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Input-output analysis basically provides an estimation of a sector's economic impact by taking into account the indirect effects on all other sectors. For purposes of policy making, however, this may produce rather rigid and inaccurate results. This paper, therefore, introduces some extensions to the basic impact analysis. These extensions secure flexibility, completeness and accurateness of the outcomes. First, an accurate cost structure is determined in a bottom-up approach, i.e. by using data from a sample of representative companies. This allows for reliable outcomes and a flexible definition of sub-sectors. Secondly, the analysis is made in an intercountry context. Thirdly, the expenditure effects of generated income are determined by a macroeconomic module. Fourthly, company-level responses to alternative policy scenarios are investigated and translated into changing model parameters. These four basic elements are applied in a case study concerning the shipping sector of Germany. The scenarios are a continuation of the present policy, a laissez-faire policy, and two framework policies in which the government creates a favourable environment for shipping companies. For each scenario, the effects on value added, employment, tax revenues and expenditures are analysed and evaluated. This paper, thus, shows the relevance of accordingly amplified input-output analysis for policy purposes.  相似文献   

海运留置权有关问题探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于海上运输的高风险性,船舶产生滞期或其他意外费用随时可能发生,船上所载货物是重要的保障,所以,没有哪个船东会对海运留置权忽视。我国法律也对留置权的行使作了一些相关的规定。但是,海运留置权在实践中存在着很多的现实问题,如留置的场所、处置方法等等。承运人有效地维护自己的权利并非易事。本文结合司法实践对海运货物留置权有关问题做一探究。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impacts of maritime piracy on global economic development. Calibrated with data between 2003 and 2008, we model shipping demands and competition in the Far East-Europe container liner shipping service and investigate the economic welfare loss effects due to reduced volumes of trade and shipping, as well as efficiency loss due to geographical re-routing of shipping networks which would be otherwise uneconomical. The substantial economic loss simulated from our model indicates that, even from purely the perspective of economic interests, more efforts from the international community should be dedicated to tackle maritime piracy.  相似文献   

The present paper reports a case study examining a conceptual framework for assessing financial impact of occupational maritime ergonomics in a Swedish shipping company. Specifically, the aim was to study the availability and applicability of suggested determinants for operational performance, routines for estimating the effects of ergonomics and the customer’s (sea transport buyer’s) demands for ergonomics management on the case company. The results show that the determinants and subcategories for operational performance in terms of productivity, efficiency and quality are present and applicable, albeit not measured to any large extent. No routines or specific methods for measuring or estimating cost and effects of ergonomics investments, accidents and operational disturbances were found. Further, the results show that the sea transport buyers increasingly express interest for and place demands related to maritime ergonomics, for instance, through compliance of specific standards and guiding principles linked to maritime ergonomics. It is concluded that in order to support and enable managers’ ability to make well-informed decisions and prioritizations, between investments, ergonomic or other, increased knowledge is needed of the financial effects of ergonomics on company core value processes. There is also a need to develop and implement usable tools to simplify these measuring procedures.  相似文献   

The paper is to explore the relation between national economic development and the formulation of maritime policy. It collects and examines data from 30 maritime nations, and shows that maritime policy is determined by economic circumstance rather than the result of rational decision of policy makers. A general solution is produced for an optimum maritime policy under a given economic condition. The general solution can serve as a benchmark for future maritime policy making and research in general.  相似文献   

The paper is to explore the relation between national economic development and the formulation of maritime policy. It collects and examines data from 30 maritime nations, and shows that maritime policy is determined by economic circumstance rather than the result of rational decision of policy makers. A general solution is produced for an optimum maritime policy under a given economic condition. The general solution can serve as a benchmark for future maritime policy making and research in general.  相似文献   

The crude oil offloading and supply problem (COSP) is a type of operation maritime inventory routing (MIR) problem encountered by petroleum companies. In COSP, the company not only is responsible for the ship scheduling to carry the crude oil from production sites to discharge ports but also must maintain inventory levels at both ports (production and consumption) between safety operational bounds to avoid disruptions in its crude oil production and/or refining processes. We show how to improve significantly the decision-making process in a Brazilian petroleum company using a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model to represent COSP. Comparison tests with a current ship-scheduling method adopted in the company indicated that the use of the MILP model increased the transportation efficiency and reduced costs by 20% on average. In addition to the quantitative gains, the use of a MILP model to solve COSP has succeeded when encountering real-life events, such as variation in production or consumption rates, berth unavailability, and changes in the storage capacities at ports.  相似文献   

Part 2 of this paper deals with the variety of ro-ro cargo-handling methods employed in Marseilles, and considers the hinterlands and land transport links with the ro-ro services of the port  相似文献   

李敬 《天津航海》2007,(3):40-42
文章以海上保险合同的保险利益原则及其相关问题为主线,以我国现行的保险法和海商法为依据,采用比较法学研究方法联系国外立法,对我国海上保险中保险利益的确定和适用上存在的相关问题进行了研究和分析。  相似文献   

高猛 《中国海事》2005,(1):57-59
建设服务型海事,提高海事服务于经济社会发展的能力,是海事机构适应政府职能转变、加强自身建设的重要途径,是海事改革发展进程在现阶段的重要课题,是建设“三个海事”、实现“三个追求”的需要。需要我们从思想认识、制度建设、机制运作、管理方式等方面认真思考,深入实践。  相似文献   

<正>10月12日上午,停泊在天津国际邮轮母港的"阿姆斯特丹姆"轮上,响起一阵阵急促的铃声。这艘荷兰船籍的国际邮轮共有船员旅客2027名,随着弃船警报拉响,船长用公共广播系统通知所有人准备弃船。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s the EU merchant fleet has suffered a dramatic decline mainly due to sharp competition from the Far East and developing countries and the operation of foreign registers ('flags of convenience'). At present the EU aims to complete the single market in shipping and improve the competitive ability of a viable European-flag fleet. It has therefore developed a policy for a European register (EUROS) to run parallel to national registers. This paper argues that the EU policy would prove to be ineffective unless it can differentiate between kinds of shipping.  相似文献   

Over the last years, the concept of clustering has become a central concept for analysing the competitiveness of nations, industries and firms. The cluster concept can be usefully applied to study clustering of maritime activities. Maritime activities, such as shipping, shipbuilding and port and maritime services, are clearly geographically concentrated in a number of maritime clusters. Due to ongoing internationalization in these industries, the concentration of maritime activities in clusters is likely to increase. This observation leads to two important research questions: what are the advantages for firms to locate in clusters and what factors influence the development of maritime clusters? This study identifies four agglomeration economies that attract firms to cluster: a joint labour pool, a broad supplier and customer base, knowledge spillovers, and low transaction costs. Furthermore, it discusses the effects of aspects of the cluster structure, being the presence of internal competition, the heterogeneity of the cluster population, the entry and exit barriers, and the presence of (above mentioned) agglomeration effects. It also briefly discusses the important issue of cluster governance. This overview allows one to develop a theoretical framework to analyse clusters. In the empirical part, this framework is applied to the maritime cluster in The Netherlands. Based on empirical data, from surveys amongst firms in the maritime cluster, studies commissioned by the Dutch maritime Network and regional statistics, the presence of agglomeration economies in the cluster is shown. Secondly, it is shown that the cluster structure is beneficial for the performance. This paper finishes with conclusions and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

苏健 《中国海事》2009,(4):32-34
2007年颁布的《行政复议法实施条例》首次规定了行政复议调解制度,海事机构在办理行政复议案件中运用调解制度时应当明确该制度的适用范围,遵循自愿合法的原则,合理解决当前的思想问题,人员问题,程序问题和执行问题,从而合理运用调解制度,成功解决海事行政复议案件,构建和谐海事。  相似文献   

海事管理机构作出任何一个行政处罚决定,都必须建立在充分、确凿的证据基础之上。《行政处罚法》第三十条明确规定:“公民、法人或者其他组织违反行政管理秩序的行为,依法给予行政处罚的,行政机关必须查明事实;违法事实不清的,不得给予行政处罚”。因此,海事管理机构在给予当事  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation into temporal determinants of maritime accidents based on a data-set obtained from the proceedings of formal inquiries in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR). The results show that there is no statistically significant outcome between the probability for an accident and the time of watch. Thus the results do not confirm previous studies, which reported significant time of day effects.The outcome of this study indicates that marine inquiries can provide useful data for an analysis of underlying causes of maritime accidents. It is suggested that accident inquiries should be extended into the area of watch systems employed and should record the hours of work and of rest of the officers on the watch involved in a maritime accident.  相似文献   

Within the literature concerned with aspects of competitiveness, innovation and strategic management of industrial clusters, the body regarding forecasting of strategic management is still nascent. This work aspires to render a contribution within the domain of strategic management forecasting, through the indicative case of European maritime clusters. For this end, a two-tier model is formulated. A quantitative strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) methodology that derives from the fusion of a quondam situation analysis and crosstabs’ theory is generated. This leads to the utilization of the crosstab’s conditional probabilities as transition probabilities; the latter are called to compile the transition matrix of a Markov chain. Through this methodology, and the successive Markov chain’s transition matrices, strategic forecasts are extracted for a devised European maritime cluster case. This work relinquishes a novel application with respect to strategic management forecasting, that provides a dichotomy of practical interpretations and scenarios for quantitative situation analysis. Thus, it may enable effective real-time decision-making for strategic management and/or policy drafting. The situation analysis forecasting model may find applicability in a plethora of practical and theoretical cases, wherein forecasting may be desirable. It may as well pertain to an intrinsic methodology for situation analysis forecasting of maritime clusters.  相似文献   

文中介绍了海运危险货物监管依据的一些国内外法律和标准,并针对海事部门在打击海运危险货物瞒报过程中遇到的在货物危险性质判定方面存在的若干问题进行了探讨,提出了解决的建议和意见。  相似文献   

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