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林涓 《水运管理》1999,(2):30-32
一、潜在的巨大航运市场海峡两岸试点直航已顺利运作一年多,为实现“三通”和促进祖国统一迈出了可喜的一步。据台港媒介反应,无论是工商界还是政府官员,普遍认为两岸直航试点的成功,有利于促进两岸“三通”。尤其是在大陆投资的台商,更把直航试点看作是两岸关系好转...  相似文献   

1997年的国际国内经济形势将同1996年差异不大,中国航运界面临的各种困难仍将成为今后发展的障碍。如何面对困难,变困难为机遇,需要国内的航运企业真正树立市场的观念,适时地在机制改革上下功夫,形成良好的竞争机制,提高企业在市场上的竞争能力。  相似文献   

海洋 《船艇》2007,(8A):32-36
——香农河一路奔流而去,它印证着古老城堡的丽影,浇灌着草木茂盛的乡村,带来一派和平景象并归于一片静谧与永恒。[编者按]  相似文献   

庄元 《航海技术》2002,(2):78-80
此文通过对中国航运业入世后面临的机遇与挑战进行分析,从而提出了相应的应对措施与建议。  相似文献   

“入世”后我国航运业发展面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了“入世”后给我国航运业发展所带来的机遇,同时讨论了发展我国运企业所面临的挑战,以及我国航运业应采取的相应策略。  相似文献   

苏木 《游艇业》2009,(6):124-127
如果不是沃尔沃环球帆船赛的造访,高威,这座位于爱尔兰岛西海岸的小城也许就像其它的欧洲城镇一样,终日沉浸在那份儿独有的清净与安详中而悠然自得。作为爱尔兰第四大城市,高威是有名的“文化首都”和“西部之都”。  相似文献   

We report on an intensive campaign in the summer of 2006 to observe turbulent energy dissipation in the vicinity of a tidal mixing front which separates well mixed and seasonally stratified regimes in the western Irish Sea. The rate of turbulent dissipation ε was observed on a section across the front by a combination of vertical profiles with the FLY dissipation profiler and horizontal profiles by shear sensors mounted on an AUV (Autosub). Mean flow conditions and stratification were obtained from a bed mounted ADCP and a vertical chain of thermistors on a mooring. During an Autosub mission of 60 h, the vehicle, moving at a speed of ~ 1.2 m s− 1, completed 10 useable frontal crossings between end points which were allowed to move with the mean flow. The results were combined with parallel measurements of the vertical profile of ε which were made using FLY for periods of up to 13 h at positions along the Autosub track. The two data sets, which show a satisfactory degree of consistency, were combined to elucidate the space–time variation of dissipation in the frontal zone. Using harmonic analysis, the spatial structure of dissipation was separated from the strong time dependent signal at the M4 tidal frequency to yield a picture of the cross-frontal distribution of energy dissipation. A complementary picture of the frontal velocity field was obtained from a moored ADCP and estimates of the mean velocity derived from the thermal wind using the observed density distribution. which indicated the presence of a strong (0.2 m s− 1) jet-like flow in the high gradient region of the front. Under neap tidal conditions, mean dissipation varied across the section by 3 orders of magnitude exceeding 10− 2 W m− 3 near the seabed in the mixed regime and decreasing to 10− 5 W m− 3. in the strongly stratified interior regime. The spatial pattern of dissipation is consistent in general form with the predictions of models of tidal mixing and does not reflect any strong influence by the frontal jet.  相似文献   

A new model to simulate the dispersion of plutonium in the eastern Irish Sea is presented. The model solves the 3D hydrodynamic equations using normalized σ coordinates in the vertical simultaneously with the suspended matter equation. Pu can be present in three phases: water, suspended matter and bottom sediments. Reduction and oxidation reactions are also included in the model, in terms of reaction rates, since Pu can be present in the marine environment in principally two different oxidation states. Two kinetic models are presented to describe the transfers of radionuclides between the liquid and solid phases: a one-step model consisting of a single reversible reaction and a two-step model consisting of two consecutive reversible reactions. It has been found that both models can properly simulate the contamination of the waters and sediments from the eastern Irish Sea due to the releases from the BNFL Sellafield nuclear fuel processing plant, since the outputs from both models are very similar and in agreement with observations. Also, both models can simulate the speciation of Pu between the reduced and oxidized forms. However, if the dominant source of radionuclides to the water column is redissolution from a contaminated sediment, a process that is actually occurring in the Irish Sea, it has been found that a two-step model must be used. Indeed, a one-step model predicts the redissolution from the sediment to be unrealistically rapid.  相似文献   

实施海上搜救、垂直补给的船载直升机,可以藉助本文提出的频域预报和时域预报相结合的起降时机预报新技术,于较大风浪中在载机船上安全起降。  相似文献   

徐华 《中国船检》2011,(2):32-35,100,101
国际船级社协会(IACS)共同结构规范(CSR)的特殊背景,使得其一出台,便遭到工业界的强烈质疑,如今,在CSR基础上开发的协调后的共同结构规范(HCSR)呼之欲出。HCSR的问世是否会再度为工业界带来飓风,我们试着揭开其神秘的面纱。  相似文献   

介绍公约的制定背景和主要内容、国内拆船业现状,分析公约实施对中国可能产生的影响,并结合国内实际提出应对措施。  相似文献   

近日,阿克苏诺贝尔公司宣布,其中国氯乙酸生产厂的扩产工程已顺利竣工,这个举措再次印证了该公司在诸如中国等高速增长市场加大投资力度的方针。  相似文献   

杨培举 《中国船检》2011,(11):41-44
自1998年中国出口集装箱运价指数(CCFI)横空出世,到今天国内航运各相关指数的纷纷推出,中国迎来了一个崭新的航运指数时代。那么,中国推出的这些指数能否有持久生命力,能否  相似文献   

单壳油轮的淘汰一直是全球关注的焦点之一.目前,有5247艘油轮航行在国内沿海和内河航道上,其中大部分是单壳油轮.业内人士认为,在当前全球经济受到金融海啸冲击、国际航运市场进入寒冬、造船市场急速下行的情况下,适时调整我国单壳油轮淘汰政策,加速淘汰国内航线单壳油轮的时机已经成熟.  相似文献   

浙江省温州市与台州市联手开发建设和经营大麦屿港的问题已经议论了十年之久,两市也互动沟通过多次,但是至今仍然悬而未决,两市人民热切期待的发展规划却为何如此"难产"呢?笔者认为除了行政管理区域造成障碍之外,主要原因在于某些领导没有树立起执政为民,以人为本的政府管理思想,缺乏求真务实、科学发展观的执政理念。  相似文献   

亚洲地区持续增长的货流给美国西岸港口带来了前所未有的压力,长时间的压港给船方、货方,甚至供应链的各个环节都带来了诸多问题。但问题有时也会带来机遇。美国西岸的拥挤就为东部港口创造了一个难得的发展机遇。越来越多的亚洲货主开始把目光投向美国东岸。传统的航线设置,基本上都是将欧洲与美东港口相连, 但现在来自欧洲的货量在持续萎缩,而国土的另一边却是另一种景象:一艘艘满载的大型集装箱船在锚地无奈地等候。这一切,迫使货主们重新思考他们的传统航路。  相似文献   

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