However the validity of the models is a topic of increasing concern, as the quality of the presentation often exceeds the models ability to predict what is likely to happen.Traditionally, model validity has been ascertained through comparing outputs aggregated at a macroscopic level such as speed flow and lane use, against real data. Little microscopic comparison is generally possible and, where this is done there is often no separation of the calibration and validation process. This paper demonstrates how microscopic validation may be undertaken when suitable data is available, in this case time series data collected by an instrumented vehicle, and its use in the validation of the car following performance of a fuzzy logic based car following model. Good agreement has been attained between the simulated model and observed data, primarily using a root mean square error indicator. Lastly, a brief comparison of the new model with the performance of a number of existing formulations has also been undertaken.  相似文献   

Li  Jianling  Wachs  Martin 《Transportation》2004,31(1):43-67
In the United States, federal funding for public transit often accounts for a large proportion of a local agency's budget, especially for capital investments. For this reason, local governments can be expected to plan a portfolio of projects that maximize federal contributions. This study examines the financial effects of federal transit subsidy policy on local transit investment decisions. Data from a System Planning Study for the Geary Corridor in San Francisco are used as an illustration. It is found that federal transit subsidy policy provides financial incentives for local decision-makers to select capital-intensive investment options that may not be efficient or effective. While federal financial incentives are not the only factor influencing local investment decisions, some reform of the current subsidy policy may be necessary to reduce the incentive for ineffective use of public resources.  相似文献   

We evaluate the economic effects of investment in the road network on private regional activity. We employ provincial Spanish panel data from 1980 to 2007 to perform non-parametric frontier techniques based on Data Envelopment Analysis and to obtain the Malmquist productivity indexes, thus enabling us to examine the evaluation of the productivity growth via technological changes or efficiency gains. Additionally, we analyze the role of transport infrastructure on the evolution of Total Factor Productivity and its components through econometric techniques. Our results show important spillover effects. Moreover, our findings have significant implications for policy makers if we take into account the fact that the use of the road network in economic activity or in commercial relations greatly influences productivity growth.  相似文献   

Traffic congestion caused by traffic accidents contributes to CO2 emissions. Generally, more efficient and prompt responses to accidents lead to reduced traffic congestion as well as CO2 emissions. Here we assess the CO2 emissions impacts of freeway accidents, applies an existing model to capture spatio-temporally congested regions caused by freeway accidents. A case study for the assessment of CO2 emissions impacts of based on the results from the model is presented.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the interactions between vehicles, infrastructure and environment for rail traffic. It identifies variables having a significant influence on sound levels, defines a standard procedure for measuring noise, and develops a database for setting up and calibrating train noise models. A pilot study looks at two railway lines passing through Vercelli, a medium sized town in the north-west of Italy. Four main conclusions were drawn. First, in certain conditions, variables that normally influence noise production can be neglected (e.g. when surrounding environmental conditions are constant, different types of train do not cause a significant variation in noise level). Secondly, when diesel trains are travelling at less than 70 km/h, a speed change of 30–40 km/h significantly affects the maximum noise level (Lmax). However, for electrified lines, when speed is below 80 km/h, a change of 20–30 km/h does not cause significant variations in Lmax. Thirdly, for diesel trains transiting at low speeds––e.g. near stations––noise emissions are strongly affected by acceleration/deceleration. Lastly, an approach based on ‘sites types’ is able to produce useful results because site configuration and the presence of building significantly affect Lmax. High buildings along the line can increase noise levels and may nullify the advantages derived from technological advance in the vehicles.  相似文献   

In view of the ongoing discussions concerning the possible designation of the Mediterranean Sea as a Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA), a modal split model was applied to a case involving the transportation of consolidated cargoes between Thessaloniki, Greece and industrial hubs of northern Germany. A road-only option was assessed against a combined-transport route involving a ferry (Greece–Italy) and a truck-on-train (Italy–Austria) service. The logit model used considers two variables as determinants of the modal selection: transport cost and time. The data are derived from interviews with a small transport service provider, typical for Greece, and are based on actual trips made (revealed preferences). The results predict that the designation of the Mediterranean as a SECA will cause a modal shift in favour of the road-only route by 5.2%, which under certain assumptions can reach 17.1%. However, the environmental implications of the resulting modal choices, calculated through the EcoTransIT World web based tool, are positive in relation to all emissions examined. This is attributed to the longer distance of the combined-transport option in comparison to the road-only one and, the poor environmental performance of the Ro-Pax vessels basically due to the need to maintain a relatively high speed.  相似文献   

The origin–destination matrix is an important source of information describing transport demand in a region. Most commonly used methods for matrix estimation use link volumes collected on a subset of links in order to update an existing matrix. Traditional volume data collection methods have significant shortcomings because of the high costs involved and the fact that detectors only provide status information at specified locations in the network. Better matrix estimates can be obtained when information is available about the overall distribution of traffic through time and space. Other existing technologies are not used in matrix estimation methods because they collect volume data aggregated on groups of links, rather than on single links. That is the case of mobile systems. Mobile phones sometimes cannot provide location accuracy for estimating flows on single links but do so on groups of links; in contrast, data can be acquired over a wider coverage without additional costs. This paper presents a methodology adapted to the concept of volume aggregated on groups of links in order to use any available volume data source in traditional matrix estimation methodologies. To calculate volume data, we have used a model that has had promising results in transforming phone call data into traffic movement data. The proposed methodology using vehicle volumes obtained by such a model is applied over a large real network as a case study. The experimental results reveal the efficiency and consistency of the solution proposed, making the alternative attractive for practical applications. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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