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In this study, based on its enhancement effect on resonance light scattering (RLS) of fluorosurfactant (FSN)-capped gold nanoparticles (GNPs), we reported a simple approach for the rapid sensing of captopril. Under optimum conditions, the lowest detectable concentration of captopril through this approach (S/N=3) was 0.01μg/mL. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 0.08-4.0μg/mL for the detection of captopril. The recoveries of captopril were found to fall in the range between 99% and 100%. We have validated the applicability of our method through the analyses of captopril in pharmaceutical formulations. Good agreements were obtained for the determination of captopril between the present approach and official method.  相似文献   

Glypican-3 (GPC3) is reported as a great promising tumor marker for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) diagnosis. Highly sensitive and accurate analysis of serum GPC3 (sGPC3), in combination with or instead of traditional HCC marker alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), is essential for early diagnosis of I-ICC. Biomaterial-functionalized magnetic particles have been utilized as solid supports with good biological compatibility for sensitive immunoassay. Here, the magnetic nanoparticles (MnPs) and magnetic microparticles (MmPs) with carboxyl groups were further modified with streptavidin, and applied for the development of chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA). After comparing between MnPs- and MmPs-based CLEIA, MnPs-based CLEIA was proved to be a better method with less assay time, greater sensitivity, better linearity and longer chemiluminescence platform. MnPs-based CLEIA was applied for detection of sGPC3 in normal liver, hepatocirrhosis, secondary liver cancer and HCC serum samples. The results indicated that sGPC3 was effective in diagnosis of HCC with high performance.  相似文献   

我国对化学"共振论"的批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪50至70年代,在各种因素影响下,我国学术界对美国化学家鲍林提出的共振论进行了反复的批判。本文比较系统地讨论了对共振论的批判情况,初步分析了各个时期开展批判活动的原因,并对这一历史现象作了简单评价。文章认为,我国对共振论的批判是一种哲学批判,共振论本身所存在的缺点和不足是其受到批判的内在原因,受苏联批判活动的影响和一些人对自然科学理论及其研究工作的性质缺乏正确认识是共振论受到批判的外在原因。  相似文献   

在提取交通声强信号特征的基础上,利用AvantLite动态信号分析系统记录数据,导入基于声强的交通流分析系统,融合路段相邻两点的数据,根据交通量差值比判断该路段的交通状态,为提高交通流检测技术水平提供理论和实践基础。  相似文献   

对胶粘剂和复合材料的影响进行解耦;采用常温环境分别对胶粘剂、碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)和CFRP/铝合金粘接接头进行不同时间周期的浸泡,研究了不同应力状态对粘接接头失效的影响;以准静态失效测试的失效强度和失效模式分析为主,结合傅里叶变换红外光谱仪分析、差示扫描量热法分析和扫描电子显微镜分析,分别研究胶粘剂和CFRP吸湿后的失效机理,揭示了吸湿对复合材料粘接接头失效的影响机理。分析结果表明:胶粘剂在吸湿30 d后发生了水解,失效强度下降约53.7%,失效应变约为原来的3.2倍;CFRP吸湿后表面粘附性降低,容易引起界面失效,但打磨之后能够得到改善,CFRP吸湿后纤维/基体界面力学性能降低,在正应力状态下更容易造成纤维撕裂;CFRP/铝合金粘接接头的失效强度在吸湿30 d后下降了约23%,失效断面中胶粘剂出现了韧性断裂和界面失效;通过对胶粘剂、CFRP和CFRP/铝合金粘接接头吸湿后的失效分析,发现剪应力状态下的CFRP/铝合金粘接接头失效主要受胶粘剂吸湿后的性能下降影响,其次是界面失效的影响,而正应力状态下的CFRP/铝合金粘接接头失效还受CFRP性能下降造成的纤维撕裂影响。  相似文献   

Biopartitioning micellar chromatography (BMC) is a potentially high throughput and low cost alternative for in vitro prediction of drug absorption, which can mimic the drug partitioning process in biological systems. In this paper, a data set of 56 compounds representing acidic, basic, neutral and amphoteric drugs from various structure classes with human oral absorption (HOA) data available were employed to show the effect of acidity of drugs in oral absorption prediction. HOA was reciprocally correlated to the negative value of the capacity factor (kBMC) determined by BMC at pH 7.4 and 6.5. The relationships between kBMC and the corresponding HOA values of all compounds were rather poor, but the correlations were improved when the acidity of drugs was taken into consideration. Moreover, the proposed models allowed obtaining of good predictive values for both highly and poorly absorbed compounds. It is demonstrated that the constructed models derived from compounds with the same kind of charge property are of more practically meaningful and rigorous.  相似文献   

有限大小神经元细胞膜动作电位的温度效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了温度对有限大小神经元细胞膜动作电位的影响.发现随着温度的增加,在相同的时间内神经元产生的脉冲数目有先增加再降低的变化.在中等面积下,平均脉冲间间隔有类似于共振的先降低,达到最小值,再增加的现象.通过计算功率谱以及由功率谱定义的卢因子,很清楚地看到β在某些温度时达到了最大值,产生了相干共振.  相似文献   

兔心房室隔过渡细胞的传导性及其电生理基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探索过渡细胞电生理特性与形态特征间的内在联系。方法 选 10只家兔做房室隔水平面及矢状面连续切片 ,HE染色观察。另 2 0只家兔采用标准玻璃微电极技术测定房室隔区正向传导速度。结果 房室结后方有两束过渡纤维分别延续至冠状窦口及其下方 ,分别为右后房结束和右下房结束 ,传导速度分别为 (0 .0 5 9± 0 .0 18)m·s-1和(0 .0 5 8± 0 .0 15 )m·s-1(P >0 .0 5 )。界嵴下段普通房肌传导速度为 (0 .2 0 3± 0 .0 4 0 )m·s-1。与前两者间均有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1)。另外 ,过渡细胞动作电位有 4期自动除极 ,最大舒张电位 (- 6 3± 6 )mV ,普通房肌细胞无 4期自动除极 ,静息电位 (- 72± 4 )mV ,两者有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 过渡细胞属慢反应自律细胞 ,传导速度比普通房肌慢。  相似文献   

研究对高速公路通行的货车进行高宽数据信息自动采集,结合超高(宽)车辆自动检测原理与实践,从计算模型、自动检测平台建立等方面对高速公路超高(宽)车辆自动检测技术进行阐述,为自动检测技术应用于高速公路车辆几何尺寸超载提供依据和理论支持。  相似文献   

在桥梁结构检测与技术状态评估中,涉及到一些结构动力学基本概念理解和应用的问题.对结构各阶模态的位移响应与应变能的关系、结构自由衰减响应及其在桥梁结构阻尼识别中的应用、结构无阻尼固有频率与有阻尼固有频率的关系及其桥梁结构技术状态的评估、混凝土材料弹性模量动态测试方法、混凝土材料抗压强度推定的基本原理以及桥梁斜拉索/吊杆内力测试的正确运用等结构动力学应用问题进行了辨析与探讨,使其在桥梁检测、桥梁荷载试验及桥梁结构技术状态评价中能正确运用,从而获得客观、可靠的结论.  相似文献   

小松PC200-5型挖掘机电子油门控制系统故障检测与诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根椐小松PC200-5型挖掘机电子油门控制系统的结构特点,对该系统的故障提出自诊断和直接检测诊断两种方法。  相似文献   

As a commonly used non-contact flatness detection method, laser triangular detection method is designed with low cost, but it cannot avoid measurement errors caused by strip steel vibration effectively. This paper puts forward a dynamic flatness image processing method based on improved laser triangular detection method. According to the practical application of strip steel straightening, it completes the image pre-processing, image feature curve extraction and calculation of flatness elongation using digital image processing technology. Finally it eliminates elongation measurement errors caused by the vibration.  相似文献   

斜拉桥索力检测的振动频率法的分析及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要从斜拉桥索力检测的角度论述了振动频率法的基本理论,分析了振动频率法检测索力的基本原理。采用振动频率法在铜陵长江大桥进行索力检测获得了满意的结果。该方法能正确地反映斜拉桥在荷载作用下的索力变化,其实测结果与计算值非常接近,误差极小且在允许范围内,证实了振动频率法的正确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

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