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Since the year 1928, when Schilling andDinger first discovered eperythrozoon from ro-dent[1], eperythrozoon has been spread all over theworld[2~6]. Described by Puntaric and his col-leagues in 1986[7], the eperythrozoonosis has beenattached more and more importance on its infectionroute and outbreak character[7~11]. Since mosteperythrozoonosis is a latent infection and the un-successful artificial cultivation of the pathogeny,the research conducting the life circle, transmis-sion, infection r…  相似文献   

The aircraft industry is crucial to the economy and security of a nation. In this paper, the spatial characteristics and patterns of the aircraft industry are analyzed on different spatial scales. It is found that there is a 'Matthew effect' in the global aircraft industry and the spatial evolution of the industry is consistent with the industrialization process of the whole country. It is also revealed that the spatial evolution of the country is driven by both the centripetal forces including capital, talents, technology and agglomeration economies and the centrifugal forces including the comparative advantage, cost &risk sharing, emerging markets, development policy for less-developed regions and the military imperative. These forces have both market-stabilizing and market-disrupting effects on the spatial evolution of the aircraft industry. The study suggests that lessons drawn from the experiences in the United States and France are expected to be conducive to the rise of China's aircraft industry in the future.  相似文献   

Dijkstra algorithm is a basic algorithm to analyze the vehicle routing problem (VRP) in the terminal distribution of logistics center. According to the actual client demands of service speed and quality, the conceptions of economical distance of delivery and the best routing algorithm were given on the base of the Dijkstra algorithm with consideration of a coefficient of the road hustle degree. Economical distance of delivery is the shortest physical distance between two customers. It is the value of goods delivery in shortest distance when concerning factors such as the road length, the hustle degree, the driveway quantity, and the type of the road. The improved algorithm is being used in the development and application of a distribution path information system in the terminal distribution of logistics center. The simulation and practical case prove that the algorithm is effective and reasonable.  相似文献   

Introduction Shanghai No.2 Metro line is an east-west linewhich is perpendicular to No.1 Metro line. Thetest research in situ was carried out in a place be-tween Longdong Road Station and Central ParkStation. The longitudinal slope changes largely inall the range. The stratum passed through is Qua-ternary Period grey silty clay. The tunnel in thissection is comprised of the prefabricated reinforcedconcrete liner, 5.5 m in internal diameter, 6.2 min external diameter, 1 m in ring width, 0…  相似文献   

Objective To study the pharmacokinetics of tamoxifen at a high dosage, which will offer a theoretical support for an appropriate clinical use of the medicine in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Methods Three qualified NSCLC patients are selected and given tamoxifen (TAM) 160 mg per Os. Blood samples were collected at different times and then analyzed by high-performance liguid chromatography. The PK-GRAPH program was used to obtain the parameters. Results The concentration-time courses of the TAM 160 mg were fitted to one-compartment model. The pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated as follows: Tmax (6. 35±1. 24)h, Cmax (217. 39±7. 71)ng/mL, AUC (12 127.39±636.16)ng · h/mL and T1/2ke(34. 13±2.97)h. Conclusion TAM 160mg one day per Os cannot reach the effective maintenance concentration in vivo required for reversing MDR in vitro. Loading-maintenance dose strategy is recommended to study the pharmacodynamies of tamoxifen at a high dosage in NSCLC patients.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of the pelvic trabecular bone have been studied at the continuum level. However, nothing is known about the tissue-level damage in the trabecular bone of the healthy human acetabulum at apparent small strains characteristic of habitual. By a DAWING 4000 A supercomputer, nonlinear micro-finite element (μFE) analysis was performed to quantify tissue-level damage accumulation in trabecular bone at small strains. The data indicate that damage in trabecular bone commence at 0.2% apparent strain. The findings imply that tissue yielding can initiate at very low strains in the trabecular bone of the healthy acetabulum and that this local failure has negative consequences on the apparent mechanical properties of trabecular bone.  相似文献   

This experiment is to study the special resistant induced by the high-speed evaporation surrounding the moving high-temperature particles. An observable equipment was designed, in which the first 11 experiments were performed by pouring one or several Zirconia spheres with various high-temperature and a diameter of 3-10mm into a water pool. The particles falling-down speeds were recorded by high-speed photographic instrumentation,and pressures and water temperatures were measured. A comparison between the experiments with cold and hot spheres respectively, employing three different sphere types each, was presented. The experimental data, com-pared with the theory of the evaporation drag model, are nearly identical.  相似文献   

Introduction The project of Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant,located in Pashan, at the south foot of HouyuntaiMount, northeast of Lianyungang City, JiangsuProvince, is entitled State Key Project in collabo-ration with Russia. This project is carried out atthree phases, with two reactors to be built at eachphase. Important constructions such as the nuclearislets and the normal islets are all situated at thebedrock zone. With regard to the field study of thenuclear power plant, the authors have…  相似文献   

溶剂法回收利用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用优选配方的复合溶剂对泡沫塑料进行回收再利用,经红外光谱分析,回收成品为聚苯乙烯,回收过程速度快,能耗低,所用溶剂回收率高,并可循环使用。  相似文献   

矿化垃圾静态吸附处理模拟印染废水试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用静态吸附方法,考察了不同条件下矿化垃圾对亚甲基蓝溶液吸附处理效果的影响,并用Langmuir、Freundlich等温吸附方程进行了拟合。结果表明,矿化垃圾处理初始浓度为10mg·L^-1亚甲基蓝溶液的最佳的矿化垃圾用量为25g·L^-1、最佳pH为10,震荡最佳时间为7h,脱色率达到98.83%;矿化垃圾对亚甲基蓝的吸附能用Langmuir、Freundlich等温吸附方程进行较好的拟合。  相似文献   

化粪池污水处理能力研究及其评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对西北地区典型城市兰州市某居民区化粪池的调查,分析了生活污水通过化粪池后水质的变化及其对各污染指标的去除率.结果表明,生活污水经化粪池处理后,CODCr、BODs、总氮、总磷、动植物油浓度均有降低,年平均去除率分别达到83.6%,51.1%,64.3%,68.2%,75.6%.污水的可生化性有明显提高.研究结果对于全面评价化粪池的功能特征,进而为化粪池的取舍提供技术参考.  相似文献   

利用表观B/C指标和理论B/C指标评价了厌氧酸化过程对蔗糖—蛋白胨人工废水可生化性的影响.结果显示对于COD为1 064~63 900 mg/L的废水,采用表观B/C评价指标,废水的可生化性降低了0%~96%;采用理论B/C指标,可生化性提高幅度为2%~21.6%.实验结果表明用理论B/C指标评价厌氧酸化过程对蔗糖—蛋白胨人工废水可生化性的影响较之表观B/C更为科学合理;同时说明对于非硫酸盐废水类型,理论B/C作为评价其酸化过程改变废水可生化性的指标同样适用;酸化出水的理论B/C随废水COD增加呈现下降的趋势,理论分析认为其与废水的酸化度(α)有关,酸化度越低,酸化出水的理论B/C越低.  相似文献   

利用表观B/C指标和理论B/C指标评价了厌氧酸化过程对蔗糖-蛋白胨人工废水可生化性的影响.结果显示对于COD为1 064~63 900 mg/L的废水,采用表观B/C评价指标,废水的可生化性降低了0%~96%;采用理论B/C指标,可生化性提高幅度为2%~21.6%.实验结果表明用理论B/C指标评价厌氧酸化过程对蔗糖-蛋白胨人工废水可生化性的影响较之表观B/C更为科学合理;同时说明对于非硫酸盐废水类型,理论B/C作为评价其酸化过程改变废水可生化性的指标同样适用;酸化出水的理论B/C随废水COD增加呈现下降的趋势,理论分析认为其与废水的酸化度(α)有关,酸化度越低,酸化出水的理论B/C越低.  相似文献   

利用表观B/C指标和理论B/C指标评价了厌氧酸化过程对蔗糖—蛋白胨人工废水可生化性的影响.结果显示对于COD为1 064~63 900 mg/L的废水,采用表观B/C评价指标,废水的可生化性降低了0%~96%;采用理论B/C指标,可生化性提高幅度为2%~21.6%.实验结果表明用理论B/C指标评价厌氧酸化过程对蔗糖—蛋白胨人工废水可生化性的影响较之表观B/C更为科学合理;同时说明对于非硫酸盐废水类型,理论B/C作为评价其酸化过程改变废水可生化性的指标同样适用;酸化出水的理论B/C随废水COD增加呈现下降的趋势,理论分析认为其与废水的酸化度(α)有关,酸化度越低,酸化出水的理论B/C越低.  相似文献   

非硫酸盐高浓度有机废水酸化的可生化性指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用表观B/C指标和理论B/C指标评价了厌氧酸化过程对蔗糖-蛋白胨人工废水可生化性的影响.结果显示对于COD为1 064~63 900 mg/L的废水,采用表观B/C评价指标,废水的可生化性降低了0%~96%;采用理论B/C指标,可生化性提高幅度为2%~21.6%.实验结果表明用理论B/C指标评价厌氧酸化过程对蔗糖-蛋白胨人工废水可生化性的影响较之表观B/C更为科学合理;同时说明对于非硫酸盐废水类型,理论B/C作为评价其酸化过程改变废水可生化性的指标同样适用;酸化出水的理论B/C随废水COD增加呈现下降的趋势,理论分析认为其与废水的酸化度(α)有关,酸化度越低,酸化出水的理论B/C越低.  相似文献   

鉴于沥青表面处治在公路建设中的重要作用和广泛应用,重点对综合表面处治工艺的主要材料、技术要点和工程效应进行了分析。结果表明,与其他的路面施工养护措施相比,综合表处层技术具有施工快捷、方便,可大大缩短开放交通时间,节约能源,成本较低等优点,因而值得推广。  相似文献   

汽车内燃机状态监控油液分析技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于汽车内燃机状态进行监控的必要性和有效途径,对油液分析技术在汽车内燃机状态监控中的应用机理和综合运用策略进行论述,可为视情维修提供科学可靠的依据,达到及时诊断和预测故障,避免失效和损坏发生的目的。  相似文献   

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