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Two types of routeing on a rectangular system of roads are examined in a simple circular city where homes and workplaces are uniformly and independently distributed. Expressions for the number of vehicles crossing a given line segment, the average distance travelled by a commuter and the total number of crossings of vehicle paths in the city are derived. Comparisons are made with other routeing systems in terms of average distance travelled, expected number of crossings and average travel time.  相似文献   

There is a large body of research related to carbon footprint reduction in supply chains and logistics from a wide range of sectors; however the decarbonisation of freight transport is mostly explored from a single mode perspective and at a domestic/regional level. This paper takes into account a range of alternative transport modes, routes and methods with particular reference to UK wine imports from two regions: northern Italy and Southeast Australia. The research examines supply chain structures, costs and the environmental impact of international wine distribution to the UK. A number of options are evaluated to calculate the carbon footprint and sulphate emissions of alternative route, mode, method of carriage, and packaging combinations. The estimation of CO2e emissions incorporates three main elements - cargo mass, distance and method of carriage; sulphate emissions are derived from actual ship routes, engine power and operational speeds. The bottling of wine either at source or close to destination is also taken into consideration. The key findings are: there are major differences between the environmental footprint of different routeing and packaging scenarios; the international shipping leg almost always has a much larger footprint than inland transport within the UK except in the hypothetical case of the rail shipments from Italy using flexitanks. With reference to sulphate, the lowest cost scenario among the sea maximizing options is also the sulphate minimising solution.  相似文献   

The number of vehicles on the road (worldwide) is constantly increasing, causing traffic jams and congestion especially in city traffic. Anticipatory vehicle routing techniques have thus far been applied to fairly small networked traffic scenarios and uniform traffic. We note here a number of limitations of these techniques and present a routing strategy on the assumption of a city map that has a large number of nodes and connectivity and where the vehicles possess highly varying speed capabilities. A scenario of operation with such characteristics has not previously been sufficiently studied in the literature. Frequent short‐term planning is preferred as compared with infrequent planning of the complete map. Experimental results show an efficiency boost when single‐lane overtaking is allowed, traffic signals are accounted for and every vehicle prefers to avoid high traffic density on a road by taking an alternative route. Comparisons with optimistic routing, pessimistic routing and time message channel routing are given. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

文章基于结构-荷载理论对城市下穿式矩形框架隧道进行结构模型简化,同时利用有限元软件ANSYS对隧道进行了结构力学分析。分析结果表明矩形框架隧道在拐角处受力最不利,需在结构的设计及施工中根据结构截面强度验算进行配筋加厚处理,以保证隧道结构的安全。  相似文献   

In a car-free city centre car traffic is limited by an area-wide ban to its functionally necessary share. This usually includes delivery and service vehicles and residents' cars. The lock-out of unnecessary car traffic must not be an isolated measure, but part of a pulland-push approach. The most important supporting measure concerns the provision of attractive public transport services. Case studies from Bologna, Lubeck, Aachen, York, and Nuremburg are reported.  相似文献   

Determining efficient routes for couriers in central city areas is becoming more challenging due to growing levels of congestion. New technologies allow on-street loading zones to be booked to reduce waiting times and circulation.Couriers when planning deliveries need to consider both driving and walking routes to optimise their activities. A two-layer optimisation model has been developed for determining the best routes for minimising operating and environmental costs. A genetic algorithm is proposed to find (near-)optimal solutions. The output can provide guidance for couriers as well as planners who are involved in determining duration limits at loading zones.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of cordon pricing based on an urban spatial model of a non-monocentric city where trips may occur between any pair of locations in the city. The model describes the spatial distribution of trip demand and traffic congestion under alternative pricing schemes. We evaluate the efficiency of resource allocation by comparing three schemes: no-toll equilibrium, first-best optimum, and optimal cordon pricing. Optimal cordon pricing is defined as a combination of cordon location and toll level that maximizes the social surplus in a city. Simulations show that cordon pricing is not always effective for congestion management: cordon pricing tends to be effective as the urban structure is more monocentric.  相似文献   


AV technologies have the potential to transform urban landscapes and existing transport systems and networks. Yet, the utopian imaginary of reduced automobile ownership and a new shared economic future sits in tension with suggestions that car dependency, urban sprawl and transport inaccessibility will be exacerbated. The issues are situated in a complex governance landscape involving an influential private sector who are increasingly setting the agenda. The public sector may be forced into reacting to the new innovations by information technology and automobile companies as they are introduced into existing built environments. Drawing on an extensive literature base and interviews with public sector planners, this paper reveals the conceptual gaps in the framing of AV technology – the prospects and limits – and how these are conceived. The paper raises questions about the role urban planning can play in the rollout of AVs in order to anticipate and mediate unwanted built environment and socio-spatial impacts, as well as reconciling the ambition of transport innovation with the public purpose of planning.  相似文献   

The City of Madrid is putting into operation Intermodal Exchange Stations (IESs) to make connections between urban and suburban transportation modes easier for users of public transportation. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the actual effects that the implementation of IESs in the City of Madrid has on the affected stakeholders: users, public transportation operators, infrastructure managers, the government, the abutters and other citizens. We develop a methodology intended to help assess the welfare gains and losses for each stakeholder. Then we apply this methodology to the case study of the Avenida de América IES in the city of Madrid. We found that it is indeed possible to arrive at win?Cwin solutions for the funding of urban transportation infrastructure, as long as the cost-benefit ratio of the project is high enough. Commuters save travel time. Bus companies diminish their costs of operation. The abutters gain in quality of life. The private operator of the infrastructure makes a fair profit. And the government is able to promote these infrastructure facilities without spending more of its scarce budgetary resources.  相似文献   

城市街道上的每一个步行者或者路人,无论他或者她当时是在穿越马路,或走向一辆出租车,或走向公共汽车站,或到商店购物,或者在马路一侧行走,都有可能与行驶车辆相撞的意外风险.这不是危言耸听.  相似文献   

Environmental noise is a growing concern for urban planners and public health experts. Continuous noise exposure has implications for people’s physical and mental health. Urban planning strategies are also involved in the need for regular noise assessments within urban areas. The objective of this study is to evaluate the exposure to noise of vulnerable population groups in the city of Barcelona, and to determine whether they are affected by an environmental inequity regarding this nuisance. Assessment of noise levels was performed by two methods of analysis—real measures and simulation—in order to build the noise database at block level for the 10 districts of the city. The results obtained by various statistical tests and spatial regression analysis show that children and low-income individuals are not affected by environmental inequity. On the other hand, we found a positive relationship between noise levels and the other groups considered: namely, the unemployed and people over age 65.  相似文献   

济南市快速公交系统建设实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了济南市BRT系统的建设背景,提出了双快模式、左右开门可以转换、两种车辆运行等的济南模式。在简述了首期BRT系统六条线路的工程概况后,重点从专用路权、站台、车辆、运营线网、信息化和运营管理等方面阐述了BRT系统的六个组成部分。通过对比分析和系统总结,利用大量数据说明了济南市BRT系统的特征与优势,并取得了较好的运营效果。BRT改善和提升了城市交通环境、优化了城市居民出行结构,是一种适合于济南市目前发展阶段的发展模式。  相似文献   

Bicycling, in an urban context, have many benefits, compared with motorized transports, like reduced carbon footprint, and lower maintenance, health, social and infrastructural costs. The present paper analyses the various factors contributing to a low percentage of bicycling in the Bangalore city and elicits certain policy aspects to improve the attractiveness of bicycling. The study focuses mainly on the behavioral aspects of commuters pertaining to their childhood and current scenario, and uses a face-to-face questionnaire survey for data collection. These behavioral aspects indicated a commuter’s perception about social expectation, convenience and bicycling infrastructure using a 5-point Likert scale measurement. Information is also collected about factors that might motivate bicycling, and about demographic variables like age, gender, income, etc. The study used a statistical z-test to identify the most influential attitudinal factors and to check whether the various factors are significantly different. The results gave a clear picture about the most dominant attitudinal factors that resulted in the stoppage of bicycling during a commuter’s childhood, and that acted as a deterrent to their bicycle usage in a current scenario. The study determined a need for changing the attitude of people towards cycling by programs that would create a positive image for cycling. There was also a need for segregated cycle lanes and signals at intersections so that people could feel safe while travelling on cycles.  相似文献   

An analytical study is made of the determination of the travel intensity at an arbitrary point of a city with a straight line barrier. For a given origin and destination a trip is made by the shortest path not crossing the barrier or the city perimeter. The joint trip end distribution is arbitrary except for a continuity assumption.  相似文献   

顶管施工会对周围土体产生扰动,引起土体移动。而相对于圆形顶管,矩形顶管对周围土体的扰动更大,从而引起的地表变形也更大。文章结合工程实例,对矩形顶管施工引起的地表变形规律进行了探讨,分析矩形顶管施工引起土体移动的影响因素,为同类工程的设计与施工提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple spatial equilibrium model for a linear monocentric city to investigate the effects of rationing and pricing on morning commuters' travel cost and modal choice behavior in each location. Under rationing and pricing, every day in the morning peak hour, each commuter is classified as either “free” or “rationed”. “Free” commuters are allowed to use the highway without paying the toll, whereas “rationed” commuters can avoid the toll only if they travel by transit. Each day, a fraction of commuters are rationed in their free use of the highway, and the rationing fractions are determined systematically so that everyone is equally rationed in a given period. It is found that Pareto‐improving rationing and pricing scheme might be obtained as a combination of the rationing degree and the toll associated with rationing. Extension to the rationing and pricing scheme with cordon and park‐and‐ride service has been made. Cordon and park‐and‐ride might help in improving the efficiency of rationing and pricing strategy although remains its Pareto‐improving property. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a bilevel formulation for solving the Bus Network Design Problem (BNDP) of interurban services entering a major city. It is focused in interurban services because it is a growing problem in most of major cities, yet new in the literature. The layout of interurban bus routes and the locations of transfer stations in the main city are the key factors to provide a competitive public transportation service to commuters in a metropolitan area. The number of commuters in huge urban concentrations is growing due to the difficulties of living near the city center. The objective function of the first level is defined with the aim of reducing user and agency costs. In the second level the performance of users is addressed. Furthermore, a local search method based on the Tabu Search algorithm was carried out to guide the exploration in the solution domain. The results obtained in a set of test problems have demonstrated that the restart parameters of the algorithm play a significant role in the efficiency of the algorithm. Finally, implementation in the large network of Barcelona (Spain) reduces the total cost by 5% with regard to the present situation.  相似文献   

对临沂市迎宾悬索桥辅助墩设置前后纵梁的截面应力进行了计算分析,论述了辅助墩的设置,并改善了纵梁控制断面截面应力。  相似文献   

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