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Humannervegrowthfactor (hNGF)istheear liestrevealedcellulargrowthregulator.Researchershaveattainedafairlygoodunderstandingofthisnu tritionalfactorthatisessentialtothesurvival,growthanddifferentiationofcentralandperipheralnerves.Theclinicaluseofnerve growthfactor(NGF)hasapotentialtorepairorregrowdamagednerves,topreventandtreatretrogradeneurologicaldiseases,andto promotedifferentiationofneuro blast .Thepreviousstudieshaveshownthatdirectpu rificationofNGFisdifficultandoflessproductionwhilegen…  相似文献   

应用 PCR技术 ,分别以 2个健康成人末梢血白细胞染色体 DNA为模板 ,扩增出人神经营养素 - 3( h NT- 3)成熟蛋白基因 ,并克隆至原核质粒 p UC1 9中进行基因序列测定。将所得序列与 Gen Bank提供的序列 ( M6 1 1 80 )进行对比 ,结果显示一序列与已知序列完全一致 ,另一序列中第 1 41、2 0 4和 2 1 9位碱基发生了改变 ,但改变的碱基不影响其编码的氨基酸。  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the distribution of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF) protein in the rabbit retina. Methods Immune response material in the retina was observed using BDNF antibody by the method of immunohistochemistry. Results BDNF gene expression was mainly found in the RGCs, also in innernuclei cells and outernuclei cells in rabbit retina. Conclusion RGC is not only the target cell of BDNF, but also express the BDNF protein. BDNF from multi-sources participates in the regulation of RGCs.  相似文献   


Objective To obtain the gene of murine Single chain Fv fragment (ScFv) against haman cervical cancer and to express it in E. coli. Methods The variable region gene fragments of the heavy and light chains, which were amplified respectively using recombinant DNA techniques from CsA125 hybridama cells, were spliced together through a flexible linker to ScFv against human cervical cancer. The ScFv genes were then cloned into expression vector pCANTAB 5E and expressed in E. coli HB2151 and TG1 respectively. The soluble ScFv were characterized by SDSPAGE and Western blot. The antigen-binding activities of the soluble and phage displayed ScFv were assayed by ELISA and cell immunohistochemical analysis. Results The expressed ScFv antibodies were soluble and phage displayed. soluble ScFv secreted and expressed in E. coli HB2151 induced by IPTG were confirmed with SDS-PAGE, Western blot and ELISA. The specific binding capacity of the soluble and phage displayed ScFv to the surface associated antigen of human cervical cancer cell line was further confirmed with immunohistochemical studies. Conclusion The soluble and phage displayed ScFv expressed in E. coll against haman cervical cancer showed high, specific affinity for the cervical cancer cell line surface associated antigen.  相似文献   

应用免疫组化技术(ABC法),对94例胃癌及癌旁组织中表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)和C-erbB-2的表达进行了研究,结果显示:①EGFR和C-erbR-2在正常胃粘膜中均无表达,而在胃癌中的表达率分别为40.4%和46.8%,癌旁组织及新生血管中EGFR有阳性表达,C-erbB-2表达只限于癌灶,癌旁组织均为阴性;②EGFR和C-erbB-2的表达与患者的性别、年龄和肿瘤大小无关(P>0.05),而与肿瘤的生长方式和浆膜层受浸与否关系密切(P<0.05);③肿瘤的分化程度、有无淋巴结转移和临床分期与EGFR的表达有相关性(P<0.01),而与C-erbB-2的表达不相关(P>0.05);④EGFR表达与生存期密切相关(P<0.01),EGFR阳性者预后差,阴性者预后好,而C-erbB-2表达与生存期不相关(P>0.05);⑤EGFR和C-erbB-2在胃癌中的表达无明显关系(P>0.05)。结果表明:①EGFR表达与胃癌的恶性程度有明显的关系;②C-erbB-2表达是胃癌发生的晚期事件,是恶性细胞的标志;③EGFR可作为预测胃癌的预后和指导治疗的指标之一。④EGFR和C-erbB-2在胃癌中的表达相互独立。  相似文献   

Previousstudieshavedemonstratedthatgenitalinfectionwithhigh-risktypesofhumanpapillomavirus(HPV),mostoftenHPV16,arethemostsignificantriskfactorforthedevelopmentofcervicalcancer.HPV16structuralproteinsandnativevirionsonlyexistindifferentiatedsuperficia…  相似文献   

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